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Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber - FAQ/Walkthrough
Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber
An FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 3.0
E-mail: [email protected]
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Preliminary FAQ
3. Menus and Basic Tips for Battle
4. Classes
A. Male Human Classes
B. Female Human Classes
C. Undead Classes
D. Demi-Human Classes
E. Dragon Classes
F. Monster Classes
G. Golem Classes
H. Demon Classes
I. Enemy Character Classes
5. Special Characters
6. Items
A. Helmets/Headgear
B. Weapons
C. Spellbooks
D. Shields
E. Body Armor
F. Accessories
G. Expendables
H. Valuables
7. Story/Mission Overviews
A. Prologue
Scene 1 - The Southern Reaches (Tenne Plains)
Scene 2 - Sparks (Volmus Mine I)
B. Chapter 1
Scene 3 - First Assignment (Crenel Canyon I)
Scene 4 - The Path Diverges (Mylesia I)
Scene 5 - True Intentions (Zenobia Border)
Scene 6 - The Revolutionary Army (Volmus Mine II)
Scene 7 - A New Beginning (Gunther Piedmont)
Scene 8 - The Infernal Aura (Dardunnelles, the Crossroads I)
Scene 9 - Liberation of Alba (Alba)
C. Chapter 2
Scene 10 - Idealism and Realism (Crenel Canyon II)
Scene 11 - Warriors of the Fallen Kingdom (Mylesia II)
Scene 12 - The Steadfast (Highland of Soathon)
Scene 13 - Thoughts (Audvera Heights)
Scene 14 - City of the Past (Sable Lowlands)
Scene 15 - Uncertainty (Mount Ithaca)
Scene 16 - A Legendary Land (Mount Keryoleth I)
Scene 17 - Visitors from the West (Azure Plains)
Scene 18 - The Grim Path (Wentinus I)
D. Chapter 3
Legion FAQ
Scene 19 - The Setting Sun (Dardunnelles, the Crossroads II)
Scene 20 - Brigade of the Radiant Cross (Gules Hills I)
Scene 21 - The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fair Heights)
Scene 22 - Suspicion (Vert Plateau)
Scene 23 - Mercenaries (Tremos Mountains I)
Scene 24 - The Rebel (Capitrium, the Land of Advent)
Scene 25 - The Bearer of Knowledge (Celesis, the Eastern Church)
Scene 26 - No Man's Land (Tremos Mountains II)
Scene 27 - Child of the Covenant (Temple of Berthe I)
Scene 28 - Gateway to Another World (Temple of Berthe II)
E. Final Chapter
Scene 29 - The March to Latium (Gules Hills II)
Scene 30 - Betrayal/Separate Ways (Romulus)
Scene 31 - Royal Blood (Fort Romulus*)
Scene 32 - The Disillusioned (Ptia, the Secluded Land)
Scene 33 - Insanity (The Blue Basilica)
Scene 34 - Lord of Remus Keep (The Tundra of Argent)
Scene 35 - Denizens of the Netherworld (Barpheth)
Scene 36 - Advocates of the Darkness (Tybell, the Wicked Land)
Scene 37 - March on the Captial (Latium)
Scene 38 - Promises (Winnea, Capital of Palatinus*)
Scene 39 - The Battle Rages On (Aurua Plains I)
Scene 40 - Pressure (Wentinus II)
Scene 41 - Adversaries (Castle Talpaea*)
Scene 42 - The Sleeping Goddess (Mount Keryoleth II)
Scene 43 - Caliber (Aurua Plains II)
8. Endings
9. Advanced FAQ *Look here for info on Chaos Frame!!!*
10. Miscellany
A. Elem Pedras
B. Rare Items
C. Birthdays
D. Neutral Encounter List
E. Scene Progression
F. The Item Multiplier Bug
G. Attack List
H. Name Codes
11. Legal
12. Credits
13. Version Updates
14. The Final Word
1. Introduction
Hi, there! Welcome to my second FAQ! This FAQ is for the new Atlus
Strategy/RPG Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber.
Now, having finally beat the game, I'm ready to accept anything and
One last thing. If you have a question about the game, be sure to check
BOTH, I say, BOTH FAQs to see if your question has been answered.
Every email asking about something little means I have that much less
time to put more of the good stuff in here. ^_^
For questions about Chaos Frame, go straight to the Advanced FAQ!
That said, let's get down to that business thing. ~_^
2. Preliminary FAQ
Q: What is Ogre Battle 64?
A: Ogre Battle 64 is a strategy/RPG developed by Quest and Atlus for
the Nintendo 64.
Q: Is this Ogre Battle like Ogre Battle PSX?
A: No, this is not a remake of the original Ogre Battle. This is a
brand new story and a brand new game setup.
Q: How do I upgrade Soldiers?
A: Check my section on Classes. Basically, keep fighting battles.
Q: How do I use Elem Pedra?
A: The Interrupt Meter at the top of the screen has to fill three
times. Usually, the battle will start with the Interrupt Meter filled
once. You won't be able to use Elem Pedra too much early in the game,
because battles won't take a very long time.
Q: Why can't I advance in class?
A: There are several requirements to being able to advance in class.
The very first thing you need to do is find the basic set of equpiment
for your target class. What you want is to check shops whenever you
enter a new area and find any equipment you have none of, then buy it.
The other requirements are simple in comparison. You'll need to have
reached specific levels in your physical attributes and experience
level. Also, you'll need to be at a specific alignment for most
Q: Why can't I get (insert class here)? I have everything I need!
A: Obviously, you don't. Remember, you need the proper stats,
alignment, and equipment for a class to appear on the board.
Q: Okay. I have all the stats, alignment, and equipment, but I STILL
can't get the class! What's wrong?
A: One last thing. Make sure your stats are not increased past their
limit due to a weapon or armor modifying your strength. The class
limits are derived from BASE stats, not one's increased to due to
Q: How do I determing my Alignment?
A: There's a small balance above the picture of your character that has
a letter on it (C, N, or L). The numerical values roughly correspond
to these postions of the balance.
Very Chaotic: 0-14
Chaotic: 15-29
Neutral, toward Chaotic: 30-44
Neutral: 45-55
Neutral, toward Lawful: 56-70
Lawful: 71-85
Very Lawful: 86-100
Q: How can I adjust my Alignment?
A: To lower your Alignment:
Fight enemies of high Alignment (Clerics, Knights, Valkyries)
Fight enemies that have collectively lower levels.
Use an Urn of Chaos on a character. (doesn't do that much, though)
Arrange low Alignment characters together.
Probably the best way to lower a specific character's Alignment is to
make a unit with a bunch of Undead and make that character the leader.
Fight some Neutral Encounters and watch the Ali. fall...
To raise your Alignment:
Fight enemies of low Alignment (Wizards, Skeletons, Witches)
Fight enemies that have collectively higher levels.
Use a Scroll of Discipline on a character. (same as Urn of Chaos)
Arrange high Alignment characters together.
To raise a specific character's Alignment, stick that person with a
largely Lawful unit, or with a bunch of Platinum Dragons or Bahamuts.
Q: How can I find new non-human characters?
A: Search areas that you've already cleared. You'll find many
different characters in areas that you've beaten. To find out what you
can find, enter the Stronghold you start the area in. When you enter,
Hugo the Tactician will give you some info on characters in the area.
One thing you can always find wherever you are is Hawkmen and their
upgraded classes. You can always find these on roads in an area.
Q: Where can I find (insert a Rare Item here)?
A: Here's the deal. You can go the Edit command under Notepad or
Wordpad and use the "Find" feature. Use Find and enter what you're
looking for. If you use it and you find it, you're happy. If it's not
in here, I don't know it, so I suggest not bothering to ask.
Q: Where can I find (insert Non-Rare Weapon/Armor/whatever here)?
A: A lot of the wacky stuff I find is from enemy units, and I believe
that these item drops are random, largely. So, if you search for it,
and find it in my Item List, but not in any Shop, or in a Hidden Item
list, assume I got it from an enemy unit, in which case, you're on
your own.
Q: What is a Goethic?
A: The Goethic is the Japanese name for the Archmage. I know that both
classes are listed in the manual. This is obviously a typo.
Q: How do I equip things on Magnus' unit?
A: To collectively equip things or change stuff around, you should wait
until you're between battles. You can access the Organize Screen from
the World Map.
Q: Someone died and they turned into a Zombie! Can I get them back?
A: 'Fraid not... Zombies are irreversible...
Q: Can I save to a Controller Pak?
A: Sure can. Just hold Start as you turn on the game.
Q: I have a choice between two or three directions. Which way should I
A: Check the Scene Progression topic. In addition to seeing how the
scenes are structured together, I explain, in plain English, the
consequences of going each way.
Q: What do Goblets of Destiny do?
A: Goblets affect an invisible stat called Luck. Luck affects how
often you'll perform a critical hit, and also how often you'll dodge
Q: What's a Chaos Frame?
A: Check the Advanced FAQ section. Suffice to say it's a major player
throughout the game.
3. Menus and Basic Tips for Battle
Since a lot of people don't have the manual that came with the game,
I'll cover how to use the menus in the game
Main Menu -
New Game: Start a new game to save Palatinus from evil.
Load Game: Load a previously saved adventure or suspended data.
Tutorial: Access the VERY HELPFUL tutorial.
Stereo/Mono: Switch the Sound Mode
World Map Menu (Press R on the World Map)
Organize Screen (Eight small circles with an arrow): Access the
all-important Organize Screen (see later for its menus)
Hugo Report (Picture of Hugo): Access the Hugo Report
-People: Take a closer look at important people in game.
-Events: Replay some of the cutscenes you've seen in the game.
-Miscellany: Learn some of the history of Palatinus in this section.
New topics are added periodically.
-Tips: Learn some VERY HELPFUL tips about the game. More are added as
you learn new tactics (Legions, Seiging)
Area Investigation (Magnifying Glass): On an already cleared area, you
can further look at it to find items, talk to people, etc.
Training (Muscle guy body-building): If you can access this, you'll
pick a unit, and then enter into a battle with one of several pre-set
"enemy" units. You'll fight until one side is knocked out. The enemy
units are generally the same level as you, but unit structure becomes
much more refined in later areas. You'll gain experience through these
battles, but you cannot change class in battle with Training.
Settings (sliding bars): Here you can change certain factors of the
-Message Speed: (Slow, Normal, Fast) Sets the speed at which text is
-Cursor Speed: (Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster) Sets the speed at
which the cursor moves around the screen.
-Help Display: (On, Off) If this is on, you'll get messages telling
you what everything is that you do (gets annoying after a while).
-Icon Name Display: (On, Off) If this is on, you'll get a small text
under icons saying what they are.
-Game Speed: (Slow, Normal, Fast) Sets the speed at which the game
moves on the Field Map.
-Legion Indicator: (On, Off) If this is on, there will be a numbered
icon above each of your units in a Legion.
-Destination Display: (On, Off) If this is on, when you select a
destination for a unit to travel to, you'll get a small text
describing the area.
-Unit Report Type: Sets how your units report in.
First Person: Your unit leader talks to you about what happens.
Third Person: You get a simple alert text.
None: You get no report.
-Battle Action Name: (On, Off) If this is on, you'll get small text
windows describing special and magical attacks in battle.
-Battle Animation: (On, Off) If this is on, you'll get the full
animation of attacks. If off, you'll just get a text description and
a depiction of change in health.
-Quick Exit: (On, Off) If this is on, you can press L to quickly exit
the Organize Screen.
-Cancel All: (On, Off) If this is on, you can press R to cancel all
actions made on the Organize Screen.
-Sound Settings: (Stereo, Mono) Allows you to change the sound.
-Restore Defaults: Returns Settings to their original modes.
Save (feather quill): Allows you to save your adventure to one of two
save slots.
Field Map Menu (Press R on the Field Map)
Dispatch (square with an arrow): Allows you to select one of your units
to deploy.
Organize Screen (Eight small circles with an arrow): Access the
all-important Organize Screen (see later for its menus)
Use Item (pot): Allows you to use a Field Map item (Silver Hourglass,
Dowsing Rod, Love and Peace)
Elem Pedra (ankh): Allows you to view what Pedras you have and whether
or not they are available for use.
Settings (sliding bars): See Setting under World Map Menu
Suspend (feather quill): Allows you to halt a game in the middle of a
battle. This will be erased after you access it again, so it's
highly recommended that you save normally using the World Map Menu.
End (closed door): In Area Investigation, this will bring you back to
the World Map.
Unit Menu (Press A on a Unit)
Commands (stick with two arrows):
-Move (flag): Allows you to assign a destination for your unit. You may
select up to three waypoints in one command. Your unit will take its
best route to each waypoint.
-Direction (stick with four arrows): Most useful for stationary units.
This allows you to change which way your unit faces. Good for
receiving enemy attacks.
-Orders (little guy with a message bubble): This is only accessible by
non-Magnus units. You can change the unit's Move and Wait Orders.
Move Orders:
Direct: Unit will not deviate from its course, period.
Hit: Unit will initiate attacks if it gets close to an enemy unit.
Evade: Unit will avoid enemy units while it moves.
Wait Orders:
Guard: Unit will not move from its spot.
Initiate: Unit will move towards nearby enemy units.
Retreat: Until will move away from approaching enemy units.
-Display Destination (distant flag): Only accessible when a unit is
moving, this displays its destination, in case you forget...
-Retreat (square with a blue arrow): Only accessible when a non-Magnus
unit is on the Headquarters. It will leave the battle and may be
adjusted on the Organize Screen.
Unit Commands (blue and white square):
-Battle Strategy (crossed swords): Allows you to set your unit's Battle
Autonomous: Each character attacks whoever is most convenient for
Attack Strongest: Each character will attack the target with the
highest Hit Points. Mind you that your characters' attacking range
may effect this.
Attack Leader: If they can, each target will attack the Leader of the
enemy unit.
Attack Weakest: Each character will attack the target with the
lowest Hit Points. Mind you that your characters' attacking range
may effect this.
-Formation (blue and white square with yellow lines): Allows you to
adjust the formation of your unit.
-Use Item (pot): Allows your unit to use any items they are carrying.
-Change Leader (yellow medal): Allows you to select a new leader for the
unit using the characters in the unit if one is eligible.
Legion Commands (five green squares):
Note: This is only accessible for the Legion Core
-Formation (green squares changing position): Allows you to change the
orientation of your Legion: Mobile Wall, Right Ahead, Left Ahead,
Grand Arrow, Wedge Shift, Dual Wedge, Funnel Shift, Wing Shift
-Division Placement (yellow, green and blue squares): Changes the
placement of units in a Legion.
Stronghold Commands (small fort):
Note: This is only accessible when the unit is on a Stronghold
-Enter Stronghold (arrow leading into a fort): Your unit gathers
information from within the stronghold.
-Stronghold Information (fort with a message bubble): Learn the
Stronghold's name, allegiance, population and morale.
-Exchange Characters (two units with arrows between them): If two units
are on a stronghold, they may exchange characters.
-Exchange Items (two bags with arrows between them): If two units are
on a stronghold, they may exchange items.
-Exchange Units (yellow, green, and blue squares): Allows a Legion (or
more than one) to exchange units if another unit or Legion is on the
-Shop (house): Allows the unit to purchase items at the shop. The
items may be directly placed with a unit, or they may be sent to the
-Witch's Den (dark house): Allows the unit to see the Witch, whereby
they may revive deceased or petrified members of the unit.
Camp (tent): Allows fatigued units to rest up if they're weary.
Status (group of people): Allows you to check each character in a unit.
Organize Screen Menus:
Note: No commands may not be performed on dispatched units. For this
reason, it's advisable that you perform most of your organize work
between missions.
Character Commands (little guy):
-Equip Item (putting a hat on a head): Allows you to pick a character,
and equip items to it.
-Unequip Item (removing a hat from a head): Allows you to pick a
character and return it to its default equipment.
-Change Class (black figure with an orange flash): Allows you to pick a
character, then possibly access the Class Change Menu, where you can
pick a new class for it to change to. Class can only be changed by
the user on human males or females (or Hawkmen) who are not leaders
and who are not a special class (i.e. Magnus).
-Discharge (skull): Allows you to remove any person (besides Magnus)
from your battalion, forever.
-Change Name (peg with script): Allows you to change the name of any
non-Special Characters.
Unit Commands (unit square):
-Form Unit (diagonal facing unit square): Allows you to create a unit.
There must be an eligible Leader in your reserves for this to happen.
-Add Character (arrow pointing to a unit square): Allows you to add
characters to a unit.
-Remove Character (arrow pointing away from a unit square): Allows you
to remove a character from a unit.
-Formation (unit square with yellow lines): Allows you to adjust the
formation of your unit.
-Exchange Characters (two units with arrows between them): Allows you to
exchange characters between two units.
-Change Leader (yellow medal): Allows you to select a new leader for the
unit using the characters in the unit if one is eligible.
-Battle Strategy (crossed swords): Allows you to set your unit's Battle
Autonomous: Each character attacks whoever is most convenient for
Attack Strongest: Each character will attack the target with the
highest Hit Points. Mind you that your characters' attacking range
may effect this.
Attack Leader: If they can, each target will attack the Leader of the
enemy unit.
Attack Weakest: Each character will attack the target with the
lowest Hit Points. Mind you that your characters' attacking range
may effect this.
-Carry Item (pot): Allows you to take items from your depot and give
them to the unit for use in battle.
Legion Commands (five green squares):
-Form Legion (diagonal facing Legion setup): Allows you to create a
Legion. There must be an eligible Legion Leader in your reserves for
this to happen.
-Add Unit (arrow pointing to a Legion setup): Allows you to add
units to a Legion.
-Remove Unit (arrow pointing away from a Legion setup): Allows you
to remove a unit from a Legion.
-Formation (green squares changing position): Allows you to change the
orientation of your Legion: Mobile Wall, Right Ahead, Left Ahead,
Grand Arrow, Wedge Shift, Dual Wedge, Funnel Shift, Wing Shift
-Division Placement (yellow, green and blue squares): Changes the
placement of units in a Legion.
Class Commands (helmet):
-List Class (peg with squares around it): You'll see how many of each
class you have and how many (potentially) of each class you could
have. Use the C buttons to move around your units. If you pick a
class and the proper character with the C Buttons, you can change that
character's clas.
-Buy Equipment (coin pointing to a sword): You can buy a set of
equipment for most classes.
-Replace Soldiers (group of Soldiers): If any of your units has only one
or two Soldiers in a spot, you can use this to replenish the Soldiers
from the reserves.
Item Commands (pot):
-Use Item (arrow out of pot): You can use one of your expendables on a
character or unit.
-Remove Item (hat being removed from a head): You can pick an item, and
it will be unequipped from everyone who has it, unless it's basic
-List Item (yellow charts): You can look at all your items, and manually
adjust their position in the list.
-Sort Item (green to blue charts): You can sort your items according to
Type, Stats, Cost, Element, Quantity, or Alphabetically, in ascending
or descending order.
-Sell Item (trash can): You can sell an item for cash if it's not
Sort (green to blue charts): You can sort your units, reserves, and
Legions according to Number, Level, Attack, Defense, Alignment,
Movement Type, Class (reserves), or Element (reserves).
Exit (closed door): Exits the Organize Screen
Status Windows:
Now, that we've covered all the menus, let's go over what everything in
the Status Windows mean.
Character Window:
Sometimes you can see abridged versions of these in other situations
(like observing a Unit's Status). This is the window you see in the
Organize Screen.
Top Row (left to right):
-Number: This is the order at which the character joined the battalion.
Magnus, naturally, is number one.
-Legion Icon: Directly next to Number is an indication of whether or not
the character is in a Legion. If so, you'll see the green squares,
and the unit's place will be yellow.
-Unit Icon: Next to that is the icon of whether or not the character is
in a unit.
-Level: The character's Exp. Level
-Experience: Out of a 100, this is how far your character has to go to
reach the next Exp. Level
-Items Carryable: Next to the pot is a number (between 1 and 4) showing
how many items this class can contribute to the unit's item load.
-HP: This portrays the character's current and maximum HP.
Second Row: (left to right):
-Leader Icon: If empty, the character cannot be a leader. If there's a
red medal, it can be a Unit Leader. If there's a blue medal, it can
be a Legion Leader.
-Element: The character's ruling element. Red flames for Fire. Yellow
chevrons for Wind. Blue drop for Water. Green spikes for Earth.
Some characters have no element.
-Alignment: Represented as a vague balance. This icon gives you a
general clue as to your Alignment:
Very Chaotic: 0-14
Chaotic: 15-29
Neutral, toward Chaotic: 30-44
Neutral: 45-55
Neutral, toward Lawful: 56-70
Lawful: 71-85
Very Lawful: 86-100
-Name: Your character's top-secret handle.
-Class: Your character's calling in life.
-Movement Type: Your character's Terrain class. All characters must be
of the same type for a non-Plains class to be effective.
Third Row: (left to right):
-Portrait: Your character's lovely visage.
-Statistics: Your character's stats:
Strength: How hard you hit.
Vitality: How well you can take a hit.
Intelligence: How well you can cast spells.
Mentality: How well you can absorb spells cast on you.
Agility: How fast you attack.
Dexterity: How well you can dodge.
-Attacks: From top to bottom, these are your front, middle, and back row
attacks. From left to right, you have the description of the attack,
the strength of the attack, and the number of times it can be used.
You also have a sword or staff indicating that it's a non-magic or
magic attack, respectively.
-Physical Defense: This is the character's defense against physical
attacks, modified by its equipment.
-Magical Defense: This is the character's defense against magical
attacks, modified by its equipment.
Bottom Section:
In the middle, you have your character as he/she/it appears in battle.
Your weapon is the only thing that visibly changes.
Around the character, you'll have your equipment.
Upper Left: Main Weapon
Lower Left: Shield, Spellbook, or some kind of Accessory
Upper Right: Body Armor
Lower Right: Helmet, or some kind of Accessory
Not all characters use all of these equipment slots.
Basic Tips
one. You'll gain incredibly valuable information from these two
Starting the Game:
In the beginning, balance your units. An average of two soldier units
for each of your six units should be fine.
In Battle:
When you dispatch your units, always use the buddy system. Never send
out units alone.
Always, always, always have your Battle Strategy set to Attack Leader.
Leaderless units are helpless, and a leaderless enemy boss is a won
Don't be afraid to Retreat if you're in trouble. Better to lose a
round of combat than lose a person and have to pay for their
Know which way you and your enemy are facing. As you engage a certain
way, your unit will be rotated. This can make for some serious
complications during confrontations for the unit facing the wrong way.
When reaching strongholds, you'll either liberate or capture them.
You'll liberate them if the alignment of your group is close to the
morale of the stronghold. Otherwise, it'll be captured. Liberating
strongholds increase the people's attitude of you. Capturing decreases
Also, you'll see strongholds that are controlled by neither you or the
enemy. If you wish to maintain the people's view of you, leave them
alone until after the battle. Only capture them if they have Witch's
Huts or Shops that you absolutely need...
Between Battles:
Training really helps, but only really for units you want to have low
Alignment. You can build up serious levels using this, but it's a real
strain on your War Fund.
As far as Training, and even regular battles go, keep an eye on your
experience, because you cannot exceed 100. The experience you get from
defeating enemies gets rolled back to zero when you gain a level, so if
you're going for maximum return, don't try to engage an enemy you know
you'll get a lot of experience from, because a lot of it will be wasted.
Don't bother with Legions when you get them. They're far more trouble
than they're worth.
In-battle strategies submitted by Anthony Gargon:
Both your parties and enemy parties tend to attack toward the center
of each row, even if using attack leader as a strategy. If you have
your leader in the front row, put him off to 1 side and they will
receive 2/3rds of the potential hits.
Melee attacks cannot go through an empty column to attack characters
behind others. If you don't want a rear or middle row characters
getting hit, make sure someone is in front of them. It doesn't matter
if the center column is wide open. If you've got characters on all 4
corners, stick a 5th behind one of the other front line characters,
don't leave him alone in the middle center.
Magical attacks target rear row characters first. If you want your
Zombies to become Skeletons or Golems to be petrified into Stone Golems
or hardended into Baldr Golems, put them in the rear so they can get
nailed by the appropriate magic.
If you know you are going to lose a battle on damage dealt, or don't
need to win the battle but want to wear down an enemy unit, pay
attention to who gets initiative. If you attack first, the enemy will
go next, then your characters with 2 or 3 attacks, then the enemy will
go again. It is often possible to retreat before the enemy takes their
2nd attack, denying them a chance to hurt you more or heal damage if
they have a Cleric. Hit Interrupt as soon as you use your last 2nd
round attack. It is always possible to retreat before enemy units with
3 attacks use their 3rd hit. This won't deny you any experience points
if you have killed an enemy. You WILL be denied soldier points for
your leader and be forced to move back, even if you have dealt more
damage. Still, I have found this tactic VERY handy. Even if you lose
initiative it is still possible to retreat after you take your first
turn if you were heavily damaged on the enemy's first turn. Using the
buddy system you can soften up a superior force considerably with this
4. Classes
This is really the heart of the game. The classes you pick to use in
your battles decide how you progress through the game.
Here's my setup for describing the classes...
Class: The name of the unit and how he fits into the grand scheme of
Appearance: What the character looks like so you can identify it.
Terrain: The Terrain Class of this Character
Equipment: This is the equipment a character needs to become this class.
Right Hand: Usually the basic weapon the character uses.
Left Hand: Could be one of a few things. Shield, Spellbook, or
Accessory. Could also be empty.
Body: The body armor the character uses.
Head: Either a Headgear piece or an Accessory.
Cost: General cost of purchasing a character's entire set of equipment
straight off the rack.
Front: Attack used in the front row and relative strength to the others.
Middle: Same as Front only for the middle row.
Back: Same as Front only for the back row.
Attacks will have a relative strength as a letter level. A is the
strongest attack the unit can have. B is less strong. C is the
weakest. These levels should be taken with a grain of salt, though,
considering the letters are considering one attack and how it affects a
single person. For instance, a Flarebrass' Crimson Note OBVIOUSLY does
more damage overall than its Fire Breath, but on one person, the Fire
Breath will hit harder.
Assume attacks are physical unless marked with (*). Magic
attacks will be rated separately, since their strength can be changed
independently of physical attacks.
Requirements: This covers the general alignment and statistics required
for the class to be available. Note that not every stat requires a
number for advancing.
My thoughts: How generally useful I consider this character to be.
Level Up Increases: How much a classes stats increase with each level
Story: Specific to Special Characters only, I'll give a little
background on these people, without giving away any spoilers.
Okay. Let's start with Mr. (or Ms.) Basic.
Class: Soldier (Basic Human Unit)
Appearance: Little guy with a brown hat and a spear. Usually found in
groups of three.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Short Spear *cannot change*
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Half Armor *cannot change*
Head: N/A
Cost: 0 (You always have an infinite amount of this equipment.)
Front: Thrust X 1 - A
Middle: Thrust X 1 - B
Back: Thrust X 1 - C
My thoughts: What can I say? The only way to get new human units is
through Soldiers. You're gonna have to use a lot of these little guys
if you wanna get anywhere in this game, since most of the Leaders of
your units will be human.
Soldiers are in a character slot in groups of three. Their collective
HP is divided into thirds for each Soldier. Once a Soldier group loses
a third of it's HP, one dies, and after two-thirds, a second, and so
Soldiers don't gain experience like other units do. There's a special
way of upgrading them. Here's the lowdown.
Whenever you win a battle (you end a round and you get the word "WIN"),
each soldier that survives in your unit will earn 2 Soldier Exp for the
unit leader. For instance, if your unit has six soldiers, winning a
battle will earn that unit's leader 12 Soldier Exp.
Now, when that unit's leader gains a total of 100 Soldier Exp., one of
the Soldiers upgrades into the basic Human Unit that is the same gender
as the unit's leader. For instance, a unit led by a Knight will produce
a Fighter if a Soldier advances, while one led by a Valkyrie will
produce an Amazon.
One of the Soldiers immediately changes into that class, IF you have
a spare set of equipment for that class. Then the remaining two
Soldiers in that cluster of Soldiers will be returned to your reserves.
A good strategy for letting Soldiers gain experience at more difficult
points in the game is to put them in middle row behind another unit.
They attack with a little less power (which isn't much to begin with),
and they're shielded from physical attacks.
You can ONLY promote Soldiers during actual battles. Neutral Encounters
and Training won't do it...
A. Male Human Classes
Class: Fighter (Basic Male Human Unit)
Appearance: Small guy in light armor with a small sword.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Short Sword
Left Hand: Round Shield
Body: Chain Mail
Head: Iron Helm
Cost: 190
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
My thoughts: Yep. Your basic dude. These guys really aren't that bad,
but, of course, you're only keeping them around so you can upgrade them
to something better. Later on, this class will probably become
entirely obsolete, since upgraded Soldiers will have high enough levels
to immediately become stronger classes.
Best strategy, naturally, is to put him in the front row.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +3
INT: +3
MEN: +3
AGI: +2
DEX: +3
Class: Knight
Appearance: Tall guy in full armor, with a big sword and shield.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Kite Shield
Body: Plate Armor
Head: Armet
Cost: 570
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
ALI: 40-100
STR: 72
VIT: 67
My thoughts: Combine one part fighter and two parts beefiness and what
do you get? A Knight! In essence, this guy really is nothing more
fancy than an upgraded Fighter. That's not a problem if that's what
you're looking for, of course... His sword hits hard and he's
generally pretty fast. He's got a good mix of offensive and defensive
capabilities. I suggest getting several of these, like five or six.
If there's only one problem with the Knight, it's that he's a pretty
costly unit, as you can see from his listed Cost.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +3
Class: Berserker
Appearance: Beefy, bearded thug with a horned helmet.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Francisca
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: Iron Helm
Cost: 220
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 1 - B
Back: Strike X 1 - C
ALI: 0-60
STR: 72
VIT: 67
My thoughts: This is, more or less, the Alignment opposite of a
Knight. If you have a low Alignment unit that needs some front row
muscle, this guy's your thug. He's got good power, with a little bit
reduced magical defense. Get a couple of these for low Alignment
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +5
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +3
Class: Fencer
Appearance: Wears a pointy hat and carries a large, two-handed sword.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Bastard Sword
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Cloth Armor
Head: Jin-gasa
Cost: 250
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
ALI: 30-100
STR: 72
DEX: 62
My thoughts: I consider this guy the poor man's Knight. He's got
generally the same attack power as a Knight, and a rather high
Dexterity, but he's got a reduced defense. It's not that much of a
change, though, so you might wanna consider having a couple if it'll
keep expenses down. In fact, I suggest having about three or four to
grab any good Greatswords...
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +3
INT: +3
MEN: +5
AGI: +5
DEX: +5
Class: Phalanx
Appearance: Heavily armored guy carrying a sizable shield and a spear.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Spear
Left Hand: Large Shield
Body: Plate Mail
Head: Iron Helm
Cost: 570
Front: Pierce X 2 - A
Middle: Pierce X 1 - B
Back: Pierce X 1 - C
ALI: 20-80
STR: 76
VIT: 70
My thoughts: This is Mr. Physical Defense. He's no more powerful
attack-wise than a Knight, but he can take some serious hits and keep
coming back for more. Definitely a good front row center man. Sadly,
this power can kind of go to waste if he doesn't have a good attack. I
suggest having no more than two or three to occupy your good spears...
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Beast Tamer
Appearance: Bearded man with wild hair, little armor, and a whip.
Terrain: Mountains
Right Hand: Leather Whip
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: N/A
Cost: 120
Front: Lash X 2 - A
Middle: Lash X 2 - B
Back: Lash X 1 - C
ALI: 0-60
STR: 72
VIT: 67
My thoughts: Okay. This guy is only a decent fighter, but he does have
a couple of special attributes. Put him in a unit with a monster of
some kind, and that monster will fight better. A good tradeoff, I
think. He's probably not good to be put in a fighting unit. If you
feel like making a Beast Unit, put him in charge.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +5
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +3
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Doll Master
Appearance: Robed man with a puppet sitting in front of him.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Marionette
Left Hand: Amulet
Body: Robe
Head: Bandanna
Cost: 210
Front: Pull Strings X 2 - A
Middle: Pull Strings X 2 - B
Back: Pull Strings X 1 - C
ALI: 20-80
INT: 60
MEN: 66
DEX: 65
My thoughts: This guy's interesting. Basically, his hook is that he
brings inanimate objects to life. A pretty good power, if you ask me.
So, his main attack is animating the doll he's equipped with and
attacking the enemy with it. It has decent power to it. The fact that
he gets two attacks in the middle row makes him a good candidate for a
middle row character. He's also got a decent magic defense, making him
able to withstand magic attacks that are thrown his way while behind
the front line.
Another cool thing about him involves another kind of formerly
inanimate object: Golems. Put a Doll Master in a unit with a Golem and
the Golem will be stronger.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +4
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +5
Class: Ninja
Appearance: Figure in ninja cloak-like garb, wielding claws.
Terrain: Forests
Right Hand: Iron Claw
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Ninja's Garb
Head: Hachigane
Cost: 260
Front: Rend X 2 - A
Middle: Rend X 1 - B
Back: Rend X 1 - C
ALI: 0-60
AGI: 52
DEX: 59
My thoughts: This guy's quick. He's a bit weaker than an average
Knight, but he's got the Agility to make up for it. That's about all
that's special. Have one or two for your low Alignment units.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +3
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +6
DEX: +4
Class: Wizard
Appearance: Bearded old man in a full robe and carrying a staff.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Scipplay Staff
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Robe
Head: Amulet
Cost: 190
Front: Elemental Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 1 - B
Back: Elemental Magic* X 2 - A
ALI: 0-60
INT: 57
MEN: 63
My thoughts: Ah, yes. The male spellcaster. This is generally the
only male unit you'll want in the back row. He can't take the physical
hurt, but can stand magic to some degree. He'll cast different spells
depending on his ruling element:
Wind: Lightning
Fire: Fireball
Earth: Acid Vapor
Water: Ice Blast
Bane: Word of Pain
Depending on the spellbook you equip, these spells can change.
I suggest having about two or three or these to complement two or three
Level Up Increases:
HP: +3
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +6
MEN: +4
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Paladin
Appearance: A knight looking fellow, wearing white, gold, blue, and
purple armor, and helmet.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Blessed Sword
Left Hand: Kite Shield
Body: Baldr Armor
Head: Baldr Helm
Cost: 1060
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
ALI: 60-100
STR: 123
VIT: 103
DEX: 89
My thoughts: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's
Super Knight! These guys rock da house. They've got a lovely three
attacks in front, and they can use magic in the back, so you don't have
too many problems if you're back attacked. They have decent everything
as far as skills go, so stock up on these holy boys! Any Knights you
have should become these guys quickest, so you'll end up having about
five or six, which is good.
The magic is determined by the element of the sword you're using.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +5
INT: +4
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Black Knight
Appearance: Horned Helmet, Black and gold armor, and a cape.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Satan's Bullova
Left Hand: Valiant Mantle
Body: Baldr Armor
Head: Armet
Cost: 940 (This is for everything but Valiant Mantles, which cannot be
Front: Cleave X 2 - A
Middle: Cleave X 2 - B
Back: Cleave/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
ALI: 0-40
STR: 117
VIT: 112
My thoughts: A really, really nasty guy. He's the upgraded Berserker.
He's good in the front or back, but you'll probably want to stick him
in the front to maintain combat purposes. Take as many as you can get
Valiant Mantles for, because this is the only truly decent front row
Chaotic fighter. He'll hit VERY hard later in the game as his STR
Finding Valiant Mantles: This can get tricky, because there's only one
definite spot to find a Valiant Mantle in the entire game, and that's in
the Sable Lowlands. You may, however, get lucky, and find a couple of
Valiant Mantles from enemy groups in the same area.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +6
STR: +7
VIT: +6
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Sword Master
Appearance: Older guy in a brown robe holding his sword down at his
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Claymore
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Cloth Armor
Head: Hachigane
Cost: 420
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - C
Back: Sonic Boom X 2 - B
ALI: 40-100
STR: 127
DEX: 117
My thoughts: Sonic Boom isn't a very good attack, in my opinion. The
attack hits an enemy and hits the Sword Master in return. I say keep
the bugger in the front. Like the Fencer, he has good attack power and
evasion. Turn Fencers into these guys.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +5
DEX: +7
Class: Cataphract
Appearance: Large, heavily armored guy, carrying a big spear and a
large shield.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Spear
Left Hand: Tower Shield
Body: Heavy Armor
Head: Armet
Cost: 1350
Front: Pierce X 2 - A
Middle: Pierce X 2 - B
Back: Pierce X 2 - C
ALI: 30-80
STR: 124
VIT: 130
My thoughts: A walking brick wall! These guys are dynamos at physical
defense. Like Phalanxes, these guys aren't very powerful on the
attack, so only have a couple to use your good Spears.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +7
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Class: Beast Master
Appearance: White-bearded man with balding, little armor, and a whip.
Terrain: Mountains
Right Hand: Rupture Rose
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Hard Leather
Head: N/A
Cost: 270
Front: Lash X 2 - A
Middle: Lash X 2 - B
Back: Lash X 2 - C
ALI: 0-45
STR: 117
VIT: 103
My thoughts: Like the Beast Tamer, the Beast Master increases the power
of your Beast unit. Only use him for that, because he's not all that
hot a fighter.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +6
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Enchanter
Appearance: Robed guy with long hair, and, of course, a doll.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Fool
Left Hand: Amulet
Body: Magician's Robe
Head: Bandanna
Cost: 500
Front: Pull Strings X 3 - A
Middle: Pull Strings X 2 - B
Back: Pull Strings X 2 - C
ALI: 25-75
INT: 110
MEN: 106
DEX: 115
My thoughts: More or less the same deal as a Doll Master. He'll have
more attacks in the front, but he'll be a bit more vulnerable. Sticking
him with Golems will increase their ability, naturally. I suggest
having no more than one or two to use Dolls for.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +5
Class: Ninja Master
Appearance: A Ninja in dark brown clothing wearing a metal mask.
Terrain: Forests
Right Hand: Baldr Claw
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Ninja Garb
Head: Hannya Mask
Cost: 510
Front: Rend X 3 - A
Middle: Rend X 2 - B
Back: Ninja Art* X 2 - A
ALI: 0-40
INT: 94
AGI: 112
DEX: 99
My thoughts: Ninja Masters are pretty darn good. Their Ninja Art has
really decent power, can hit just like an Archmage spell, and can
change element regardless of the element of the Master. I like these
guys, even though I only have one. You should have one or two yourself
in case you run short on Black Knights for your frontlines...
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +4
AGI: +6
DEX: +5
Class: Archmage
Appearance: Bearded old man in a robe with an odd hat on and a staff.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Arc Wand
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Magician's Robe
Head: Amulet
Cost: 410
Front: Elemental Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - A
ALI: 0-40
INT: 123
MEN: 107
My thoughts: These guys are beefed up Wizards. Magic Plus is area
effect magic. Your Archmage attacks a target within a four square block
and all enemies in that four square block are hit, or it'll attack a
target and hit adjacent targets for lesser damage. Naturally, change
any Wizards you have into Archmages and leave it at that.
Wind: Thunder Flare
Fire: Fire Storm
Earth: Crag Press
Water: Ice Field
Bane: Dark Quest
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +7
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Dragoon
Appearance: Man wearing full gold armor, and pretty gold helmet,
carrying a big sword.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Sword of Tiamat
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Dragon Armor
Head: Dragon Helmet
Cost: Cannot be bought normally.
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash X 2 - C
ALI: 0-100
STR: 127
VIT: 111
DEX: 95
My thoughts: A large quest is to be undertaken to get one of these guys,
and you can have only one. The quest isn't especially hard, but it can
only be completed rather late in the game. Dragoons have some serious
attack power on them and they're very strong defense-wise. They're
also very good at slaying Dragons. Getting one is seriously
recommended by me. I suggest making him Chaotic, since there aren't
many Chaotic fighters that have three attacks.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +6
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Starting the Dragoon Quest: Go to Idorf after finishing the Mylesia
mission. You'll learn about Dragoons and the armorers who made stuff
for them, AND their locations.
Getting Dragon Helms: Go to Burgunny in Gunther Piedmont during the
nighttime. Here, you'll see a drunk. Go back during the day, and an
elderly woman will tell you about him and his wife, who lives in Senal
in Volmus. Pay her a visit, then go back to Burgunny and you'll find
the happy couple reunited. Visit one more time (during the day) and
you'll be able to purchase a Dragon Helm for 250 Goth.
Getting Dragon Armor: Go to Kynora in Mount Ithaca during the day, and
you'll meet an old man who'll talk about Dragon Armor and will tell you
about the ore, Condrite. You can find that ore in the market in
Melphy, Dardunnelles on the 6th day of any month during the daytime
(about 9:00 to 18:00). Buy the Condrite for 200 Goth and take it to
the old man, who will fashion the armor free of charge.
Getting the Sword of Tiamat: You MUST have received the pieces of armor
through the side quests above, otherwise this won't work. Return to
Idorf with these two items after starting Chapter 3. You'll be told
about the barkeep in Elaine, Fair Heights. Go there after finishing
the mission and he'll tell you about Grozz Nuy and he'll give you the
Dragon Scale. He'll tell you he found the dragon in the forest
outside Pinneg, Celesis. Enter the stronghold of Pinneg after you
beat that scene with a unit whose leader you want to fight and you'll
head into the forest, drop the Dragon Scale and fight Grozz Nuy.
Fighting Grozz Nuy isn't that tough, since he only gets one attack per
round, and if you're smart, you used someone with MORE than one attack
per round. Just make sure your character can cause a good amount of
damage and you'll win and get the Sword of Tiamat, and the Dragoon
class will be open to you.
Class: Vampire
Appearance: A guy with pointy ears wearing a purple fuzzy garment
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: N/A
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Count's Garment *cannot be changed*
Head: Bloody Emblem *cannot be changed*
Front: Life Drain X 2 - A
Middle: Life Drain X 2 - A
Back: Life Drain X 2 - A
ALI: 0-50
VIT: 52
MEN: 63
AGI: 54
My thoughts: Vampires aren't all as one would expect them to be. There
are several restrictions. The biggest one is that you can't move during
the daytime if you have a Vampire in your unit. During the day, the
Vampire must remain in his coffin, and he'll have a "Take a Peek"
attack, which does nothing. Life Drain is merely an "okay" attack.
Still, they're nearly invulnerable in their coffins, so Vampires may
be good for a base defense unit.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Getting the Bloody Emblem: Go to Elegorea, Mylesia with a Chaotic Male
leader. You'll speak to Lestat the Undead. He'll ask you four
questions to see if you're worthy of becoming a Vampire. Your answers
will have to be as such based on the time of day:
Time of Day Answer Order
00:00-01:29 1,1,1,1
01:30-02:59 2,2,2,2
03:00-04:29 1,1,1,1
04:30-05:59 2,2,2,1
06:00-07:29 1,1,2,1
07:30-08:59 2,2,1,2
09:00-10:29 1,1,2,2
10:30-11:59 2,2,1,1
12:00-13:29 1,2,1,1
13:30-14:59 2,1,2,2
15:00-16:29 1,2,1,2
16:30-17:59 2,1,2,1
18:00-19:29 1,2,2,1
19:30-20:59 2,1,1,2
21:00-22:29 1,2,2,2
22:30-23:59 2,1,1,1
You may return at any time (with someone besides Troi or one who
already answered the questions) to get more Bloody Emblems. They can
be sold for decent cash.
Getting a Count's Garment: No store sells these, and the first place you
can find one lying around is Aurua Plains, which is quite late in the
game. You may, however, get lucky and find one earlier from an enemy.
Class: Lich
Appearance: Very thin person with skeleton hands, hunched over with a
large staff and wearing a black cloak.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Kerykeion
Left Hand: Book of Bane
Body: Bloodstained Robe
Head: Ring of the Dead *cannot be changed*
Front: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 3 - A
ALI: 0-30
INT: 24
MEN: 51
My thoughts: Amazing. Just amazing. These are the baddest guys out
there. They've got extra magic stank on them, so they'll slam the
enemies and not even break a sweat. Of course, they probably don't
have sweat glands anymore, anyway... The only bad thing about Liches is
that you can only get so many Rings of the Dead. I know how to get
two. The really good thing is that you don't have to kill your
Archmage or Siren to make one. Just go directly to the Class Change
screen. Male Liches are exactly the same as female Liches. Guess they
lose their gender. That's something I'd rather not dig too deep into.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +7
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Getting the Ring of the Dead: Go to Banna Barra, Celesis. A young girl
will give you the Dark Invitation. Go with Magnus to Quelluan,
Zenobian Border, and you will receive the Ring. You can also find a
ring in the first Tremos Mountains stage north of Congool.
There seems to be some confusion about this, so let me just say that
you do NOT have to kill someone to make a Lich. Once you have all the
equipment and requirements, the Lich will appear as a class change on
the class change screen and you can go from there.
Getting a Kerykeion: No store sells these, but you can get one from
fighting neutral Black Dragons in the forests of Mylesia II.
Getting a Bloodstained Robe: No store sells these, but you can find one
in Gules Hills. Check that mission for the location.
Class: Centurion
Appearance: Man with sword, shield, armor, and a large plume on his
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Kite Shield
Body: Plate Armor
Head: Armet
Cost: 570
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
ALI: 0-100
VIT: 52
INT: 62
MEN: 52
DEX: 54
Must have promoted seven Soldiers.
My thoughts: I don't consider Centurions all that great. You can go to
the Legion FAQ for my opinion on Legions as a whole. If you really
want a Legion, I'd use one of the special characters.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
B. Female Human Classes
Class: Amazon (Basic Female Unit)
Appearance: Blonde lady carrying a bow and wearing mostly white.
Terrain: Forests
Right Hand: Short Bow
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: Bandanna
Cost: 110
Front: Shoot X 1 - A
Middle: Shoot X 1 - B
Back: Shoot X 2 - C
My thoughts: Although her power is lowest in the back, the fact that
she gets to attack twice more than makes up for it. Once again, this
class will become obsolete as you gain levels and Soldiers can be
directly upgraded.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +2
INT: +3
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Archer
Appearance: Woman with a green feathered hat and costume, and a bow.
Terrain: Forests
Right Hand: Great Bow
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: Leather Hat
Cost: 190
Front: Shoot X 1 - A
Middle: Shoot X 2 - B
Back: Shoot X 2 - C
ALI: 20-80
STR: 72
DEX: 69
My thoughts: This is for all you fans of the SATs. An analogy -
Fighter : Knight :: Amazon : ? If you said Archer, you'd be right.
This is nothing more fancy than a stronger Amazon, which is fine if
that's what you desire. Since she attacks twice in the middle, she's
one of the few good middle row units. Have a few of these for attacking
from afar.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Dragon Tamer
Appearance: Woman with the skull of a dragon on her head
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Rapier
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Chain Mail
Head: Bone Helm
Cost: 200
Front: Thrust X 2 - A
Middle: Thrust X 1 - B
Back: Thrust X 1 - C
ALI: 30-90
STR: 72
VIT: 57
DEX: 69
My thoughts: On the surface, this lady appears to be nothing more than
a frontline swordswoman. Of course, the fact that she's called the
Dragon Tamer denotes that she maintains power of those beasts so
powerful that they have an entire type of class dedicated to them. As
can be expected, putting Dragons in units with her will increase their
power. Like the Beast Tamer, you should probably just keep her in a
Dragon unit.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +5
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Class: Valkyrie
Appearance: Female soldier with wings on her head.
Terrain: Snow
Right Hand: Spear
Left Hand: Round Shield
Body: Breastplate
Helm: Plumed Headband
Cost: 410
Front: Cleave X 2 - A
Middle: Cleave X 1 - B
Back: Lightning* X 2 - A
ALI: 40-100
STR: 72
VIT: 57
INT: 62
My thoughts: This is a pretty versatile class. She's good in both
front and back rows. She's also one of the few classes that has both
physical and magic attacks. You should consider this your main combat
femme. Three or four should be fine, in addition to Leia, whose Blaze
Knight abilities mirror those of a Valkyrie.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Witch
Terrain: Plains
Appearance: A girl with a wand and a pointy hat
Right Hand: Scipplay Staff
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Witch's Dress
Head: Pointy Hat
Cost: 300
Front: Effect Magic* X 1
Middle: Effect Magic* X 1
Back: Effect Magic* X 2
ALI: 0-60
INT: 65
MEN: 68
DEX: 72
My thoughts: Okay. I used to think Witches were really bad, but they
actually aren't that shabby. If you have an enemy unit with a really
nasty character, a Witch that can use a Sleep or Paralyze spell may be
just what the doctor ordered. Still, though, that's kind of
specialized, so I suggest having no more than one or two on the
Anyway, here's her elements.
Wind: Electroshock (Paralyze)
Fire: Ray of Paralysis (Paralyze)
Earth: Poison Cloud (Poison)
Water: Slumber Mist (Sleep)
Bane: Nightmare (Sleep)
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +6
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Sorceress
Appearance: Lady in tight-ftting outfit and high heels, wielding a wand
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Scipplay Staff
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Witch's Dress
Head: Amulet
Cost: 240
Front: Elemental Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 1 - B
Back: Elemental Magic* X 2 - A
ALI: 0-60
INT: 62
MEN: 65
My thoughts: This is the female version of the Wizard. She has more
magical defense, but far less physical defense, which shouldn't matter,
because you'll never put her in harm's way, right? Anyway, she uses
the same elemental magic as the Wizard. Have two or three for the back
of your Chaotic units.
Wind: Lightning
Fire: Fireball
Earth: Acid Vapor
Water: Ice Blast
Bane: Word of Pain
Depending on the spellbook you equip, these spells can change.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Cleric
Appearance: Braided girl in a full hooded robe.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Light Mace
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Cleric's Vestment
Head: Rosary
Cost: 130
Front: Healing X 1 - C
Middle: Healing X 1 - B
Back: Healing X 2 - A
ALI: 45-100
INT: 59
MEN: 62
My thoughts: Bow down to the Cleric. Bow down to her. This is the
only major healing unit in the game. You'll learn to love her. She
can heal you. Do I really need to say more? Okay, she's got a good
magical defense, too. You should have one in every Lawful unit you
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Diana
Appearance: A girl wearing a body suit and an elaborate headpiece, and
carrying a bow.
Terrain: Forests
Right Hand: Ytival
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Hard Leather
Head: Plumed Headband
Cost: 480
Front: Shoot X 1 - A
Middle: Shoot X 2 - B
Back: Shoot X 3 - C
ALI: 20-70
STR: 116
DEX: 124
Lunatikk's thoughts: Pretty much a beefed-up archer. They have really
good power and decent defenses, but they make great back row characters
since they can attack three times. Upgrade your Archers to these
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +5
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +5
DEX: +6
Class: Dragon Master
Appearance: Woman wearing a headband with dragon wings and carrying a
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Estoc
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Scale Armor
Head: Plumed Headband
Cost: 510
Front: Thrust X 2 - A
Middle: Thrust X 2 - B
Back: Thrust X 2 - C
ALI: 50-90
STR: 127
VIT: 112
DEX: 113
My thoughts: This is the upgraded form of the Dragon Tamer. She's much
better at controlling dragons, and what I really like about her is that
she gets two attacks no matter where you put her, so you're really not
losing much by sticking her in the back row. Use her for your Dragon
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +5
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Freya
Appearance: Woman wearing lots of metal armor, a metal helmet with
wings, and carrying a spear.
Terrain: Snow
Right Hand: Thunder Spear
Left Hand: Buckler
Body: Baldr Mail
Head: Armet
Cost: 730
Front: Cleave X 2 - A
Middle: Cleave X 2 - B
Back: Cleave/Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - C/A
ALI: 60-100
STR: 116
VIT: 101
INT: 106
My thoughts: These lovely ladies are Valkyries squared. To get her
back row attack to be magic, you need an elemental spear, like the
Thunder Spear. Put them in the back for a weaker version of a magic
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Siren
Appearance: Purple haired girl with a fur coat and a wand.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Arc Wand
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Fur Coat
Head: Amulet
Cost: 540
Front: Elemental Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - A
ALI: 0-45
INT: 125
MEN: 128
By the same token as Archmages are better Wizards, Sirens are better
Sorceresses. As before, Magic Plus is area effect magic. Your Siren
attacks a target within a four square block and all enemies in that four
square block are hit, or she attacks a specific target and all adjacent
enemies are hit for lesser damage.
Wind: Thunder Flare
Fire: Fire Storm
Earth: Crag Press
Water: Ice Field
Bane: Dark Quest
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +7
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Priest
Appearance: Looks a lot like a Cleric only yellowish-green.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Mace
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Robe of the Wise
Head: Rosary
Cost: 530
Front: Healing Plus* X 1 - C
Middle: Healing Plus* X 1 - B
Back: Healing Plus* X 2 - A
ALI: 65-100
INT: 109
MEN: 112
My thoughts: Forget bowing. Get down on your knees and WORSHIP HER!!!
This is the Super Cleric. Healing Plus is stronger than normal
Healing, and it heals a four square block of characters for roughly the
same amount, or she heals a character and all adjacent for a smaller
amount. Definitely a must-have for any unit on the go.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +4
INT: +5
MEN: +6
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Princess
Appearance: Woman in full gown and crown, with a fan
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Battle Fan
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Pure-White Dress
Head: Dream Tiara *cannot be changed*
Cost: Cannot be bought
Front: Elemental Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - A
ALI: 70-100
My thoughts: Worship her too!!! You can only have but one, but you'll
definitely want to add this gem of royalty to your army. Sure, she
seems just like another spellcaster, only high Alignment, but get THIS!
Put in her in any unit as a leader, and every other character besides
her will get an EXTRA ATTACK! SWEET!! This mean you can potentially
have 18 attacks per round. Some are lucky to get 12... You should be
grateful... ^_^
She can also lead a Legion.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +2
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Getting the Pure-White Dress: Go to Bourdeux, Tenne Plains, with any
female led group. You'll be told about dresses and silk. Go to Melphy,
Dardunnelles on the 15th of any month during the daytime (9:00 to 18:00)
and you'll find a peddler who will sell you a Bolt of Silk for 2000
Goth. Buy it, and take it to the dressmaker in Billney, Tenne Plains,
with a female leader who will make it into a Pure-White Dress for 2500
Getting the Dream Tiara: Go to Clemona, Blue Basilica and an old man
will tell you a tale about love never found. He'll give you the
Package for Gelda. Take it to Boolem, Crenel Canyon, and you'll run
into an old lady, who'll tell you to take it to Elle, Zenobia Border.
An old man there will tell you her family moved to Soathon. Are we
getting tired of this wild goose chase yet? Go to Tristle, and you'll
get the Letter from Gelda. Head back to Clemona and the old man will
give you the Dream Tiara. It's all quite a tearjerker... ;_;
Getting a Battle Fan: No store sells these, but you can pick one up in
Gules Hills as a Hidden Item. Refer to that mission to find out where.
Class: Lich
Appearance: Very thin person with skeleton hands, hunched over with a
large staff and wearing a black cloak.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Kerykeion
Left Hand: Book of Bane
Body: Bloodstained Robe
Head: Ring of the Dead *cannot be changed*
Front: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 3 - A
ALI: 0-30
INT: 24
MEN: 51
My thoughts: Amazing. Just amazing. These are the baddest guys out
there. They've got extra magic stank on them, so they'll slam the
enemies and not even break a sweat. Of course, they probably don't
have sweat glands anymore, anyway... The only bad thing about Liches is
that you can only get so many Rings of the Dead. I know how to get
two. The really good thing is that you don't have to kill your
Archmage or Siren to make one. Female Liches are no different from
male Liches, by the way.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +3
INT: +7
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Getting the Ring of the Dead: Go to Banna Barra, Celesis. A young girl
will give you the Dark Invitation. Go with Magnus to Quelluan,
Zenobian Border, and you will receive the Ring. You can also find a
ring in the first Tremos Mountains stage north of Congool.
There seems to be some confusion about this, so let me just say that
you do NOT have to kill someone to make a Lich. Once you have all the
equipment and requirements, the Lich will appear as a class change on
the class change screen and you can go from there.
Getting a Kerykeion: No store sells these, but you can get one from
fighting neutral Black Dragons in the forests of Mylesia II.
Getting a Bloodstained Robe: No store sells these, but you can find one
in Gules Hills. Check that mission for the location.
Class: Centurion
Appearance: Woman with sword, shield, armor, and a large plume on her
conical hat.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Buckler
Body: Plate Armor
Head: Baldr Helm
Cost: 590
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
ALI: 0-100
VIT: 52
INT: 62
MEN: 52
DEX: 54
Must have promoted seven Soldiers.
My thoughts: I don't consider Centurions all that great. You can go to
the Legion FAQ for my opinion on Legions as a whole. If you really
want a Legion, I'd use one of the special characters.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +5
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
C. Undead Classes
You can get low level Undead Classes in one of two ways. My preferred
way is to find them in wilderness. The other way is to have one of
your characters die. If they remain dead long enough, and you have
equipment for them, they will become Undead.
The really special thing about low level Undead (Zombie, Skeleton,
Ghost) is that they will be revived after a battle if eliminated
through standard means. They only way they can be completely destroyed
is if the entire unit is wiped out, or they are attacked by a holy
weapon. This doesn't work for Angel Knights or Seraphim, though...
Class: Zombie
Appearance: Looks like a dessicated human with green and white bandages
Terrain: Marsh
Right Hand: N/A
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Old Clothing
Head: N/A
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Bite X 1 - C
My thoughts: Zombies are the most basic undead. Bite attacks don't do
much damage. Really, probably the only thing you'll want Zombies for
is to shield more powerful units. They'll automatically change to
Skeletons if hit with a Fire magic attack.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +5
STR: +4
VIT: +3
INT: +2
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
HP: +4
STR: +4
VIT: +2
INT: +2
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Skeleton
Appearance: A...uh...skeleton...
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Halt Hammer
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Torn Cloth
Head: N/A
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 1 - B
Back: Strike X 1 - C
My thoughts: This is a good fighter. Not really much to this class but
being the standard Undead fighter. What gives this guy an advantage
over Zombies is that you can change his weapon. If a Zombie is hit by
a fire attack, he'll become a Skeleton.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +2
INT: +2
MEN: +3
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Class: Ghost
Appearance: Basically a floating sheet
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: N/A
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Torn Cloth
Head: N/A
Front: Nightmare* X 1 - C
Middle: Nightmare* X 1 - B
Back: Nightmare* X 2 - A
My thoughts: Ghosts aren't as useful as Skeletons. Nightmare is okay
and all for causing a Sleep effect, but it really kind of defeats the
"use Undead to shield more powerful units" theory. If you hit a
Skeleton with a combination Wind and Fire attack, it'll become a Ghost.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +2
VIT: +2
INT: +5
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Class: Angel Knight
Appearance: Blonde girl with a rapier and a large shield. Also has a
halo and wings.
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: Needle of Light
Left Hand: Kite Shield
Body: Plate Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Pierce X 2 - A
Middle: Banish X 1 - B
Back: Banish X 2 - C
ALI: 50-100
STR: 60
VIT: 61
DEX: 57
My thoughts: Probably the hardest class to get, and there's an element
of risk involved in getting her. This class is female specific. She
has all around good skills, and a particularly high Dexterity rate.
Banish is a Virtue attack where she tosses her halo at an enemy.
Like many undead, a person has the chance of becoming an Angel Knight
only if you kill a character. If you have the proper stats and
equipment, you have a CHANCE of her becoming an Angel Knight when she
turns undead. There's a much larger chance that she'll become a Zombie,
at which point you'll have to try with another girl...
One way to give yourself a better chance is to use Goblets of Destiny.
If you see "LUK UP!" when you use it, you're in good shape. If you
don't, reset. Also, I heard it through the grapevine that equipping
Katreda's Angel Brooch on your character increases your chances...
If you want my honest opinion, I think you should save your Love and
Peaces for these people. You'll first run into a bunch of them in
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +5
Getting the Needle of Light: After Chapter 3 begins, go to Melphy,
Dardunnelles, on the 21st day of any month, during the daytime (9:00 to
18:00). A peddler will try to sell you one for 350 Goth. Take it.
Class: Seraph
Appearance: Blue-haired angel with four wings and a rapier.
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: Needle of Light
Left Hand: Kite Shield
Body: Baldr Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Pierce X 2 - A
Middle: Banish X 2 - B
Back: Jihad X 2 - C
Previously Angel Knight
ALI: 75-100
INT: 108
MEN: 125
DEX: 127
My thoughts: Oh, man. These holy lovelies are SWEET! Angel Knights
are really nothing compared to these. Jihad hits ALL enemies with
Virtue-type damage and OBLITERATES Undead!
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +6
D. Demi-Human Classes
These classes consist mostly of non-leaders. They're all 1 tile
characters, so there's room for a few in a unit.
Class: Hawkman
Appearance: Winged man carrying an axe or hammer.
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: Halt Hammer
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: Bandanna
Cost: 190
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 1 - B
Back: Strike X 1 - C
My thoughts: The Hawkman is a decent fighter. His biggest advantage
is that he's a Sky unit. He swoops and soars with the best of 'em.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +3
VIT: +4
INT: +2
MEN: +2
AGI: +4
DEX: +3
Class: Vultan
Appearance: Winged man with gold and silver armor with hair coming out
of his helmet.
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: Baldr Club
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Hard Leather
Head: Hachigane
Cost: 490
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 1 - B
Back: Wind Shot X 2 - C
ALI: 40-100
STR: 103
AGI: 97
DEX: 80
My thoughts: O holy Hawkman. He's your high alignment Hawkman. In my
opinion, keeping him in the front is the best course of action. He'll
hit for more power than the standard Hawkman, and he's got the sky
thing goin' on. So, have him lead any flying unit you have.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +7
DEX: +4
Class: Raven
Appearance: Winged man wearing dark armor and a helmet
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: Baldr Axe
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Hard Leather
Head: Armet
Cost: 570
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 1 - B
Back: Thunder Arrow X 2 - C
ALI: 0-60
STR: 99
AGI: 93
DEX: 77
My thoughts: This guy is a Hawkman gone bad. This is one of the few
classes that's just as good in the front as it is in the back. The
Thunder Arrow, naturally, hits best against earth elementals, and the
physical attacks are quite damaging. Have him lead any flying unit you
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +5
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +5
DEX: +6
Class: Pumpkinhead
Appearance: A kid with a pumpkin for a head.
Terrain: Forest
Right Hand: N/A
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Plain Clothing
Head: Glass Pumpkin *cannot be changed*
Front: Pumpkin Smash X 2 - A
Middle: Pumpkin Smash X 1 - A
Back: Pumpkin Shower X 1 - A
My thoughts: These odd gentlemen are a very valuable find. This is a
similar pumpkin that was fought in the original Ogre Battle. Created
by Deneb, this kid has an amazing power. By throwing his head at
enemies, he can take off half their health. This is great against guys
of high HP, not so much against guys of low HP, naturally...
The Pumpkin Shower is far more damaging. Several pumpkins rain down on
the opposition, about five to seven times, and each takes off half the
HP of a target. This targets all units in a four-square area.
Unfortunately, this also takes off half the HP of the Pumpkinhead. So,
if he's in a non-Cleric unit, put him in the front, and in the back if
the unit has a Cleric.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +5
INT: +1
MEN: +3
AGI: +4
DEX: +2
Class: Gremlin
Appearance: It looks like a small bat with a big head and a pointy tail
Terrain: Sky
Front: Throw a Kiss X 2 - A
Middle: Throw a Kiss X 1 - B
Back: Abyss X 2 - A
Lunatikk's thoughts: Semi-useful to have, but nothing special. Throw a
Kiss reduces the attack power of whomever it hits, and Abyss hits for
light damage putting them to sleep. They have low HP, but they dodge
attacks like crazy, and have high magic defense.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +2
VIT: +4
INT: +6
MEN: +5
AGI: +5
DEX: +6
Class: Faerie
Appearance: A little girl with wings
Terrain: Sky
Right Hand: N/A
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Tiny Clothing *cannot be changed*
Head: N/A
Front: Throw a Kiss X 1 - A
Middle: Throw a Kiss X 1 - B
Back: Magic Missle X 2 - C
Lunatikk's thoughts: Not too useful unless you have nothing better to
use. They use Throw a Kiss on your allies raising their attack power.
Magic Missile hits for light damage, and is virtually useless.
However, it is a Virtue based attack which can be somewhat handy when
dealing with evil, or undead characters.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +1
VIT: +3
INT: +3
MEN: +7
AGI: +6
DEX: +5
E. Dragon Classes
These are the epitome of all beasts. They have a large amount of
class change available to them depending on their alignment and ruling
element. They're two tile characters.
Class: Young Dragon
Appearance: A little, plump yellow rat with wings and a beak.
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Bite X 1 - C
Lunatikk's thoughts: A good early game unit. Eventually, it will
evolve into something more powerful, depending on its element and
alignment. It's power is enchanced by Dragon Tamers and Masters.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +5
INT: +1
MEN: +4
AGI: +2
DEX: +4
Class: Thunder Dragon
Appearance: A purple dragon
Terrain: Plains
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Lightning Breath X 1 - C
Requirements - Wind Elemental
ALI: 20-80
AGI: 61
DEX: 81
My thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter that
should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become a
Quetzalcoatl. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Red Dragon
Appearance: A red dragon
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Fire Breath X 1 - C
Requirements - Fire Elemental
ALI: 20-80
STR: 108
AGI: 61
My thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter that
should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become a
Flarebrass. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +5
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +5
DEX: +4
Class: Earth Dragon
Appearance: A green dragon
Terrain: Plains
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Acid Breath X 1 - C
Requirements - Earth Elemental
ALI: 20-80
VIT: 109
MEN: 98
My thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter that
should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become an Azhi
Dahaka. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +5
INT: +3
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +5
Class: Blue Dragon
Appearance: A blue dragon
Terrain: Marsh
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Breath of Cold X 1 - C
Requirements: Water Elemental
ALI: 20-80
MEN: 98
DEX: 81
Lunatikk's thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter
that should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become a
Hydra. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +6
INT: +4
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +5
Class: Platinum Dragon
Appearance: A white dragon
Terrain: Snow
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Sacred Breath X 1 - C
ALI: 65-100
VIT: 114
INT: 73
MEN: 101
Lunatikk's thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter
that should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become a
Bahumut. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Black Dragon
Appearance: A black dragon
Terrain: Plains
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 1 - B
Back: Rotten Breath X 1 - C
ALI: 0-35
STR: 112
INT: 73
My thoughts: Just like other mid level dragons, a decent fighter that
should probably be in the front row. Eventually, it will become a
Tiamat. Breath slightly damages adjacent characters.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Quetzalcoatl
Appearance: An Eastern-looking dragon, snake-like in appearance.
Terrain: Plains
Front: Lightning Breath X 2 - A
Middle: Lightning Breath X 2 - B
Back: Radiant Gale X 2 - C
Requirements - Previously Thunder Dragon
ALI: 25-75
AGI: 93
DEX: 121
My thoughts: A great class if you can get it, like the other high level
dragons. In the back is my personal choice for course of action, as
Radiant Gale hits all enemies and paralyzes them.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Flarebrass
Appearance: A beefy, Western red dragon standing tall on two legs.
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Fire Breath X 2 - A
Middle: Fire Breath X 2 - B
Back: Crimson Note X 2 - C
Requirements - Previously Red Dragon
ALI: 25-75
STR: 156
AGI: 93
My thoughts: A great class if you can get it, like the other high level
dragons. In the back is my personal choice for course of action, as
Crimson Note hits all enemies and lowers their power.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +6
INT: +3
MEN: +5
AGI: +5
DEX: +4
Class: Ahzi Dahaka
Appearance: A brownish green dinosaur-type dragon on all fours and with
Terrain: Plains
Front: Acid Breath X 2 - A
Middle: Acid Breath X 2 - B
Back: Earthquake X 2 - C
Requirements - Previously Earth Dragon
ALI: 25-75
VIT: 157
MEN: 130
My thoughts: A great class if you can get it, like the other high level
dragons. In the back is my personal choice for course of action, as
Earthquake hits all enemies and lowers their power. Unfortunately,
Earthquake doesn't hit any enemies of the Sky terrain type, unless
they're asleep or paralyzed.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +7
VIT: +6
INT: +5
MEN: +5
AGI: +3
DEX: +5
Class: Hydra
Appearance: A bright blue, five-headed dragon.
Terrain: Marsh
Front: Breath of Cold X 2 - A
Middle: Breath of Cold X 2 - B
Back: Clear Disaster X 2 - C
Requirements - Previously Blue Dragon
ALI: 25-75
MEN: 138
DEX: 121
My thoughts: A great class if you can get it, like the other high level
dragons. In the back is my personal choice for course of action, as
Clear Disaster hits all enemies and puts them to sleep.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Bahamut
Appearance: A big white dragon standing tall on its four legs.
Terrain: Snow
Front: Sacred Breath X 2 - A
Middle: Sacred Breath X 2 - B
Back: Divine Ray X 2 - C
Requirements: Previously Platinum Dragon
ALI: 75-100
VIT: 162
INT: 105
MEN: 133
Lunatikk's thoughts: The evolved version of Platinum Dragon, and one of
the Ultimate Dragon Forms. It's Sacred Breath is good and all, but
Divine Ray blows it away. Divine Ray does moderate to heavy virtue
type damage to all enemies twice in one fight. Plus, it looks pretty
cool. Very powerful.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Class: Tiamat
Appearance: A wiry, yet muscular, black dragon standing on two legs.
Terrain: Plains
Front: Rotten Breath X 2 - A
Middle: Rotten Breath X 2 - B
Back: Evil Dead X 2 - C
Requirements - Previously Black Dragon
ALI: 0-25
STR: 160
INT: 105
DEX: 124
My thoughts: A great class if you can get it, like the other high level
dragons. In the back is my personal choice for course of action, as
Evil Dead hits all enemies and puts them to sleep.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
F. Monster Classes
These bad boys are 2 tile characters. They make up for the assuming
the role of 2 characters by being about as strong as two characters.
Most are quite strong or can attack multiple times.
Class: Wyrm
Appearance: A lizard that's more wing than body.
Terrain: Sky
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 2 - B
Back: Bite X 2 - C
My thoughts: The thing that sets this monster apart is it's flying
ability. Other than that, he's a better-than-average attacker with
a nasty set of teeth.
Class: Wyvern
Appearance: A bit more muscular than a Wyrm, and has a purple and white
crest on its head.
Terrain: Sky
Front: Bite X 2 - A
Middle: Bite X 2 - B
Back: Fire Breath X 2 - A
ALI: 10-55
STR: 140
AGI: 124
DEX: 102
Lunatikk's thoughts: Not too shabby of a flying character. Good attack
from the front row, good defense. Fire Breath can hit multiple targets
at once for a moderate amount of damage.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +6
VIT: +6
INT: +2
MEN: +4
AGI: +6
DEX: +4
Class: Griffin
Appearance: An eagle's head and wings on a lion's body.
Terrain: Sky
Front: Claw X 2 - A
Middle: Claw X 1 - B
Back: Wind Shot X 2 - A
My thoughts: Wyrms are good for low alignment sky units, and Griffins
are good for high alignment sky units. Have fun with them if you like
sky units.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +3
MEN: +3
AGI: +6
DEX: +4
Class: Opinincus
Appearance: A bigger, blue-beaked, blue-clawed Griffin
Terrain: Sky
Front: Claw X 2 - A
Middle: Claw X 1 - B
Back: Wind Storm X 2 - C
Requirements: Previously Griffin, Partially Chaotic to Partially Lawful
MEN: 105
AGI: 127
DEX: 91
My thoughts: The upgraded Griffins. These guys are probably better in
the front because Wind Storm generally doesn't hit all that hard...
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +5
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +6
DEX: +5
Class: Cockatrice
Appearance: Looks like a chicken with a lizard's tail.
Terrain: Sky
Front: Peck X 2 - A
Middle: Peck X 1 - B
Back: Petrify X 2 - C
Lunatikk's thoughts: Ooh baby, these are good. Peck is alright, but
put them in the back for some grade "A" damage. Petrify can hit
multiple targets at once for moderate damage, and has a chance of
Petrifying them. That's right. Instant kill. They are pretty good at
evading, but they don't have very good defense. I would recomend
getting at least one of these.
My backup thoughts: Petrifying enemies doesn't get you any experience.
Use caution when petrifying.
Class: Sphinx
Appearance: A beast with a woman's front and wings
Terrain: Sky
Front: Claw X 2 - A
Middle: Evocation X 1 - B
Back: Evocation X 2 - A
My thoughts: These beasts are great! Put them in the back and you
have a beast spellcaster. They pick any element, like Ninja Masters,
but they have the power of an Archmage or Siren, so all you're trading
here is the space.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +4
VIT: +5
INT: +6
MEN: +5
AGI: +6
DEX: +5
Class: Hellhound
Appearance: A wolf with two heads
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Bite X 3 - A
Middle: Bite X 2 - B
Back: Bite X 1 - C
My thoughts: This is a very powerful unit. The main reason for his
power is the three attacks he gets. There's nothing much else special
about him, though.
Class: Cerberus
Appearance: Looks like a pit bull with three heads
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Bite X 3 - A
Middle: Bite X 2 - B
Back: Mesmerize X 2 - C
Requirements: Neutral to Chaotic Alignment
STR: 139
VIT: 138
MEN: 90
My thoughts: These guys are Hellhounds times ten! Well, actually,
Hellhounds times one and a half. They have wonderful attack power and
defense. I'd put these puppies on the front line.
It should be noted that this class change occurs automatically after a
battle. That's an actual battle, not training.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +7
VIT: +6
INT: +5
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +3
G. Golem Classes
These rock boyos have their own class group. Not too bad for your
Class: Golem
Appearance: A large man-shaped cluster of rocks.
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Crush X 3 - A
Middle: Crush X 2 - B
Back: Crush X 1 - C
My thoughts: These guys can take serious hits. They're also pretty
strong in their own right. One of the disadvantages I've found in
this class is they don't always hit well. They can't have their status
changed, though, so they can't be put to sleep, poisoned, or
Level Up Increases:
HP: +5
STR: +5
VIT: +6
INT: +3
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Class: Stone Golem
Appearance: A gray-colored man-shaped cluster of rocks.
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Crush X 3 - A
Middle: Crush X 2 - B
Back: Crush X 1 - C
Requirements: Golem becomes petrified while...
STR: 104
VIT: 129
My thoughts: This is what happens when a Golem is petrified. This
is stronger and more agile than the standard version of Golem. Not
much more to be said.
The class change occurs automatically during battle, once the Golem is
petrified. If your stats aren't at the proper levels, though, your
Golem will simply be petrified.
Level Up Increases:
STR: +5
VIT: +6
INT: +3
MEN: +4
AGI: +3
DEX: +4
Class: Baldr Golem
Appearance: A bluish-colored man-shaped cluster of rocks.
Terrain: Mountains
Front: Crush X 3 - A
Middle: Crush X 2 - B
Back: Crush X 1 - C
Requirements: Stone Golem gets hit with a wind/fire combo while...
STR: 144
VIT: 185
My thoughts: Wind and Fire. Kinda like tempering the Golem, like
you'd temper any metal. Anyhoo. These are the best Golems to have
because they'll have increased stats of Stones...
This class change occurs automatically during battle, if the Stone
Golem is at the proper stat levels.
H. Demon Classes
This is the hidden set of classes. These are monsters from the
Netherworld that have invaded the human world.
Class: Goblin
Appearance: Odd-looking toothy guy in plate mail.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Short Sword
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Plate Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
My thoughts: Even for demons, I don't consider these guys worth the
effort. They're not all that strong. As far as I know, they don't
evolve, and by the time you can get them, you probably have guys that
are much better.
Class: Ogre
Appearance: Huge grey-skinned humanoid carrying a massive hammer.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Warhammer
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: N/A
Front: Crush X 3 - A
Middle: Crush X 2 - B
Back: Crush X 1 - C
My thoughts: Ogres have some considerable power to them. They're big
characters, but they don't hit as often as most other characters...
Class: Saturos
Appearance: Goat-legged demon with horns and a big axe.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Evil Axe
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Hard Leather
Head: N/A
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 2 - B
Back: Strike/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: If you notice similarities between this guy and the Black
Knight, you're quite observant. A Saturos is pretty much a Black
Knight for the demon crew. He's one of the few demons that can lead a
unit, so he's quite useful to them.
Class: Gorgon
Appearance: Top half woman, lower half snake, and snakes for hair.
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Bow
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Leather Armor
Head: N/A
Front: Gaze of Terror X 1 - A
Middle: Shoot X 1 - B
Back: Shoot X 2 - C
My thoughts: Gaze of Terror targets ALL enemies. Gorgons are
unbelievably cheap, since they have the ability to completely petrify a
unit in nothing flat. It will be blocked however, by any character
with a shield.
I. Enemy Character Classes
You cannot control these guys... Ever... Stop asking me if you can.
These are special classes used by the enemy, mostly for story purposes.
Only exception is Vad the Grappler, but he's a special one...
Normal Enemies
Class: Grappler
Appearance: Dark-skinned fellow with claws and a headband.
Front: Rend X 2 - B
Middle: Rend X 2 - C
Back: Fatal Dance X 1 - A
My thoughts: These guys are warriors of Nirdam, the Bolmaukans. They
were forced into slavery in a joint venture by Lodis and Palatinus.
They used to be a proud people, and now they fight just to survive.
As you can see, Fatal Dance is more powerful than the Grappler's front
line attack. Be cautious when fighting these guys, they can rack up
damage really quick.
Class: Knight Templar
Appearance: Knight in full armor and a large shield. His helmet has an
opening shaped like a cross.
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: In case you haven't noticed, these guys are just like
Paladins. They have a bit of a higher defense and a lower offense, but
they're more or less the same. These are the holy knights of the Lodis
Empire. They fight for their beliefs in Lodisism.
Class: Daemon
Appearance: Blue skinned, winged guy. Pretty nasty looking.
Front: Strike X 2 - A
Middle: Strike X 2 - B
Back: Strike/Elemental Magic X 2 C/A
My thoughts: Despite their fearsome appearance, these guys are really
no worse than Saturoses. You'll only face a few of them. These guys
are the Legion leaders of the demon army. Only thing is, you never see
them lead a Legion...
Class: Knight of Danika
Appearance: Humanoid in full, oddly-shaped armor, carrying a sword.
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash X 2 - C
My thoughts: These are the protectors of Danika's slumber. They were
created from her limbs by the goddess Berthe. There are only four in
the entire game. They're quite strong. 'Nuff said...
The actual name of this class is "Gatekeeper", but the only Gatekeepers
in the game are the Knights, so I made an executive decision and
decided to call them, officially, Knights of Danika.
Class: General - See Quass Debonair
Who: Quass Debonair (Zenobia Border)
Class: Vanity
Appearance: Blonde nobleman carrying a thin sword.
Front: Thrust X 2 - A
Middle: Thrust X 2 - B
Back: Some kind of Magic* X 2 - A
Who: Godeslas Branic (Alba) (uses Infest), Kerikov Barthes (Celesis)
(uses Ice Field), Numitol Silvis (Argent) (uses Ice Field)
My thoughts: Vanity's are pretty much fighting noblemen. They may have
some inherent strengths, but largely they rely on their fellow
Class: Superior Knight
Appearance: Knight without a helmet.
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash X 2 - C
Who: Eurynome Rhade (Mylesia II, Mount Ithaca), Xevec Nulaton (Romulus)
My thoughts: Superior Knights can be pretty nasty. They have more
power than a standard Knight.
Class: Solidblade - See Ankiseth Gallant
Who: Ankiseth Gallant (Highland of Soathon, Wentinus I)
Class: Temple Command
Appearance: An armored man standing with his sword out in front of him,
or standing like a Knight Templar.
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Evocation* X 2 - A
Who: Baldwin Glendale (Wentinus I, Wentinus II, Mount Keryoleth II),
Pruflas Watts (Gules Hills I, Temple of Berthe I), Amazeroth Ludon
(Ptia), Vapula Simburg (Blue Basilica), Thamuz Delville (Aurua Plains)
My thoughts: It's interesting how they make TC's stronger only by
moving them around. In the beginning, you face TC's in the middle row,
where they are weakest. Then later on, you'll fight them in the front
row, where they're stronger. Finally, for the last battle with
Baldwin, he'll be in the back, where he can use Evocation, which can
be quite nasty.
Class: Dark Prince
Appearance: Blonde man with a thrusting sword.
Front: Thrust X 2 - A
Middle: Thrust X 2 - B
Back: Dark Lore* X 2 - A
Who: Amrius Dulmare (Fort Romulus)
My thoughts: Amrius fights you twice in one scene. The first time,
he's all alone in the middle. The second time, he has helpers and is
in the back, where he can use Dark Lore, which is equivalent to using
a Pedra of Bane. Nasty.
Class: Flail Monarch
Appearance: Bearded man with a scepter.
Front: ????
Middle: ????
Back: Lava Flow X 2 - A
Who: Procus Dulmare (Winnea)
My thoughts: The combination magic is a pain, but he's pretty wimpy,
largely. Unfortunately, he's got two Ogres to be a pain.
Class: Overlord
Appearance: Purple haired young man.
Front: Thrust X 2 - A
Middle: Thrust X 2 - B
Back: Blue Spiral* X 2 - A
Who: Yumil Dulmare (Winnea)
My thoughts: It's not so much the fact that Yumil's tough, it's that
he has two Knights of Danika as guards.
Class: Death Templar
Appearance: Noble-looking Temple Commander
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Well, who cares. You can't knock him back...
Back: Ditto...
Who: Richard Glendale (Castle Talpaea)
My thoughts: Richard's strong; stronger than even a Temple Command, but
that's about all that's special.
Class: Warlock - See Saradin Carm
Who: Saradin Carm (Aurua Plains II)
Class: Lord - See Destin Faroda
Who: Destin Faroda (Aurua Plains II)
5. Special Character Classes
There are many characters in the game that can't be picked up with
normal means. These guys are usually quite a bit more powerful than
your average Joe, and they have story potential, as well...
Magnus Gallant
Appearance: Purple-haired guy in armor, with his sword behind him.
Starting Class: Gladiator
Age: 18
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Short Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Plate Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: Magnus is odd in the sense that he can do two attacks in
the front and back, but not middle. Still, since he's the only life
this game really depends on, keeping him in the back is, by far, the
best course of action early on. However, later in the game, after
you get Priests and Healing is less of an issue (ALWAYS have a Cleric
or Priest with Magnus), you might want to put him in front, as certain
swords cause him to have magic attacks which are generally less
effective than physical attacks.
Story: Magnus joined the Palatinean military to escape his father and
the humiliation of his father's past. He graduates the military
academy and is almost immediately dispatched for the Southern Division.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +5
STR: +5
VIT: +3
INT: +4
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Second Class: Vanguard
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Baldr Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: Like all second classes, Magnus becomes a Vanguard at the
beginning of Chapter 3 and can command a Legion. The Elemental Magic
Plus is a possibility depending on the element of equipped swords.
Final Class: General
Appearance: The same old Magnus, with heavy armor on.
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Baldr Armor
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Blast X 2 - C
My thoughts: Magnus becomes a General at the beginning of the Final
Chapter. He can now use Full-Body Armor, and fire Blasts from his
sword, which change depending on the element of the sword he uses.
Physical: Sonic Blast
Wind: Wind Blast
Fire: Fire Blast
Earth: Earth Blast
Water: Aqua Blast
Virtue: Holy Blast
Bane: Dark Blast
Even though it's a pretty new thing, the blasts aren't all that
effective, and unless you're adamant about keeping Magnus in the back,
you're probably better off with him in the front.
Diomedes Rangue
Appearance: Looks like a Knight without a helmet, and wears a blue sash.
Starting Class: Gladiator
Age: 19
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Plate Armor
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash X 2 - C
My thoughts: Dio's pretty powerful. You're still probably going to
want to keep him in the middle instead of the front, because he is
that valuable.
Story: Not much is relevant about Dio's past. Suffice to say that he's
a little cocksure of himself and his abilities.
How to get him: He automatically joins in Scene 1.
How to lose him: If you agree to fight him before Scene 1 starts, and if
you say "..." when Rhade orders you to kill Frederick, he'll leave.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +5
STR: +5
VIT: +3
INT: +4
MEN: +3
AGI: +3
DEX: +3
Second Class: Warrior
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Blessed Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Baldr Armor
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: Like all second classes, Dio becomes a Warrior at the
beginning of Chapter 3 and can command a Legion. The Elemental Magic
is a possibility depending on the element of equipped swords. I'd
go for front row in this case, for the sake of three attacks.
Leia Silvis
Appearance: Valkyrie without wings and having a long blonde ponytail.
Starting Class: Blaze Knight
Age: 17
Terrain: Snow
Right Hand: Spear
Left Hand: Round Shield
Body: Breastplate
Head: N/A
Front: Cleave X 2 - A
Middle: Cleave X 1 - B
Back: Lightning* X 2 - A
My thoughts: Leia's pretty much a Valkyrie. The only thing separating
the two is the fact that she wears no headgear.
Story: Leia joined the Palatinus Military to escape her father, whom she
needs to separate herself from. She grew up amongst the nobility, but
feels it is her place to be in the military.
How to get her: She automatically joins in Scene 3.
Level Up Increases:
HP: +4
STR: +4
VIT: +4
INT: +4
MEN: +4
AGI: +4
DEX: +4
Second Class: Rune Knight
Terrain: Snow
Right Hand: Thunder Spear
Left Hand: Buckler
Body: Baldr Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Cleave X 2 - A
Middle: Cleave X 2 - B
Back: Cleave/Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: Like all second classes, Leia becomes a Rune Knight at the
beginning of Chapter 3 and can command a Legion. Oddly enough, she
loses her Lightning ability and gains a Elemental Magic Plus thing just
like Magnus and Dio. Depending on the spear equipped, she'll do
different attacks in the back.
Troi Tyton
Class: Phalanx
Appearance: Gold-armored Phalanx
Age: 16
Terrain: See Phalanx
Equipment: See Phalanx
Attacks: See Phalanx
My thoughts: See Phalanx
Story: There's not much to say about Troi. He's a pretty cheerful guy
and shows a big interest in your battalion.
How to get him: Go to Elgorea, Mylesia in Scene 4 (The Path Diverges).
Troi will walk right up to you and ask to join, no matter what.
Katreda Birall
Class: Cleric
Appearance: Pink-robed Cleric
Age: 15
Terrain: See Cleric
Equipment: See Cleric
Attacks: See Cleric
My thoughts: See Cleric
Story: Katreda's a cheerful girl. She joins up to find her father, who
was captured by the Southern Division.
How to get her: Go to Cayes, Gunther Piedmont during Scene 7 (A New
Beginning) and she will ask to join so that she can help her father.
Asnabel Birall
Class: Berserker
Appearance: Purple-clothed Berserker
Age: 38
Terrain: See Berserker
Equipment: See Berserker
Attacks: See Berserker
My thoughts: See Berserker
Story: Captured by the Southern Division, Asnabel was forced into labor
at the mines of Gunther Piedmont. Once freed, he'll become a valuable
asset to the team. He is known as Asnabel the Iron Hammer.
How to get him: Katreda must have (at least) asked to join your party,
when you finish liberating Gunther Piedmont in Scene 7 (A New
Aisha Knudel
Class: Priest
Appearance: Pink clothed, hoodless Priest.
Age: 19
Terrain: See Priest
Equipment: See Priest
Attacks: See Priest
My thoughts: See Priest
Story: One of the visitors from Zenobia, Aisha is the daughter of the
renowned Roshfel Priest, Foris. While Destin and his troops were on the
Island of Avalon, Aisha joined to help fight Gares, son of Empress
How to get her: You must not have said "..." at Frederick's execution.
Go to Puld, Audvera Heights during Scene 13 (Thoughts), and she'll ask
to join your party.
Liedel Klein
Class: Archer
Appearance: Archer wearing red and having blonde hair.
Age: 22
Terrain: See Archer
Equipment: See Archer
Attacks: See Archer
My thoughts: See Archer
Story: A former member of the Central Division, specifically the Red
Branch. She believed that the Revolution was the cause of the demons.
When she find out that this isn't the truth, she'll join to find out
what is.
How to get her: You must have a high Chaos Frame. Beat her in the
Sable Lowlands mission and she'll ask to join your party.
Vad Orok Zlenka
Class: Grappler
Appearance: Dark-skinned warrior wielding claws.
Age: 29
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Touelno
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Thunder Chain
Head: Hachigane
Front: Rend X 3 - A
Middle: Rend X 2 - B
Back: Fatal Dance X 2 - C
My thoughts: Although Fatal Dance technically does less damage, Vad
strikes several times, adding up damage, so Fatal Dance is actually
stronger. It's up to you whether you want more attacks or a stronger
Story: Vad, like many other Bolmaukans, was forced into subjugation by
the Lodis Empire. Although he worked for the Central Division, he
strove to maintain his honor.
How to get him: In the Mount Ithaca mission (Uncertainty), first go
north and liberate Ketican, which will destroy the bridge. Once this
is done, Vad will not move, and you must avoid attacking him. Do this,
and he'll offer to join after the battle. You must have at least beat
Audvera Heights or Sable Lowlands.
Saradin Carm
Class: Warlock
Appearance: Non-hooded white-haired wizard-looking gentleman.
Age: 61
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Hemlock *cannot be changed*
Left Hand: Spellbook
Body: Magician's Robe
Head: Amulet
Front: Effect Magic* X 1 - C
Middle: Elemental Magic* X 2 - B
Back: Elemental Magic Plus* X 2 - A
My thoughts: Saradin's got some stank on him. In the back he's an
early Archmage, so stick him in the back for best results. You can't
dequip his staff, the Hemlock, though...
Story: Another of the visiting Zenobian fighters, Saradin was once a
student of Rashidi, the Sage of Zeteginea. He turned against the
Empire when he learned of Rashidi's evil. His student, Albeleo, turns
him to stone, and Destin frees him on a mission to the Balmorian Ruins.
How to get him: You must not have said "..." at Frederick's execution.
Beat Scene 15 (Uncertainty) and he'll ask to join your party.
Sheen Cocteau
Class: Hawkman
Appearance: Brown-haired Hawkman
Age: 78
Terrain: See Hawkman
Equipment: See Hawkman
Attacks: See Hawkman
My thoughts: See Hawkman
Story: Sheen considers himself quite the ladies' man. He's a
free-spirited Hawkman, and enjoys life. He's old by human standards,
but Hawkmen are an elder race, and long-lived, so he still looks young.
How to get him: You must have a low to neutral Chaos Frame. Go to
Coppermine, Azure Plains, during Scene 17 (Visitors from the West), and
he'll ask to join your party.
Ankiseth Gallant
Class: Solidblade
Appearance: Similar to Magnus only taller and older looking.
Age: 44
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Blessed Sword
Left Hand: Blue Sash *cannot be changed*
Body: Plate Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Clay Assault* X 2 - A
My thoughts: Good for either front or back rows. Ankiseth has Clay
Assault in the back row regardless of what's equipped on him. When I
got him, he was of quite a high level, so he towered over everyone
else. He can lead a Legion.
Story: Ankiseth the Steadfast has made quite a name for himself over
the years. He's charged with protecting Prince Yumil, and is
responsible for Magnus and Yumil becoming close friends since childhood.
Unfortunately, his notoriety came back on him when he was forced to
kill a nobleman attacking the Prince. This resulted in him falling
from favor with the populus.
How to get him: At the beginning of Scene 18 (The Grim Path), you must
choose to meet with your father. Keep him alive for the battle, and, if
you have a medium to high Chaos Frame, choose to have him join you
after the battle.
Meredia O'Keife
Class: Siren
Appearance: Blue-haired, white-clothed Siren
Age: 18
Terrain: See Siren
Equipment: See Siren
Attacks: See Siren
My thoughts: See Siren
Story: Meredia has been friends with Leia ever since they were
children. When Leia joined the military, Meredia decided to stay behind
in their homeland of Argent.
How to get her: At the beginning of Scene 21 (The Eastern Orthodox
Church), Meredia will show up if Leia is still alive. She'll ask to
join your party.
Europea Rheda
Class: Centurion (Female)
Appearance: Red-haired Centurion without the goofy hat.
Age: 25
Terrain: See Centurion (Female)
Equipment: See Centurion (Female)
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
My thoughts: Quite a bit better than a normal Centurion, actually. She
has a lot of power to her. A good frontline female character.
Story: Europea the Astral Knight is the head of the Berthan Sentinels
of Celesis. As being such a holy knight, she is sometimes required to
make difficult moral decisions.
How to get her: Take Magnus to Fort Hillverich during Scene 22
(Suspicion). You'll speak to Europea and she'll head for the enemy
headquarters. Make sure she doesn't die, and she'll offer to join you.
Paul Lukische
Class: Enchanter
Appearance: Silver-haired Enchanter
Terrain: See Enchanter
Equipment: See Enchanter
Attacks: See Enchanter
My thoughts: See Enchanter
Story: Paul, the Devil Child, stopped practicing magic after he turned
his friend into stone. He blames himself for releasing the demons from
the netherworld.
How to get him: In Scene 23 (The Mercenaries), go to Corpino to learn
about Paul. Go to Coongul and you will meet Paul. Say "Is that what
you want?" and you'll leave. Beat the scene (answer the question
Kageiye asks either way) and Paul will join you.
Biske La Varet
Class: Lycanthrope/Werewolf
Appearance: Gruff-looking blonde man with little armor/Grey wolf man
Age: 30
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Baldr Sword *cannot change while a wolf*
Left Hand: N/A
Body: Plate Armor *cannot change while a wolf*
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 2 - A
Middle: Slash X 1 - B
Back: Slash X 1 - C
Front: Claw X 3 - A
Middle: Claw X 2 - B
Back: Claw X 1 - C
My thoughts: Biske is a Lycanthrope by day and a Werewolf by night.
He's a vicious character, and hits much harder, and more often, in the
wolf form.
Story: Cursed with the blood of the wolf, Biske fought the Central
Division. He was imprisoned by Ankiseth Gallant and sentenced to
rot in a cell for the remainder of his life.
How to get him: You must not have Aisha, Saradin, or Ankiseth. Fight
him during Scene 24 (The Rebel). If you beat him, ask him to join you,
and he will do so.
Quass Debonair
Class: General
Appearance: Tall guy with long, blonde hair and a rather big sword.
Age: 31
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Sonic Blade *cannot be changed*
Left Hand: Tunic *cannot be changed*
Body: Breidablick
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 2 - B
Back: Sonic Blade X 2 - C
My thoughts: Debonair's a great character. You're probably best
off putting him in the front row. Sonic Blade hits a back row
character, but not all that hard. You can't dequip his Sonic Blade or
Tunic. He can also lead a Legion.
Story: Debonair of the Wind was one of the four Devas of Zeteginea. He
joined Destin's troop during the Zenobian War, while his troops were in
Shangrila. He now joins Destin in the north to help the Revolution.
How to get him: You need Aisha, Saradin, and a high Chaos Frame. In
Scene 26 (No Man's Land), take Magnus to Ibu Deli. You'll run into
Debonair there. If the requirements are met, he'll ask to join.
Destin Faroda
Class: Lord
Appearance: Orange-haired guy with a rather large sword.
Age: 27
Terrain: Plains
Right Hand: Sigmund
Left Hand: Tunic *cannot be changed*
Body: Phoenix Mail
Head: N/A
Front: Slash X 3 - A
Middle: Slash X 3 - B
Back: Slash/Elemental Magic* X 2 - C/A
My thoughts: Destin makes for an excellent front row combatant, so
stick him there. He can also lead a Legion.
Story: Many revolutions begin with one man. Destin Faroda was that man
when, years ago, he rose up against the tyranny of Empress Endora of
Zeteginea. He freed Zenobia and rid the land of the evil Sage, Rashidi.
At the end of the Zenobian War, Tristran Zenobia became King and Destin
his greatest general. He joins the Palatinean Revolution early.
How to get him: In Scene 29 (The March to Latium), take Magnus' group
to Kurashino, Gules Hills. If you have all the Zenobians (Aisha,
Saradin, and Debonair) up to this point, Destin will join you.
Gilbert Oblion
Class: Beast Master
Appearance: Yellow-clothed Beast Master
Age: 51
Terrain: See Beast Master
Equipment: See Beast Master
Attacks: See Beast Master
My thoughts: See Beast Master
Story: One of Destin's closest advisors in this war, Gilbert is the
former leader of the Beast Division of Zenobia. He's never far from
Destin's side. He joined Destin early in the Zenobia campaign, when
confronted by the winged warrior, Canopus.
How to get him: In Scene 29 (The March to Latium), take Magnus' group
to Kurashino, Gules Hills. If you have all the Zenobians up to this
point (Aisha, Saradin, and Debonair), and a high Chaos Frame, Gilbert
will join you.
Carth Forleizen
Class: Black Knight
Appearance: Black Knight with a red cape with a cross on it.
Age: 29
Terrain: See Black Knight
Right Hand: Boreas
Left Hand: Valiant Mantle
Body: Baldr Armor
Head: Armet
Attacks: See Black Knight
My thoughts: See Black Knight
Story: Carth was once a Knight of Lodis, who fought for the belief of
Filarrh, the sun god. He became disillusioned when he learnt of Lodis',
and the Brigade of the Radiant Cross' fall to the Infernal Aura, thus
he earned the name Carth the Disillusioned.
How to get him: You must have a low to medium Chaos Frame, and no
Zenobians can join your party. In Scene 32 (The Disillusioned), go to
Furge, and a young boy will tell you that a soldier is fighting all
alone in the forest. Go to Torab Ni, and you'll meet Carth, where
he'll take his unit and assault the Enemy Headquarters. Make sure he
stays alive, and you can ask him to join.
6. Items
Yeah. I think I have most of them, now...
Here's the key:
Description: The description of the item, as listed in the game.
Stat Change: How the item changes your basic stats (STR, VIT, INT, MEN,
Resistances: How the item changes your resistances to being struck or
Effect: A rare one, but some weapons have a status effect on an enemy.
This also applies to descriptions of what certain valuables do.
Effect Invalid: Another rare one. A few pieces of armor offer
protection from certain status changes.
Element: The ruling element of the weapon, if it's not Physical or
Cost: The cost of the item. This does not necessarily mean you can buy
it, but is used as a selling baseline. You can sell any item for
1/4 it's listed cost. Items in parentheses cannot be bought in
Shop: If the item can be bought in a shop, this is where.
See Also: If there's a bigger story behind this item, this is where (in
the FAQ you can find the info).
If you want to know if something can be bought, just search the document
to see if it shows up later in shops. Suffice to say that many of the
stronger weapons/armors cannot be bought.
I've arranged all helm/headgear/shields/body armor according to Strike
Resistance modifier, then Cost, then Element.
I've arranged all weapons according Strength modifier, then Cost, then
I've arranged all Accessories according to Cost first, then Element.
I've arranged all Valuables according to their cost, then
A. Helmets/Headgear
Headgear --
Can be used by: Fencer, Doll Master, Ninja, Sword Master, Enchanter,
Ninja Master, Amazon, Archer, Valkyrie, Witch, Diana, Dragon Master,
Hawkman, Vultan
Description: Large piece of cloth wrapped around the head to improve
one's courage.
Stat Change: MEN+2
Resistances: Strike +1
Cost: 20
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Mount Ithaca,
Tremos Mountains I, Argent
Plumed Headband
Description: Headband adorned with white feathers, known to bring
good luck.
Resistances: Strike +1, Holy -1, Dark +3
Element: Virtue
Cost: 60
Shop: Dardunelles, Mount Ithaca, Mount Keryoleth, Gules Hills, Vert
Plateau, Temple of Berthe, Tybell
Decoy Cap
Description: Magical cap that attracts wild beasts by drawing their
attention to the wearer.
Resistances: Strike +1
Cost: (300)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
NOTE: This cap increases the chances of encounters by neutral enemies.
Description: Headband adorned with iron plates to protect its wearer.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 40
Shop: Volmus Mine, Mount Keryoleth, Barpheth
Leather Hat
Description: Popular leather headpiece.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 40
Shop: Mylesia, Gunther Piedmont, Gules Hills
Description: Broad, conical hat which protects the wearer from rain and
Stat Change: DEX+1
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 50
Shop: Zenobian Border
Pointy Hat
Description: Cone-shaped leather hat with a wide brim. The witch's
Stat Change: INT+1
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 100
Shop: Alba, Audvera Heights
Hannya Mask
Description: The mask of Hannya, female demon portrayed as the
incarnation of agony, hatred and rage.
Stat Change: MEN+2, AGI+2
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: 180
Shop: Barpheth
See Also: Crenel Canyon II, Reward
Burning Band
Description: Headband made from the whisker of a firedrake. It
protects its wearer from cold.
Resistances: Strike +3, Fire -2, Water +5,
Element: Flame
Cost: (250)
Ice Bandanna
Description: Magical bandanna woven with the breath of a snow spirit.
Resistances: Strike +3, Fire +5, Water -2
Element: Water
Cost: (250)
Celestial Veil
Description: Beautiful veil that protects the wearer from darkness,
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Strike +4, Holy -4, Dark +8
Effect Invalid: Petrify
Element: Virtue
Cost: (550)
Red Branch
Description: Hat with red branches attached like antlers. It sharpens
the wearer's concentration.
Stat Changes: DEX+10
Resistances: Strike +5, Wind -1, Earth +4
Element: Wind
Cost: (950)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Helms --
Can be used by: Fighter, Knight, Berserker, Phalanx, Paladin, Black
Knight, Cataphract, Dragoon, Centurion(male), Dragon Tamer, Freya,
Centurion(female), Raven
Iron Helm
Description: Iron skullcap that leaves portion of the head unprotected.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 30
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Mylesia, Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Fair
Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia, Blue Basilica, Latium
Bone Helm
Description: Helm modeled after a dragon skull. Mostly ornamental, it
does not offer much protection.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 50
Shop: Zenobian Border, Vert Plateau
Description: Iron helm that covers the entire head; it offers good
protection, but decreases visibility.
Resistances: Strike +4
Cost: 120
Shop: Mylesia, Audvera Heights, Azure Plains, Wentinus, Fair Heights,
Tremos Mountains I, Tremos Mountains II, Temple of Berthe, Ptia,
Blue Basilica
Dragon Helm
Description: Sturdy helm made of dragon skull. Very effective against
dragon attacks.
Resistances: Strike +4, Fire +4
Element: Fire
Cost: 250
See Also: Classes, Dragoon
Baldr Helm
Description: Helm made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: INT+1
Resistances: Strike +5
Cost: 170
Shop: Sable Lowlands, Romulus, Latium
Helm of Thunderclap
Description: Helm fabled to have originated from the war cry of the
thunder god, Thor.
Resistances: Strike +6, Wind -2, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: 410
Shop: Latium
Helm of the Fearless
Description: Helm worn by a swordmaster who has vanquished one hundred
Stat Change: STR+20, AGI-15, DEX+5
Resistances: Strike +6, Holy +3, Dark -1
Element: Bane
Cost: (1550)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Freude Helm
Description: Holy helm, blessed by Filarrh, the sun god, that repels
the power of evil.
Stat Change: MEN+2
Resistances: Strike +7, Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Effect Invalid: Sleep
Cost: (700)
Ogre Helm
Description: Helm forged by the Ogre; It is very heavy, but provides
exceptional protection.
Stat Change: STR+5, INT-5
Resistances: Strike +8, Holy +10, Dark -5
Element: Bane
Cost: (1200)
B. Weapons
Swords --
Can be used by: Fighter, Knight, Paladin, Centurion (male), Centurion
(female), Goblin, Gladiator, Vanguard, General(Magnus), Warrior,
Solidblade, Lycanthrope
Short Sword
Description: Sword popular for its ease of use.
Stat Change: STR+3
Cost: 20
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Gunther Piedmont, Alba
Baldr Sword
Description: Sword forged from Baldr, a metal that increases one's
magical ability
Stat Change: STR+5, INT+3
Cost: 150
Shop: Mylesia, Zenobian Border, Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Romulus
Stone Sword
Description: Sword chiseled from an ancient boulder, believed to
contain the spirit of a god.
Stat Change: STR+7, VIT+5
Resistances: Wind +4, Earth -1
Element: Earth
Cost: 200
Shop: Vert Plateau
Description: Curved single-edged sword with a broad blade designed to
slash the opponent.
Stat Change: STR+8
Cost: 400
Shop: Romulus, Aurua Plains
Sword of Firedrake
Description: A dragon slayer made from the scale of a firedrake.
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Element: Flame
Cost: 300
Shop: Latium
See Also: Mount Ithaca, Reward
Description: Forged by an Elven blacksmith, the blade of this sword
emits an unceasing red glow.
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Water +3
Element: Flame
Cost: 400
Shop: Romulus
Blessed Sword
Description: Baldr sword blessed by a priest.
Stat Change: STR+9, INT+3
Element: Virtue
Cost: 400
Shop: Sable Lowlands, Mount Ithaca, Romulus, Latium
See Also: Highland of Soathon, Reward
Sum Mannus
Description: Sword of lightning made from the scale of a thunder dragon.
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +4
Element: Wind
Cost: 500
Shop: Romulus, Latium
See Also: Dardunnelles I, Reward
Ice Blade
Description: Sword chiseled from unmelting ice.
Stat Change: STR+13
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: 600
Shop: Latium
See Also: Azure Plains, Reward
Description: Bloodthirsty sword which urges the wielder to fight.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Holy +4, Dark -1
Element: Bane
Cost: (850)
Noish's Promise:
Description: The altered form of a young man, who transformed himself
to search for the lost soul of his true love.
Stat Change: STR+15, MEN+11
Cost: (3500)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Adamant Katana
Description: Broad-bladed sabre tempered in the eastern kingdom of
Stat Change: STR+16
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Temple of Berthe I, Reward
Evil Blade
Description: Fiendish sword used by the swordsmen of the netherworld.
Stat Change: STR+17
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -3
Effect: Sleep
Element: Bane
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Capitrium, Reward
Description: A greatsword with an undulating blade, often used for
ceremonial purposes.
Stat Change: STR+18
Cost: (1400)
Description: Holy sword said to have been brought from the heavens by a
fallen angel.
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1500)
Description: The flaming sword of Surt, said to consume the world by
fire at the time of Ragnarok.
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: (1600)
See Also: Ptia, Reward
Nephrite Sword
Description: Sword made of jade which contains the power of unholy
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (1600)
See Also: Blue Basilica, Reward
Description: Sword that holds the power of Notos, the god of the south
wind. One of the four Relics of the Wind.
Stat Change: STR+19, AGI+5
Resistances: Wind -2, Earth +7
Element: Wind
Cost: (1750)
Description: A shining sword of virtue which grants the wielder the
ability to communicate with the gods.
Stat Change: STR+21
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (2100)
See Also: Castle Talpaea, Reward
Description: The sword used by an ancient hero to slay the evil dragon,
Stat Change: STR+22
Cost: (1850)
Greatswords --
Can be used by: Fencer, Sword Master, Dragoon, General(Debonair, Sonic
Blade only), Lord
Bastard Sword
Description: Common, large, double-edged sword designed to do damage by
its sheer size.
Stat Change: STR+6
Cost: 180
See Also: Dardunnelles I, Hidden Items
Description: Daito, exotic long sword of the East, that amplifies its
wielder's power.
Stat Change: STR+7, DEX+3
Resistances: Wind +4, Earth -1
Element: Earth
Cost: (300)
Description: Greatsword with an oversized guard.
Stat Change: STR+9
Cost: 360
Shop: Mount Keryoleth
See Also: Azure Plains, Hidden Items
Glaive of Champion
Description: The legendary warsword of Sigurd.
Stat Change: STR+11
Cost: 500
Shop: Capitrium, Latium
Description: Sacred sword found in the tail of a dragon. It looks
tarnished, but emits bright light when brandished.
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistance: Dark +2
Element: Virtue
Cost: (550)
Description: Daito, exotic long sword of the East, with the power to
create blades of wind.
Stat Change: STR+12, DEX+4
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +4
Element: Wind
Cost: (650)
See Also: Winnea, Hidden Items
Malachite Sword
Description: Sword forged in the netherworld that freezes what it hits.
Stat Change: STR+12
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: (650)
See Also: Winnea, Hidden Items
Description: Forged by an Elven blacksmith, the blade of this
greatsword is made to slay dragons.
Stat Change: STR +13
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: (750)
See Also: Romulus, Reward
Description: Daito, exotic long sword of the East, that becomes engulfed
in flame when brandished.
Stat Change: STR+13, DEX+4
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Element: Flame
Cost: (750)
Description: Sword tempered with lightning by Thor.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: (650)
Description: The lost technology of the ancient Mistralians entrapped
the power of bane in this sword.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -3
Element: Bane
Cost: (700)
Sonic Blade
Description: Legendary long sword carved from a scale of the elder
Stat Change: STR+15
Cost: (1000)
Sword of Tiamat
Description: Dragon slayer made of Tiamat's fang.
Stat Change: STR+15
Cost: (1200)
See Also: Classes, Dragoon
Description: Daito, exotic long sword of the East, whose blade is
bedewed at all times.
Stat Change: STR+17, DEX+5
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Tremos Mountains I, Reward
Description: Two-handed sword made from the claw of the evil dragon,
Stat Change: STR+19
Cost: (1750)
Description: Holy sword, also known as the Demon Slayer, for beheading
countless evil beings.
Stat Change: STR+22
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (2100)
See Also: Celesis, Hidden Items
Ogre Blade
Description: Gigantic weapon forged by the Ogre; its form is too
irregular and unrefined to be acknowledged as a sword.
Stat Change: STR+25, INT-4
Resistances: Holy +15, Dark -10
Element: Bane
Cost: (2550)
See Also: Tybell, Reward
Thrusting Swords --
Can be used by: Dragon Tamer, Dragon Master, Angel Knight, Seraphim
Description: Light, sharp-tipped sword designed to thrust at the joints
in armor.
Stat Change: STR+4
Cost: 30
Shop: Zenobian Border, Vert Plateau
See Also: Crenel Canyon, Hidden Items
Description: Light, sharp-tipped sword with a knuckle guard on its hilt.
Stat Change: STR+6
Cost: 250
Shop: Mount Ithaca, Vert Plateau
See Also: Alba, Reward
Peridot Sword
Description: Sword made from a frozen peridot
Stat Change: STR+7
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: 350
See Also: Tremos Mountains II, Hidden Items
Needle of Light
Description: Thin blade of virtue created by the element of virtue.
Stat Change: STR+7
Resistances: Dark +3
Element: Virtue
Cost: 350
See Also: Classes, Angel Knight
Main Gauche
Description: Dagger used for parrying attacks. It has a peculiar
shape, but is very easy to handle.
Stat Change: STR+8
Cost: 400
Shop: Vert Plateau, Latium, Aurua Plains
Sword of Dragon Gem
Description: Sword chiseled from a Dragon Gem, a jewel with the ability
to communicate with dragons.
Stat Change: STR+13
Cost: (600)
See Also: Blue Basilica, Hidden Items
One-Handed Axe/Hammer --
Can be used by: Berserker, Skeleton, Hawkman, Vultan, Raven, Saturos
Halt Hammer
Description: Hammer used for smashing rocks.
Stat Change: STR+4
Cost: 110
Shop: Volmus Mine, Zenobian Border, Blue Basilica
Description: Small hand axe that can be wielded with relative ease.
Stat Change: STR+5
Cost: 130
Shop: Mylesia, Blue Basilica
See Also: Tenne Plains, Reward
Baldr Club
Description: Cudgel made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+6, INT+3
Cost: 220
Shop: Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights, Blue Basilica
Baldr Axe
Description: Axe made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+7, INT+3
Cost: 300
Shop: Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights, Blue Basilica
Evil Axe
Description: Cursed axe used by demons to behead their foes.
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Holy +3
Element: Bane
Cost: (410)
Flame Flail
Description: The flail of the Order of Alnari which emits heat and
light when swung.
Stat Change: STR+10
Resistances: Water +3
Element: Flame
Cost: 490
Shop: Blue Basilica
See Also: Gunther Piedmont, Reward
Frozen Axe
Description: Silvery axe suited for battle in cold climates, hence its
nickname, Winter General.
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistances: Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: 500
Shop: Temple of Berthe, Aurua Plains
Aqua Hammer
Description: The beautiful hammer told to have arisen from the tear of
Basque, god of the sea.
Stat Change: STR+15
Resistances: Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (900)
Description: Hammer that holds the power of Euros, god of the east wind.
One of the four Relics of Wind.
Stat Change: STR+16, AGI+5
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +6
Element: Wind
Cost: (1050)
Axe of Wyrm
Description: Broad-bladed axe designed to slay dragons, often used for
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: (1550)
See Also: Neutral Encounters, Earth Dragon
Celestial Hammer
Description: Holy hammer engraved with the ten commandments of Filarhh,
the sun god.
Stat Change: STR+19
Resistances: Holy -3
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1800)
Bloody Cleaver
Description: Huge, blood-drenched cleaver.
Stat change: STR+21
Resistances: Holy +10, Dark -4
Element: Bane
Cost: (2200)
Description: The axe of flame forged at Muspellheim.
Stat Change: STR+23
Resistances: Fire -5, Water +15
Element: Flame
Cost: (2250)
Two-Handed Axe/Hammer --
Can be used by: Black Knight, Ogre
Description: Pointed hammer designed to puncture armor.
Stat Change: STR+7
Cost: (210)
Satan's Bullova
Description: Large axe resembling a scythe, sucks the soul from its
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Holy +3
Element: Bane
Cost: 360
Shop: Tremos Mountains I
See Also: Sable Lowlands, Hidden Items
Description: Axe found in the fountain located at the very bottom of
the world.
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Fire +3
Element: Water
Cost: (450)
See Also: Fair Heights, Reward
Description: Magical axe that spouts roaring flames at the wielder's
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Element: Flame
Cost: 450
Shop: Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia
Description: Colossal hammer of Thor, the thunder god.
Stat Change: STR+10
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +4
Element: Wind
Cost: (420)
Description: Hammer with the power of earth used by Galf, the general of
the netherworld.
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistances: Wind +4, Earth -1
Element: Earth
Cost: (550)
Paua Hammer
Description: Hammer that draws out the full potential of its wielder.
Stat Change: STR+13
Cost: (600)
Description: Axe that holds the power of Boreas, god of the north wind.
One of the four Relics of Wind.
Stat Change: STR+17, AGI+5
Resistances: Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Ptia, Reward
Description: Huge wooden club carved from the branch of Yggdrasil, the
world tree.
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Wind +10, Earth -4
Element: Earth
Cost: (1700)
Rune Axe
Description: Axe engraved with runic inscriptions.
Stat Change: STR+21
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (2000)
Heavy Axe
Description: Steel axe capable of splitting a large tree in two with a
single stroke.
Stat Change: STR+23
Cost: (2350)
See Also: Tybell, Hidden Items
Dagda's Hammer
Description: Hammer which arose from the blood of Dagda, god of life
and death. One of the Arcane Instruments of Bane.
Stat Change: STR+26
Resistances: Holy +15, Dark -5
Effect: Paralyze
Element: Bane
Cost: (2500)
Spears --
Can be used by: Phalanx, Cataphract, Valkyrie, Freya, Blaze Knight,
Rune Knight
Description: Steel, easy to use spear, capable of inflicting large
amounts of damage.
Stat Change: STR+5
Cost: 150
Shop: Dardunnelles, Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains, Temple of Berthe,
Baldr Spear
Description: Spear made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+7, INT+3
Cost: 230
Shop: Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights, Wentinus, Fair Heights,
Tremos Mountains II, Ptia
See Also: Crenel Canyon I, Reward
Thunder Spear
Description: Magical spear with the power of thunder.
Stat Change: STR+7
Resistances: Earth +3
Element: Wind
Cost: 320
Shop: Azure Plains, Temple of Berthe
See Also: Mount Ithaca, Hidden Items
Osric's Spear
Description: Osric, King of Zamora's spear of ice.
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: 410
Shop: Temple of Berthe
Description: Legendary spear discovered in Mount Volcana.
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Element: Flame
Cost: 460
Shop: Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia
Earth Javelin
Description: Javelin that draws power from the earth and enhances the
wearer's ability.
Stat Change: STR+12
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: 550
Shop: Latium
See Also: Volmus Mine, Reward
Description: Spear that holds the power of Zephyros, god of the west
wind. One of the four Relics of Wind.
Stat Change: STR+12, AGI+5
Resistances: Earth +6
Element: Wind
Cost: (750)
See Also: Temple of Berthe, Hidden Items
Description: Spear found in the lair of the dragon, Isebelg.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (650)
Description: Its spearhead is made from the horn of a unicorn, with
divine inscriptions engraved on it.
Stat Change: STR+15, INT+2
Cost: (750)
Lance of Longinus
Description: Lance of damnation that harms even the gods.
Stat Change: STR+16
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1300)
See Also: Barpheth, Hidden Items
Evil Spear
Description: Spear of an evil deity that absorbs grief and despair, and
grants power to its wielder.
Stat Change: STR+17
Resistances: Holy +6, Dark -2
Element: Bane
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Romulus, Hidden Items
Holy Lance
Description: Lance of pure silver, carried by the holy army when they
descended from heaven.
Stat Change: STR+18
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1600)
See Also: Blue Basilica, Hidden Items
Description: Blazing spear tempered with the eternal flame of the
Stat Change: STR+21
Resistnaces: Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: (2000)
See Also: Barpheth, Hidden Items
Description: Rare magical spear with a will of its own.
Stat Change: STR+24, INT+6
Resistances: Holy +10, Dark -4
Effect: Sleep
Element: Bane
Cost: (2300)
Whips --
Can be used by: Beast Tamer, Beast Master
Leather Whip
Description: Whip made of a sturdy strip of leather.
Stat Change: STR+4
Cost: 60
Shop: Volmus Mine, Capitrium
Rupture Rose
Description: Whip of thorns made from a crimson rose.
Stat Change: STR+5
Cost: 120
Shop: Sable Lowlands, Capitrium
Whip of Exorcism
Description: Whip that imparts evil thoughts to those it strikes.
Commonly used by priests of the occult.
Stat Change: STR+7
Cost: 210
Shop: Whip of Exorcism
Scourge of Thor
Description: Thor's whip that calls lightning when wielded.
Stat Change: STR +9
Resistances: Earth +3
Element: Wind
Cost: (380)
Holy Comet
Description: Sacred whip that leaves trails of pure white light when
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (410)
Blood Whip
Description: Whip used by vampires to capture virgins.
Stat Changes: STR+13
Resistances: Holy +4, Dark -1
Element: Bane
Cost: (800)
Claws --
Can be used by: Ninja, Ninja Master, Grappler
Iron Claw
Description: Iron claw attached to the forearm, primarily used in hand-
to-hand combat.
Stat Change: STR+5
Cost: 170
Shop: Volmus Mine, Barpheth
Baldr Claw
Description: Claw made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+7, INT+3
Cost: 280
Shop: Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights, Barpheth
Cyanic Claw
Description: Dragon slayer made from the claws of the blue dragon.
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Element: Water
Cost: 320
Shop: Barpheth
See Also: Neutral Encounters, Blue Dragon
Black Cat
Description: Cursed claw imbued with the spirit of a black cat.
Stat Change: STR+11
Resistances: Holy +4, Dark -1
Element: Bane
Cost: (500)
See Also: Tremos Mountains I, Hidden Items; Latium, Reward
Description: Thunder dragon's claw that courses with electricity.
Stat Change: STR+12
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +4
Element: Wind
Cost: (550)
Description: It is said that the wielder of this claw attacks with the
ferocity of a wild beast.
Stat Change: STR+13
Resistances: Wind +4, Earth -1
Element: Earth
Cost: (600)
Description: Demon's claw, tipped with a portion of hell's inferno.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Element: Flame
Cost: (700)
See Also: Latium, Hidden Items
Description: Unique weapon that changes shape according to its wielder's
Stat Change: STR+17, INT+5
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1550)
Bows --
Can be used by: Amazon, Archer, Diana, Gorgon
Short Bow
Description: Small, light wooden bow that is portable and easy to
handle, but lacks strength.
Stat Change: STR+3
Cost: 30
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Gunther Piedmont, Alba
Great Bow
Description: Long bow reinforced with yak horn.
Stat Change: STR+4
Cost: 90
Shop: Mylesia, Gunther Piedmont, Mylesia, Gules Hills
See Also: Tenne Plains, Hidden Items
Baldr Bow
Description: Bow made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+6, INT+3
Cost: 160
Shop: Mount Keryoleth, Gules Hills
Description: Bow of pure silver, carried by the holy army when they
descended from heaven.
Stat Change: STR+7
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: 270
Shop: Mount Keryoleth, Gules Hills
Bow of Sandstorm
Description: Legendary bow of the ancient kingdom of Habiram. Its
arrows never miss their mark, even in a sandstorm.
Stat Change: STR+8
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: 420
Shop: Gules Hills, Aurua Plains
See Also: Sable Lowlands, Reward
Bow of Thunderbolt
Description: Bow of the thunder god Thor. The arrow becomes engulfed
in lightning and penetrates the foe.
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: (490)
See Also: Tremos Mountains I, Hidden Items
Composite Bow
Description: Bow made from many materials, giving it more flexibility
and durability.
Stat Change: STR+10
Cost: (550)
See Also: Neutral Encounters, Gorgon
Conflagrant Bow
Description: Blessed by the goddess of flame, this bow shoots explosive
Stat Change: STR+12
Resistances: Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: (620)
Bow of Tundra
Description: Found within a massive block of ice, this bow freezes its
targets instantly.
Stat Change: STR+14
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (700)
Description: Crescent-shaped bow used by a maiden to shoot an arrow to
the heavens to deliver a love letter.
Stat Change: STR+15, DEX+4
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (850)
Ji'ygla's Bow
Description: Great bow made from the bone of Ji'ygla, who was promised
eternal pleasure in exchange for his soul.
Stat Change: STR+16, INT-2
Resistances: Holy +10, Dark -4
Effect: Petrify
Element: Bane
Cost: (1150)
See Also: Barpheth, Reward
Maces --
Can be used by: Cleric, Priest
Light Mace
Description: Light, compact mace that is easy to wield.
Stat Change: STR+2, INT+3
Cost: 30
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Celesis
See Also: Volmus Mine I, Reward
Baldr Mace
Description: Mace made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: STR+3, INT+5
Cost: 180
Shop: Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights, Celesis
Description: Mace blessed by Holp, the god of wisdom, with the power to
pulverize the forces of evil.
Stat Change: STR+3, INT+13
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1550)
See Also: Argent, Hidden Items
Celestial Mace
Description: Holy mace that emits white light from the jewel mounted in
its head.
Stat Change: STR+4, INT+9
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (600)
Staves --
Can be used by: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Lich, Warlock
(Hemlock only)
Scipplay Staff
Description: Staff carved from the Scipplay Cypress tree.
Stat Change: STR+1, INT+3
Cost: 20
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Alba, Audvera Heights
Arc Wand
Description: Wand favored by experienced spellcasters, which enhances
the user's magical ability.
Stat Change: STR+3, INT+5
Cost: 150
Shop: Azure Plains, Wentinus
See Also: Mylesia I, Reward
Description: Staff carved from an ancient tree, whose roots spread
throughout the continent of Zeteginea.
Stat Change: STR+3, INT+11, MEN+1
Resistances: Wind +6, Earth -2
Element: Earth
Cost: (800)
Description: Staff of Hermes with two serpents intertwined around it.
Stat Change: STR+4, INT+7
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -3
Element: Bane
Cost: (330)
See Also: Neutral Encounters, Black Dragon
Description: Staff with a feather of the eagle Hraesvelg on its tip. It
grants the holder mastery over wind.
Stat Change: STR+4, INT+7
Resistances: Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: 340
Shop: Aurua Plains
See Also: Mount Keryoleth I, Reward
Description: Staff which converts the magical power of its wielder into
blades of ice.
Stat Change: STR+4, INT+10
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (750)
Description: Staff made in the likeness of Jormungand, the gigantic
serpent the encircles the world.
Stat Change: STR+4, INT+15
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: (2100)
Description: Silver staff, told to have formed from the severed arm of
Nuadu, that heightens its wielder's wisdom.
Stat Change: STR+5, INT+12
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1400)
See Also: Aurua Plains I, Hidden Items
Description: The staff that spews forth flame and incinerates evil.
Stat Change: STR+6, INT+8
Resistances: Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: (420)
Dolls --
Can be used by: Doll Master, Enchanter
Description: Wooden doll, articulated with steel.
Stat Change: STR+5
Cost: 120
Shop: Alba, Tremos Mountains I, Argent
See Also: Gunther Piedmont, Hidden Items
Description: Peculiar doll resembling a jester that conceals numerous
Stat Change: STR+7
Cost: 320
Shop: Mount Ithaca, Tremos Mountains I, Argent
See Also: Audvera Heights, Reward
Heaven's Doll
Description: Angel doll very popular among children.
Stat Change: STR+9
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (430)
Doll of Curse
Description: A cursed soul is entrapped in this doll.
Stat Change: STR+10
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -3
Effect: Paralyze
Element: Bane
Cost: (600)
See Also: Blue Basilica, Hidden Items
Lia Fail
Description: Statue set with the Stone of Destiny that confirms the
sentience of a god.
Stat Change: STR+13
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (900)
Gallant Doll
Description: Doll given as a birthday present. Its power reflects the
battalion leader's.
Stat Change: STR+Magnus/20, VIT+Magnus/20, INT+Magnus/20,
MEN+Magnus/20, AGI+Magnus/20, DEX+Magnus/20
Element: Same as Magnus'
Cost: (20)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Fans --
Can be used by: Princess
Battle Fan
Description: Sturdy fan made of iron plates.
Stat Change: STR+4
Cost: (750)
See Also: Gules Hills I, Hidden Items
Description: Ceremonial heart-shaped fan.
Stat Change: STR+7, AGI+5
Resistances: Holy -1, Dark +4
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1250)
See Also: Tybell, Hidden Items
C. Spellbooks --
Can be used by: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Princess,
Lich, Warlock
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of one's
guardian diety into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+1
Cost: 100
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Audvera Heights, Azure Plains, Wentinus
Book of Wind
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of the
wind god, Harnella, into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Wind -1, Earth +4
Effect: Changes spells to Wind Elemental
Element: Wind
Cost: 200
Shop: Alba
Book of Flame
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of the fire
god, Zoshonel, into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Fire -1, Water +4
Effect: Changes spells to Fire Elemental
Element: Flame
Cost: 200
Shop: Alba
Book of Earth
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of the earth
god, Berthe, into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Wind +4, Earth -1
Effect: Changes spells to Earth Elemental
Element: Earth
Cost: 200
Shop: Alba
Book of Water
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of the water
god, Grueza, into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Fire +4, Water -1
Effect: Changes spells to Water Elemental
Element: Water
Cost: 200
Shop: Alba
Book of Bane
Description: Book of incantations that channels the power of Asmodee,
the God of Death, into magical spells.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Holy +4, Dark -1
Effect: Changes spells to Bane Elemental
Element: Bane
Cost: 300
Shop: Audvera Heights
Description: Rare tome written by the ancient Drakonites. It casts a
shower of flame to the earth.
Stat Change: STR-2, INT+10
Resistances: Fire -5, Water +10
Effect: Changes spells to Annihilation
Element: Drakonite
Cost: Starts at 30000 and increases by 20 every day up to 60000
Shop: Alba
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Meteor Strike
Description: Rare tome written by the ancient Drakonites. It calls
forth a meteor from the heavens.
Stat Change: STR-2, INT+10
Resistances: Wind +10, Earth -5
Effect: Changes spells to Meteor Strike
Element: Drakonite
Cost: 50000
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items; Dardunnelles, Aftermath
Description: Rare tome written by the ancient Drakonites. It summons a
violent thunderstorm.
Stat Change: STR-2, INT+10
Resistances: Wind -5, Earth +10
Effect: Changes spells to Tempest
Element: Drakonite
Cost: (50000)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
White Mute
Description: Rare tome written by the ancient Drakonites. It
instantaneously freezes the atmosphere.
Stat Change: STR-2, INT+10
Resistances: Fire +10, Water -5
Effect: Changes spells to White Mute
Element: Drakonite
Cost: (50000)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
D. Shields
Small Shield --
Can be used by: Fighter, Valkyrie, Freya, Centurion (female), Blaze
Knight, Rune Knight
Round Shield
Description: Small wooden shield attached to the forearm with a strap.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 20
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Gunther Piedmont, Dardunnelles, Alba
Description: Small metal shield used primarily to parry attacks.
Resistances: Strike +5
Cost: 40
Shop: Azure Plains, Temple of Berthe
See Also: Volmus Mine, Hidden Items
Electric Shield
Description: Small shield blessed with the blood of Nue, the thunder
beast, that increases the power of wind.
Resistances: Strike +8, Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: 150
Shop: Tremos Mountains I, Latium
See Also: Fair Heights, Hidden Items
Flame Shield
Description: Small shield forged by Efreet, the Flame Djinn, that
increases the power of flame
Resistances: Strike +8, Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: 150
Shop: Latium
Terra Shield
Description: Small shield of the Dryad, the forest nymph, that
increases the power of the earth
Resistances: Strike +8, Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: 150
Ice Shield
Description: Small shield made by Firbolg, the frost giant, that
increases the power of water.
Resistances: Strike +8, Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: 150
Starry Sky
Description: Shield emblazoned with the celestial map. The brilliance
of its stars keeps darkness at bay.
Resistances: Strike +12, Holy -12, Dark +50
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1900)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Shield --
Can be used by: Knight, Phalanx, Paladin, Cataphract, Centurion (male),
Angel Knight
Hallowed Shield
Description: Wooden shield made from the holy tree of Berthe that
protects the wielder from status changes.
Resistances: Strike +6, Wind +2
Effect Invalid: Poison, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify
Element: Earth
Cost: (2250)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Kite Shield
Description: Metal shield with the bottom half narrowed for increased
maneuverability in combat.
Resistances: Strike +8
Cost: 70
Shop: Mylesia, Romulus
Large Shield
Description: Large, circular shield. It is heavy, but allows the
wielder to block attacks with ease.
Resistances: Strike +10
Cost: 180
Shop: Dardunnelles, Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia
Dragon Shield
Description: Shield made of dragon scales.
Resistances: Strike +10, Fire +7
Element: Flame
Cost: (260)
See Also: Auderva Heights, Hidden Items
Baldr Shield
Description: Shield made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Strike +12
Cost: 250
Shop: Sable Lowlands, Romulus
Shield of Nue
Description: Shield with the power of Nue, the thunder beast. When
struck, it produces a sound similar to a beast's roar.
Resistances: Strike +12, Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: 500
Shop: Latium
See Also: Fort Romulus, Hidden Items
Shield of Inferno
Description: Shield with the power of flame trapped deep within the
Resistances: Strike +12, Wind +2, Fire -3, Water +7
Element: Flame
Cost: 500
Shop: Blue Basilica, Latium
See Also: Mylesia II, Reward
Crystal Guard
Description: Beautiful shield made of a transparent, crystal-like
Resistances: Strike +12, Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (500)
Saint's Shield
Description: Shield inscribed with King Oberon's name, granting
additional protection to the wielder.
Stat Change: MEN+4
Resistances: Strike +15, Holy -5, Dark +15,
Effect Invalid: Paralyze
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1750)
See Also: Tybell, Hidden Items
Tower Shield
Description: A cumbersome rectangular shield which, in return, provides
good protection.
Resistances: Strike +16
Cost: 350
Shop: Wentinus, Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia
Ogre Shield
Description: Shield forged by the Ogre; it is very heavy, but provides
exceptional protection.
Stat Change: STR+10, INT-5
Resistances: Strike +20, Holy +10, Dark -5
Element: Bane
Cost: (2100)
E. Body Armor
Light Armor --
Can be used by: Fighter, Berserker, Fencer, Beast Tamer, Ninja,
Sword Master, Beast Master, Ninja Master, Amazon, Archer, Dragon Tamer,
Diana, Dragon Master, Hawkman, Vultan, Raven, Saturos, Gorgon
Cloth Armor
Description: Armor fashioned from thick cloth. Its loose design is
very comfortable.
Stat Change: MEN+2, DEX+2
Resistances: Strike +1
Cost: 20
Shop: Zenobian Border, Mount Keryoleth
Ninja's Garb
Description: Garment worn by ninjas, with iron plates stitched in.
Stat Change: AGI+2
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: 50
Shop: Volmus Mine, Barpheth
Leather Armor
Description: Armor comprised of layers of leather.
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: 60
Shop: Tenne Plains, Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Gules Hills, Capitrium,
Blue Basilica, Tybell
Chain Mail
Description: Armor made of interlocking metal rings. It is strong
against slashes, but weak against thrusts.
Resistances: Strike +5
Cost: 120
Shop: Tenne Plains, Volmus Mine, Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Vert Plateau
Hard Leather
Description: Armor made of leather hardened in boiling oil.
Resistances: Strike +6
Cost: 150
Shop: Gunther Piedmont, Alba, Highland of Soathon, Audvera Heights,
Mount Keryoleth, Gules Hills, Capitrium, Blue Basilica
See Also: Tenne Plains, Hidden Items
Scale Armor
Description: Leather armor strenghtened with wyvern's scales.
Resistances: Strike +7
Cost: 200
Shop: Mount Ithaca, Vert Plateau
See Also: Audvera Heights, Hidden Items
Ice Chain
Description: Frozen chain mail that protects its wearer by emitting
breaths of cold.
Resistances: Strike +8, Fire +5, Water -2
Element: Water
Cost: (350)
See Also: Celesis, Hidden Items
Thunder Chain
Description: Chain mail charged with lightning that protects its wearer
by periodically discharging electricity.
Resistances: Strike +8, Wind -2, Earth +5
Element: Wind
Cost: (350)
See Also: Celesis, Reward
Flame Leather
Description: Leather armor branded with the seal of flame. It protects
its wearer with a magical coat of flame.
Resistances: Strike +8, Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: (350)
Terra Armor
Description: Hard leather engraved with the symbol of earth. It
provides its wearer with the power of earth.
Resistances: Strike +9, Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: 250
Shop: Gules Hills
Idaten's Mail
Description: Mystical chain that makes its wearer nimble.
Stat Change: AGI+13
Resistances: Strike +11, Wind -3, Earth +7
Element: Wind
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Saint's Garb
Description: Attire tailored by the followers of Light, made from
fabric purified with holy water.
Stat Change: MEN+4
Resistances: Strike +12, Holy -5, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (750)
See Also: Tybell, Hidden Items
Armor --
Can be used by: Phalanx, Valkyrie, Freya, Angel Knight, Seraph, Goblin,
Gladiator(Magnus), Vanguard, Blaze Knight, Rune Knight, Solidblade,
Description: Iron plate that covers only the chest area.
Resistances: Strike +8
Cost: 180
Shop: Dardunnelles, Temple of Berthe
Plate Mail
Description: Iron-plated armor that covers the vital areas of the body.
Resistances: Strike +9
Cost: 210
Shop: Dardunnelles, Fair Heights, Tremos Mountains II, Ptia, Latium
See Also: Volmus Mine II, Hidden Items
Baldr Mail
Description: Plate mail made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's
magical ability.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Strike +11
Cost: 250
Shop: Azure Plains, Temple of Berthe, Latium
See Also: Mount Ithaca, Hidden Items
Titania Mail
Description: Legendary armor stolen from the temple of the faerie queen
Titania. Its wearer's agility is slightly increased.
Stat Change: AGI+4
Resistances: Strike +13
Cost: (750)
See Also: Gules Hills, Hidden Items
Peregrine Mail
Description: Armor created from a feather of Peregrine, the great
winged beast.
Resistances: Strike +15, Wind -4, Earth +10
Element: Wind
Cost: 900
Shop: Latium
See Also: Celesis, Hidden Items
Phoenix Mail
Description: Armor brought to this world by the Phoenix.
Resistances: Strike +15, Fire -4, Water +10
Element: Flame
Cost: (900)
See Also: Temple of Berthe, Hidden Items
Nathalork Mail
Description: Armor made from the thick, rock like hide of the ferocious
Resistances: Strike +15, Wind +10, Earth -4
Element: Earth
Cost: (900)
Hwail Mail
Description: Armor modeled after Hwail, an enormous aquatic monster that
dwells in the Sea of Oberro.
Resistances: Strike +15, Fire +10, Water -4
Element: Water
Cost: 900
Shop: Barpheth
Bloodstained Armor
Description: Armor dyed with black blood to gain the power of
darkness. Evil spirits accompany the armor.
Resistances: Strike +17, Holy +15, Dark -5
Element: Bane
Cost: (1500)
Angelic Armor
Description: Legendary armor worn by the Angel Knight when she
descended from the heavens.
Stat Change: MEN+6
Resistances: Strike +18, Holy -5, Dark +12
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Hidden Items, Latium
Full Body Armor --
Can be used by: Knight, Paladin, Cataphract, Dragoon, Gladiator(Dio),
Warrior, General, Lycanthrope
Plate Armor
Description: Full-body armor consisting of shaped and fitted iron
plates. It is heavy, but the weight is well-distributed over the
entire body.
Resistances: Strike +11
Cost: 230
Shop: Mylesia, Romulus, Latium
Baldr Armor
Description: Plate armor made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's
magical ability.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Strike +13
Cost: 420
Shop: Audvera Heights, Sable Lowlands, Tremos Mountains I, Romulus,
Dragon Armor
Description: Full-body armor made out of a meteorite. It is especially
effective against dragons.
Resistances: Strike +13, Fire +4
Element: Flame
Cost: (800)
See Also: Classes, Dragoon
Heavy Armor
Description: Plate armor reinforced with additional metal plates. It
is very heavy but provides excellent protection.
Resistances: Strike +15
Cost: 650
Shop: Wentius, Fair Heights, Tremos Moutains II, Ptia, Latium
Wind Armor
Description: Magical full-body armor that protects its wearer with a
strong whirlwind.
Resistances: Strike +17, Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Wentinus II, Reward
Description: Mist emitted from this full-body armor hides its wearer
from sight.
Resistances: Strike +17, Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: (1500)
Rune Plate
Description: Baldr armor engraved with runic inscriptions.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Strike +18, Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Fort Romulus, Reward
Description: Armor blessed by the god of hunting. It emits a gentle
light, similar to the moon's.
Resistances: Strike +18, Wind -4, Earth +10
Element: Wind
Cost: (1800)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Southern Cross
Description: Armor said to have been worn by the ancient gods. It is
decorated with the Southern Cross.
Resistances: Strike +20, Holy -1, Dark +3
Element: Virtue
Cost: (2500)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Armor of Death
Description: Full-body armor known to gradually absorb the life essence
of its wearer.
Resistances: Strike +21, Holy +15, Dark -5
Element: Bane
Cost: (1900)
Ogre Armor
Description: Full-body armor forged by the Ogre; it is very heavy, but
provides exceptional protection.
Stat Change: STR+10, INT-5
Resistances: Strike +25, Holy +8, Dark -4
Element: Bane
Cost: (2250)
Diadora's Song
Description: Armor imbued with the spirit of a girl separated from her
lover. Her sorrowful singing can be heard within it.
Resistances: Strike +26
Cost: (3200)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Robes --
Can be used by: Doll Master, Enchanter, Wizard, Archmage, Cleric,
Priest, Skeleton, Ghost, Lich, Warlock
Torn Cloth
Description: Old, torn cloth that offers virtually no physical
Resistances: Strike +1
Cost: 10
Shop: Volmus Mine, Tybell
Description: Long, flowing robe. It is thin and light, but not very
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 30
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Audvera Heights, Tremos Mountains I, Argent
Cleric's Vestment
Description: Garment commonly worn by clerics, providing peace and
serenity to its wearer.
Resistances: Strike +2, Holy -1, Dark +5
Element: Virtue
Cost: 50
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Celesis
Magician's Robe
Description: Robe woven with threads of Baldr, a metal that increases
one's magical ability.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: 120
Shop: Mount Ithaca, Azure Plains, Tremos Mountains I, Argent
See Also: Audvera Heights, Hidden Items
Vestment of Wind
Description: Replica of the robe worn by the Skyfarer, in an ancient
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +4, Wind -4, Earth +10
Element: Wind
Cost: 400
Shop: Celesis
See Also: Capitrium, Hidden Items
Vestment of Flame
Description: Cloak covered with firedrake scales, protecting the wearer
from cold.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +4, Fire -4, Water +10
Element: Flame
Cost: (400)
Vestment of Earth
Description: Magical garment that imparts the power of earth to the
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +4, Wind +10, Earth -4
Element: Earth
Cost: (400)
Vestment of Water
Description: Garment worn by priests of Titania, Queen of the faeries,
blessed by the water elemental.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +4, Fire +10, Water -4
Element: Water
Cost: (400)
See Also: Dardunnelles II, Reward
Robe of the Wise
Description: Robe with crystals attached to it, heightening its
wearer's magical ability.
Stat Change: INT+8
Resistances: Strike +5
Cost: 300
Shop: Sable Lowlands, Celesis
See Also: Highland of Soathon
Phoenix Robe
Description: Robe woven with feathers of the immortal Phoenix.
Stat Change: INT+7
Resistances: Strike +5, Fire -5, Water +15
Element: Flame
Cost: (750)
Cloak of Oath
Description: Cloak worn by those who dedicate their lives as a saint.
Stat Change: INT+7, MEN+5
Resistances: Strike +5, Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Virtue
Cost: (750)
See Also: Romulus, Hidden Items
Robe of Abyss
Description: Robe tainted by an unfathomable darkness from the realm of
this world.
Stat Change: INT+8, MEN+2
Resistances: Strike +5, Holy +50, Dark -17
Element: Bane
Cost: (1750)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Bloodstained Robe
Description: Robe drenched with demon's blood, shrouding everything near
it in darkness.
Stat Change: INT+10, MEN+5
Resistances: Strike +6, Holy +15, Dark -5
Element: Bane
Cost: (1000)
See Also: Gules Hills, Hidden Items
Garments --
Can be used by: Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Princess, Zombie, Vampire
(Count's Garment only), Faerie (Tiny Clothing only), Pumpkinhead
Old Clothing
Description: Tattered clothes which offer virtually no protection to
its wearer.
Resistances: Strike +1
Cost: 10
Shop: Volmus Mine, Tybell
See Also: Tenne Plains, Hidden Items
Tiny Clothing
Description: Palm-sized garment made of cloth.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: (10)
Plain Clothing
Description: Simple garment made of cheap cloth.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 30
Shop: Tybell
Witch's Dress
Description: Dress made for witches, adorned with a magical gem.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: 80
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Alba, Audvera Heights
Count's Garment
Descripton: Elegantly tailored garment for the nobility.
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: (200)
See Also: Classes, Vampire
Pure-White Dress
Description: Pure white dress that only a noble, purehearted woman is
permitted to wear.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +3, Holy +2, Dark +5
Element: Virtue
Cost: 2500
See Also: Classes, Princess
Fur Coat
Description: Expensive coat made from the fur of a carnivorous beast.
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Strike +4
Cost: 250
Shop: Wentinus
See Also: Mount Keryoleth, Hidden Items
Feather Suit
Description: Magical suit woven with feathers of the fabled giant
condor, grants the protection of wind to the wearer.
Stat Change: INT+7
Resistances: Strike +5, Wind -2, Earth +6
Element: Wind
Cost: 400
Shop: Tybell
See Also: Tremos Mountains II, Reward
Description: Crimson garment created with high-tech magic and a new
synthetic material.
Stat Change: INT+7
Resistances: Strike +5, Fire -2, Water +6
Element: Flame
Cost: (400)
Forest Tunic
Description: Dark-green tunic tailored by the elves. It makes the
wearer difficult to find in the forest.
Stat Change: INT+7
Resistances: Strike +5, Wind +6, Earth -2
Element: Earth
Cost: (400)
Misty Coat
Description: Mystical coat decorated with blue crystals that hold the
magical power of water.
Stat Change: INT+7
Resistances: Strike +5, Fire +6, Water -2
Element: Water
Cost: (400)
See Also: Romulus, Hidden Items
Description: Beautiful dress bejeweled with fragments of a shooting
Stat Change: INT+8
Resistances: Strike +7, Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1750)
See Also: Tremos Mountains II, Hidden Items
Spell Robe
Description: Old garment inscribed with undecipherable text, considered
to be worn in a ritual of some sort.
Stat Change: STR-5, INT+15
Resistances: Strike +8, Holy +8, Dark -3
Cost: (1500)
F. Accessories -
Non-class specific Accessories --
Can be used by: Doll Master, Enchanter, Wizard, Archmage, Black Knight,
Sorceress, Cleric, Siren, Priest
Description: Necklace worn by sorcerers.
Stat Change: INT+4
Cost: 40
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Audvera Heights, Mount Ithaca, Azure Plains,
Wentinus, Tremos Mountains I, Argent
Valiant Mantle
Description: Durable mantle made of thick leather. Much effort is
required to pierce it.
Resistances: Strike +3
Cost: (40)
See Also: Classes, Black Knight
Description: Silver cross and beads carried by priests.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Dark +2
Element: Virtue
Cost: 50
Shop: Crenel Canyon, Celesis
Ring of Eloquence
Description: Magic ring that increases the potency of its wearer's
Stat Change: STR-10, INT+10
Cost: 250
Shop: Tremos Mountains I, Argent, Aurua Plains
Bell of Thunder
Description: Cast-iron bell emblazoned with the crest of thunder.
Provdies protection from thunder and lightning.
Stat Change: INT+3
Resistances: Wind -3, Earth +8
Element: Wind
Cost: 250
Shop: Celesis, Latium
Fang of Firedrake
Description: Charm made from firedrake fang. Grants the power of flame
and the protection from heat wave.
Stat Change: STR+3,
Resistances: Fire -3, Water +8
Element: Flame
Cost: 250
Shop: Latium
See Also: Tremos Mountains I, Hidden Items
Naga Ring
Description: Magic ring that taps into the channel of power that runs
deep underground.
Stat Change: STR+5
Resistances: Wind +8, Earth -3
Element: Earth
Cost: 250
Shop: Latium
Snow Orb
Description: Gem carved from the core of a massive unmelting block of
Stat Change: INT+5
Resistances: Fire +8, Water -3
Element: Water
Cost: 250
Shop: Latium
Runic Cape
Description: Cape decorated with the script of a far eastern kingdom.
Resistances: Strike +3, Wind +5, Fire +5, Earth +5, Water +5
Element: Physical
Cost: (550)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Elder's Sign
Description: Charm that grants its wearer vast amounts of knowledge,
told to be as ancient as the gods themselves.
Stat Change: INT+6
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Effect Invalid: Paralyze
Element: Virtue
Cost: (600)
Ring of Branding
Description: Unholy ring used to brand sinners with the insignia of the
Stat Change: STR-6, INT+13
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -6
Element: Bane
Cost: (1350)
See Also: Blue Basilica, Hidden Items
Feather of Archangel
Description: Feather that bestows the protection of an archangel upon
its onwer.
Stat Change: INT+12
Resistances: Holy -5, Dark +15
Element: Virtue
Cost: (1600)
See Also: Celesis, Hidden Items
Description: Legendary red gem that holds the spirit of the Divine
Resistances: Strike +20, Wind +20, Fire +20, Earth +20, Water +20,
Holy +20, Dark +20
Cost: (2550)
See Also: Vert Plateau, Hidden Items
Angel's Brooch
Description: Brooch engraved with an angel, created by a renowned
Resistances: Strike +1, Dark +2
Element: Virtue
Cost: (2700)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Rai's Tear
Description: Jewel worn by a Nirdamese Countess. This gem tells of the
tragic fall of Nirdam.
Resistances: Strike +2
Cost: (3300)
See Also: Miscellany, Rare Items
Class Specific Accessories *cannot be changed* --
Blue Sash
Description: Piece of cloth draped across the shoulders. It is a
traditional Indigan attire.
Stat Change: MEN+1
Resistances: Strike +1
Classes: Gladiator, Vanguard, Warrior, Solidblade, General(Magnus)
Cost: (30)
Description: Sleeveless cloak worn over armor for decorative purpose.
Resistances: Strike +3
Classes: General(Debonair), Lord
Cost: (50)
Glass Pumpkin
Description: Magic pumpkin created by Deneb, the beautiful witch of
Resistances: Holy +1
Classes: Pumpkinhead
Cost: (170)
Bloody Emblem
Description: Emblem worn by the followers of the darkness.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Holy -3, Dark +8
Element: Bane
Classes: Vampire
Cost: (1300)
See Also: Classes, Vampire
Dream Tiara
Description: Crown that rewards its wearer with a noble heart and
healthful body.
Stat Change: INT+4
Resistances: Holy +8, Dark -3
Element: Virtue
Classes: Princess
Cost: (1500)
See Also: Classes, Princess
Ring of the Dead
Description: Magic ring requisite to becoming immortal.
Stat Change: INT+6
Resistances: Holy -4, Dark +10
Element: Bane
Classes: Lich
Cost: (2100)
See Also: Classes, Lich
G. Expendables
Curatives --
Heal Leaf
Description: Leaf of a curative herb that restores 100HP to a character.
Cost: 10
Heal Seed
Description: Seed of a curative herb that restores 300HP to a character.
Cost: 50
Heal Pack
Description: Curative herbs that restore 150HP to all members of a unit.
Cost: 120
Power Fruit
Description: Indigienous fruit that restores some stamina to all
members in a unit.
Cost: 80
Angel Fruit
Description: Wondrous fruit brought to this world by an angel.
Restores stamina to all members in a unit.
Cost: 200
Revive Stone
Description: Concoction made from a cockatrice tail that cures
Cost: 500
Altar of Resurrection
Description: Ancient altar that resurrects the dead.
Cost: 1500
Supplementals --
Champion Statuette
Description: Statuette, modeled after a famous hero, that raises the
owner's experience level.
Cost: (2550)
Cup of Life
Description: Cup that increases the Hit Points of the one who drinks
from it.
Cost: (2550)
Sword Emblem
Description: Emblem that compels the wearer's spirit and raises
their strength.
Cost: (2550)
Bracer of Protection
Description: Bracers that raise vitality and enhance wearer's
resistance to physical damage.
Cost: (2550)
Crown of Intellect
Description: Crown that communicates with the soul and raises the
intelligence of the user.
Cost: (2550)
Mirror of Soul
Description: Mirror that reflects the inner self and raises the
mentality of the user.
Cost: (2550)
Stone of Quickness
Description: Magic stone that enhances the physical attribute and
raises the agility of the user.
Cost: (2550)
Crystal of Precision
Description: Green Crystal that heightens a character's concentration
and raises dexterity.
Cost: (2550)
Goblet of Destiny
Description: Goblet that alters the destiny of the one who drinks from
Cost: (2550)
*NOTE* - What the Goblet of Destiny actually does is change your Luck.
Luck is an invisible stat which factors into critical hits, getting
hit, etc.
Flag of Unity
Description: Flag emblazoned with the battalion's emblem that bolsters
harmony within the unit.
Cost: (2550)
Scroll of Discipline
Description: Lawful scroll that raises the alignment of its reader.
Cost: (2550)
Urn of Chaos
Description: Pandemonium contained in this urn lowers the alignment
of the person who looks into it.
Cost: (2550)
Others --
Quit Gate
Description: Item that warps the fabric of space and transports a unit
back to headquarters.
Cost: 150
Silver Hourglass
Description: Magical hourglass that slows the passage of time.
Cost: (300)
Dowsing Rod
Description: Pair of L-shaped sticks that points to the location where
items are hidden.
Cost: (600)
Love and Peace
Description: Potent magical item that persuades an enemy to join
your army.
Cost: (2000)
H. Valuables
Portable --
Ansate Cross
Description: Cross that switches the gender of a soldier when promoted.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Zenobian Border, Aftermath
Medal of Vigor
Description: Medal that strengthens the leadership of a unit and
hastens the growth of its leader and soldiers.
Effect: Doubles the amount of Soldier Exp gained by the leader of a
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Marching Baton
Description: Baton used to maintain cadence and reduce fatigue when
Effect: Fatigue accumulates more slowly.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Censer of Repose
Description: Censer that generates refreshing scent and accelerates
recovery from fatigue.
Effect: Unit camps for a much shorter time.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Figurine of Sleipnir
Description: Figurine of Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse, that enables
to holder to travel at great speed.
Effect: Unit moves about twice as fast on the map.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Manual of Warfare
Description: Manual written by a renowned military officer, that
confers more experience gained in combat.
Effect: Unit gains double experience.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Mastaba's Barrier
Description: Item known to prevent its owner from becoming undead...
But, does it really?
Effect: Characters in a unit will not become zombies when incapacitated.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Charge Horn
Description: Horn used to command the troops in battle. All interrupt
commands become available at the beginning of combat.
Effect: You can Retreat or use Pedras at the beginning of combat.
Cost: (10)
See Also: Miscellany, Birthdays
Treasures --
Bolt of Silk
Description: Fabric made from the silk of the Sphagnum moth.
Found: Melphy, Dardunnelles, after freeing the Dardunnelles, inquiring
about dresses in Bourdeux, Tennes Plains, and visiting on the 15th of
any month during the day.
Cost: 2000
Description: Meteorite that fell to the surface when this world came
into existence. Dragon armor is made from it.
Found: Melphy, Dardunnelles, after freeing Mount Ithaca, and inquiring
about Dragon Armor in Kynora, and visiting Melphy on the 6th of any
month during the day,
Cost: 450
Letter from Father
Description: It is addressed, "To my dearest daughter, Selena."
...We shouldn't open the letter.
Found: Muji, Gules Hills, after you agree to find the man's daughter.
Cost: (10)
Dragon's Scale
Description: Charm given by the barkeep in Elaine. This is purportedly
a scale of the legendary Divine Dragon.
Found: Elaine, Fair Heights, after you receive the Dragon Helm and
Armor, and talk to the old man in Idorf a second time.
Cost: (640)
Dark Invitation
Description: Those who seek the ring of the lifeless, come to the
tavern near the border. - Keeper of Dark Knowlege
Found: Banna Barra, Celesis
Cost: (10)
Package for Gelda
Description: Package from an old gentleman in Clemona to Gelda. Its
content is unknown.
Found: Clemona, Blue Basilica
Cost: (10)
Letter from Gelda
Description: Letter from Gelda to the old man in Clemona. It is
addressed, 'To whom I hold dear to my heart.'
Found: Tristle, Soathon, after going around the world to deliver the
Cost: (10)
7. Story/Mission Overviews
I haven't done some of the early levels, yet. I'll get back to them
at a later date.
Here's how I set it up...
Location: (Where you are, natch)
Prologue: (Any story played out before the battle)
Strongholds: (The Strongholds, their population, morale, and anything
in any shops)
Enemy Opposition: (The enemy units you'll find in the scene)
Enemy Commander: (The enemy commander, his class, if its special, and
the reward you get from him)
Battle Tactics: (How to survive in this battle)
Epilogue: (Cutscenes that occur after the battle)
Aftermath: (Anything special that can be done in the scene after you
Hidden Items: (Items that can be found in the scene)
Neutral Encounters: (Neutral enemies that can be found, and the items
you get from them)
Note: My formation setups are as such...
----- ----- ----- Back Row
----- ----- ----- Middle Row
----- ----- ----- Front Row
* = Unit Leader
% = Legion Leader
This is how they look as you face them in combat as well, so I decided
to use that format.
Another note: Every shop in the game has these Expendable Items...
Heal Leaf 10
Heal Seed 50
Heal Pack 120
Power Fruit 80
Angel Fruit 200
Revive Stone 500
Quit Gate 150
Abbreviation List -
Sld - Soldiers
Fig - Fighter
Knt - Knight
Bkr - Berserker
Fen - Fencer
Phx - Phalanx
BsT - Beast Tamer
DoM - Doll Master
Nin - Ninja
Wiz - Wizard
Pal - Paladin
BlK - Black Knight
SwM - Sword Master
Cat - Cataphract
BsM - Beast Master
Enc - Enchanter
NnM - Ninja Master
ArM - Archmage
CeM - Centurion (Male)
Dgo - Dragoon
Ama - Amazon
Arc - Archer
DgT - Dragon Tamer
Val - Valkyrie
Sor - Sorceress
Wit - Witch
Cle - Cleric
Dia - Diana
DgM - Dragon Master
Fre - Freya
Sir - Siren
Pri - Priest
CeF - Centurion (Female)
Prn - Princess
Zom - Zombie
Ske - Skeleton
Gho - Ghost
Vam - Vampire
AnK - Angel Knight
Ser - Seraph
Lic - Lich
Haw - Hawkman
Vul - Vultan
Rav - Raven
Pmp - Pumpkinhead
Gre - Gremlin
Fae - Faerie
YgD - Young Dragon
ThD - Thunder Dragon
Que - Quetzalcoatl
RdD - Red Dragon
Flb - Flarebrass
EhD - Earth Dragon
AzD - Azhi Dahaka
BuD - Blue Dragon
Hyd - Hydra
PtD - Platinum Dragon
Bah - Bahamut
BkD - Black Dragon
Tmt - Tiamat
Wyr - Wyrm
Wyv - Wyvern
Hel - Hellhound
Cer - Cerberus
Grf - Griffin
Opi - Opinincus
Coc - Cockatrice
Sph - Sphinx
Gol - Golem
SGo - Stone Golem
BGo - Baldr Golem
Gob - Goblin
Ogr - Ogre
Sat - Saturos
Gor - Gorgon
Grp - Grappler
KtT - Knight Templar
Dae - Daemon
KDa - Knight of Danika
Gen - General
Van - Vanity
SuK - Superior Knight
SoB - Solidblade
TmC - Temple Command
Lyc - Lycanthrope/Werewolf
DkP - Dark Prince
FlM - Flail Monarch
Ove - Overlord
DTm - Death Templar
Lor - Lord
At the opening, your main character stands before Archbishop Odiron at
his graduation ceremony. He asks you your name, the default of which is
"Magnus". He'll then ask you your birthday. This will determine when
your birthday occurs during the game.
Next, he'll ask you six questions. These questions will determine your
starting units.
Each way you answer a question will earn you points for a certain group
of characters for your units.
NOTE: Once again, I've been told these numbers are wrong, so rely on
them at your own risk...
Question 1: "What dost thou hold within thy sword?"
Ardor Passion Vigor Talent Belief Hatred
Warrior 12 16 0 4 16 4
Magic User 16 0 4 8 4 16
Specialist 4 8 12 16 16 4
Tamer 8 12 16 0 4 16
Question 2: "What shalt thou sever with thy sword?"
Hope Greed Order Silence Anarchy Control
Warrior 12 4 12 16 0 4
Magic User 16 8 16 0 4 8
Specialist 4 16 4 8 12 12
Tamer 8 0 8 12 16 16
Question 3: "For what shall thou beseech the gods?"
Triumph Purity Might Valor Trust Sacrfice
Warrior 8 0 16 12 4 8
Magic User 4 16 12 8 8 4
Specialist 16 8 4 0 12 16
Tamer 12 4 0 16 16 12
Question 4: "What shalt thou offer the gods?"
Freedom Glory Love Embrace Truth Lust
Warrior 16 12 0 8 16 4
Magic User 12 8 16 4 4 16
Specialist 4 0 8 16 16 4
Tamer 0 16 4 12 4 16
Question 5: "What dost thou wish for?"
Wealth Serenity Fertility Strife Peace Reform
Warrior 8 12 16 0 4 12
Magic User 4 8 12 16 8 16
Specialist 16 0 4 8 12 4
Tamer 12 16 0 4 16 8
Question 6: "What shalt thou rid from this land?"
Changes Honor Rule Ideal Law Chaos
Warrior 0 4 12 16 16 8
Magic User 4 8 16 0 12 4
Specialist 12 16 4 8 8 16
Tamer 16 0 8 12 4 12
Okay. Add up all your scores from each of the four character
categories. You should have four totals. The highest total will be the
category your first unit is, and will be Unit 1 as listed for each
category. Now, subtract 32 from the highest total, and take the new
highest total, and do the same, this will determine your Unit 2. Then
subtract 32 from the highest unit and continue until you get four units.
Unit 1 -
Warrior: Knight, 2 Fighters, 2 Soldiers
Magic User: Sorceress, 3 Fighters, Soldier
Specialist: Cleric, 2 Amazons, 2 Soldiers
Tamer: Beast Tamer, 2 Fighters, 2 Soldiers
Unit 2 -
Warrior: Archer, Amazon, 3 Soldiers
Magic User: Witch, 2 Amazons, 2 Soldiers
Specialist: Fencer, Fighter, 3 Soldiers
Tamer: Doll Master, Amazon, 3 Soldiers
Unit 3 -
Warrior: Berserker, 2 Soldiers
Magic User: Sorceress, 2 Soldiers
Specialist: Valkyrie, 2 Soldiers
Tamer: Dragon Tamer, 2 Soldiers
Unit 4 -
Warrior: Phalanx, Golem
Magic User: Wizard, Wyrm
Specialist: Cleric, Griffin
Tamer: Beast Tamer, Hellhound
So, for instance, if you picked Ardor, Hope, Purity, Embrace, Serenity,
and Changes, your scores will be 36, 76, 36, 56, respectively, for each
of the categories. Your highest score is 76, so you'll get the Magic
User Unit 1 (Sorceress). Subtracting 32 will get you 36, 44, 36, and
56. This puts Tamer at the top of your list, so you'll get the Tamer
Unit for Unit 2, which is the Doll Master unit. Subtracting another 32
will get you 36, 44, 36, and 24. This gets you a Magic User unit for
Unit 3, which is the Sorceress Unit. Subtracting the last 32 will give
you 36, 12, 36, and 24, which leaves you with a tie. In the case of a
tie, the first category gets honors, so you get the Warrior unit, which
has the Phalanx.
Now, these units (1, 2, 3, and 4) are actually Units 2, 3, 5, and 6 in
your battalion. Unit 1 is Magnus' unit, which has 2 Fighters and
2 Amazons, and Unit 4 is Dio's unit, which has 3 Fighters and an Amazon.
These units will also determine the items you'll start with. You'll
get all of the equipment items for each of the leader classes in the
four units, and you'll also get two items for the next class of the
leader of Unit 1, so if you have a Knight for the leader of Unit 1,
you'll get two Paladin items.
In addition to those unit-specific items, you'll also get three sets of
Fighter equipment, three sets of Amazon equipment, ten Heal Leaves, five
Power Fruits, and an Ansate Cross.
Odiron will ask you one final question:
"What dost thou call on for help?"
Swift Wind
Raging Fire
Solid Earth
Serene Water
This question will determine what Elem Pedra you start with. Which
goes with which should be obvious...
A. Prologue
Casting their gaze on the ground, trudging along...
General Godeslas Branic greets the graduates of the military academy and
welcomes them to the Southern Division. He gives them a dressing down
and hands the reins off to one of his Knights, who names the command
candidates. Magnus is one of them. They're sent to meet with their
advisors. Magnus' advisor is a calm, but strict old man named Hugo
Miller. Hugo gets a good look at him, then dismisses him. He ushers
in the next candidate, Diomedes Rangue, who gets a little miffed at the
old coot, before he realizes he's the advisor. Hilarity ensues...
Scene 1 - The Southern Reaches
Location: Tenne Plains
Prologue: Magnus and Dio arrive and Hugo gives them the battle plans.
They're to go to Theodricus Mine and investigate a problem with the
locals being attacked by wild beasts and bandits.
Magnus is put in charge of the troops. Dio doesn't like this and wants
to fight Magnus. This is actually an important decision in the game,
and can affect whether or not Dio remains in your party. Either way,
Hugo comes by and breaks up the fight.
Zemio: (Starting Location)
Population: 232
Morale: 76
Hou: (Allied, South of Zemio)
Population: 167
Morale: 45
Witch's Hut
Jadd: (Allied, Eastern edge)
Population: 427
Morale: 52
Bandanna 20
Iron Helm 30
Short Sword 20
Short Bow 30
Round Shield 20
Leather Armor 60
Chain Mail 120
Buchanan: (Western edge)
Population: 116
Morale: 38
Mulsuk: (Northwest corner)
Population: 289
Morale: 50
Bourdeux: (Center of Map)
Population: 248
Morale: 71
Billney: (Neutral, South edge)
Population: 212
Morale: 50
Theodricus Mine: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 50
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Wiz02*-----
----- ----- Knt02
Hel02 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Mulsuk
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Wit03*
Grf02 ----- ----- Location: On the crossroads south of Mulsuk
----- ----- Hel02
----- ----- -----
Bkr03*----- ----- Location: Guarding Buchanan
Grf02 ----- -----
----- ----- -----
----- Knt03*----- Location: Charging from Buchanan
Enemy Commander: Stabilo
----- Bkr04*-----
----- ----- -----
Wyr04 ----- ----- Location: Theodricus Mine
Reward: Francisca
Battle Tactics:
Okay. Your first battle. Scared? Don't be. This one's a breeze.
First, send your collective units south to Hou, but send one out to
Jadd to buy a few extra Heal Leaves. Next, send one of your more
Lawful guys to Bourdeux to liberate it. At this point, you should
see your first enemies. You shouldn't have any problems with them.
Next, send anyone up to Mulsuk to liberate it, and one of your more
Chaotic guys to Buchanan to liberate it. After you've taken care of
all the enemies on the map, finish Stabilo and you should be fine.
Forget about Billney. As a neutral town, you'll want to leave them
alone until after the mission's over.
Epilogue: Magnus interrogates Stabilo. He reveals that they were just
a decoy. There's a revolution in town, and they're going to kill
Prince Yumil. Magnus runs off to save him, and Hugo tells him that
they're the only regiment nearby who can save him, so it's up to them.
After Dardunnelles: Head to the town Bourdeux with a female lead unit.
You'll be greeted by a woman who'll explain dressmaking, and how the
market in Dardunnelles carries silk on the 15th day of every month.
After Getting the Bolt of Silk: Go to Billney and talk to the
dressmaker to get the Pure White Dress for 2500 Goth.
Hidden Items:
Baldr Sword: Between Hou and Bourdeux
Altar of Resurrection: Northwest of Bourdeux
Old Clothing: Northeast of Mulsuk
Hard Leather: Midway between Zemio and Mulsuk
Power Fruit: On the road between Hou and Billney
Great Bow: Across the bridge south of Jadd
Heal Leaf: Southeast of Theodricus
Scene 2 - Sparks
Location: Volmus Mine
Prologue: The information is scanty. Hugo knows that Yumil is being
held in this area, he just doesn't know where. You'll have to search
the area and find him.
Saukin: (Starting Location)
Population: 268
Morale: 63
Senal: (South of Saukin)
Population: 65
Morale: 40
Witch's Hut
Dese: (Southwest of Senal)
Population: 251
Morale: 48
Iron Helm 30
Hachigane 40
Short Sword 20
Iron Claw 170
Round Shield 20
Old Clothing 10
Ninja's Garb 50
Chain Mail 120
Berberah: (Neutral, East of Saukin)
Population: 101
Morale: 62
Eldrett: (South of Dese)
Population: 148
Morale: 55
Xeira: (South of Eldrett)
Population: 245
Morale: 58
Bandanna 20
Short Bow 30
Leather Whip 60
Halt Hammer 110
Torn Cloth 10
Leather Armror 60
Ishro: (Southeast of Senal)
Population: 310
Morale: 43
Volmus Mine: (Neutral, East of Xeira)
Population: 50
Morale: 44
Enemy Opposition:
----- Knt03*-----
----- ----- -----
----- YgD02 ----- Location: Guarding Senal
----- ----- -----
----- Cle03*-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Charging from Senal
----- Fig02 -----
----- ----- Cle02
Cle03*----- ----- Location: Charging from Dese
----- ----- -----
Wiz03*----- Wiz01
Sld-- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Dese
----- Knt02*-----
----- ----- -----
Fig02 ----- Fig02 Location: Guarding Ishro
Grf02 ----- -----
----- ----- -----
----- Knt03*----- Location: Guarding Eldrett
Enemy Commander: Qad
----- ----- -----
----- ----- -----
Hel02 ----- BsM04* Location: Volmus Mine
Reward: Leather Whip
Battle Tactics:
During the battle (once you liberate Ishro), you'll see a scene with
Prince Yumil and his bodyguards, Eurynome Rhade and Jeal Veritte.
A Knight will have happened by and will tell them about what happened.
Rhade orders him to kill all the rebels. Rhade's got a nasty attitude.
When one of the (unarmed) Rebels tries to escape, Rhade runs him
through. At this point, it'll become clear that the Enemy Headquarters
is Volmus Mine.
Epilogue: Qad asks why Magnus doesn't kill him. Magnus replies that
it's not his way.
Later, Magnus delivers the tied up Qad to Yumil, Jeal, and Rhade.
Rhade yells at Magnus, wondering why he didn't kill the rebel. Rhade
beats the rebel, telling him that he's the problem with the country.
Rhade decides to kill the rebel as an example. Magnus tries to stop
him, punching Rhade, but he gets knocked aside.
Just as Rhade brings his sword down, a strange knight rushes in and
blocks his blade. A young girl runs up and unties the rebel, ushering
him out. Jeal moves to attack, but another strange warrior stops him.
He calls to someone named Saradin, who paralyzes Rhade and Jeal,
allowing them to make their escape.
Later, the mastermind of the assassination was executed. Later, it
was revealed that the person executed may have been no one important
at all. The rebels' actions intensified, and many people, including
some members of the middle and upper classes, began to question the
aristocracy's motives...
Hidden Items:
Heal Leaf: Forest east of Saukin
Buckler: Northwest of Senal (across river)
Quit Gate: West of Berberah (between highlands and river)
Hard Leather: Southeast of Senal (across bridge)
Light Mace: On the road between Ishro and Eldrett
Heal Leaf: Forest northwest of Xeira
B. Chapter 1
Unable to turn back - speechless and itinerant...
Magnus is summoned to General Godeslas' chamber. Godeslas tells him
that his achievements so far have been admirable, and he's being given
the rank of Captain in the Southern Division, where he will command a
battalion. He's given new orders to go to Crenel Canyon and subdue the
rebels there. Godeslas tells him to set aside his personal feelings,
and do what he needs for his king and country.
Scene 3 - First Assignment
Location: Crenel Canyon
Prologue: Magnus and Dio are introduced to Leia Silvis. There's a
smattering of dialogue, and hilarity ensues.
It's at this point that you can name your company. Go nuts and pick a
cool name. It can't be too long, unfortunately...
Baldera: (Starting Location)
Population: 108
Morale: 84
Kiefer: (Southwestern Corner)
Population: 154
Morale: 28
Scipplay Staff 20
Light Mace 30
Spellbook 100
Robe 30
Cleric's Vestment 50
Witch's Dress 80
Amulet 40
Rosary 50
Movae: (Eastern Edge)
Population: 193
Morale: 44
Boolem: (Western Edge)
Population: 293
Morale: 22
Witch's Hut
Carnot: (Northeastern Area)
Population: 173
Morale: 42
Fort Tuatha: (Northern Edge, Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 4
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Grf03 -----
----- ----- -----
BsT04*----- ----- Location: Guarding Kiefer
----- DgT04*-----
Nin03 ----- -----
----- Nin03 ----- Location: Guarding Movae
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Bkr04*
Gol03 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Boolem
----- ----- Sor03
----- ----- Wiz04*
Sor03 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Carnot
----- ----- -----
Wiz04*----- Wiz02
Sol-- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Boolem
Knt04*----- -----
----- ----- -----
----- ----- EhD03 Location: Guarding Carnot
----- Val04*-----
----- ----- Gre03
Nin03 ----- ----- Location: South of Fort Tuatha
Enemy Commmander: Efeminette
Ama03 Val05*Ama03
----- ----- -----
Fig03 ----- Fig03 Location: Fort Tuatha
Reward: Baldr Spear
Battle Tactics:
You're to split up in this mission. You'll have an extra unit with
Leia's. Send her east to balance things out, because the Valkyrie unit
will come down there, since you'll get east before you get west...
Epilogue: Hugo informs Magnus of the fact that they now have two orders:
Go to Mylesia and escort Prince Yumil, and go to the Zenobian Border
and push back the last of the Revolutionaries there...
Hidden Items:
Breastplate: West of Baldera
Heal Seed: West of Keifer
Plumed Headband: On the road between Baldera and Kiefer
Rapier: On the road between Boolem and Tuatha
Bone Helm: Between Mountains and the river west of Movae
Scene 4 - The Path Diverges
Location: Mylesia
Prologue: We see a flashback, where Magnus' father, Ankiseth Gallant,
kills a man who tried to murder Prince Yumil. Ankiseth is cast out as
a murderer.
Back in reality, Hugo tells Magnus that the purpose of this mission is
to escort Prince Yumil through the area that's now seized by the rebels.
Magnus declines a request to visit the Prince, and leaves, but Dio
stops him, and asks him what his deal is. Magnus tells him that the
Prince is a childhood friend.
Castle Dunkweld: (Starting Location)
Population: 3
Morale: 19
Idorf: (Southeastern Corner)
Population: 229
Morale: 41
Lehoboth: (West of Idorf)
Population: 257
Morale: 69
Tubulk: (West of Dunkweld)
Population: 205
Morale: 31
Witch's Hut
Elgorea: (Northern Area)
Population: 334
Morale: 49
Iron Helm 30
Leather Hat 40
Armet 120
Great Bow 90
Francisca 130
Baldr Sword 150
Kite Shield 70
Plate Armor 230
Phuntua: (East of Castle Burgund)
Population: 288
Morale: 77
Harraive: (Southern Edge)
Population: 396
Morale: 50
Taza: (Northeast of Burgund)
Population: 24
Morale: 47
Castle Burgund: (Enemy Stronghold)
Population: 4
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
BsT06*----- -----
----- ----- -----
Hwk05 ----- Hwk05 Location: Charging from Tubulk
----- ----- -----
Fae05 DoM06*-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Guarding Tubulk
----- Arc05 -----
Wit06*----- -----
----- ----- BsT05 Location: Guarding Lehoboth
----- Knt05 Bkr05
Arc06*----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from Phuntua
----- ----- -----
----- Gre05 Hwk05
----- DgT06*----- Location: Guarding Elgorea
----- ----- -----
Nin05 ----- Cle06*
----- Sld-- ----- Location: Charging from Taza
----- DoM06*-----
----- ----- -----
Sld-- Sld-- Sld-- Location: Guarding Harraive
----- ----- -----
----- ----- -----
ReD05 ----- BsT06* Location: Guarding Phuntua
BuD05 ----- Wiz06*
----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: East of Castle Burgund
Enemy Commander: Zhontac
----- Wiz07*-----
----- ----- -----
Hel06 ----- Grf06 Location: Castle Burgund
Reward: Arc Wand
Battle Tactics:
Yumil's Unit:
----- BlK07 -----
BlK08 Ove02*BlK08 Items: Six Leaves
----- BlK07 -----
Yep. You're going to have to keep Yumil alive for this battle. Just
move early and move often. You'll get there first. If you want to
liberate all the towns in the area, you may have to send a unit over
the highlands to liberate Harraive. The battle shouldn't be difficult.
Go to Elgorea during the course of this battle and you'll run into the
spunky kid, Troi. He'll beg to join your team, so let him on.
If you want to see a neat scene, let Yumil get to Zhontac first.
Epilogue: Yumil and Magnus share a moment where Yumil confesses that he
has no real power, and that he wants to change the world.
Aftermath: Head for the town of Idorf. There, you'll recieve some
valuable information about Dragoons. You'll learn that the ancient
weapon makers left for Burgunny in Gunther Piedmont and Kynora on
Mount Ithaca. After you get the Dragon Helm and Armor, and after you
begin Chapter 3, return here and you'll learn about the Sword of
Return to Elgorea with Troi. There, you'll meet his mom. She'll hand
you the Hallowed Shield.
Hidden Items:
Spellbook: East of Lehoboth
Robe: Peninsula South of Elgorea
Heal Seed: East of Harraive
Witch's Dress: Peninsula midway between Elgorea and Taza
Scipplay Staff: On the road north of Harraive
Pointy Hat: Small patch of plains midway between Burgund and Harraive
Amulet: Southwest corner of the map, across a bridge
Scene 5 - True Intentions
Location: Zenobian Border
Prologue: Battle Plans, and Hugo expresses concern about how the
rebels seem to be leading a bunch of refugees and not concerned about
holding this area.
Ethawella: (Starting Location)
Population: 137
Morale: 47
Bone Helm 50
Jin-gasa 50
Rapier 30
Halt Hammer 110
Baldr Sword 180
Spell Book 100
Cloth Armor 20
Karya: (Neutral, West of Ethawella)
Population: 178
Morale: 50
Witch's Hut
Quelluan: (South of Ethawella)
Population: 256
Morale: 12
Dem Vidro: (South of Laguat)
Population: 68
Morale: 45
Elle: (South of Quelluan)
Population: 210
Morale: 52
Fort Crenel: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 14
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Fen07*----- Nin05
----- Nin05 -----
Nin05 ----- ----- Location: South of Ethawella
BuD05 ----- Val06*
----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: West of Ethawella
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Bkr06*
BuD05 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Quelluan
----- Wiz05 -----
Wiz05 ----- Wiz06*
----- Bkr05 ----- Location: Guarding Laguat
Wyr05 ----- -----
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Bkr06* Location: Charging from Dem Vidro
----- ----- -----
Fae05 DoM06*-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Charging from Elle
Gre05 ----- -----
DgT06*----- Gre05
----- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Elle
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Bkr06*
Gol05 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Dem Vidro
Enemy Commander: Quass Debonair (General)
Sor05 ----- -----
----- Gen08*-----
Knt05 ----- Knt05 Location: Fort Crenel
Reward: Champion Statuette
Battle Tactics:
Just like Crenel Canyon, you'll have to split your units into two
groups to cover all the bases. Since you probably still have seven
units at this point, you'll have to make the call where you want the
extra unit to go.
Epilogue: Debonair concedes the battle to Magnus. He tells him the
point of this battle was to get refugees out of this country and into
Zenobia. Gilbert Oblion, leader of the Beast Division of Zenobia,
shows up and tells Debonair that they're ready to leave. Magnus chases
after them, and runs into the other three people he saw at Volmus.
They are Destin Faroda, Saradin Carm, and Aisha Knudel, heroes of the
Zenobian war. Both Magnus and Destin exchange words about who's right
in this revolution, and Destin and his compatriots depart.
If you've completed both of these missions, a messenger comes up to
Magnus and tells him that the General wants him to return to Akka
Note: You should complete any business you have in Mylesia or the
Zenobian Border, because those areas will be temporarily closed off
Returning to Alba, Magnus speaks to Godeslas, who tells him that the
he is to lead the forces at Volmus Mine, where the leader of the
Revolution, Frederick Raskin, is rumored to be stationed. Rhade gives
Magnus some words of "encouragement", and Magnus leaves.
After the battle, head to Karya, where you'll find a group of hooligans
(Two Fighters and a Berserker) terrorizing a young Cleric. You'll face
off against them in a battle to the death. Once you beat them, (it's
not hard at all) you'll be told by the Cleric to go Dem Vidro. Do so,
and you'll get an Ansate Cross for your troubles...
Hidden Items:
Kite Shield: Southwest of Ethawella
Plate Armor: Midway between Laguat and Quelluan
Baldr Sword: On the road between Quelluan and Elle
Armet: Southeast of Laguat
Power Fruit: South of Laguat
Scene 6 - The Revolutionary Army
Location: Volmus Mine
Prologue: In Akka Castle, Ariosh the Knight runs up to Godeslas,
telling him that the Revolution has captured many strongholds in the
area all at once. Volmus Mine, Mylesia, Crenel Canyon, the Zenobian
Border, and the Tenne Plains were all taken over at once. All that
remains is Alba, Gunther Piedmont, and the Dardunnelles. Godeslas
insists that it can be done if Magnus' group can capture Frederick.
Dese: (Starting Location)
Population: 251
Morale: 48
Iron Helm 30
Hachigane 40
Short Sword 20
Iron Claw 170
Round Shield 20
Old Clothing 10
Ninja's Garb 50
Chain Mail 120
Eldrett: (South of Dese)
Population: 148
Morale: 55
Xeira: (South of Eldrett)
Population: 245
Morale: 58
Bandanna 20
Short Bow 30
Leather Whip 60
Halt Hammer 110
Torn Cloth 10
Leather Armror 60
Volmus Mine: (East of Xeira)
Population: 50
Morale: 44
Senal: (Northeast of Dese)
Population: 65
Morale: 40
Witch's Hut
Ishro: (Southeast of Senal)
Population: 310
Morale: 43
Berberah: (East of Senal)
Population: 101
Morale: 62
Kaezi: (Northwest Corner)
Population: 150
Morale: 66
Saukin: (East of Kaezi)
Population: 268
Morale: 63
Fort Bulan: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 12
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- BkD06
Wit08*----- -----
----- Bkr06 ----- Location: Guarding Senal
----- ----- -----
----- ----- -----
DgT08*----- PtD07 Location: Charging from Suakin
----- Rav07*-----
Hwk06 ----- Hwk06
----- Hwk06 ----- Location: Charging from Mountains north of Dese
----- Wiz06 -----
Wiz06 ----- Wiz07*
----- Bkr06 ----- Location: Charging from north of Suakin
----- ----- Gol05
Cle07*----- -----
----- ----- Gol05 Location: Guarding Suakin
----- PtD06 -----
----- ----- -----
Val07*----- Val06 Location: Guarding Xeira
----- ThD05 -----
----- ----- -----
Ama05 Wiz07*Ama05 Location: Guarding Kaezi
----- ----- BkD06
DoM08*----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging Volmus Mine
Hwk06 ----- -----
----- Fen08*-----
Hwk06 ----- Hwk06 Location: Charging Volmus Mine
----- Hwk06 -----
Knt07*----- Fig05
Fig05 Fig05 ----- Location: Charging Ishro
Wyr05 ----- -----
----- ----- Arc08*
ReD05 ----- ----- Location: Charging Ishro
Enemy Commander: Valna
----- Arc06 Arc06
----- ----- -----
Phx06 Phx08*Phx06 Location: Fort Bulan
Reward: Earth Javelin
Battle Tactics: This mission's a little weird. In most of the other
ones, you started at one end of the map and worked your way to the
other. Here you sort of start in the middle and you can go south and
liberate and also go to the northeast, where the headquarters are.
You'll probably want to do both. The enemy units are pretty evenly
split between north and south. If you have an odd number of units,
send the odd one to the north. When you go south, be careful as you
take units to Ishro and Volmus Mine, since two units will pop right
next to those towns as you get close.
Epilogue: Magnus has a conversation with the captured Frederick about
the future. Dio shows up, announcing that Rhade and Godeslas are here.
Godeslas and Rhade order Magnus to kill Frederick. This is a major
turning point in the game. If you say "I can't do it." you'll take the
sword, and cut Frederick's ropes. If you say "...", Dio will take the
sword for you and do the same. Either way, Dio will hold them off
while you and Frederick make your escape.
Later, Magnus will be talking with Frederick about the decision he just
made. Apparently, you're going to join the Revolutionary Army, and Hugo
and Leia are coming with you. Dio will also come, but only if you said
"I can't do it." If you said "...", you've lost him.
At this point, the route to Alba will close, not that you could do
anything there anyway...
Hidden Items:
Same as Volmus Mine I, but also...
Plate Mail: South of Kazei
Scene 7 - A New Beginning
Location: Gunther Piedmont
Prologue: Frederick commissions Magnus' battalion as a mobile force.
This means you'll be on your own for much of the battle. Your first
mission is to liberate the mine in Gunther, and free the man named
Asnabel Birall, once known as the Iron Hammer of Palatinus.
Takua: (Starting Location)
Population: 263
Morale: 39
Bandanna 20
Iron Helm 30
Leather Hat 40
Short Sword 20
Baldr Sword 150
Short Bow 30
Great Bow 90
Round Shield 20
Leather Armor 60
Chain Mail 120
Hard Leather 50
Mosaka: (Southwest of Takua)
Population: 203
Morale: 73
Burgunny: (Southeast of Takua)
Population: 85
Morale: 47
Witch's Hut
Kinseya: (South of Burgunny)
Population: 159
Morale: 69
Cayes: (South of Mosaka)
Population: 45
Morale: 57
Inekell: (East of Cayes)
Population: 281
Morale: 31
Gunther Mines: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 16
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Val07 ----- Val07
----- ----- -----
----- Val09*Val07 Location: Guarding Burgunny
----- Knt10*Wiz07
----- ----- Wiz07
Knt07 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Mosaka
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- ----- Sld--
----- Phx10*----- Location: Guarding Kinseya
----- Gol07 -----
----- ----- -----
Gol07 ----- BsT08* Location: Charging from south of Kinseya
(after lib. of Burgunny)
----- BsT08*-----
----- ----- -----
Hel06 ----- Hel07 Location: Charging from east of Kinseya
(after lib. of Burgunny)
Hwk07 ----- Fae07
----- ----- -----
Hwk07 ----- Bkr08* Location: Guarding Inekell
Wyr06 ----- -----
----- ----- BsT08*
ReD06 ----- ----- Location: Charging from north of Gunther
----- Gre07 Gre07
BsT08*----- -----
----- ----- Hel07 Location: Charging from north of Gunther
Enemy Commander: Makisi
Wiz07 ----- Wiz07
Bkr07 ----- Bkr07
----- Bkr09*----- Location: Gunther Mines
Reward: Flame Flail
Battle Tactics: Another split-up battle. Get used to these. A lot of
Beast Tamer units will pop up in the highlands. They're Mountain
units, so they'll be faster there.
One thing you should do is head south to Cayes. You'll run into
Asnabel's daughter, Katreda, who'll offer to join your unit. Once you
have her, you can get Asnabel himself once you beat the mission.
Mosaka is Dio's hometown. Head there and his little brother will talk
to him.
Burgunny is home to a manufacturer of Dragon Helms. After learning
about Dragon armament in Idorf, you'll find the Armorer at night getting
drunk in the bar. Go again in the day to find a person who'll tell you
about his wife who lives in Senal at Volmus. Once you go to Senal,
return here and the happy couple will thank you. Go back one more time
to buy a Dragon Helm.
Go to Inekell with Katreda the Cleric and you'll receive the Angel's
Brooch, which was owned by Katreda's mother. It's not that useful, but
it's worth quite a bit of Goth. It MAY have a use, but if it does, I
dunno what it is...
Go to Kinseya with Ansabel the Berserker and you'll receieve the Helm of
the Fearless, which is QUITE nice. This'll be given to you by people
Ansabel was a laborer with.
Hidden Items:
Spellbook: Road South of Mosaka
Power Fruit: South of Kinseya
Witch's Dress: East of Kinseya
Heal Leaf: Southeast of Kinseya
Marionette: Midway Between Cayes and Inekell
Scipplay Staff: Southwest of Gunther Mines
Scene 8 - The Infernal Aura
Location: Dardunnelles, The Crossroads
Romella: (Starting Location)
Population: 120
Morale: 75
Plumed Headband 60
Spear 150
Round Shield 20
Large Shield 180
Breastplate 180
Plate Mail 210
Adigrat: (Neutral, South of Romella)
Population: 169
Morale: 10
Bungasue: (East of Romella)
Population: 192
Morale: 46
Melphy: (North of Romella)
Population: 97
Morale: 61
Ramballene: (Southeast of Bungasue)
Population: 91
Morale: 78
Dardunnelles: (East of Melphy)
Population: 102
Morale: 50
Garu Kaio: (East of Dardunnelles)
Population: 288
Morale: 20
Witch's Hut
Fort Akkisis: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 161
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- DoM08 DoM09*
----- ----- -----
BuD08 ----- ----- Location: Charging from South of Romella
----- Wiz09*Gob10
----- ----- -----
Gob10 ----- Ogr10 Location: Charging from Bungasue
PtD08 ----- Fae10
----- ----- -----
----- Sor09*----- Location: Guarding Melphy
----- BsT09 Gob10
----- ----- -----
Hel08 ----- Gob10 Location: Charging from West of Adigrat
Fig07 Wiz08 -----
----- ----- Fig07
----- Knt08*----- Location: Guarding Bungasue
----- ----- BuD07
ReD07 ----- -----
----- ----- Sor10* Location: Charging from Dardunelles
----- Hwk08 -----
Knt09*----- Fig07
Fig07 Fig07 ----- Location: Guarding Ramballene
----- Wit09*-----
Pmp08 Knt08 Pmp08
Knt08 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Dardunnelles
----- DoM09*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr11 ----- Gol08 Location: Charging East from Garu Kaio
----- ----- -----
----- Bkr08*Gob10
Gob09 ----- Gob09 Location: Charging South from Fort Akkisis
----- ----- BkD08
DoM10*----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Garu Kaio
Enemy Commander: Ariosh
----- Phx08 Knt10*
----- ----- -----
Ogr20 ----- Phx08 Location: Fort Akkisis
Reward: Sum Mannus
Battle Tactics:
Yet another split-up mission. Send one unit south to take care of the
bad guys around Adigrat, and split the rest up to take care of the two
paths, sending more down the middle.
There'll be a small cutscene on the way here. A Revolutionary Soldier
happens upon a few dead Southern Division soldiers. Another calls for
help, and he's being chased by large gray creatures. These are the
eponymous Ogres. They're pretty nasty, especially in this mission,
where their levels will be a couple higher than yours.
Ariosh can be pretty nasty, too, considering that he's hiding behind
a Phalanx and there's a whopping Level 20 Ogre with him. You're going
to want to line up units to attack him.
Odd thing about Ariosh is that, when I attacked him from behind and
lost the battle, he started moving! Weird...
Epilogue: Magnus interrogates his former officer, demanding to know
where the monsters came from. Ariosh mentions the general. Destin
tells Magnus that they may have succumbed to the Infernal Aura. He
asks Ariosh if they came from the netherworld. Ariosh says that the
general sacrificed the people who ate the fruit of the netherworld,
and the Ogres came forth.
In Melphy, if you enter the town on specific days of the month and
times, you'll find a peddler who'll sell you some weird stuff.
1st 9AM-9PM: Altar of Resurrection - 1500 Goth
6th 9AM-6PM: Condrite - After talking to an old man in Kynora, Mt.
Ithaca - 450 Goth
6th 6PM-9PM: Meteor Strike - 50000 Goth
15th 9AM-6PM: Bolt of Silk - After talking to a woman in Bourdeux,
Tenne Plains - 2000 Goth
15th 6PM-9PM: Meteor Strike - 50000 Goth
21st 9AM-6PM: Needle of Light - After Chapter 3 begins - 350 Goth
21st 6PM-9PM: Meteor Strike - 50000 Goth
Hidden Items:
Rosary: Southeast of Melphy (across the river)
Cloth Armor: Forest Northeast of Adigrat
Bastard Sword: Forest East of Adigrat
Heal Seed: Further East of Adigrat
Heal Seed: Midway between Dardunnelles and Bungasue
Heal Leaf: Southwest of Garu Kaio
Altar of Resurrection: West of Ramballene
Jin-gasa: Forest West of Garu Kaio
Iron Claw: On the road between Dardunnelles and Fort Akkisis
Scene 9 - Liberation of Alba
Location: Surprisingly... Alba
Prolouge: Hugo and Magnus talk about how the Central Division cut off
the south to wash their hands of the incident involving the Ogres.
Allada: (Starting Location)
Population: 126
Morale: 55
Bowende: (North of Allada)
Population: 213
Morale: 15
Witch's Hut
Geohel: (East of Allada)
Population: 297
Morale: 87
Bandanna 20
Pointy Hat 100
Scipplay Staff 20
Short Bow 30
Marionette 120
Book of Earth 200
Book of Water 200
Leather Armor 60
Witch's Dress 80
Edepar: (North of Bowende)
Population: 206
Morale: 67
Vertze: (Northeast Corner)
Population: 126
Morale: 87
Iron Helm 30
Short Sword 20
Great Bow 90
Baldr Sword 150
Book of Wind 200
Book of Flame 200
Annihilation 30000 + 20 X Days played up to 60000
Round Shield 20
Chain Mail 120
Hard Leather 150
Naroque: (West of Edepar)
Population: 58
Morale: 68
Akka Castle: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 54
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- Pmp08
----- Wit09*-----
Fig10 ----- Pmp08 Location: Guarding Bowende
Wit08 Wit08 DoM09*
----- ----- -----
Wit08 ----- ----- Location: Charging from South of Edepar
----- Gre09 Gre09
----- Hwk08 -----
----- ----- Phx09* Location: Charging from Naroque
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- ----- Sld--
----- Phx11*----- Location: Charging from Edepar
Sor09*----- -----
Wiz08 Sor08 -----
----- Wiz08 ----- Location: Guarding Edepar
----- ----- Gol08
Cle09*----- -----
----- ----- Gol08 Location: Guarding Geohel
----- Cle08 -----
Cle08 ----- Knt08
----- Knt09*----- Location: Guarding Naroque
----- Wiz09*-----
Gho08 ----- Ske08
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging west from Vertze
----- Knt08 Bkr08
Arc09*----- -----
----- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Vertze
Enemy Commander: Godeslas Branic (Vanity)
----- Van08*-----
Knt08 ----- Val08
Knt08 ----- Val08 Location: Akka Castle
Reward: Estoc
Battle Tactics:
Most of the enemies will come from the north. Send two units to the
east, and the rest to the north. Watch out for the Pumpkinhead unit.
It can get really nasty...
Frederick and Magnus consult on whether or not the right thing has been
done. Frederick tells Magnus to believe in himself.
A few days after the liberation of the Southern Region, the King sent
word that the Western and Eastern Divisions were to eliminate the
Revolution. The Western Division took arms and fought the Revolution
in many minor skirmishes. The Eastern Orthodox Church remained silent.
After finishing, head to Edepar with Magnus. The townspeople there will
present you with the Medal of Vigor.
Hidden Items:
Heal Seed: East of Allada
Spellbook: East of Boewende
Ninja's Garb: North of Boewende
Iron Claw: Northwest of Boewende
Rosary: Northwest of Vertze
Power Fruit: Northwest of Geohel (across the river)
C. Chapter 2
In a world shrouded in darkness, no path can be found...
Ankiseth Gallant and Prince Yumil talk about the future and how Yumil
can please his father. Baldwin interrupts, and brings with him a girl
and a holy sword of the royal family, in honor of him becoming a
general. The girl is to serve his personal needs. She introduces
herself as Mari Callan.
In Akka Castle, Frederick holds a conference with his officers,
including Magnus, Hugo, Destin, Saradin, and Xevec, leader of the
Southern Tigers. They discuss the Western Division's recent animosity
with the appointment of the new general. Xevec suggests freeing the
Bolmaukans being held prisoner in Audvera Heights. This would give
them an edge in fighting the Western Division and Lodis. Magnus
objects, thinking that he's just planning to use them. Xevec seems
to be a little hot-headed, don't you think?
Scene 10 - Idealism and Realism
Location: Crenel Canyon
Prologue: You're passing through the canyon on the way to Mylesia.
Suddenly, you stop on Crenel Canyon! It's an ambush! You've just run
across a huge army! Fortunately, they don't know you're here, yet, so
you have the element of surprise. Don't get cocky though, because they
are in a good position to receive you...
Baldera: (Starting Location)
Population: 108
Morale: 84
Kiefer: (Southwestern Corner)
Population: 154
Morale: 28
Scipplay Staff 20
Light Mace 30
Spellbook 100
Robe 30
Cleric's Vestment 50
Witch's Dress 80
Amulet 40
Rosary 50
Movae: (Eastern Edge)
Population: 193
Morale: 44
Boolem: (Western Edge)
Population: 293
Morale: 22
Witch's Hut
Carnot: (Northeastern Area)
Population: 173
Morale: 42
Fort Tuatha: (Northern Edge, Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 4
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- Wiz10*
----- Gre09 Wiz09
Gre09 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Kiefer
Sor10*----- -----
Wiz09 Sor09 -----
----- Wiz09 ----- Location: Guarding Movae
----- Val09 -----
Nin09 ----- Nin09 Items: Two Leaves
----- Phx10*----- Location: Outside Movae (see Tactics)
----- Val09 -----
Val10*----- -----
----- Knt09 Knt09 Location: Outside Kiefer (see Tactics)
Val09 Val09 -----
Knt09 ----- Knt09
----- Pal11*----- Location: Near Boolem
Wiz09 ----- Wit11*
Hwk09 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- Hwk09 Location: Near Boolem
----- ----- Sor10*
----- Val09 -----
Val09 ----- Val09 Location: Boolem
----- BuD09 -----
----- ----- -----
Nin09 ----- Fen10* Location: Carnot
----- ----- -----
BsT09 ----- BsT09
DoM09 BlK10*DoM09 Location: South of Carnot
----- Wiz09 -----
Wiz09 ----- Wiz10* Items: One Leaf
----- Bkr09 ----- Location: Forest South of Fort Tuatha
Fen11*----- Nin09
----- Nin09 -----
Nin09 ----- ----- Location: Southeast of Fort Tuatha
Enemy Commander: Hagate
Nin09 ----- Nin09
----- NnM11*-----
Fen09 ----- Fen09 Location: Fort Tuatha
Reward: Hannya Mask
Battle Tactics:
Split your battalion into two equal parties. They should be of mixed
alignment, since you'll be facing mixed alignments on both paths.
First, take each of the neighboring towns. Once you do that, have two
units sit on each of these towns while your rest go out north. The
reason for this is because, once you cross the bridge on either side, a
unit will pop up almost right on top of each of the towns you just
The rest of the battle is pretty straightforward. No big surprises,
except for the fact that you're meeting some of your first Master class
units here, specifically the Paladin, the Black Knight, and the Ninja
Master who runs the show.
Epilogue: At this point, you'll realize that you're fighting members of
the Revolutionary Army. These guys are only interested in fighting and
don't like Frederick at all.
Afterwards, you'll see a scene in Prince Yumil's palace. Rhade will
show up and inform the Prince that they have reinforcements from
Lodis. Ankiseth isn't too happy about this, wishing instead to fight
the war in his own way. He rejects the offer, and Rhade goes off to
fight alongside the Lodis crew on his own.
Hidden Items: Same as Crenel Canyon I
Scene 11 - Warriors of the Fallen Kingdom
Location - Mylesia
Prologue: In this assault on Mylesia, you'll be facing off against
Rhade. The troops are well positioned to receive your attack. This
mission is quite similar to the last assault on Mylesia, only you won't
have to worry about the Prince this time...
Castle Dunkweld: (Starting Location)
Population: 3
Morale: 19
Idorf: (Southeastern Corner)
Population: 229
Morale: 41
Lehoboth: (West of Idorf)
Population: 257
Morale: 69
Tubulk: (West of Dunkweld)
Population: 205
Morale: 31
Witch's Hut
Elgorea: (Northern Area)
Population: 334
Morale: 49
Iron Helm 30
Leather Hat 40
Armet 120
Great Bow 90
Francisca 130
Baldr Sword 150
Kite Shield 70
Plate Armor 230
Phuntua: (East of Castle Burgund)
Population: 288
Morale: 77
Harraive: (Southern Edge)
Population: 396
Morale: 50
Taza: (Northeast of Burgund)
Population: 24
Morale: 47
Castle Burgund: (Enemy Stronghold)
Population: 4
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Grf11 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Hwk11 Vul12*Hwk11 Location: SW of Dunkweld
----- Knt13*-----
Grp11 ----- Grp11
----- Grp11 ----- Location: Coming out of Tubulk
Cle12*----- -----
----- Sld-- -----
Fae11 ----- Sld-- Location: Guarding Tubulk
----- Rav12*-----
Hwk11 ----- Hwk11 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Hwk11 ----- Location: Charging from the north near Elgorea
Wyr11 ----- Rav12*
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Wyr11 Location: Charging from the south near Idorf
Fae11 ----- -----
----- Hwk12 ----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits
----- Vul12*Hwk12 Location: Charging from the west near Phuntua
Val11 Val12*Val11
----- ----- -----
Grp11 ----- Grp11 Location: Guarding Lehoboth
----- NnM12*-----
Fen11 Nin11 -----
Fen11 ----- Fen11 Location: East of Phuntua
Gol11 ----- Gol11
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Wiz12*----- Location: East of Phuntua
----- BsT11 -----
BsT12 ----- BsT11
----- BsM13*BsT12 Location: Guarding Puntua
Grp11 ----- Grp11
----- ----- -----
Grp11 Fen12*Grp11 Location: East of Burgund
----- Wit12*-----
Grp11 ----- Grp11
----- Grp12 ----- Location: Guarding Taza
Bkr11 ----- Grp11
----- Pal12*----- Items: Two Leaves
Grp11 ----- Bkr11 Location: West of Taza
Enemy Commander: Eurynome Rhade (Superior Knight)
----- SuK14*-----
Grp11 ----- Grp11
Grp11 ----- Grp11 Location: Castle Burgund
Reward: Shield of Inferno
Battle Tactics:
There are a couple of problems with this battle. The first and most
obvious one is the large amount of enemy units in this battle. The
second is the fact that, as you're reaching your first liberated towns,
three Hawkmen units will come out from the north, south, and west.
Keep a couple of units at the base and a couple more north and south on
the road to intercept.
This area also introduces, among the Beast Master and the Vultan, a
brand new character called the Grappler. This guy is a nasty
physically strong fighter, with a Rend attack in the front and the
middle row, and an attack called Fatal Dance in the back. All are
quite powerful. You'll be facing several of these guys during the
battle, too...
Epilogue: Rhade is a little bitter about losing, as you'd imagine, but,
like the coward you know he is, he runs off, but not without some words
about how much he thinks of the Revolution.
After Wentinus: Return to Idorf to learn about the Sword of Tiamat, the
final piece of equipment needed to become a Dragoon. He'll tell you
it may be in the stomach of Grozz Nuy, the Dragon God. He'll give you a
lead on a barkeep in Elaine in Fair Heights.
Hidden Items: Same as Mylesia I
Scene 12: The Steadfast
Location: The Highland of Soathon
Prologue: Magnus is upest due to Rhade's claims that the Revolutionary
Army is the same as the Western Division, in that they're dragging the
Bolmaukans into the war. Hugo urges him to keep using his sword to
protect, and to put his worries out of his mind...
Fort Celestus: (Starting Location)
Population: 52
Morale: 50
Tristle: (Neutral, West of Celestus)
Population: 243
Morale: 49
Shafferville: (Southeast of Celestus)
Population: 162
Morale: 56
Baldr Mace 180
Baldr Club 220
Baldr Spear 230
Baldr Claw 280
Baldr Axe 300
Hard Leather 150
Cochran: (Western Edge)
Population: 218
Morale: 46
Witch's Hut
Kapiscau: (Center of the Map)
Population: 262
Morale: 17
Jiram: (Southeastern Edge)
Population: 80
Morale: 88
Castle Ziggiveld: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 53
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Grp11 -----
Grp11 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Grp12*Grp11 Location: South of Tristle
----- Rav12*-----
Hwk11 ----- Hwk11
----- Hwk11 ----- Location: Mountains East of Kapiscau
Fae11 Gre12 -----
----- ----- Fae11
----- Phx12*----- Location: Guarding Shafferville
Grp11 ----- Grp11
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Grp11 Fen12*Grp11 Location: Charging from Kapiscau
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Items: Three Leaves
----- Phx14*----- Location: Bridge south of Shafferville
----- ----- -----
BsT11 ----- BsT11
DoM11 BlK12*DoM11 Location: Bridge south of Shafferville (Retreats)
----- Sor11 Sor11
Phx12*----- -----
----- ----- Grp12 Location: Charging from Cochran
----- ----- -----
----- ----- -----
DrT13*----- PtD12 Location: Guarding Jiram
Fae11 ----- -----
----- Hwk12 -----
----- Vul12*Hwk12 Location: Mountains east of Cochran
----- Sor11 Sor11
Phx12*----- -----
----- ----- Grp12 Location: Guarding Kapiscau
----- Val11 -----
Val12*----- -----
----- Knt11 Knt11 Location: Guarding Cochran
Enemy Commander: Ankiseth Gallant (Solidblade)
Val11 ----- Val11
----- SoB14*----- Items: Two Leaves
Knt11 ----- Knt11 Location: Castle Ziggiveld
Reward: Blessed Sword
Battle Tactics:
There are two issues with this battle...
Issue #1: As you progress east, you'll spot the Black Knight unit. As
soon as he sees you, he'll make for the other side of the bridge. As
you touch the bridge, it'll explode. You'll have to take another way
Issue #2: The two flying units. These guys aren't dumb. They'll go
after any liberated strongholds. Be sure to keep a constant eye on
them and try to incapacitate them early.
Other than that, standard tactics apply.
Epilogue: Magnus faces his father, Ankiseth the Steadfast. Neither are
happy with what the other has become. Ankiseth leaves. Magnus returns
to Hugo to find he has three choices now. He can follow orders and go
south to Audvera Heights, where he'll free the Bolmaukans. He can defy
orders and travel north to Mount Ithaca, which will make the upcoming
battle with the main Western Division forces come sooner. He can also
defy orders and head West, to an old Bolmaukan town in the Sable
Later, Yumil dispatches some orders to one of his troops and leaves in
a huff with Mari watching. After he leaves, an old crone teleports in.
She tells Mari that she can be of service to the prince. She does this
by awakening the sleeping power inside her... DUN DUN DUUUUN!
Where to go: Going north will cut the other two areas off. Don't go
north until you've beaten the other two areas, because you'll be
missing out on some good stuff.
Aftermath: Go to Jiram. In this town, either a woman will tell you
about the death of her son's dog, or the kid himself will tell you.
Bring a spare Hellhound to the town with you. If you don't have one,
one can easily be found in the Barrens surrounding town. Return to him
with the Hellhound in a unit and he'll accept the dog (after a couple
of visits) and give you the Pedra of Bane. Very nice...
Also, in Shafferville, an old man will speak of the great Nirdamese
warrior, Vad, who's fighting against the Revolution. Bring Vad back
here and you'll receive the Idaten's Mail.
Hidden Items:
Power Fruit: South of Tristle (across the river)
Ninja's Garb: Piece of Land NW of Shafferville
Witch's Dress: West of Shafferville
Baldr Mace: South of Cochran
Robe of the Wise: Northeast of Kapiscau
Blessed Sword: Southwest of Kapiscau
Book of Flame: East of Kapiscau
Altar of Resurrection: East of Jiram
Scene 13 - Thoughts
Location: Audvera Heights
Before we start: This mission plays out differently if you go to the
Sable Lowlands first. For the sake of argument, we'll consider going
to Audvera Heights first Phase 1, and going to Sable Lowlands before
this Phase 2.
Prologue - Phase 1: Hugo explains to Magnus how the base around the
mines is heavily defended. There won't be much forefront attacking
from the beginning. The priority for the beginning of the battle is
Prologue - Phase 2: The Audvera Mines are liberated, and the enemy
retakes Castle Ziggiveld. They're largely charging from the Castle
Castle Ziggiveld: (Starting Location(1), Enemy Headquarters(2))
Population: 53
Morale: 50
Puld: (West of Ziggiveld)
Population: 147
Morale: 69
Barrow: (Southeast of Ziggiveld)
Population: 241
Morale: 32
Pointy Hat 100
Armet 120
Scipplay Staff 20
Spellbook 100
Book of Bane 300
Robe 30
Witch's Dress 80
Baldr Armor 420
Amulet 40
Naracrete: (South of Ziggiveld)
Population: 67
Morale: 28
Bezelle: (South of Naracrete)
Population: 273
Morale: 78
Baldr Mace 180
Baldr Club 220
Baldr Spear 230
Baldr Claw 280
Baldr Axe 300
Hard Leather 150
Chig Nik: (Southwest of Bezelle, Neutral(2))
Population: 226
Morale: 40
Seldovia: (West of Chig Nik, Neutral(2))
Population: 102
Morale: 21
Audvera Mine: (Enemy Headquarters(1), Starting Location(2))
Population: 103
Morale: 66
Enemy Opposition - Phase 1
BsT BsT Wit*
--- --- Bkr
--- Bkr --- Location: Guarding Barrow
--- Grp BlK*
--- --- DgT
DgT Grp --- Location: Charging from Barrow
----- BlK13*-----
Knt12 ----- Arc12
Knt12 ----- Arc12 Location: Charging from east of Puld
ArM13*----- -----
----- Wiz12 Sor12 Items: Three Leaves
Wiz12 Sor12 ----- Location: Guarding Puld
----- ----- Sir12
Grp12 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Pal14*Grp12 Location: Charging from Naracrete
Grp Enc*Grp
--- --- ---
--- BGo --- Location: Charging from Naracrete
----- ----- Pal12
----- ----- -----
Grp12 Grp13*Grp12 Location: Charging from west of Naracrete
Wit ArM*---
--- --- Wit
Grp Grp --- Location: Charging from Naracrete
----- Wit13*-----
----- ----- Val13
Grp12 Grp12 Grp12 Location: Charging from Naracrete
Knt12 Knt12 Bkr12
----- Pal13*-----
Bkr12 ----- ----- Location: South of Naracrete
----- ----- Pmp12
Arc13*----- -----
----- Fig14 Fig14 Location: Southeast of Naracrete
Wit12 ----- -----
Wit12 Wit12 ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- BlK13*Wit12 Location: South of Naracrete
Grp12 Pri13*-----
----- ----- -----
Grp12 Grp12 Grp12 Location: Guarding Chig Nik
Enemy Commander: Tuzt
----- ----- DoM14*
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
SGo12 ----- Gol12 Location: Audvera Mine
Reward: Fool
Enemy Opposition - Phase 2:
Wit12 ----- -----
Wit12 Wit12 ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- BlK13*Wit12 Location: Charging from Bezelle
----- Wit13*-----
----- ----- Val13
Grp12 Grp12 Grp12 Location: Guarding Bezelle
----- ----- Sir12
Grp12 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Pal14*Grp12 Location: Charging from Naracrete
ArM13*----- -----
----- Wiz12 Sor12 Items: Three Leaves
Wiz12 Sor12 ----- Location: Charging from Puld
Grp12 Pri13*-----
----- ----- -----
Grp12 Grp12 Grp12 Location: Guarding Naracrete
----- ----- Pmp12
Arc13*----- -----
----- Fig14 Fig14 Location: Guarding Puld
Knt12 Knt12 Bkr12
----- Pal13*-----
Bkr12 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Baskirk
----- BlK13*-----
Knt12 ----- Arc12
Knt12 ----- Arc12 Location: Southeast of Castle Ziggiveld
----- ----- Pal12
----- ----- -----
Grp12 Grp13*Grp12 Location: Southwest of Castle Ziggiveld
Enemy Commander: Tuzt
----- ----- DoM14*
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
SGo12 ----- Gol12 Location: Castle Ziggiveld
Reward: Fool
Battle Tactics - Phase 1:
First, put some units out in front as a shield for your base. As you
can see from the opposition list, you'll have a LOT of enemies on you
FAST. Liberate towns slowly, and keep at least two units in your
frontline towns.
BIG HELP: Go to Puld. If you said that you couldn't execute Frederick,
Aisha the Priest will show up, saying she got lost from her unit. It's
a stroke of luck that'll be an incredible help later on. She'll sign
on your crew and you'll be much the better for having her.
For its difficulty, there really isn't much else to the battle. Just
be very careful, as always. Try not to lose anyone, as the nearest
Witch Hut is near the very end of the area. You're probably gonna
want to pick up a Book of Bane, too, in the shop.
Battle Tactics - Phase 2:
The battle is FAR easier in this setup. There are less enemies, for one
Epilogue: Magnus refuses to recruit the Bolmaukans to use in the coming
Hidden Items:
Scale Armor: On the road between Ziggiveld and Puld
Estoc: On the road between Ziggiveld and Barrow
Mirror of Soul: Forest south of Ziggiveld
Magician's Robe: South of Naracrete
Plumed Headband: West of Naracrete
Fool: Midway between Barrow and Naracrete
Book of Water: Northeast of Audvera (between highlands and a river)
Dragon Shield: Northeast of the aforementioned Book of Water
Scene 14 - City of the Past
Location: Sable Lowlands
Prologue: Battle Plans
Temil: (Starting Location)
Population: 273
Morale: 25
Baldr Helm 170
Rupture Rose 120
Blessed Sword 400
Baldr Shield 250
Robe of the Wise 300
Baldr Armor 420
Quills: (South of Temil)
Population: 236
Morale: 36
Kuva: (Northwest of Temil)
Population: 193
Morale: 72
Shichidarui: (West of Temil)
Population: 196
Morale: 16
Cotolus: (Northwest of Shichidarui)
Population: 181
Morale: 69
Prilgi: (Southwest of Shichidarui)
Population: 280
Morale: 25
Witch's Hut
Baimuk: (South of Prilgi)
Population: 157
Morale: 66
Castle Crotal: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 27
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- NnM13*Wiz12
Bkr12 ----- Wiz12
Bkr12 ----- ----- Location: East of Shichidarui
----- Wit13*-----
----- ----- Val13 Items: Five Leaves
Grp12 Grp12 Grp12 Location: Charging from Quills
----- Dia14*-----
Grp12 ----- Grp12
Grp12 ----- Grp12 Location: Guarding Quills
Vul11 ----- Vul11
Vul12 Pal13*-----
Vul12 ----- ----- Location: Southeast of Shichidarui
ArM13*----- -----
----- Wiz12 Sor12 Items: One Leaf
Wiz12 Sor12 ----- Location: Guarding Shichidarui
----- Grp12 -----
Grp12 ----- Rav14*
Grp12 Grp12 ----- Location: Guarding Prilgi
----- Nin12 -----
Nin12 NnM14*Nin12
----- Nin12 ----- Location: Running towards the north (Messenger)
BlK13*Rav12 Rav12
----- Bkr12 ----- Items: Two Leaves
Bkr12 ----- ----- Location: Charging from the North
----- Rav13*-----
Hwk12 ----- Hwk12 Items: Four Leaves
----- Hwk12 ----- Location: Charging from the North
Hwk12 ----- -----
----- Fen14*-----
Hwk12 ----- Hwk12 Location: Charging from the North
Wyr12 ----- Rav13*
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Wyr12 Location: Charging from the North
----- ----- Gre11
Fae11 DgT11*Fae11
----- Gre11 ----- Location: Charging from the North for the base
Hwk12 ----- Hwk12
----- Vul13*-----
Knt12 ----- Knt12 Location: Guarding Cotoltus
PtD12 ----- Fae14
----- ----- -----
----- Sor13*----- Location: Guarding Baimuk
Enemy Commander: Liedel Klein
Sir12 Arc14*Sir12
----- ----- -----
Knt12 Knt12 ----- Location: Castle Crotal
Reward: Bow of Sandstorm
Battle Tactics:
The Ninja Master unit heading north will disappear once it reaches Kua.
After that, five units will pop up in the north. You can go for the
Ninja unit immediately and prevent this, or, if you're up to the
challenge, take on the enemy units. If you go for the latter, you're
going to want to send about four units to cross the mountains.
The rest of the battle isn't too tough. Be sure to pick up the Black
Knight equipment lying around, though, because you're not going to get
another chance.
Getting Liedel: To get Liedel to join you, you're going to need a high
Chaos Frame. To be on the safe side, attack her with a high Alignment
A young Bolmaukan warrior thanks Magnus for his help and tells him to
free the Bolmaukans in the mines in Audvera Heights.
Hidden Items:
Valiant Mantle: On the road between Temil and Shichidarui
Baldr Armor: On the road between Shichidarui and Prilgi
Armet: On the road between Shichidarui and Kuva
Satan's Bullova: West of Cotoltus
Book of Bane: Midway between Quills and Baimuk
Quit Gate: Southwest of Prilgi
Bracer of Protection: Southeast of Prilgi
Scene 15 - Uncertainty
Location: Mount Ithaca
Prologue: Magnus desires to avoid battle with the Western Division.
Just as he and Hugo are discussing how both sides could reach an
agreement, a messenger from the Western Division shows up, that wishes
to discuss terms of peace with the Revolutionary Army, from Prince
Yumil himself. Following this meeting, word of an advancing troop
force reaches the Rev. Army. It appears that Sir Rhade has not had
enough punishment. Time to teach that upstart a lesson.
Cybillgin: (Starting Location)
Population: 91
Morale: 37
Witch's Hut
Cactovich: (Allied, South of Cybillgin)
Population: 289
Morale: 33
Bandanna 20
Plumed Headband 60
Estoc 250
Fool 320
Blessed Sword 400
Magician's Robe 120
Scale Armor 200
Amulet 40
Nakima: (East of Cybillgin)
Population: 226
Morale: 52
Kynora: (Neutral, East of Nakima)
Population: 125
Morale: 25
Lapidz: (Center of Map)
Population: 229
Morale: 82
Bella Cula: (North of Cybillgin)
Population: 123
Morale: 74
Lachook: (East of Lapidz)
Population: 201
Morale: 21
Tilorro: (Northeast of Bella Cula)
Population: 121
Morale: 19
Ketican: (North of Tilorro)
Population: 48
Morale: 11
Fort Gullsvinter: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 122
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Wit13 ArM14*-----
----- ----- Wit13
Grp13 Grp13 ----- Location: Charging from Bella Cula
----- Grp13 BlK14*
----- ----- DgT13
DgT13 Grp13 ----- Location: North of Nakima
Grp13 ----- Grp13
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Grp13 XXX15*Grp13 Location: North of Nakima
----- Rav14*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Fruits
Wyr13 ----- Wyr13 Location: South of Nakima
----- Grf13 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Hwk13 Vul14*Hwk13 Location: West of Bella Cula
Grp13 Enc14*Grp13
----- ----- -----
----- BGo13 ----- Location: West of Bella Cula
----- ----- Grp13
----- ----- Grp13 Items: Six Leaves
Phx13 Cat14*Phx13 Location: North of Nakima
BsT13 BsT13 Wit15*
----- ----- Bkr13
----- Bkr13 ----- Location: Guarding Lachook
Grp13 Pri14*-----
----- ----- -----
Grp13 Grp13 Grp13 Location: Guarding Ketican
Enc14*----- -----
----- ----- -----
Gol13 ----- SGo13 Location: South of Gullsvinter
----- Pri14*-----
Fae13 Sor13 Fae13 Items: Two Leaves, One Fruit
----- ----- Sor13 Location: South of Lachook (See Tactics)
----- NnM14*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Grf13 ----- Wyv13 Location: South of Tilorro (See Tactics)
BlK14*Rav13 Rav13
----- Bkr13 ----- Items: Six Leaves
Bkr13 ----- ----- Location: North of Lachook (See Tactics)
Enemy Commander: Eurynome Rhade (Superior Knight)
Pal13 ----- Pal13
----- SuK16*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Cat13 ----- Cat13 Location: Fort Gullsvinter
Reward: Sword of Firedrake
Battle Tactics:
Okay. You've got a few guys coming at you from the beginning. Watch
the Raven unit down south, so that you can intercept it before it
reaches your allied town.
The north area is oddly sparsely populated, and with good cause,
because, as you approach the bridge, it will be blown, preventing you
from crossing.
The XXX character in the normal enemies is the legendary Grappler,
Vad. Getting him in your party is not as hard as some make it out to
be. First, you have to have at least cleared out the Mines in Audvera
Heights. Next, go north and liberate Ketican to destroy the bridge.
When you go back, Vad won't move from his spot, so just avoid him.
After the scene, he'll join you. Nice.
As you progress inward from the south, you'll be forced to cross the
bridge, as you cross it, three units will spring up from nowhere and
attack (the one's marked on the list). Just bring a bunch of units in
with you and you shouldn't have too much trouble, if you play it
Epilogue: Magnus will see off the oppressed Nirdamese. They return to
their homeland. This means you'll not be seeing Grappler units again.
Afterwards, Destin Faroda will show up, saying he's going to leave the
Revolutionary Army's cause because it's become more about abolishing
the class system than independence from Lodis. If you refused to
execute Frederick, Saradin decides to stay behind to help your cause.
Aftermath: Head to Kynora. If you enter the stronghold during the day,
and if you have spoken to the old man in Mylesia, you'll learn about
Dragon Armor and Condrite. He tells you to go to the Dardunnelles and
get some Condrite so he can make the armor.
Hidden Items:
Baldr Mail: Midway between Kynora and Cactovich
Revive Stone: Pocket of forest inside mountains NW of Cybillgin
Buckler: On the road between Bella Cula and Cybillgin
Arc Wand: On the road between Bella Cula and Ketican
Magician's Robe: Barrens NW of Kynora
Stone of Quickness: Southeast of Ketican
Thunder Spear: On the road NW of Lachook
Book of Earth: South of Tilorro (Across the river)
Scene 16 - A Legendary Land
Location: Mount Keryoleth
If you lost Dio: Rhade swears revenge on the Revolution. Suddenly, Dio,
who was thought to be dead, shows up. He kills Rhade and says he'll
take Rhade's place.
Hugo gives battle plans...
Mursunny: (Starting Location)
Population: 117
Morale: 35
Hachigane 40
Plumed Headband 60
Baldr Bow 160
Ytival 270
Claymore 360
Cloth Armor 20
Hard Leather 150
Natashkan: (East of Mursunny)
Population: 188
Morale: 48
Dolbo: (Distant North)
Population: 43
Morale: 28
Mingan: (Northeast of Natashkan)
Population: 122
Morale: 39
Escaraba: (East of Natashkan)
Population: 66
Morale: 80
Tananna: (Neutral, East of Escaraba)
Population: 160
Morale: 41
Balera: (East of Mingan)
Population: 171
Morale: 81
Gypsanville: (North of Mingan)
Population: 86
Morale: 53
Witch's Hut
Keryoleth: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 31
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
ReD15 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM16* Items: Six Leaves
----- Gob18 Gob18 Location: Charging from Natashkan
Rav15 ----- Cat15
----- Cat15 -----
Rav15 ----- Cat17* Location: Guarding Natashkan
----- Dia16*Pmp15
----- ----- Gre18 Items: Five Leaves
Pmp15 Gre18 ----- Location: Forest west of Dolbo
Cer15 ----- NnM16*
----- ----- -----
----- Nin15 Nin15 Location: Forest west of Mingan
----- BlK16*-----
----- ----- -----
BkD15 ----- Ogr18 Location: Charging from Escaraba
Cok15 ----- Cok15
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Fre17*----- ----- Location: Southeast of Dolbo
Gob17 Sir15*-----
----- ----- Gob17
Ogr17 ----- ----- Location: West of Mingan
----- Rav16*Rav15
DgM15 ----- -----
Rav15 ----- Rav15 Location: South of Mingan
BkD15 ----- Tmt15
----- ----- -----
----- BlK17*----- Location: Guarding Mingan
----- ----- Grf15
Gob18 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- SwM16*Gob18 Location: South of Mingan
Fre15 Fre15 -----
----- ----- Fre17* Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
Val15 ----- Val15 Location: Guarding Gypsanville
----- Sir16*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr18 ----- Wyr15 Location: Guarding Balera
----- Enc16*-----
----- ----- -----
SGo15 ----- BGo15 Location: Southwest of Keryoleth
Dia16*----- Arc15
Arc15 Knt15 -----
----- ----- Knt15 Location: South of Keryoleth
Enemy Commander: Giolse
Gob17 ArM18*-----
----- ----- Gob17 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr17 ----- ----- Location: Keryoleth
Reward: Hraesvelg
Battle Tactics:
First point of note... There's a different enemy standard you're
fighting here. A grinning demon. What could it mean?
You'll have dual problems in this battle. Both to the north and to the
The southern problem is a simple problem of numbers. You've got many,
many units to deal with set up in a wall near Mingan. Still, there's
many exposed leaders, so fight smart and you shouldn't have too many
In the north, you'll face your first Cockatrice unit in this battle.
Cockatrices, in the back row, can petrify your units, and will put them
out of the fight just like that. It costs 500 Goth to revive someone
petrified, too, with a Revive Stone, so it's worth your while to use
this strategy. Equip someone, (Knight or Phalanx) with Troi's Hallowed
Shield, put him with two Golems and send them into battle with the fowl
You're also gonna have some trouble with the Diana unit in the north,
due to the two Pumpkinheads in the unit. Either send in a powerful
spellcasting unit to take out the Diana quickly (who's the only other
significant damage), or send in someone with a Priest. Clerics
probably won't be as useful in this instance.
After these problems are overcome, the mission is easily finished up.
Epilogue: Magnus meets his father. They exchange words and Ankiseth
Gallant challenges his son's motives about this revolution...
Hidden Items:
Fur Coat: On the road between Mursunny and Natashkan
Plate Armor: On the road between Natashkan and Mingan
Book of Wind: Midway between Escaraba and Tananna
Arc Wand: On the road between Gypsanville and Dolbo
Dragon Shield: North of Gypsanville
Silver Hourglass: East of Balera
Revive Stone: Northwest of Mingan (across river)
Scene 17 - Visitors from the West
Location - Azure Plains
Prologue: Simple Battle Tactics on this one...
Remella: (Starting Location)
Population: 63
Morale: 42
Armet 120
Arc Wand 150
Thunder Spear 320
Spellbook 100
Buckler 40
Magician's Robe 120
Baldr Mail 250
Amulet 40
Frattelli: (North of Remella)
Population: 270
Morale: 80
Kegu: (West of Frattelli)
Population: 157
Morale: 14
Witch's Hut
Quellorna: (South of Noistrien)
Population: 129
Morale: 61
Dauphin: (Southwest of Remella)
Population: 112
Morale: 86
Coppermine: (Southwest Corner)
Population: 224
Morale: 83
Drumheller: (South of Remella)
Population: 216
Morale: 58
Fort Noistrien: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 27
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Wyr14 ----- Rav15*
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Wyr14 Location: Guarding Drumheller
Wit14 KtT16*Sir14
Wit14 ----- Sir14
----- ----- ----- Location: Guarding Frattelli
Wiz14 Wiz14 -----
DgM14 ----- DgM14 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- KtT15*----- Location: Charging from Dauphin
Fae14 Gre15 -----
----- ----- Fae14
----- Phx15*----- Location: Guarding Dauphin
Arc14 ----- Arc14
----- KtT15*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal14 ----- Pal14 Location: Charging from Kegu
----- Rav15*-----
Hwk14 ----- Hwk14 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Hwk14 ----- Location: Charging from Mountains (See Tactics)
Wyr14 ----- Rav15*
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Wyr14 Location: Charging from Mountains (See Tactics)
----- Grf14 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Hwk14 Vul15*Hwk14 Location: Charging from Mountains (See Tactics)
----- Rav15*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Wyr14 ----- Wyr14 Location: Charging from Mountains (See Tactics)
Pri14 ----- Pri14
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves
Cat14 KtT16*Cat14 Location: Guarding Kebu
----- Vul15*-----
Vul14 ----- Vul14
Knt14 ----- Knt14 Location: Guarding Coppermine
Wit14 Wit14 DoM15*
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Wit14 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Quellorna
Enemy Commander: Robert
Sir14 Sir14 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal14 KtT16*Pal14 Location: Fort Noistrien
Reward: Ice Blade
Battle Tactics:
A new adversary has joined the mix. You're taking down some members of
the Holy Lodis Army here.
This battle is quite straightforward, actually. You'll get a little
surprise with a new unit, Knight Templar. They're pretty much just a
bit beefier Knight, but not that much.
Also, you'll get a nice surprise when you cross the bridge on the
river. Four flying units will assault your headquarters. Of course,
by now you'll have realized that that was their intention in the first
place, so you'll have some units there, right? ^_^
In the southern reaches, near Coppermine, you may have the pleasure of
running into Sheen Cocteau. He's a Hawkman who considers himself quite
the ladies man. Sign him on.
Epilogue: Same if you took this way first. Nothing if you went here
Aftermath: Not much going on, but if you take Sheen to Frattelli, a
woman there will tell him off...
Hidden Items:
Plumed Headband: Road between Remella and Drumheller
Claymore: Road between Fratelli and Kegu
Quit Gate: Road between Kegu and Fort Noistrien
Ytival: Midway between Dauphin and Quellorna
Bracer of Protection: Southeast of Kegu (across river)
Scene 18 - The Grim Path
Location: Wentinus
Prologue: Magnus is torn between the decision of fighting the Western
Division, with his father and childhood friend at the forefront. Here,
you're given a choice of how you want to proceed. You can follow orders
and fight, or you can try to make peace.
Making peace: Magnus goes to meet his father. There's a small bit of
tension between the two, and they go to the War Room. Just as they're
beginning they're peace agreement, Dio bursts in with news that Yumil
has been arrested for treason. A knight from Lodis took him. Ankiseth
wants to sacrifice himself, but Magnus insists on rescuing him with the
entire group.
Following orders: Simple matter of battle plans.
Salem: (Starting Location)
Population: 140
Morale: 84
Silhouette: (Allied, Northeast of Salem)
Population: 213
Morale: 55
Ellode: (Southeast of Salem)
Population: 122
Morale: 33
Reliance: (North of Salem)
Population: 187
Morale: 18
Parmel: (East of Silhouette)
Population: 99
Morale: 15
Yves Guibiques: (North of Reliance)
Population: 253
Morale: 67
Hopedale: (Northeast of Reliance)
Population: 187
Morale: 78
Cartwright: (East of Hopedale)
Population: 253
Morale: 79
Witch's Hut
Badin: (Neutral, Northeast corner)
Population: 236
Morale: 10
Timmins: (Northern Edge)
Population: 238
Morale: 35
Armet 120
Arc Wand 150
Baldr Spear 230
Spellbook 100
Tower Shield 350
Fur Coat 250
Heavy Armor 650
Amulet 40
Igglurick: (Southeast of Castle Talpaea)
Population: 244
Morale: 12
Castle Talpaea: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 177
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition: (With Ankiseth)
ArM17*----- -----
----- Wiz16 Sor16
Wiz16 Sor16 ----- Location: Guarding Reliance
Knt16 Knt16 Bkr16
----- Pal17*----- Items: Two Leaves
Bkr16 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Cartwright
----- BlK17*-----
Knt16 ----- Arc16 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Knt16 ----- Arc16 Location: Charging from Ellode (for Ankiseth)
----- NnM17*-----
Fen16 Nin16 -----
Fen16 ----- Fen16 Location: Guarding Ellode
Legion 1: Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- CeM17%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, One Fruit
----- Wyv16 ----- Location: Charging from Yves
Fen16 ----- Fen16
----- SwM17*-----
Nin16 ----- Nin16 Position: Right Side
Knt16 BlK18*BlK16
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
BlK16 ----- Knt16 Position: Left Side
Fre16 Fre16 -----
----- ----- Fre18*
Val16 ----- Val16 Location: Guarding Hopedale
Dia16 Wit18*Dia16
----- ----- -----
Cat16 ----- Cat16 Location: Guarding Yves
----- NnM17*Wiz16
Bkr16 ----- Wiz16
Bkr16 ----- ----- Location: Charging from bridge NE of Yves
----- Nin16 -----
Nin16 NnM18*Nin16
----- Nin16 ----- Location: Retreating from Igglurick
Arc16 Arc16 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx16 Cat19*Phx16 Location: Guarding Igglurick
Legion 2: Wedge Shift Formation
----- ----- -----
Sld-- CeF17%Sld-- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from the North
Wyv16 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Rav17*----- Wyr16 Position: Right Side
Pri18*----- -----
----- ----- BGo16
Gol16 ----- ----- Position: Left Side
Enemy Commander: Baldwin Glendale (Temple Command)
Dia16 ----- Dia16
----- TmC19*-----
KtT16 ----- KtT16 Location: Castle Talpaea
Enemy Opposition: (Without Ankiseth)
Knt16 Knt16 Bkr16
----- Pal17*-----
Bkr16 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Cartwright
----- Wit19*Wit16
Pri16 ----- Pri16
----- Pri16 ----- Location: Guarding Silhouette
----- BlK17*-----
Knt16 ----- Arc16 Items: Six Leaves
Knt16 ----- Arc16 Location: Charging from Ellode (for Ankiseth)
----- NnM17*-----
Fen16 Nin16 -----
Fen16 ----- Fen16 Location: Guarding Ellode
Fre16 Fre16 -----
----- ----- Fre18*
Val16 ----- Val16 Location: Guarding Hopedale
Legion 1: Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- CeM17%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, One Fruit
----- Wyv16 ----- Location: Charging from Yves
Fen16 ----- Fen16
----- SwM17*-----
Nin16 ----- Nin16 Position: Right Side
Knt16 BlK18*BlK16
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
BlK16 ----- Knt16 Position: Left Side
Dia16 Wit18*Dia16
----- ----- -----
Cat16 ----- Cat16 Location: Guarding Yves
Arc16 Arc16 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Phx16 Cat19*Phx16 Location: Charging from Igglurick
----- NnM17*Wiz16
Bkr16 ----- Wiz16
Bkr16 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Igglurick
Legion 2: Wedge Shift Formation
----- ----- -----
Sld-- CeF17%Sld-- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from the North
----- ----- -----
Knt16 Pal19*Knt16 Items: Six Leaves
Pal17 ----- Pal17 Position: Right Side
SwM17*----- Bah16
----- ----- -----
NnM16 ----- NnM16 Position: Left Side
Enemy Commander: Ankiseth Gallant (Solidblade)
Dia17 ----- Dia17
----- Sol19*----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
Cat17 ----- Cat17 Location: Castle Talpaea
Reward: Blessed Sword
Battle Tactics (with Ankiseth):
Ankiseth's Unit:
Dia17 ----- Dia17
----- Sol19*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Cat17 ----- Cat17 Location: Silhouette
Ankiseth will start out from Silhouette. He'll proceed along the road
north and will liberate Cartwright, then he'll go to Igglurick to
liberate that, and further on to Castle Talpaea to face Baldwin.
There's nothing you can do to stop him. Just pray he doesn't croak on
the way.
You'll face your first Legion in this battle. Don't panic. Just attack
and you'll see firsthand just how ineffective Legions actually are.
The Legion Core is easily taken out.
You'll face the major concentration of enemies on the west side. The
east will be relatively clear.
Save two or three (preferably three) units to send east to liberate.
Noting the Morale of that area, you're probably going to want them
to be Chaotic for the most part. Cartwright has high Morale, but
Ankiseth will take care of that.
Make sure you stop by Timmins, too, to buy any of the Siren or
Cataphract equipment, because you will NOT be returning here. Don't be
caught off guard by the Legion that shows up to the north, although it
shouldn't present too many problems. (I beat the whole thing back with
one unit)
Battle Tactics: (Without Ankiseth)
Won't have to worry about him, so take your time in this mission.
There are a few extra units to face, but there shouldn't be too much
You'll face your first Legion in this battle. Don't panic. Just attack
and you'll see firsthand just how ineffective Legions actually are.
The Legion Core is easily taken out.
You'll face the major concentration of enemies on the west side. The
east will be relatively clear.
Save two or three (preferably three) units to send east to liberate.
Noting the Morale of that area, you're probably going to want them
to be Chaotic for the most part. Cartwright has high Morale, but
Ankiseth will take care of that.
Make sure you stop by Timmins, too, to buy any of the Siren or
Cataphract equipment, because you will NOT be returning here. Don't be
caught off guard by the Legion that shows up to the north, although it
shouldn't present too many problems. (I beat the whole thing back with
one unit)
Epilogue (With Ankiseth): Baldwin runs off to grab Yumil. As he's
running off with him, Mari stops him, casting a bit of her newfound
power on him. He's intrigued, but she's still no match for him. He
knocks her down and runs off. Magnus arrives to an empty room,
searching for Yumil.
Epilogue (Without Ankiseth): Ankiseth, Magnus, and Yumil wonder why
there is need to fight. Ankiseth tells his son that he's become strong,
and to take Yumil into the Revolutionary Army. Suddenly, Baldwin comes
up behind Ankiseth runs him through. He grabs Yumil and runs off.
Ankiseth dies in his son's arms...
Both Epilogues: Afterwards, there is heated discussion among the
Revoultionary War commanders. The Western Division has ceded itself to
the Revolution, but there's still the problem of the Central Division,
the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Lodis. The Revolution pulls out of
Wentinus soon after it's captured. Wentinus, Azure Plains, and Mount
Keryoleth will no longer be accessible. Therefore, there's no listed
Aftermath, yet.
Hidden Items:
Love and Peace: Road between Ellode and Silhouette
Urn of Chaos: Midway between Yves and Hopedale
Tower Shield: Southeast of Hopedale
Heavy Armor: Road between Cartwright and Timmins
Book of Bane: Road between Cartwright and Badin
Armet: Northeast of Castle Talpaea
Baldr Spear: Road between Igglurick and Timmins
D. Chapter 3:
As time passes, their backs break under their burdens...
Opening: A secret meeting is taking place involving King Procus and his
son, concerning the true power of the Progenitor. It's interrupted by
Sir Richard Glendale of the Caliginous Order, along with his brother
Baldwin, and their advisor, Thamuz Delville, who has delivered a decree
that puts Palatinus under full control of the Holy Lodis Empire.
Magnus, Frederick, Xevec, (and Ankiseth if you have him) are discussing
the situation. Xevec is all for fighting, as it seems to be the
easiest way to achieve victory. Frederick wants to talk peace with the
Central Division, since their strengths are equal.
If Ankiesth's here, then it's at this point, if you have a neutral to
high Chaos Frame, that you can decide whether or not to take Ankiseth
with you. If you refuse, you'll not have the ability to recruit him
Legion FAQ
Before I start, lemme just remind you that Legions will appear in the
Hugo Report, and in the Tutorial, so check there for info.
Q: Why can't I put units in my Legion?
A: You need Soldiers in your Legion Core to add units. This refers to
the fact that you need Soldiers to act as messengers to give order to
units so that you can make formations.
Q: Who can become a Legion Leader?
A: Magnus, Dio, Leia, Ankiseth, Debonair, and Destin can be Legion
Leaders. Also, Centurions can lead Legions. A Princess can, as well.
Q: How can I make a Centurion?
A: Either gender can become a Centurion. Besides the usual stat
requirements, the person you want to be a Centurion has to have
promoted ten Soldiers to either Fighters or Amazons.
And, the big question...
Q: Are Legions worth it?
A: I can answer this with a resounding NO! The Legion is REQUIRED to
maintain formation. The fact that you need to use Soldiers in the Core
makes it very weak. The Centurion himself (or herself) is not a strong
class at all. You can do pretty much the same thing with a small
cluster of units, and you have much more freedom.
Scene 19 - The Setting Sun
Location: Dardunnelles, The Crossroads
Prologue: Battle Plans!
Romella: (Starting Location)
Population: 120
Morale: 75
Plumed Headband 60
Spear 150
Round Shield 20
Large Shield 180
Breastplate 180
Plate Mail 210
Adigrat: (Neutral, South of Romella)
Population: 169
Morale: 10
Bungasue: (East of Romella)
Population: 192
Morale: 46
Melphy: (North of Romella)
Population: 97
Morale: 61
Ramballene: (Southeast of Bungasue)
Population: 91
Morale: 78
Dardunnelles: (East of Melphy)
Population: 102
Morale: 50
Garu Kaio: (East of Dardunnelles)
Population: 288
Morale: 20
Witch's Hut
Fort Akkisis: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 161
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Pri18*SwM16
----- ----- -----
Flb16 ----- SwM16 Location: Guarding Melphy
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- ----- Sld--
----- CeM17 -----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Guarding Bungasue
Rav16 ----- Cat16
----- Cat16 ----- Items: Six Leaves
Rav16 ----- Cat18* Position: Far Left Side
Pal16 Pal18*Pal16
Knt16 ----- Knt16
----- ----- ----- Position: Near Left Side
----- Pri18*SwM16
----- ----- -----
Flb16 ----- SwM16 Position: Near Right Side
Coc16 ----- Coc16
----- ----- -----
Fre18*----- ----- Position: Far Right Side
Wyv16 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Rav17*----- Wyr16 Location: Charging from Southeast Forest
Legion 2 - Funnel Shift Formation
----- ----- -----
Sld-- CeF17%Sld-- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from Dardunnelles
Cle16 Pri18*-----
Knt16 ----- Cle16 Items: Four Leaves
----- Knt16 ----- Position: Right Side
----- Cle16 Cle16
----- ----- -----
Enc17*----- SGo16 Position: Left Side
----- SwM18*-----
SwM16 ----- SwM16
----- Fen16 Fen16 Location: Guarding Ramballene
Pri18*----- -----
----- ----- BGo16
Gol16 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Garu Kaio
Pri17*----- -----
Bkr17 Bkr17 -----
Bkr17 ----- Bkr17 Location: Southwest of Akkisis
Enemy Commander: Ujeanne
----- Pri18*Fre16
Fre16 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, One Stone
----- Pal16 Pal16 Location: Fort Akkisis
Reward: Vestment of Water
Battle Tactics:
Note the Cockatrice unit. Time to bring out your Cockatrice beating
unit. You have been working on one, right?
Send a few guys up north to deal with the second Legion, but keep the
main force on the main path. There are a LOT of Priests in this
lineup, so you may be focusing on spellcasting a lot.
Other than that, there's really not much to this mission. Just watch
out for the Raven unit that tries to sneak up on your base...
Epilogue: Ujeanne reveals that Lodis already here, defending the
Central Division. Magnus and crew decide to go get some help from the
Eastern Orthodox Church.
Afterwards, there's a scene in the East, where a warrior is forced to
be killed, as she's possessed by the devil.
Aftermath: Take Sheen to Garu Kaio, where you'll find a young girl
who will give him the Decoy Cap.
Hidden Items: Same as Dardunnelles I
Scene 20 - Brigade of Radiant Cross
Location: Gules Hills
Prologue: Hugo informs Magnus that Lodis has annexed Palatinus, and
will remain in control until the war is over. Both Magnus and Hugo
realize that all they can do is continue to push forward...
Fort Bergiga: (Starting Location)
Population: 87
Morale: 82
Amdelm: (Neutral, Northeast of Bergiga)
Population: 31
Morale: 87
Leather Hat 40
Plumed Headband 60
Great Bow 90
Baldr Bow 160
Ytival 270
Bow of Sandstorm 420
Leather Armor 60
Hard Leather 150
Terra Armor 250
Kurashino: (Northeast of Amdlem)
Population: 48
Morale: 69
Mezzeni: (Neutral, Southeast Corner)
Population: 61
Morale: 29
Muji: (Midwest Edge)
Population: 182
Morale: 71
Colgeuff: (Mideast Edge)
Population: 215
Morale: 40
Castle Echel: (Northwest Corner)
Population: 95
Morale: 50
Novipoldt: (East of Echel)
Population: 261
Morale: 64
Bellezoppo: (South of Guntherhaal)
Population: 215
Morale: 34
Witch's Hut
Guntherhaal: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 83
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
KtT16 ----- KtT16
----- KtT18*----- Items: Four Leaves
KtT16 ----- KtT16 Location: Charging from Kurashino
Arc16 ----- Arc16
----- KtT18*----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Pal16 ----- Pal16 Location: Charging from Kurashino
----- ----- KtT18*
PtD16 ----- -----
----- ----- Bah16 Location: Charging from Kurashino
Pri16 ----- Pri16
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Cat16 KtT18*Cat16 Location: Charging from Muji
----- ----- Wit16
Wit16 ----- Knt16 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Knt16 ----- Pal17* Location: Guarding Muji
Vul17*----- Wyv16
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Wyv16 ----- Location: Charging from East of Kurashino
----- ----- Opi16
Vul17*----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Gri16 Location: Charging from East of Kurashino
----- Vul18*Fae16
----- ----- Vul16 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Fae16 Vul16 ----- Location: Charging from East of Kurashino
Arc16 Arc16 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx16 Cat19*Phx16 Location: Guarding Castle Echel
Legion 1: Funnel Shift Formation
----- Sld-- -----
----- CeF17%----- Items: Two Leaves, One Fruit
----- Sld-- Sld-- Location: Guarding Novipoldt
EhD16 ----- ThD16
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
----- DgM17*----- Position: Right Side
Wyv16 ----- -----
----- ----- BsT16 Items: Two Leaves
BsT16 BsM17*----- Position: Left Side
Wit16 KtT18*Sir16
Wit16 ----- Sir16 Items: Three Leaves
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from East of Kurashino
Wit16 ----- -----
Wit16 Wit16 -----
----- BlK17*Wit16 Location: Guarding Bellezoppo
Fre16 KtT18*Fre16
----- ----- -----
KtT16 ----- KtT16 Location: Charging from Guntherhaal
Dia16 Dia16 Dia16
----- KtT18*-----
----- ----- Cat16 Location: Charging from Guntherhaal
Enemy Commander: Pruflas Watts (Temple Command)
Fre16 ----- Fre16
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
KtT16 TmC19*KtT16 Location: Guntherhaal
Reward: Heavy Armor
Battle Tactics: Deploy your units, because the enemy will be out in
force right away with four Templar units and three Vultan units on you
in the first ten minutes of battle. If you've leveled up enough,
problems should be minimal. Once you get rid of those units, there's
surprisingly very few others. Just watch for the extra Templar units
that pop up near Pruflas as you close in on him.
Epilogue: Mari finds Yumil in the garden he said goodbye to Magnus in.
He explains to her that he wants power. He wants to be strong to rule
Palatinus. He feels he has nothing to help him as opposed to Ankiseth
and Magnus. Mari can't believe what she's hearing, then Baldwin
interrupts. He explains that Yumil has the power of the Progenitor
deep inside him. If he used that power, even Lodis would kneel before
him. Before he leaves, he addresses Mari, telling her that she should
stay away from him, and that goes for Zeda, too. (The woman who gave
Mari her power). After he leaves, Yumil says he wants the power of the
Progenitor, and Mari pledges herself to help him find it.
Aftermath: Go to Muji and you'll speak to a man who wants you to find
his daughter in the Volmus Mine. Go to Volmus Mine and a woman will
tell you she went to Mount Ithaca. Go to Cactovich, Mount Ithaca and
you'll find the girl, who'll then give you the Pedra of Virtue.
Hidden Items:
Stone Sword: Road between Bergiga and Muji
Altar of Resurrection: Road between Amdelm and Mezzeni
Book of Bane: South of Colgeuff (across bridge)
Quit Gate: North of Novipoldt (between two mountains)
Dragon Shield: Road between Bellezoppo and Colgeuff
Titania Mail: Forest Northeast of Castle Echel
Bloodstained Robe: Road between Castle Echel and Novipoldt
Battle Fan: Southwest of Bellezoppo (across river)
Scene 21 - The Eastern Orthodox Church
Location: Fair Heights
Prologue: Magnus, Dio, and Leia discuss how Lodis is also in the area
of the Eastern Orthodox Church. After the battle plans, Leia wonders
why she was summoned to the meeting. Hugo explains that a friend of
hers is here. The girl, a Siren, enters. Her name is Meredia O'Kiefe,
and she explains how Count Silvis (Leia's father) is supportive of the
Revolution, like some other members of the Central Division. She also
asks to join your party.
Dibnoe: (Starting Location)
Population: 298
Morale: 35
Iron Helm 30
Armet 120
Spear 150
Baldr Spear 230
Prox 450
Volcaetus 460
Large Shield 180
Tower Shield 350
Plate Mail 210
Heavy Armor 650
Boulli: (North of Dibnoe)
Population: 116
Morale: 65
Inze: (Northwest of Boulli)
Population: 193
Morale: 81
Danillor: (Northeast of Boulli)
Population: 142
Morale: 53
Rajisk: (North of Danillor)
Population: 259
Morale: 44
Elaine: (Northwest of Rajisk)
Population: 190
Morale: 25
Castle Gramm: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 266
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Arc17 Arc17 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx17 Cat20*Phx17 Location: Guarding Boulli
Wiz17 ArM19*Wiz17
----- ----- ArM17 Items: Two Leaves, One Fruit
----- ArM19*----- Location: North of Boulli
----- ----- Vul17
----- Pal18*Hwk17 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Vul17 Hwk17 ----- Location: North of Boulli
Fre17 Fre17 -----
----- ----- Fre19* Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Val17 ----- Val17 Location: Northwest of Boulli
Wyv17 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Rav18*----- Wyr17 Location: Charging from Mountains east of Inze
----- Que17 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
DgM17 DgM19*DgM17 Location: Charging from Daniloff
Knt17 BlK19*BlK17
----- ----- -----
BlK17 ----- Knt17 Location: Guarding Inze
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
----- CeM18%-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, One Fruit
----- Sld-- ----- Location: Guarding Daniloff
----- Enc18*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
SGo17 ----- BGo17 Position: Right Side
Grf17 ----- Opi17
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- Fre18*----- Position: Left Side
Coc17 ----- Coc17
----- ----- -----
Fre19*----- ----- Location: Guarding Rajisk
Bah17 ----- Phx17
----- ----- -----
----- Cat18*Phx17 Location: South of Castle Gramm
----- Pal17 Pal17
Cat17 ----- Cat17
----- Cat19*----- Location: Guarding Elaine
----- ----- -----
Knt17 Pal20*Knt17
Pal18 ----- Pal18 Location: Southwest of Castle Gramm
Enemy Commander: Jeal Veritte
----- BlK19*-----
Cat17 ----- Cat17 Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
Cat17 ----- Cat17 Location: Castle Gramm
Reward: Urdarbruun
Battle Tactics:
Yeah. You get a lot of units thrown at you, but it's a really very
straightforward. If you've been keeping on top of levels, this mission
is a snap. Don't forget about the Cockatrice unit.
Epilogue: Hugo and Magnus learn that the Eastern Orthodox Church is
under control of the Central Division now. Hugo discusses three
possible routes. One goes to the Tremos Mountains (22), where there
aren't any expected encounters (yeah, right), the other goes straight
into Capitrium (23), where the battalion is sure to run into the
Eastern and Central Divisions, and there's also the possibility of Vert
Plateau, where a Berthan Sentinel has been sighted (21).
Where to go: If you go to the Vert Plateau, you will then afterwards
have to go Capitrium, and Tremos will not be available. If you go to
Capitrium, you will then have to go to Vert Plateau. If you go to
Tremos Mts., the other two will disappear.
Part of the Dragon Quest: After you have the Dragon Helm and Armor, and
have talked to the old man in Idorf again, go to Elaine, and you'll be
given the Dragon Scale and told that Grozz Nuy is in Pinneg, Celesis.
If you have Liedel, go to Inze after finishing this scene, and a former
member of her unit will give her the Red Branch.
Hidden Items:
Electric Shield: On the road to Boulli
Crystal of Precision: On the road south of Daniloff
Cup of Life: In between two sets of mountains southeast of Inze
Angel Fruit: In between Elaine and Castle Gramm
Altar of Resurrection: By the river bank east of Rajisk
Bloodstained Robe: Between the mountains and the river south of Daniloff
Stone of Quickness: To the north of the point where the three rivers
Scene 22 - Suspicion
Location: Vert Plateau
Prologue: Battle plans
Sagith: (Starting Location)
Population: 79
Morale: 47
Bone Helm 50
Plumed Headband 60
Rapier 30
Stone Sword 200
Estoc 250
Main Gauche 400
Chain Mail 120
Scale Armor 200
Estergum: (Northwest of Sagith)
Population: 81
Morale: 52
Chrisalouis: (West of Estergum)
Population: 208
Morale: 71
Queshay: (North of Estergum)
Population: 179
Morale: 19
Fort Hillervich: (Northwest of Chrisalouis)
Population: 141
Morale: 72
Dossoll: (Northeast of Queshay)
Population: 122
Morale: 14
Sarisk: (Northwest of Queshay)
Population: 234
Morale: 13
Witch's Hut
Marrilaife Castle: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 77
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
PtD19 ----- Bah19
----- ----- -----
DgM20*----- ----- Location: Guarding Estergum
BkD19 ----- Tmt19
----- ----- -----
----- BlK21*----- Location: Charging from north of Estergum
Hyd19 ----- BsM19
----- ----- -----
BsM19 BsM21*----- Location: Guarding Chrisalouis
EhD19 ----- ThD19
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- DgM20*----- Location: Charging from Queshay
Sor19 ----- Sor19
----- Fre21*----- Items: Four Leaves, One Fruit
Fre20 ----- Fre20 Location: Charging from Queshay
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
----- CeF20%-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Charging from north of Queshay
----- ----- SwM20*
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
YgD19 ----- Opi19 Position: Near Right Side
----- Wiz19 -----
Wiz19 Wiz22*Wiz19 Items: Three Leaves
----- Wiz19 ----- Position: Near Left Side
----- Que19 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
DgM19 DgM21*DgM19 Position: Far Right Side
AzD19 ----- EhD19
----- ----- -----
----- ----- Enc20* Position: Far Left Side
Hyd19 ----- -----
----- ----- Fre20* Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
BuD19 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Fort Hillverich
----- ----- DgM20*
Flb19 ----- -----
----- ----- ReD19 Location: Guarding Sarisk
----- Enc20*-----
----- ----- -----
SGo19 ----- BGo19 Location: Southwest of Marrilaife Castle
Enemy Commander: Fourierre
Bah19 ----- DgM21*
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Stones
----- PtD19 ----- Location: Marrilaife Castle
Reward: Sword of Dragon Gem
Battle Tactics:
The enemy's level has taken a bit of a jump here. This could cause
some problems. Also of note is the fact that there are several
venerable dragons in the ranks of the enemy. Be careful who you send
where and watch their HP.
Going to Fort Hillverich with Magnus will allow you to meet up with
the Berthan Sentinel, Europea. She'll explain how the enemies in this
area are after her, and she asks for your help. After Magnus agrees
(automatic), she'll set out on her own for the Castle.
Europea's Group:
Fre19 ----- Fre19
----- CeF20*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Pal19 ----- Pal19
Epilogue: (Taking Europea)
The enemy commander doesn't say much. Europea agrees to tell the
Revolutionary Army all she knows about the Eastern Orthodox Church and
what has been going on there. She also offers to join the battalion.
(She doesn't have to kill the enemy commander for getting her to join)
AFter you finish this mission, Tremos Mountains will no longer be
Aftermath: Take Europea back to Fort Hillverich and a lady there will
give you the Starry Sky, a Small Shield.
Hidden Items:
Dragon Helm: On the road between Fort Hillverich and Chrisalouis
Scroll of Discipline: Midway between Estergum and Fort Hillverich
Book of Bane: Midway between Sarisk and Queshay
Book of Bane: Midway between Queshay and Dossoll
Heal Pack: Directly east of Queshay in the forest
Firecrest: Small cul-de-sac of Plains northwest of Queshay
Cyanic Claw: Patch of Barrens west of Sarisk
Scene 23 - The Mercenaries
Location: Tremos Mountains
Prologue: While the troop marches toward Celesis, they're intercepted
by a band of mercenaries hired by the enemy.
Salavaat: (Starting Location)
Population: 169
Morale: 63
Bandanna 20
Armet 120
Marionette 120
Fool 320
Satan's Bullova 360
Electric Shield 150
Robe 30
Magician's Robe 120
Baldr Armor 420
Amulet 40
Ring of Eloquence 250
Corpino: (Northwest of Salavaat)
Population: 81
Morale: 87
Fort Vitzdar: (Northeast of Salavaat)
Population: 253
Morale: 57
Schime: (North of Vitzdar)
Population: 44
Morale: 44
Coongul: (North of Fort Bertuga)
Population: 295
Morale: 87
Witch's Hut
Fulmanobo: (Neutral, Northwest of Fort Bertuga)
Population: 288
Morale: 19
Orremah: (Southwest of Fort Bertuga)
Population: 212
Morale: 53
Fort Bertuga: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 40
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Legion 1: Dual Wedge Formation
Sld-- ----- Sld--
----- CeF24%----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Charging from south of Corpino
SwM24*----- Bah23
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
NnM23 ----- NnM23 Position: Near Right
Arc23 Arc23 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx23 Cat26*Phx23 Position: Near Left
Dia23 Wit26*Dia23
----- ----- -----
Cat23 ----- Cat23 Position: Far Left
NnM23 ----- -----
----- Pmp23 SwM25* Items: Six Leaves
NnM23 Pmp23 ----- Position: Far Right
Legion 2: Dual Wedge Formation
----- CeF24%-----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Location: Charging from South of Fort Vitzdar
Vul23 Vul24*-----
----- ----- Vul23 Items: Two Leaves
Fre23 Fre23 ----- Position: Near Right
----- Enc24*-----
----- ----- -----
SGo23 ----- BGo23 Position: Near Left
----- NnM24*-----
----- ----- -----
Fri23 ----- Wyv23 Position: Far Left
----- SwM25*-----
SwM23 ----- SwM23 Items: Six Leaves
----- Fen23 Fen23 Position: Far Right
Haw23 ----- Vul23
----- SwM24*Vul23
----- ----- Haw23 Location: Guarding Coongol
Wit23 ----- Wit23
----- Fen25*-----
Fen23 ----- Fen23 Location: Across the Bridge near Fort Bertuga
Knt23 BlK25*BlK23
----- ----- -----
BlK23 ----- Knt23 Location: Guarding Corpino
Fen23 ----- Fen23
----- SeM24*----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Nin23 ----- Nin23 Location: Guarding Fort Vitzdar
Enemy Commander: Kageiye
NnM23 ----- -----
Fen23 ----- NnM23 Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
----- SwM25*Fen23 Location: Fort Bertuga
Reward: Yu-giri
Battle Tactics: It's clobberin' time. The enemies levels have take a
major jump here, and you're surrounded by two Legions from the get go.
This is easily the hardest mission in the game.
Don't panic. Since you should have ten units, send four to the north,
four to the east, and leave two at your headquarters. There's a good
chance you'll lose a couple of characters during the course of this
The good thing about the whole ordeal, is that once you finish with the
two Legions, you're home free.
There's a special character here, if you're interested. Go to Corpino,
and you'll learn about the "Devil Child". Go to Coongul, and you'll
meet him. He'll be moping over his friend, who's been turned to stone.
When you talk to him, respond "Is that what you want?" You'll leave
the conversation. Finish the mission, and the mercenary leader will
offer his help. You can either accept or decline. Either way, the
Devil Child, Paul Lukische the Enchanter, will join your party.
Hidden Items:
Scroll of Discipline: On the road between Fort Vitzdar and Salavaat
Fang of Firedrake: On the road between Salavaat and Fort Bertuga
Heal Pack: On the road between Fort Vitzdar and Fort Bertuga
Black Cat: Between Orremah and Fulmanobo
Ring of the Dead: Northwest of Coongul
Bow of Thunderbolt: Midway between Corpino and Bertuga
Angel Fruit: East of Coongul
Scene 24 - The Rebel
Location: Capitrium, The Land of Advent
Prologue: Battle plans, Hugo cautions Magnus to be wary of the undead
and demons that inhabit the area, and warns they're likely to face
powerful units.
Rososhi: (Starting Location)
Population: 45
Morale: 87
Leather Whip 60
Rupture Rose 120
Whip of Exorcism 210
Glaive of Champion 500
Leather Armor 60
Hard Leather 150
Balta: (Southeast Corner)
Population: 32
Morale: 31
Ellista: (North of Rososhi)
Population: 161
Morale: 70
Purlova: (East of Ellista)
Population: 62
Morale: 39
Witch's Hut
Surina: (East of Purlova)
Population: 208
Morale: 40
Pudozey: (Northeast of Ellista)
Population: 227
Morale: 82
Luga: (Norheast Corner)
Population: 237
Morale: 26
Castle Eundel: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 296
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- ArM19*-----
Ske18 ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
Zom18 Zom18 Ske18 Location: Mountains Northeast of Rososhi
Wyv18 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Rav19*----- Wyr18 Location: Mountains Northeast of Rososhi
Gho18 ----- Gho18
----- Gho18 ----- Items: Three Leaves
----- BlK19*Gho18 Location: Moutains West of Purlova
----- Enc19*Ske18
----- ----- -----
Ske18 ----- SGo18 Location: East of Balta
----- Gre18 -----
----- ----- Gre18
Coc18 ----- Rav19* Location: West of Balta (After Balta's Liber.)
----- NnM19*-----
----- ----- -----
Grf18 ----- Wyv18 Location: Northeast of Surina
----- ----- Cer18
Hel18 ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
----- ----- BsM20* Location: Southwest of Surina (After Liber.)
Gho19 ----- Gho19
----- Vam21*-----
Ske19 Ske19 ----- Location: West of Luga (After Liber.)
Wit19 Pmp18 -----
----- Zom18 -----
Zom18 ----- Pmp18 Location: South of Luga (After Liber.)
Ama21 ----- -----
----- Dia19*Ama21
Zom18 Zom18 ----- Location: East of Luga (After Liber.)
----- ----- Opi18
Vul19*----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Grf18 Location: North of Pudozey
Coc18 ----- Coc18
----- ----- -----
Fre20*----- ----- Location: South of Castle Eundel
Opi18 ----- Grf18
----- ----- -----
----- Fre19*----- Location: East of Castle Eundel
----- Grf18 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Hwk18 Vul19*Hwk18 Location: West of Pudozey (After Liber.)
Wyr18 ----- Rav19*
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Wyr18 Location: East of Pudozey (After Liber.)
Enemy Commander: Biske La Varet (Lycanthrope/Werewolf)
----- BlK19 BlK19
Bkr19 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Lyc21*Bkr19 Location: Castle Eundel
Reward: Evil Blade
Battle Tactics: There's one really crummy thing about this battle.
Almost every stronghold you liberate, at least one unit will attack
you. Some will rise up out of nowhere. The levels in this mission
aren't as bad as those on the Vert Plateau, but there are a lot of
Undead to keep you busy, not to mention a Cockatrice unit and a
Pumpkinhead unit.
Biske is a Werewolf. Fighting him during the day will fight a human,
while fighting him at night will have you fighting a man-beast. Biske
the wolf is much tougher than Biske the man. Choose your fighting times
Epilogue: Biske can't believe he was beaten twice. Magnus tells him to
rest in peace, as his torment is over. If you have no Zenobians, and
no Ankiseth, you have the option of recruiting him into your army.
Later, in the Tremos Mountains, several Knights of the Caliginous
Order force Yumil to eat the same fruit that Godeslas ate. He eats
and becomes filled with the Infernal Aura, but that power, amplified by
his own inherent power, caused him to kill all the Knights around him.
Mari comes by and consoles him, telling him to accept the power, and
that she'll always be at his side.
Aftermath: If you have Biske, take him to Surina, and a nun will give
him the Jeulnelune.
Hidden Items:
Dragon Shield: Road between Rososhi and Ellista
Battle Fan: Between the two mountain ranges west of Purlova
Silver Hourglass: Between Rososhi and Surina
Book of Wind: Midway between Ellista and Castle Eundel
Vestment of Wind: Between two forests southeast of Castle Eundel
Heal Pack: On the road between Surina and Luga
Revive Stone: Small stretch of plain between forest and barrens NW of
Scene 25 - The Bearer of Knowledge
Location: Celesis, the Eastern Church
Prologue: In Celesis, Prince Amrius grills Kerikov about finding the
ultimate power in the Temple of Berthe. Kerikov refuses to divulge the
information. At that point, Pruflas enters and catches Amrius in the
act. Pruflas tells Kerikov that he's to delay the Revolutionary Army,
which Kerikov believes is suicide.
(With Europea): Magnus, Hugo, and Europea discuss the "ultimate power"
that the Central Division is looking for. A messenger arrives to tell
them that Lodis is now on the move to the South. Europea has a theory
that the Temple of Berthe, where, legend has it, the power is contained,
may be in the Tremos Mountains. Magnus says they must liberate Celesis
and rescue Archbishop Odrion before doing anything else.
Rubnui: (Starting Location)
Population: 194
Morale: 62
Light Mace 30
Baldr Mace 180
Cleric's Vestment 50
Robe of the Wise 300
Vestment of Wind 400
Rosary 50
Bell of Thunder 250
Nedjinn: (Neutral, East of Rubnui)
Population: 192
Morale: 57
Pinneg: (South of Rubnui)
Population: 92
Morale: 79
Banna Barra: (South of Pinneg)
Population: 169
Morale: 47
Kalla: (East of Banna Barra)
Population: 243
Morale: 16
Cotlass: (East of Kalla)
Population: 29
Morale: 74
Bollisk: (North of Kalla)
Population: 232
Morale: 66
Witch's Hut
Caraton: (West of Bollisk)
Population: 136
Morale: 57
Celesis: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 34
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Pri21*----- -----
Bkr21 Bkr21 -----
Bkr21 ----- Bkr21 Location: Charging from Pinneg
Pal20 Pal22*Pal20
Knt20 ----- Knt20 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from South of Pinneg
BuD20 ----- -----
----- ----- Val20
Val20 Pal21*----- Location: Guarding Caraton
Vul19 ----- Vul19
Vul20 Pal21*-----
Vul20 ----- ----- Location: South of Caraton
----- ----- PtD20
Val20 ----- -----
----- Pal21*Val20 Location: South of Caraton?
Vul20 AnK21*Vul20
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Wyv20 ----- Location: Mountains East of Caraton?
Fae20 AnK22*Fae20
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
AnK22 ----- AnK22 Location: Mountains East of Caraton
Arc20 Arc20 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx20 Cat23*Phx20 Location: Guarding Bollisk
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- CeM21%Sld--
----- ----- -----
----- Wyv20 ----- Location: Southwest of Celesis
Cle20 ----- Cle20
----- Pri21*-----
----- Cle20 Cle20 Position: Right Side
Cle20 Pri21*Cle20
AnK22 ----- AnK22 Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits
----- ----- ----- Position: Left Side
Pri22*----- -----
----- ----- BGo20
Gol20 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Kalla
----- Fae20 -----
Pri21*----- Fae20
Knt20 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Cotlass
----- Cle20 Cle20
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, One Fruit
Enc21*----- SGo20 Location: Southwest of Celesis
Enemy Commmander: Kerikov Berthas (Vanity)
AnK22 Van21*AnK22
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Knt21 ----- Knt21 Location: Celesis
Reward: Thunder Chain
Battle Tactics: Going straight through the east will trigger the
appearance of the two units with question marks on their location.
That's about all there is to this battle, besides the fact that this
is the first place you see Angel Knights.
Epilogue: Magnus interrogates Kerikov and finds out that he's the one
who tried to make disorder in the East Ortho Church. He spills the
beans and says that Lodis is now looking for the ultimate power in the
Temple of Berthe. Odiron appears and explains that they must now head
for Tremos Mountains to stop Lodis before they get that power. Kerikov
sneaks off.
Completing the Dragoon Quest: If you have the Dragon Scale, take a unit
to Pinneg, Celesis. Make the person you want to fight the leader.
You'll drop the scale in the forest and Grozz Nuy will challenge you.
Fighting him is not that hard. He gets one attack per round. The
attacks will be powerful, but even if you picked a two attack guy, if
he's strong enough, you shouldn't have much trouble. Defeat him and
you'll get the Sword of Tiamat and access to the Dragoon class.
Ring of the Dead: Go to Banna Barra. A young girl will give you the
Dark Invitation. Go with Magnus to Quelluan, Zenobian Border, and you
will receive the Ring.
Hidden Items:
Book of Water: On the road between Pinneg and Banna Barra
Urn of Chaos: Between Caraton and Nedjinn
Heal Pack: On the road between Cotlass and Bollisk
Ice Chain: Midway between Caraton and Kalla
Chaladholg: Mountain pass east of Pinneg
Peregrine Mail: Plain patch between mountains and river S of Caraton
Feather of Archangel: Piece of land over the river SW of Caraton
Scene 26 - No Man's Land
Location: Tremos Mountains
Prologue: In the mountains, the enemy attacks the battalion. They have
the headquarters surrounded and it's not going to be easy to get out of
this one...
Palm: (Starting Location)
Population: 114
Morale: 42
Iron Helm 30
Armet 120
Spear 150
Baldr Spear 230
Prox 450
Volcaetus 460
Large Shield 180
Tower Shield 350
Plate Mail 210
Heavy Armor 650
Ibu Deli: (Southwest of Palm)
Population: 191
Morale: 69
Ulda: (East of Palm)
Population: 172
Morale: 51
Witch's Hut
Soshiba: (North of Palm)
Population: 39
Morale: 75
Totban: (Northwest of Soshiba)
Population: 56
Morale: 51
Savoir: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 83
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- BlK21*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr24 ----- Ogr24 Location: Southwest of Palm
NnM22*----- Gho21
Gre21 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Gho21 Gre21 ----- Location: West of Palm
Hwk21 ArM22*Hwk21
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Ogr21 ----- Location: South of Palm
----- Sir22*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr21 ----- Wyv21 Location: Guarding Soshiba
----- Enc22*Ske21
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Ske21 ----- SGo21 Location: Charging from Soshiba
BlK22 ----- BlK22
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Ske21 BlK23*Ske21 Location: Northeast of Palm
----- Wit22*-----
----- ----- Gob21
Gob21 Gob21 Pmp21 Location: Guarding Ibu Deli
Ske21 ArM22*-----
----- ----- Ske21 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Ogr21 ----- ----- Location: East of Palm
Gho21 ----- Gho21
----- Gho21 -----
----- BlK22*Gho21 Location: Guarding Ulda
BlK22 ----- BlK22
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Ske21 BlK23*Ske21 Location: North of Ulda
AzD21 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM22*
----- Gob21 Gob21 Location: Guarding Totban
----- ArM22*-----
Ske21 ----- -----
Zom21 Zom21 Ske21 Location: South of Savoir
Enemy Commander: Eudika
Gob21 Sir24*Gob21
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
----- Ogr21 ----- Location: Savoir
Reward: Feather Suit
Battle Tactics:
Yep. You're surrounded. You're gonna be attacked on all sides by
several units, most of which are evil or undead. There's really not a
great strategy to this battle. Just hold them off. If you've fought
well in the previous battles, this one shouldn't be too hard. You just
have to be careful.
Go to Ibu Deli with Magnus' unit and you'll discover the Zenobian
general, Quass Debonair. If you have a high enough Chaos Frame, he'll
offer to join your battalion. You'll also need Aisha and Saradin in
your battalion.
Hidden Items:
Altar of Resurrection: NW of Palm in the small forest.
Stardust: South of Palm, between Forest and Barrens
Crystal of Precision: Between two mountain ranges west of Palm.
Book of Bane: Midway between Palm and Ulda
Cup of Life: Between Mountain and Forest North of Ulda
Peridot Sword: Between Soshiba and Totban
Scene 27 - Child of the Covenant
Location: Temple of Berthe
Prologue: Pruflas enters the area where Yumil slaughtered the Templar
Knights. All that remains is Mari, who refuses to speak. Magnus and
Hugo go over battle plans.
Vitegra: (Starting Location)
Population: 188
Morale: 67
Plumed Headband 60
Armet 120
Spear 150
Thunder Spear 320
Osric's Spear 410
Frozen Axe 500
Buckler 40
Breastplate 180
Baldr Mail 250
Lugeph: (Neutral, North of Vitegra)
Population: 109
Morale: 10
Kud Im Kalle: (Southeast Corner)
Population: 197
Morale: 62
Sarrehart: (North of Lugeph)
Population: 242
Morale: 33
Gremiha: (Northeast of Sarrehart)
Population: 273
Morale: 45
Sermi: (North Edge)
Population: 82
Morale: 47
So Kol: (West of Berthe)
Population: 259
Morale: 37
Witch's Hut
Temple of Berthe: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 79
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- Opi21
Vul22*----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- ----- Grf21 Location: Charging from NE mountains
----- Gre21 -----
----- ----- Gre21 Items: Six Fruits, Two Stones
Coc21 ----- Rav22* Location: Charging from NE mountains
Knt21 BlK23*BlK21
----- ----- -----
BlK21 ----- Knt21 Location: Guarding Sarrehart
Sir24*----- Sir22
----- Sor21 ----- Items: One Leaf
----- Sir22 Sor21 Location: Charging from East of Sarrehart
Sld-- ----- -----
----- Sld-- ----- Items: One Leaf
Sor22*----- Sld-- Location: Charging from West of Kud Im Kalle
Wyv21 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Rav22*----- Wyv21 Location: Charging from East of Sarrehart
----- SwM23*-----
SwM21 ----- SwM21 Items: Six Leaves
----- Fen21 Fen21 Location: Charging from Kud Im Kalle
Arc21 ----- Arc21
----- KtT23 -----
Pal21 ----- Pal21 Location: Guarding Kud Im Kalle
----- Grf21 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves
Hwk21 Vul22*Hwk21 Location: Patrolling Temple Perimeter (South)
----- Vul23*Fae21
----- ----- Vul21 Items: Five Fruits, Two Stones
Fae21 Vul21 ----- Location: Patrolling Temple Perimeter (North)
Dia21 Dia21 Dia21
----- KtT23*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- ----- Cat21 Location: Guarding So Kol
Arc21 Arc21 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx21 Cat24*Phx21 Location: Guarding Gremiha
KtT21 ----- KtT21
----- KtT23*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
KtT21 ----- KtT21 Location: Charging out of Berthe
Fre21 KtT23*Fre21
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
KtT21 ----- KtT21 Location: Charging out of Berthe
Pri21 ----- Pri21
----- ----- -----
Cat21 KtT23*Cat21 Location: Charging out of Berthe
----- ----- KtT23*
PtD21 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
----- ----- Bah21 Location: Charging out of Berthe
Enemy Commander: Pruflas Watts (Temple Command)
----- ----- -----
KtT21 ----- KtT21 Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
KtT21 TmC24*KtT21 Location: Temple of Berthe
Reward: Adamant Katana
Battle Tactics:
Okay. Things aren't all that bad in this battle. You've got several
flying units, so keep a unit on all the strongholds. Watch when you
get close to the Temple, as four Templar units dash out of it to treat
you to some good old fashioned Lodis shiskabob...
Epilogue: Pruflas is unable to break the seal on the Temple of Berthe.
Magnus shows up and does him in. Afterwards, Magnus, Leia, and Dio
look over the temple and decide to leave. Just as Magnus is about to
leave, Yumil jumps out of his hiding place and goes to the center of
the temple. He spills his blood on the ground and the ground opens up.
Four odd-looking warriors surround him and they all disappear, just
before Yumil tells Magnus he'll return. After he departs, the aura
filling the temple turns dark, and demons begin to emerge. Magnus
wants to fight, but Dio (or Hugo if you don't have him) leads him out.
NOTE: The next mission takes place in this area as well, so you cannot
leave, but you can still access the Organize Screen, Train, and Save.
Hidden Items:
Main Gauche: Between Sarrehart and Lugeph
Phoenix Mail: Forest midway between Berthe and Vitrega
Love and Peace: Mountain cul-de-sac north of Sarrehart
Zephyros: On the road between Gremiha and Sermi
Dragon Shield: In the small circular forest north of So Kol
Scene 28 - Gateway to Another World
Location: Temple of Berthe
Prologue: Speaking with Saradin, Magnus learns that the Temple of
Berthe is, in fact, a Chaos Gate, a portal to another world. Their
objective now is to just close the gate. The fight is not just for
Palatinus, now...
If you don't have Saradin, Hugo recalls the legend of Chaos Gates...
Gremiha: (Starting Location)
Population: 273
Morale: 45
Vitegra: (Southwestern Corner)
Population: 188
Morale: 67
Plumed Headband 60
Armet 120
Spear 150
Thunder Spear 320
Osric's Spear 410
Frozen Axe 500
Buckler 40
Breastplate 180
Baldr Mail 250
Lugeph: (North of Vitegra)
Population: 109
Morale: 10
Kud Im Kalle: (Southeast Corner)
Population: 197
Morale: 62
Sarrehart: (North of Lugeph)
Population: 242
Morale: 33
Sermi: (North Edge)
Population: 82
Morale: 47
So Kol: (West of Berthe)
Population: 259
Morale: 37
Witch's Hut
Temple of Berthe: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 79
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Sir23*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr22 ----- Wyv22 Location: Guarding Sarrehart
AzD22 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM23*
----- Gob22 Gob22 Location: Charging from Sarrehart
Legion 1 - Wing Shift Formation
----- ----- -----
Sld-- ----- Sld-- Items: Three Leaves
Sld-- CeM23%Sld-- Location: Charging from So Kol
Gre22 Rav23*Gre22
Rav22 ----- Rav22
----- ----- ----- Position: Near Left
Gre22 Rav23*Gre22
----- ----- ----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits
----- Opi22 ----- Position: Near Right
----- Flb22 -----
----- ----- -----
Gob22 DgM24*Gob22 Position: Far Left
Gre22 BlK24*-----
----- ----- Gre22
Opi22 ----- ----- Position: Far Right
----- Gre22 -----
----- ----- Gre22 Items: Four Leaves
Coc22 ----- Rav23* Location: Charging from Mountains SE of Sarrehart
----- BlK22*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr24 ----- Ogr25 Location: Guarding So Kol
Bah22 ----- BsM23*
----- ----- -----
----- SGo22 ----- Location: Charging from Sermi
----- ArM23*-----
Ske22 ----- -----
Zom22 Zom22 Ske22 Location: Charging from Sermi
----- Vul24*Fae22
----- ----- Vul22 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Fae22 Vul22 ----- Location: Charging from east of Sermi
Ske22 ArM23*-----
----- ----- Ske22 Items: Five Leaves
Ogr22 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Sermi
NnM23*----- Gho22
Gre22 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
Gho22 Gre22 ----- Location: Guarding Lugelph
Enemy Commander: Dekarabia
----- ----- -----
Gob22 ----- Gob22 Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
Gob22 Sat25*Gob22 Location: Temple of Berthe
Reward: Axe of Wyrm
Epilogue: During the battle, your army runs into Richard and Baldwin.
They're all for killing you off in the name of their god, but Destin
and Gilbert, the remaining Zenobians, show up and fight them. Once the
battle is completed, Baldwin and Richard retreat.
A month later, the problems in Capitrium were subsided by the
reinstitution of Archbishop Odiron. The Berthan Sentinels now were
commissioned to protect Capitrium from the denizens of the netherworld,
and Capitrium sided with the Revolution. Messages were sent about
Latium's secession from Lodis, and the peace accord with the Revolution.
Word has yet to be received from Latium...
Aftermath: Go to the Temple of Berthe with Paul, and a Gorgon will give
him the Robe of the Abyss...
Hidden Items: See the previous scene.
E. Final Chapter -
The possible, the attainable, the hopeful...
Opening: Richard and Thamuz (advisor to the Caliginous Order) discuss
the situation on the ultimate power. With the Temple of Berthe
destroyed, they have no choice but to rely on the western ruins. It
turns out Zeda has been helping Richard and the Caliginous Order to
find the ultimate power. Richard thanks Thamuz for all the help he's
provided in keeping the Glendale name alive.
Suddenly, demons burst into the room, followed by King Procus and
Zeda. The scene fades...
Baldwin stands in the main foyer of Latium. He's soon surrounded by
three Templar Knights, including Vapula and Amazeroth. The nameless
Knight Templar attacks Baldwin and Baldwin easily dispatches him.
Prince Amrius sits at the throne. Baldwin demands to know what is
going on. The Knight Baldwin slew gets up again, and Amrius starts
laughing. Just then, Richard and Thamuz rush into the room to defend
Baldwin. Richard explains that they've all succumbed to the Infernal
Aura. The three of them rush out of the palace.
Later, Frederick and company are speaking with Archbishop Odiron.
Odiron regrets he has to decline joining the Revolution, as there is
much help needed in Capitrium at the moment. Of Latium, a soldier
reports have flared with Xevec's group and the Central Division, but
there have been no major incidents yet. Of Lodis, the soldier says
that they maintain official control over the Central Division, but
not much else has changed, with the bulk of Lodis' force trying to
quell the Bolmaukan uprising. This is being seen as the perfect time
to confront the Central Division. Magnus, now a General, is being
sent to the front lines to stop the Central Division from their evil
intentions and freeing Palatinus once and for all.
Scene 29 - The March to Latium
Location: Gules Hills
Prologue: Battle instructions
Guntherhaal: (Starting Location)
Population: 83
Morale: 50
Fort Bergiga: (Southwest Corner)
Population: 87
Morale: 82
Amdelm: (Northeast of Bergiga)
Population: 31
Morale: 87
Leather Hat 40
Plumed Headband 60
Great Bow 90
Baldr Bow 160
Ytival 270
Bow of Sandstorm 420
Leather Armor 60
Hard Leather 150
Terra Armor 250
Kurashino: (Northeast of Amdlem)
Population: 48
Morale: 69
Mezzeni: (Neutral, Southeast Corner)
Population: 61
Morale: 29
Muji: (Midwest Edge)
Population: 182
Morale: 71
Colgeuff: (Mideast Edge)
Population: 215
Morale: 40
Novipoldt: (East of Echel)
Population: 261
Morale: 64
Bellezoppo: (South of Guntherhaal)
Population: 215
Morale: 34
Witch's Hut
Castle Echel: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 95
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Dia23 Dia23 Dia23
----- KtT25*-----
----- ----- Cat23 Location: Charging from Bellezoppo
Fre23 KtT25*Fre23
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
KtT23 ----- KtT23 Location: Charging from Bellezoppo
----- ----- KtT25*
PtD23 ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
----- ----- Bah23 Location: Charging from Bellezoppo
Wiz23 Wiz23 -----
DgM23 ----- DgM23 Items: Five Leaves
----- KtT24*----- Location: Guarding Novipoldt
Grf23 ----- Opi23
----- ----- -----
----- Fre24*----- Location: Northeast of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
Sir26*----- Sir24
----- Sor23 ----- Items: One Leaf
----- Sir24 Sor23 Location: Northwest of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
Dia23 ----- -----
----- ----- Dia23
Rav23 Vul24*Rav23 Location: Southwest of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
Vul24*----- Wyv23
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Wyv23 ----- Location: West of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
----- Coc23 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Rav24*----- Opi23 Location: West of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
Rav23 ----- Vul23
----- Vul24*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Vul23 ----- Rav23 Location: West of Ambush Point (See Tactics)
Wyv23 ----- Wyv23
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- BlK24*----- Location: Guarding Kurashino
Hwk23 ----- Vul23
----- SwM24*Vul23
----- ----- Hwk23 Location: Charging from Castle Echel
Pri23 ----- Pri23
----- ----- -----
Cat23 KtT25*Cat23 Location: Pops out of Castle Echel
Wit23 KtT25*Sir23
Wit23 ----- Sir23
----- ----- ----- Location: Pops out of Castle Echel
Enemy Commander: Rugale
Fre23 ----- Fre23
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Cat23 KtT25*Cat23 Location: Castle Echel
Reward: Glamdring
Battle Tactics:
There's a nice ambush that pops up once you go between the mountain
pass on the trail to the Castle. You'll be quite surrounded, but it
shouldn't be a problem if you brought decent units along. Send a
couple of units to liberate the Southern quarter. A rather easy
mission, for the most part.
Bring Magnus' unit to Karushino, where you'll run into Destin and
Gilbert. If you have the other three Zenobians, Destin will join your
group. If you also have a high Chaos Frame, Gilbert will also join.
Epilogue: The Templar, with his dying breath, threatens the group,
telling him the Ogre Battle will return if they do not stop...
Scene 30 - Betrayal/Separate Ways
Location: Romulus
Prologue: Battle plans, and Magnus wonders whatever became of Xevec's
Southern Tigers...
Lobini: (Starting Location)
Population: 249
Morale: 44
Baldr Helm 170
Baldr Sword 150
Glamdring 400
Blessed Sword 400
Falchion 400
Sum Mannus 500
Kite Shield 70
Baldr Shield 250
Plate Armor 230
Baldr Armor 420
Norle: (Northwest of Lobini)
Population: 85
Morale: 80
Ottochaz: (Center of Map)
Population: 141
Morale: 11
Witch's Hut
Murau: (Southwest Corner)
Population: 43
Morale: 72
Bilce: (Northeast Corner)
Population: 157
Morale: 11
Sceni: (Northwest of Ottochaz)
Population: 70
Morale: 17
Fort Romulus: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 112
Morale: 86
Enemy Opposition:
----- Grf24 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Hwk24 Vul25*Hwk24 Location: Charging from West of Lobini
----- ----- Opi24
Vul25*----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Grf24 Location: Charging from North of Lobini
----- SwM25*-----
Nin24 ----- Nin24
----- Gob25 Gob25 Location: South of Bilce
----- Vul26*Fae24
----- ----- Vul24 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Fae24 Vul24 ----- Location: Charging from North of Lobini
----- ----- PtD24
Val24 ----- -----
----- Pal25*Val24 Location: Southwest of Norle
Fre24 Fre24 -----
----- ----- Fre26*
Val24 ----- Val24 Location: Charging from West of Norle
Arc24 Sir25*Arc24
Gob25 ----- -----
----- Gob25 ----- Location: Guarding Bilce
Arc24 Arc24 -----
----- ----- -----
Phx24 Cat27*Phx24 Location: Guarding Ottochaz
Gre25 Gre25 -----
Gob25 ----- -----
Pal25*Gob25 ----- Location: Guarding Ottochaz
BsM25*----- -----
----- ----- Opi24 Items: Four Leaves
Grf24 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Sceni
Fen24 ----- Fen24
----- SwM25*----- Items: Two Leaves
Fen24 ----- Fen24 Location: Guarding Murau
Enc25*----- Wit25
----- Wit24 -----
Wit25 ----- Wit24 Location: Guarding Sceni
Gre25 Dia25*Gre25
Gob25 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- Gob25 Location: Southeast of Fort Romulus
----- ----- DgM25*
Flb24 ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- ReD24 Location: Southwest of Fort Romulus
Enemy Commander 1: Xevec Nulaton (Superior Knight)
Sor24 ----- Sor24
----- SuK27*----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits, One Stone
Pal24 ----- Pal24 Location: Fort Romulus
Reward: Ice Blade
Enemy Commander 2: ???????? (Dragoon)
Dia24 ----- Dia24
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
BlK24 Dgo26*BlK24 Location: Fort Romulus
Reward: Gram
Battle Tactics:
Watch the flying units that jump out of the mountains to converge on
your headquarters. Other than that, this battle's a snap.
NOTE: Like the Temple of Berthe, this has a second mission, so you
cannot leave this area at the moment.
Epilogue: If you lost Dio, guess who the Dragoon is? Yep. Dio reveals
himself as fighting for the Central Division now. If you didn't lose
Dio, you'll be facing Xevec, who betrayed the Revolution...
Hidden Items:
Evil Spear: Midway between Norle and Bilce
Dowsing Rod: Cul-de-sac of plains to the east of Bilce
Cloak of Oath: Midway between Bilce and Sceni
Misty Coat: On the road between Sceni and Murau
Scene 31 - Royal Blood
Location: Fort Romulus
Prologue: Battle Plans, Hugo explains about seiging a fortress.
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- Wit25
Wit25 ----- Knt25
Knt25 ----- Pal26* Location: Guarding Eastern Gate
Knt25 Knt25 Bkr25
----- Pal26*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Bkr25 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Western Gate
Arc25 Sir26*Arc25
Gob26 ----- -----
----- Gob26 ----- Location: SE of the Central Plaza
Gre26 Dia26*Gre26
Gob26 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- Gob26 Location: Far east of the Central Plaza
Gre25 Gre25 Gre25
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves
----- Sat26*----- Location: East of the Central Plaza
----- Sat26*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Ogr25 ----- Ogr25 Location: South of the Central Plaza
Gre29 Sat27*Gre29
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- Ogr27 ----- Location: West of the Central Plaza
Gre25 Sat26*-----
----- ----- Gre25 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Gob25 Gob25 ----- Location: SW of the Central Plaza
----- ArM26*-----
Ske25 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Zom25 Zom25 Ske25 Location: Far West of the Central Plaza
----- BlK25*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
Ogr27 ----- Ogr28 Location: Guarding Second Gate
Gre27 ----- Gob27
----- Sat27*-----
Gob27 ----- Gre27 Location: Charging out of house NE of Plaza
Gob27 Sir25*-----
----- ----- Gob27
Ogr27 ----- ----- Location: Charging out of house NW of Plaza
Gre26 Gre26 -----
Gob26 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal26*Gob26 ----- Location: SW of Fort Romulus
----- Enc26*Ske25
----- ----- -----
Ske25 ----- SGo25 Location: SE of Fort Romulus
Enemy Commander: Amrius Dulmare (Dark Prince)
First Fight:
----- ----- -----
----- DkP27*----- Items: One Leaf
----- ----- ----- Location: Fort Romulus
Second Fight:
----- DkP27*-----
Sat25 ----- Sat25 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Gob25 ----- Gob25 Location: Fort Romulus
Reward: Rune Plate
Battle Tactics:
This is your first Siege level. The deal with this is that you'll need
to break down the gates. Once you do that, the enemies behind will
appear. There are no strongholds, only a plaza in the center where
your guys can rest. Just keep pushing ahead. You also have a time
limit here, but since I beat the area in three hours, it shouldn't be
too hard to beat it within the limit.
You'll have to fight Prince Amrius twice. The first time, he'll just
be using a Slash attack, the second, he'll summon the Saturos' and the
Goblins, and he'll move to the back row, where he'll use an attack
called Dark Lore, which is basically like using the Pedra of Bane.
Epilogue: Saradin tells Magnus and Hugo of the Infernal Aura, and that
Prince Amrius was bound to it. Hugo explains that there are two routes
to go now. Go to Blue Basilica and get one step closer to Latium, or
go to Ptia to free the people of the Central Division.
Hidden Items:
Shield of Nue: Corner of roads west of the Central Plaza
Thunder Chain: At the end of the road south of the Central Plaza
Scene 32 - The Disillusioned
Location: Ptia, the Secluded Land
Prologue: In Winnea, King Procus berates one of his Paladins. He is
interrupted by Yumil appearing, along with those unusual-looking
Knights. Yumil explains how he is the one to lead Palatinus, now,
since he has his power of birthright. He identifies the Knights as
the Knights of Danika and explains how he has the power to rule, now.
Hugo and Magnus discuss battle plans.
Billemina: (Starting Location)
Population: 268
Morale: 54
Iron Helm 30
Armet 120
Spear 150
Baldr Spear 230
Prox 450
Volcaetus 460
Large Shield 180
Tower Shield 350
Plate Mail 210
Heavy Armor 650
Sheesaku: (Neutral, South of Billemina)
Population: 222
Morale: 50
Fort Guki: (Neutral, Southeast Corner)
Population: 48
Morale: 27
Pacrats: (East of Billemina)
Population: 103
Morale: 51
Witch's Hut
Rete: (West of Billemina)
Population: 67
Morale: 47
Furge: (North of Billemina)
Population: 205
Morale: 76
Baya: (Southwest of Sheesaku)
Population: 288
Morale: 81
Torab Ni: (Southwest Corner)
Population: 50
Morale: 75
Agnault: (Western Edge)
Population: 258
Morale: 50
Vitegith Castle: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 295
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Dia29*----- Arc28
Arc28 Knt28 -----
----- ----- Knt28 Location: East of Billemina
BsM29*----- -----
----- ----- Opi28 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Grf28 ----- ----- Location: East of Billemina
Wiz28 ArM29*Wiz28
----- ----- ArM28 Items: One Leaf
----- ArM28 ----- Location: East of Billemina
----- Rav29*-----
----- ----- -----
Wyr28 ----- Wyr28 Location: East of Billemina
Gre28 Rav29*Gre28
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Opi28 ----- Location: East of Billemina
Gre28 ----- Gre28
Gob28 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- KtT30*Gob28 Location: Guarding Rete
Fre28 KtT30*Fre28
----- ----- -----
KtT28 ----- KtT28 Location: Charging from Furge
Dia28 Dia28 Dia28
----- KtT30*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- ----- Cat28 Location: Charging from Furge
----- ----- KtT30*
PtD28 ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
----- ----- Bah28 Location: Charging from Furge
Gre29 Gre29 -----
Gob29 ----- -----
Pal29*Gob29 ----- Location: Charging from Sheesaku
Gob28 KtT30*Gob28
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr28 ----- Location: Charging from Agnault (Early)
KtT29 Sat30*-----
Gob28 ----- KtT29
----- ----- Gob28 Location: Charging from Agnault (Later)
----- Sat30*KtT29
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
KtT29 ----- Ogr29 Location: Charging from SW of Baya
KtT29 ----- KtT29
----- ----- -----
KtT29 Sat30*KtT29 Location: East of Vitegith Castle
----- KtT30*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr28 ----- Ogr28 Location: South of Vitegith Castle
Enemy Commander 1: Amazeroth Ludon (Temple Command)
Sat29 ----- Sat29
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
KtT29 TmC31*KtT29 Location: Vitegith Castle
Reward: Laevateinn
Enemy Commander 2: Carth Forleizen
Val29 ----- Val29
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Cat29 BlK31*Cat29 Location: Vitegith Castle
Reward: Boreas
Battle Tactics:
Probably the first thing you'll notice is the five units off to the
east. Your best bet is to take care of these guys right away. Send
several units out to deal with them, but keep a few in your base,
because you'll be charged from the north by three Templar units. The
rest of the area is surprisingly sparse.
If you go here before Latium:
If you enter Furge, a boy will tell you about a man facing a whole bunch
of soldiers by himself. Go to Torab Ni, you'll run into a Black
Knight, Carth. He'll go out and charge after Amazeroth. You can have
his help regardless, but, if you desire to recruit him, it is required
that you have a low CF, and none of the Zenobians, and that you keep
him alive for the remainder of the battle.
Carth's Unit
Val29 ----- Val29
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Cat29 BlK31*Cat29
If you go here after Latium:
Carth will not show up during the battle, but will at the end, to kill
Amazeroth, then challenge you...
Hidden Items:
Electric Shield: Small piece of land sticking into Barrens north of
Bracer of Protection: Between Baya and Torab Ni
Quit Gate: Between Barrens and a river SE of Agnault
Dragon Shield: On the road between Fort Guki and Baya
Meteor Strike: Between Highlands and Barrens SW of Furge
Dragon Helm: Southwest of Agnalut
Scene 33 - Insanity
Location: The Blue Basilica
Prologue: Battle plans, or the same as the prologue of the last scene
if you took this one first.
Fort Rugney: (Starting Location)
Population: 115
Morale: 76
Pavia: (Southwest of Fort Rugney)
Population: 102
Morale: 38
Witch's Hut
Perg: (West of Fort Rugney)
Population: 220
Morale: 60
Bespleme: (Southwest of Perg)
Population: 163
Morale: 11
Cobigo: (South of Bespleme)
Population: 225
Morale: 76
Zuinomo: (West of Perg)
Population: 27
Morale: 70
Surite: (Southwest of Zuinomo)
Population: 174
Morale: 50
Clemona: (Southwestern Corner)
Population: 57
Morale: 87
Iron Helm 30
Armet 120
Halt Hammer 110
Francisca 130
Baldr Club 220
Baldr Axe 300
Flame Flail 490
Shield of Inferno 500
Leather Armor 60
Hard Leather 150
Castle Andvari: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 233
Morale: 55
Enemy Opposition:
----- Sat27*-----
Knt27 ----- Knt27 Items: Five Leaves
----- Pal27 ----- Location: Charging from Pavia
----- Que26 -----
----- ----- -----
DgM26 DgM28*Dgm26 Location: Guarding Pavia
BsM27*----- -----
----- ----- Opi26 Items: Two Leaves
Grf26 ----- ----- Location: Charging from East of Perg
Wyv26 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Rav27*----- Wyr26 Location: Mountains south of Perg
KtT27 Sat28*-----
Gob26 ----- KtT27
----- ----- Gob26 Location: Guarding Perg
Gre26 ----- Gre26
Gob26 ----- -----
----- KtT28*Gob26 Location: Charging from East of Cobigo
----- Flb26 -----
----- ----- -----
Gob26 DgM28*Gob26 Location: Guarding Bespleme
Gob26 KtT28*Gob26
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Ogr26 ----- Location: Charging from West of Perg
----- Sat28*KtT27
----- ----- -----
KtT27 ----- Ogr26 Location: Northwest of Perg
----- ----- Opi26
Vul27*----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- ----- Grf26 Location: Charging from Bespleme
----- KtT28*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Ogr26 ----- Ogr26 Location: Charging from West of Perg
Pri28*----- -----
----- ----- BGo26
Gol26 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Cobigo
----- Enc27*-----
Gre26 ----- -----
Vul26 Gre26 Vul26 Location: Guarding Zuinomo
----- SwM26 -----
----- ----- Pmp26
Pmp26 Fre28*SwM26 Location: Charging from West of Cobigo
Enemy Commander: Vapula Simburg (Temple Command)
----- ----- -----
Gob27 ----- Gob27 Items: Four Leaves, Two Stones
KtT27 TmC29*KtT27 Location: Castle Andarvi
Reward: Nephrite Sword
Battle Tactics: This is probably one of the more straightforward
battles you have this late in the game. Very simple. No tricks. No
Epilogue: A soldier reports with rumors about the demons trying to
resurrect their goddess, Danika, who ate the fruit of the netherworld.
Getting the Dream Tiara: Go to Clemona and an old man will tell you a
tale about love never found. He'll give you the Package for Gelda.
Take it to Boolem, Crenel Canyon, and you'll run into an old lady,
who'll tell you to take it to Elle, Zenobia Border. An old man there
will tell you her family moved to Soathon. Are we getting tired of
this wild goose chase yet? Go to Tristle, and you'll get the Letter
from Gelda. Head back to Clemona and the old man will give you the
Dream Tiara. It's all quite a tearjerker... ;_;
Hidden Items:
Axe of Wyrm: On the road between Pavia and Cobigo
Heal Pack: Midway between Bespleme, Perg, and Zuinomo
Holy Lance: On the road between Cobigo and Clemona
Ring of Branding: Southwest of Clemona
Tempest: Southeast of Surite (across the river)
Sword of Dragon Gem: Patch of land left of the road between Clemona and
Castle Andarvi
Angel Fruit: Northwest of Fort Rugney
Altar of Resurrection: Southeast of Cobigo in a mountain cul-de-sac
Scene 34 - Lord of Remus Keep
Location: The Tundra of Argent
Prologue: Battle Plans, after which Magnus and Leia have a rather
touching scene where she's thinking of how it might be if she has to
fight her father...
Tezzla: (Starting Location)
Population: 183
Morale: 36
Witch's Hut
Orozei: (Southwest of Tezzla)
Population: 253
Morale: 73
Bandanna 20
Marionette 120
Fool 320
Robe 30
Magician's Robe 120
Amulet 40
Ring of Eloquence 250
Meltaus: (West of Tezzla)
Population: 235
Morale: 87
Fahno: (North of Tezzla)
Population: 93
Morale: 35
Griena: (West of Orozei)
Population: 37
Morale: 38
Caralla: (Northwest of Meltaus)
Population: 93
Morale: 55
Troguil: (West of Caralla)
Population: 74
Morale: 55
Remus Keep: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 240
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition: (Before Latium)
----- ArM30*-----
----- Zom29 Zom29
Zom29 ----- Ske29 Location: Charging from Meltaus
Pmp29 Wit31*-----
----- Pmp29 Pmp29 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Pmp29 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Meltaus
----- Enc30*Ske29
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
Ske29 ----- SGo29 Location: Charging from Orozei
----- Sat31*-----
Gob29 ----- Zom29 Items: Six Leaves
Zom29 Gob29 ----- Location: Charging from Orozei
Gho30 ----- Gho30
----- Vam32*-----
Ske30 Ske30 ----- Location: Charging from Fahno
----- Enc30*Zom29
----- Zom29 -----
Zom29 ----- Zom29 Location: Charging from Fahno
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Sld-- -----
----- Cen30%Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Sat29 ----- ----- Location: Charging from East of Fahno
Gho29 ----- Gho29
----- Gho29 ----- Items: One Leaf, One Fruit
----- BlK30*Gho29 Position: Right Side
Ske29 ArM30*-----
----- ----- Ske29
Ogr29 ----- ----- Position: Left Side
Legion 2 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Cen30%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Flb30 ----- Location: Charging from north of Meltaus
----- ArM30*-----
Ske29 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Zom29 Zom29 Ske29 Position: Right Side
Gho29 ArM30*Gho29
----- Ske29 ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- ----- Ske29 Position: Left Side
Legion 3 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Cen30%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Hyd30 ----- Location: Charging from east of Griena
NnM30*----- Gho29
Gre29 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves
Gho29 Gre29 ----- Position: Right Side
Gho29 BlK30*Gho29
Gho29 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Gho29 ----- ----- Position: Left Side
Enemy Commander: Reucharle
ArM29 Lic32*ArM29
----- ----- -----
Ske29 ----- Ske29
Reward: Altar of Resurrection
Enemy Opposition: (After Latium)
Wiz31 ArM33*Wiz31
----- ----- ArM31 Items: One Leaf
----- ArM31 ----- Position: Charging from Meltaus
Pmp31 Wit33*-----
----- Pmp31 Pmp31 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Pmp31 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Meltaus
Gob33 Sir31*-----
----- ----- Gob33 Items: Five Leaves
Ogr33 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Orozei
Gre33 ----- Gob33
----- Sat33*----- Items: Six Leaves
Gob33 ----- Gre33 Location: Charging from Orozei
----- BlK31*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr33 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Fahno
Gre35 Sat33*Gre35
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr33 ----- Location: Charging from Fahno
Legion 1 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Sld-- -----
----- Cen30%Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Sat29 ----- ----- Location: Charging from East of Fahno
Gre32 Gre32 -----
Gob32 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal32*Gob32 ----- Position: Right Side
----- ----- Vul31
----- Pal33*Hwk31
Vul31 Hwk31 ----- Position: Left Side
Legion 2 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Cen32%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Flb32 ----- Location: Charging from north of Meltaus
----- SwM32*-----
Nin31 ----- Nin31 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Gob32 Gob32 Position: Right Side
Wit31 ----- -----
----- Sir32*----- Items: Three Leaves
ArM31 Wit31 ArM31 Position: Left Side
Legion 3 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- Cen32%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Hyd32 ----- Location: Charging from east of Griena
Arc31 Sir32*Arc31
Gob32 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Gob32 ----- Position: Right Side
Knt31 BlK33*BlK31
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
BlK31 ----- Knt31 Position: Left Side
Enemy Commander: Numitol Silvis (Vanity)
Sat33 Van31*Sat33
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Ogr32 ----- Location: Remus Keep
Reward: Ice Chain
Battle Tactics: Note how the enemies are segregated into three groups.
Split your battalion up accordingly, and launch your attack. You
shouldn't have too much trouble. Just be sure to take a strong
spellcasting unit against that Pumpkinhead unit.
Note that if you go here before going to Latium, you'll face a ton of
undead, while going after Latium will have you facing the regular
demonic crew. Take this into account.
Epilogue: Leia confronts Reucharle, asking about her father. He tells
her Count Silvis took his own life to avoid succumbing to the Infernal
Leia holds her dying father in her arms, telling him how much she loves
Aftermath: Take Meredia to Meltaus and you'll recieve the Rai's Tear.
Hidden Items:
White Mute: Piece of land east of Caralla
Mirror of Soul: On the road between Tezzla and Fahno
Gambantein: On the road between Griena and Troguil
Vestment of Wind: Patch of land SW of Tezzla
Stone of Quickness: Patch of land North of Orozei
Scene 35 - Denizens of the Netherworld
Location: Barpheth
Prologue: Battle Plans
Castle Renevue: (Starting Location)
Population: 228
Morale: 55
Hachigane 40
Hannya Mask 180
Iron Claw 170
Baldr Claw 280
Cyanic Claw 320
Ninja's Garb 50
Hwail Mail 900
Clemms: (Neutral, South of Renevue)
Population: 206
Morale: 53
Glebming: (East of Renevue)
Population: 117
Morale: 46
Kelmend: (Northwestern Corner)
Population: 103
Morale: 32
Saro: (South of Kelmend)
Population: 138
Morale: 31
Vitra: (South of Glebming)
Population: 109
Morale: 54
Sondrio: (South of Clemms)
Population: 52
Morale: 36
Fort Lebadeia: (Southern Edge)
Population: 172
Morale: 11
Belce: (South of Saro)
Population: 207
Morale: 77
Fort Viezey: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 31
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Sat29*-----
----- ----- Sat27 Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr27 ----- ----- Location: Charging from south of Renevue
----- ----- Sat29*
----- Gob27 -----
Gob27 ----- Gob27 Location: Charging from Glebming
Gre31 Sat29*Gre31
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Ogr29 ----- Location: Charging from west of Renevue
Sph27 ----- ArM29*
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr27 ----- Location: Charging from east of Kelmend
----- BlK27*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr29 ----- Ogr30 Location: West of Saro (After Lib)
----- Sat28*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Ogr27 ----- Ogr27 Location: SW of Saro (After Lib)
Ske27 ArM28*-----
----- ----- Ske27 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr27 ----- ----- Location: South of Sondrio (After Lib)
----- Sir28*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr30 ----- Wyr27 Location: NE of Belce (After Lib)
----- Sat28*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr27 ----- Ogr27 Location: SW of Belce (After Lib)
Sat27 Sat28*Sat27
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr27 ----- Location: NW of Fort Lebadeia (After Lib)
----- Sir28*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr27 ----- Wyv27 Location: NE of Fort Lebadeia (After Lib)
Enemy Commander: Mylmurre
Sat27 ----- Sat27
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Stones
Gob27 Gor30*Gob27 Location: Fort Viezey
Reward: Ji'ygla's Bow
Battle Tactics:
This area is sickeningly simple. Even with the guys who spring out
after you liberate towns, it's all too simple...
The Gorgon, however, can ruin your day real quick. With her Gaze of
Terror she'll turn everyone into stone almost immediately. Bring in
you anti-Cockatrice unit for this.
NOTE: Add three to the levels of the enemy if you went to Latium before
Epilogue: Mylmurre says that demons are fighting alongside humans to
bring back Lady Danika. She says that the blood of Danika and the
Progenitor is related.
Hidden Items:
Lance of Longinus: On the road between Renevue and Kelmend
Angel Fruit: On the road between Saro and Belce
Mirror of Soul: End of road SW of Clemms
Ignis: End of road east of Clemms
Love and Peace: Piece of land in forest east of Belce
Annihilation: East of Sondrio
Scene 36 - Advocates of the Darkness
Location: Tybell, the Wicked Land
Prologue: Apparently, although this area's controlled by the demons,
people are flocking here because it's relatively peaceful.
Pazano: (Starting Location)
Population: 156
Morale: 52
Plumed Headband 60
Torn Cloth 10
Old Clothing 10
Plain Clothing 30
Leather Armor 60
Feather Suit 400
Raguza: (Neutral, Southeast Corner)
Population: 280
Morale: 47
Chelefteu: (South of Pazano)
Population: 243
Morale: 37
Kaless Ande: (West of Pazano)
Population: 136
Morale: 85
Lokry: (Northwest of Pazano)
Population: 89
Morale: 55
Letze: (South of Kaless Ande)
Population: 218
Morale: 67
Witch's Hut
Tricaeze: (West of Kaless Ande)
Population: 268
Morale: 36
Castle Lloydgust: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 29
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Legion 1 - Dual Wedge Formation
Sld-- Sld-- -----
----- Cen31%Sld--
Sat30 ----- ----- Location: NW of Pazano
Gob30 ----- Gob30
----- Sat31*-----
----- Gob30 Gob30 Position: Near Right Side
AzD30 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM31*
----- Gob30 Gob30 Position: Near Left Side
Gre30 BlK32*-----
----- ----- Gre30
Opi30 ----- ----- Position: Far Right Side
----- Gre30 Hwk30
Hwk30 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Rav31*Gre30 Location: Charging from North of Pazano
Gob32 Sir30*-----
----- ----- Gob32
Ogr32 ----- ----- Location: Charging from SW of Pazano
Gre32 ----- Gob32
----- Sat32*-----
Gob32 ----- Gre32 Location: Guarding Lokry
----- BlK30*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr32 ----- Ogr33 Location: Guarding Lokry
Sat30 Sat31*Sat30
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Ogr30 ----- Location: Guarding Kaless Ande
Gre31 Dia31*Gre31
Gob31 ----- -----
----- ----- Gob31 Location: Charging from South of Pazano
Gre30 Rav31*Gre30
Rav30 ----- Rav30 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- ----- ----- Location: Charging from SW of Pazano
SGo30 ----- SGo30
----- ----- -----
----- Gor32*----- Location: Guarding Tricaeze
----- Sat31*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr30 ----- Ogr30 Location: SE of Castle Lloydgust
Gre30 Sat31*-----
----- ----- Gre30 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Gob30 Gob30 ----- Location: SW of Castle Lloydgust
Enemy Commander: Frohm
BlK30 Dae33*BlK30
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Gob30 ----- Gob30 Location: Castle Lloydgust
Reward: Ogre Blade
Battle Tactics: Another battle with few surprises. Most of the enemies
are Demons, again. Keep an eye on the Gorgon.
Hidden Items:
Heavy Axe: Midway between Pazano and Chelefteu
Feather of Archangel: Patch of Plains between Highland and Barren NE of
Saint's Shield: Forest East of Letze
Saint's Garb: Mountains West of Raguza
Caldia: On the road between Letze and Castle Lloydgust
Chaladholg: Forest South of Lokry
Scene 37 - March on the Capital
Location: Latium
Prologue: It's flashback time! We flashback to Magnus' and Yumil's
youth where the two are young boys playing together, and how Yumil
promises that Magnus will be his knight when he becomes King. Flash
forward to a scene where a nobleman attempts to kill Yumil. Magnus
tries to stop him, but the man throws him to the ground. Ankiseth
runs in shortly and slices the killer up. Magnus hates himself for not
being able to help. Now we see the same scene we saw in the beginning,
where Magnus tells Yumil he's going to join the army.
NOTE: This mission plays out differently depending on your Chaos Frame,
and also if you go here before clearing out all the other optional
areas prior to this.
Latina: (Starting Location)
Population: 291
Morale: 56
Witch's Hut
Gaeta: (Neutral, SW of Latina)
Population: 271
Morale: 49
Iron Helm 30
Baldr Helm 170
Helm of Thunderclap 410
Sword of Firedrake 300
Main Gauche 400
Blessed Sword 400
Sum Mannus 500
Glaive of Champion 500
Earth Javelin 550
Ice Blade 600
Electric Shield 150
Flame Shield 150
Shield of Inferno 500
Shield of Nue 500
Plate Mail 210
Plate Armor 230
Baldr Mail 250
Baldr Armor 420
Heavy Armor 650
Peregrine Mail 900
Bell of Thunder 250
Fang of Firedrake 250
Naga Ring 250
Snow Orb 250
Yen Vahagh: (SE of Latina)
Population: 115
Morale: 51
Vulge: (South of Latina)
Population: 112
Morale: 47
Gothpicci: (Southeast Corner)
Population: 128
Morale: 88
Fort Toydebelt: (Enemy Headquarters #1)
Population: 61
Morale: 50
Fort Toyderich: (Enemy Headquarters #2)
Population: 45
Morale: 50
Winnea: (Enemy Capital, Will not be captured)
Population: 174
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Legion 1 - Dual Wedge Formation
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- Sld-- Sld-- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
----- CeF34%----- Location: Charging from Yen Vahagh
Gob35 Sir33*-----
----- ----- Gob35
Ogr35 ----- ----- Position: Near Left Side
Grf33 ----- Opi33
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Fre34*----- Position: Near Right Side
Sph33 ----- ArM35*
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Ogr33 ----- Position: Far Left Side
Wiz33 ArM35*Wiz33
----- ----- ArM33 Items: One Leaf
----- ArM33 ----- Position: Far Right Side
Legion 2 - Dual Wedge Formation
Sld-- CeF34%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: One Leaf, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Flb34 ----- Location: Charging from East of Latina
----- BlK33*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr35 ----- Ogr36 Position: Left Side
SwM33 ----- SwM33
----- ArM34*-----
Gre33 ----- Gre33 Position: Right Side
Legion 3 - Dual Wedge Formation
Sld-- CeM34%Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Hyd34 ----- Location: Charging from Vulge
Fae33 ----- Hyd33
----- ----- -----
Fae33 BsM34*----- Position: Left Side
Gre34 Dia34*Gre34
Gob34 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- ----- Gob34 Position: Right Side
Dia34*----- Arc33
Arc33 Knt33 ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Knt33 Location: Guarding Vulge
BkD33 ----- Tmt33
----- ----- -----
----- BlK35*----- Location: Guarding Gothpicci
(Good Chaos Frame)
Enemy Commanders: Knights of Danika (Gatekeeper)
Sat34 ----- Sat34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
Sat34 KDa36*Sat34 Location: Fort Toyderich
AnK34 ----- AnK34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
AnK34 KDa36*AnK34 Location: Fort Toydebelt
Reward: Dragon Armor
(Bad Chaos Frame)
Enemy Commander 1: Ruolanair
Dia34 ----- Dia34
----- Pal35*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- SwM34 SwM34 Location: Fort Toyderich
Reward: Sword of Firedrake
Enemy Commander 2: Vesalus
Fre34 ----- Fre34
----- Pal35*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Cat34 Cat34 Location: Fort Toydebelt
Reward: Black Cat
NOTE: There are two separate rewards on the low CF route. It depends on
which leader you kill last.
Battle Tactics:
Yep. You've got three Legions on you right from the start. Don't
panic! This is pretty much all the enemy has. After the Legions are
taken care of, there's just the two units guarding the towns, and the
commanders at the forts. You'll have to defeat both commanders to
finish the mission.
BIG NOTE: If you go to Latium before you go to the other places,
decrease every character's level by 2.
Epilogue: A captured Knight tells how the Chosen will cleanse this land
of evil. Later, Yumil, in Winnea, laughs to himself, saying how he's
"almost there". Zeda and Mari enter the room...
You'll notice you didn't take Winnea in this battle. That can mean only
one thing, of course. You're gonna have to storm Winnea!
Aftermath: After storming Winnea, return here and go to Vulge to learn
about an Angel appearing in the church in Gothpicci. Take Magnus there
Between 12 and 4 AM. The Angel will appear. If you have the Pedras of
Bane and Virtue, the Ansate Cross from Zenobia border, a Dream Tiara,
and a high Chaos Frame, you'll be given the Southern Cross.
Hidden Items:
Rune Plate: End of road SE of Yen Vahagh
Lfal: On the road north of Gothpicci
Crystal of Precision: Mountains Southeast of Geata
Angelic Armor: West of Winnea
Scroll of Discipline: East of Winnea
Scene 38 - Promises
Location: Winnea, Captial of Palatinus
Prologue: If you have a high Chaos Frame, you'll see a scene where
Procus approaches Yumil, wondering why he hasn't cast the all-powerful
forbidden spell yet. Yumil says he can't do it with Magnus marching.
He then kills his own father.
If you don't, you'll just go over battle plans.
NOTE: Like last mission, the enemy commander(s) will be different if
you have a high or low Chaos Frame.
Enemy Opposition:
----- ----- -----
Knt32 Pal35*Knt32
Pal33 ----- Pal33 Location: Guarding Second Western Gate
----- Hyd32 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal32 Pal34*Pal32 Location: Patrolling Western Street
Gre32 BlK34*-----
----- ----- Gre32 Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
Opi32 ----- ----- Location: Patrolling Southern Street
Gob32 ----- Gob32
----- BlK34*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
BlK32 ----- BlK32 Location: Patrolling Southern Street
Hwk32 ArM33*Hwk32
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Ogr32 ----- Location: Guarding Second Southern Gate
----- Sir33*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr32 ----- Wyv32 Location: House East of Second Southern Gate
----- Wit33*Pmp32
----- ----- Gob35
Pmp32 Gob35 ----- Location: House West of Second Southern Gate
AzD32 ----- EhD32
----- ----- -----
----- Sat33*----- Location: House West of Second Western Gate
Pal32 Pal34*Pal32
Knt32 ----- Knt32 Items: Four Leaves, One Fruit
----- ----- ----- Location: Patrolling Eastern Street
Sat33*----- Tmt32
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Cer32 ----- Location: House East of Second Eastern Gate
Gre33 Gre33 -----
Gob33 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal33*Gob33 ----- Location: Guarding Second Eastern Gate
Pal32 Cat34*Pal32
----- ----- ----- Items: Eight Fruits
----- Ogr32 ----- Location: Patrolling West of Main Street
Sor33*----- YgD32
Gob32 ----- -----
----- Gob32 ----- Location: House West of Main Street
----- Sat32 -----
Cat32 ----- Cat32 Items: Eight Fruits
Cat34*----- Cat32 Location: Patrolling East of Main Street
ReD32 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM33*
----- Gob32 Gob32 Location: House East of Main Street
----- Dae34*Gho32
Gho32 ----- -----
----- Ske32 Ske32 Location: Guarding Final Gate
----- Ogr32 -----
----- ----- -----
Gob32 Dae34*Gob32 Location: South of the Royal Castle
(Good Chaos Frame)
Enemy Commander: Yumil Dulmare (Overlord)
----- Ove34*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
KDa32 ----- KDa32 Location: Royal Palace
Reward: Champion Statuette
(Bad Chaos Frame)
Enemy Commander 1: Procus Dulmare (Flail Monarch)
----- FlM34*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Ogr32 ----- Ogr32 Location: Royal Palace
Enemy Commander 2: Yumil Dulmare (Overlord)
KDa32 Ove34*KDa32
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
KDa32 ----- KDa32 Location: Royal Palace
Battle Tactics: Fight this battle just like Fort Romulus. You should
have plenty of time. Don't forget about the gardens lying around that
can heal you if you rest in them.
Epilogue: Challenging Yumil, Magnus defies his promise to become
Yumil's knight. After he beats him, Mari protects Yumil. Yumil tells
all. He is the Child of the Covenant. Long ago, the goddess Danika's
body, queen of the netherworld, was split into five pieces. The arms
and legs became the Knights of Danika, who guard the Chaos Gate. The
Progenitor came across a Chaos Gate once and asked for ultimate power,
in exchange for giving up one of his descendants to Danika. That
descendant was Yumil. Yumil became the embodiment of Danika's power.
Magnus rebukes Yumil, asking him if total destruction is what he really
wants. Yumil wants to start over...
Suddenly, Mari, overcome with some unstoppable force, takes a sword and
runs Yumil through. Zeda shows up behind her. She rebukes the girl,
telling her she's the last hope now, and teleports away with her.
Yumil lies dying in Magnus' arms. He tells Magnus that, with the
Knights and him dead, the only thing left will be the seal on the
ruins. When that seal is broken, Danika will have the ability to
conquer the world. The Ogre Battle will come once again. Magnus
promises his childhood friend that, even though he's just an ordinary
human, he'll do what he can.
Later, in the meeting room in Winnea, Magnus, Hugo, and Frederick
discuss matters. Magnus decides to leave to fulfill Yumil's request.
Frederick gives his blessing.
If you fought Procus, Yumil will kill him, unless you've sent away
Ankiseth, in which case Ankiseth will kill him, and Yumil will send them
both to the netherworld.
Hidden Items:
Silver Hourglass: East of the Eastern Outer Gate
Matsukaze: West of the Royal Palace, at the end of a street.
Malachite Sword: East of the Royal Palace, at the end of a street.
Scene 39 - The Battle Rages On
Location: Aurua Plains
Prologue: Zeda drags Mari along the wilderness. Overcome with grief,
Mari's having a tough time. The two encounter the remaining Knights of
the Caliginous Order, Thamuz, Richard, and Baldwin. Zeda suggests a
deal where the Lodis Knights help her break the seal and in turn get
the blessings from their god.
Fort Randrich: (Starting Location)
Population: 15
Morale: 50
Le Vin: (Northwest of Randrich)
Population: 252
Morale: 68
Landeck: (West of Le Vin)
Population: 84
Morale: 57
Hraesvelg 340
Falchion 400
Frozen Axe 500
Ring of Eloquence 250
Brode: (West of Randrich)
Population: 235
Morale: 82
Albesta: (Eastern Edge)
Population: 133
Morale: 28
Zarbow: (Southwestern Corner)
Population: 61
Morale: 20
Bartasake: (Northeastern Corner)
Population: 278
Morale: 40
Tranus: (North of Landeck)
Population: 94
Morale: 25
Witch's Hut
Apertine: (West of Tranus)
Population: 140
Morale: 28
Main Gauche 400
Bow of Sandstorm 420
Shield of Inferno 500
Kaysegg: (Northern Edge)
Population: 99
Morale: 55
Anderout: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 53
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- BlK32*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr34 ----- Ogr35 Location: Charging from West of Le Vin
Arc32 Sir33*Arc32
Gob33 ----- -----
----- Gob33 ----- Location: Charging from North of Le Vin
Ske32 ArM33*-----
----- ----- Ske32
Ogr32 ----- ----- Location: Charging from West of Brode
----- SwM33*-----
Nin32 ----- Nin32
----- Gob33 Gob33 Location: Charging from North of Landeck
Legion 1 - Dual Wedge Formation
Sld-- Sld-- -----
----- CeM33%Sld-- Items: Four Leaves
Sat32 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Zarbow
Gre32 ----- Gre32
Gob32 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- KtT34*Gob32 Position: Right Side
----- Sat34*-----
Gob32 ----- Zom32
Zom32 Gob32 ----- Position: Left Side
Legion 2 - Funnel Shift Formation
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- CeF33%Sld-- Items: Three Leaves, One Fruit
----- KtT32 ----- Location: Charging from Apertine
Gob32 KtT34*Gob32
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Ogr32 ----- Position: Right Side
Gob34 Sir32*-----
----- ----- Gob34
Ogr34 ----- ----- Position: Left Side
Legion 3 - Funnel Shift Formation
Sld-- ----- Sld--
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
KtT32 CeM33%KtT32 Location: Charging from Tranus
NnM33*----- Gho32
Gre32 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Gho32 Gre32 ----- Position: Right Side
----- KtT34*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr32 ----- Ogr32 Position: Left Side
Legion 4 - Dual Wedge Formation
----- Sld-- -----
Sld-- Sld-- Sld-- Items: One Leaf, One Fruit
----- CeF33%----- Location: Charging from Bartasake
KtT33 Sat34*-----
Gob32 ----- KtT33 Items: Six Leaves
----- ----- Gob32 Position: Right Side
----- Sat34*KtT33
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
KtT33 ----- Ogr32 Position: Left Side
----- DoM33*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
Ogr35 ----- Gol32 Location: Southeast of Anderout (Ambush)
Gre33 Dia33*Gre33
Gob33 ----- -----
----- ----- Gob33 Location: Southeast of Anderout (Ambush)
Enemy Commander: Thamuz Delville (Temple Command)
KtT33 ----- KtT33
----- TmC35*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Gob33 Gob33 Location: Anderout
Reward: Peridot Sword
Battle Tactics:
Yep. You read that right. There are four Legions in this battle.
Don't panic. Just deploy your units in teams. Two units should be
more than enough to handle each of the three unit Legions. Watch out
at the outskirts of Anderout. Like all Caliginous Order battles, there
are a few hidden units near the headquarters.
Epilogue: Thamuz begs Baldwin to go to Keryoleth to raise Danika.
Thamuz gives his life for what's left of the Caliginous Order.
Hugo tells Magnus that the Caliginous Order is now using Castle Talapea
in Wentinus as their base. It is decided that they should take the
castle first, since going to the mountains would expose themselves to
attack from Wentinus.
Hidden Items:
Airgetlam: East of Tranus
Count's Garment: Between Mountains NE of Zarbow
Urn of Chaos: Piece of land West of Tranus
Prox: Between Mountains NE of Zarbow
Bell of Thunder: Mountains Southeast of Apertine
Earth Javelin: Plains South of Le Vin
Volcaetus: Between Mountains West of Albesta
Scene 40 - Pressure
Location: Wentinus
Prologue: Baldwin tells Richard of Thamuz's death. Richard scolds him
and sends him back to his post. When he leaves, Richard says that
Thamuz's death will not be in vain, and Baldwin will be the one to
gain ultimate power.
Hopedale: (Starting Location)
Population: 187
Morale: 78
Reliance: (Allied, Southwest of Hopedale)
Population: 187
Morale: 18
Yves Guibiques: (North of Reliance)
Population: 253
Morale: 67
Cartwright: (East of Hopedale)
Population: 253
Morale: 79
Witch's Hut
Timmins: (Northern Edge)
Population: 238
Morale: 35
Armet 120
Arc Wand 150
Baldr Spear 230
Spellbook 100
Tower Shield 350
Fur Coat 250
Heavy Armor 650
Amulet 40
Igglurick: (Southeast of Castle Talpaea)
Population: 244
Morale: 12
Castle Talpaea: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 177
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Sat36*-----
Gob34 ----- Zom34 Items: Two Leaves
Zom34 Gob34 ----- Location: Charging from Yves Guibiques
Gre34 ----- Gre34
Gob34 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits
----- KtT36*Gob34 Location: Charging from Yves Guibiques (Messenger)
Fae34 ----- Hyd34
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Fae34 BsM35*----- Location: Charging from Reliance
----- Gre34 -----
----- ----- Gre34 Items: Nothing
Coc34 ----- Rav35* Location: Charging from Reliance
Gre35 Gre35 -----
Gob35 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Pal35*Gob35 ----- Location: Charging from Reliance
Wyv34 ----- -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Rav35*----- Wyr34 Location: Charging from Reliance
KtT35 Sat36*-----
Gob34 ----- KtT35 Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- ----- Gob34 Location: Guarding Yves Guibiques
----- Ogr34 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Gob34 Dae36*Gob34 Location: Charging form Yves Guibiques
Gob34 ----- Gob34
----- Sat35*-----
----- Gob34 Gob34 Location: Charging from Cartwright
----- Sat36*KtT35
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
KtT35 ----- Ogr34 Location: Guarding Cartwright
----- BlK34*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr36 ----- Ogr37 Location: Charging from Igglurick
KtT35 ----- KtT35
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
KtT35 Sat36*KtT35 Location: Guarding Igglurick
----- Sat35*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr34 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Timmins
Gre35 Dia35*Gre35
Gob35 ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- ----- Gob35 Location: Charging from Timmins
Wiz34 ArM36*Wiz34
----- ----- ArM34
----- ArM34 ----- Location: Charging from Timmins
Ske34 ArM35*-----
----- ----- Ske34
Ogr34 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Timmins
Gob34 KtT36*Gob34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Ogr34 ----- Location: Charging from Talpaea
----- KtT36*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr34 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Talpaea
Enemy Commander: Baldwin Glendale (Temple Command)
Sat34 ----- Sat34
----- TmC37*----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
KtT34 ----- KtT34 Location: Castle Talpaea
Reward: Wind Armor
Battle Tactics:
The kicker about this battle is just the fact that there are so many
units in the towns. Watch the Templar unit to the west. They'll go
after Reliance, and you don't want to lose it, so send someone to
Reliance immediately. Preferably a flying unit. After all that's
taken care of, just watch out for the charging Templar units from the
Castle. This should come as no surprise to you, since every
Caliginous Knight you've fought so far uses that tactic.
If by some ill chance, you lose Reliance, to the unit labelled
"Messenger", the following four units will appear at Reliance. If you
take it out first, they'll never appear.
Scene 41 - Adversaries
Location: Castle Talpaea
Prologue: Richard sends Baldwin to the ruins, saying he'll hold off the
Revolutionary Army.
Enemy Opposition:
KtT34 ----- KtT34
----- ----- -----
KtT34 Sat35*KtT34 Location: Guarding the Outer Gate
----- BlK34*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Three Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
BkD33 ----- Ogr36 Location: SW of the Outer Gate
----- ----- Grf33
Gob36 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- SwM34*Gob36 Location: SE of the Outer Gate
Sor34*----- YgD33
Gob33 ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Gob33 ----- Location: NW of Outer Gate
----- Sir34*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
Ogr33 ----- Wyv33 Location: Western side of Outer Street
Gre33 Rav34*Gre33
Rav33 ----- Rav33 Items: Two Leaves
----- ----- ----- Location: Western Houses
AzD33 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM34* Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Gob33 Gob33 Location: Eastern side of Outer Street
----- Gre33 Hwk33
Hwk33 ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
----- Rav34*Gre33 Location: Eastern Houses
Gre33 BlK35*-----
----- ----- Gre33 Items: Two Leaves
Opi33 ----- ----- Location: Near Archer Park
AzD33 ----- EhD33
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Sat34*----- Location: Near Cavalier Park
Sph33 ----- ArM35*
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr33 ----- Location: Northwest of Archer Park (Reach it)
----- Flb33 -----
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves, Two Fruits
Gob33 DgM35*Gob33 Location: East of Archer Park (Reach it)
Cer33 ----- Sph33
----- ----- -----
----- Sat34*----- Location: NE of Cavalier Park (Reach it)
Sat34*----- Tmt33
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Cer33 ----- Location: West of Cavalier Park (Reach it)
KtT34 Sat35*-----
Gob33 ----- KtT34
----- ----- Gob33 Location: Guarding West Inner Gate
----- Sat35*KtT34
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
KtT34 ----- Ogr33 Location: Guarding East Inner Gate
Gob33 KtT35*Gob33
----- ----- ----- Items: Two Leaves
----- Ogr33 ----- Location: SW of Jasper Tower
----- KtT35*-----
----- ----- -----
Ogr33 ----- Ogr33 Location: SE of Jasper Tower
Enemy Commander: Richard Glendale (Death Templar)
Flb34 ----- AzD34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- DTm35*----- Location: Jasper Tower
Reward: Oracion
Battle Tactics: Another castle storming scene. Watch for the two units
on the southern road, and the two each that spring up whenever you
reach one of the parks.
Epilogue: Richard leaves after being defeated. He finds Baldwin in the
forest. He asks why Baldwin has not broken the seal, yet. Baldwin
says he's tired of living in Richard's shadow, and he runs Richard
through with his sword.
Hidden Items:
Wind Armor: West of Cavalier Park
Helm of Thunderclap: End of Road East of Jasper Tower (across wall)
Sword Emblem: End of Road West of Jasper Tower (across wall)
Scene 42 - The Sleeping Goddess
Location: Mount Keryoleth
Prologue: Zeda, Mari, and Baldwin approach the Ruins of Keryoleth.
Zeda explains that Mari is now her loyal puppet, since her mind is gone
from losing Yumil. A Templar runs up to Baldwin, reporting that your
army is fast approaching. Baldwin leaves.
Zeda gives Mari a sacred sword and tells her to resurrect Danika. Mari
says she can't do it. Zeda's a little flustered, and tells her that
she was born solely for this purpose. She is the daughter of the sage
of Zeteginea, Rashidi, and this whole thing, including her love for
Yumil, was planned from the moment she was born. Mari can't believe
she's only a pawn in this, and stabs Zeda with the sword.
Mari walks up to the ruins and cries out for Yumil. In anger and
frustration, she stabs the ground with the sword, and collapses on the
ground. Suddenly, blue light rises from the crack in the ground she
created, and a figure arises from it...
Have Destin: Later, in the War Room, Destin shows concern for Magnus.
Magnus says he's alright. Destin explains this will probably be the
last battle. They go over the plans. Destin gives Magnus words of
encouragement, and we begin...
Mursunny: (Starting Location)
Population: 117
Morale: 35
Hachigane 40
Plumed Headband 60
Baldr Bow 160
Ytival 270
Claymore 360
Cloth Armor 20
Hard Leather 150
Natashkan: (East of Mursunny)
Population: 188
Morale: 48
Dolbo: (Distant North)
Population: 43
Morale: 28
Mingan: (Northeast of Natashkan)
Population: 122
Morale: 39
Escaraba: (East of Natashkan)
Population: 66
Morale: 80
Tananna: (Neutral, East of Escaraba)
Population: 160
Morale: 41
Balera: (East of Mingan)
Population: 171
Morale: 81
Gypsanville: (North of Mingan)
Population: 86
Morale: 53
Witch's Hut
Keryoleth: (Enemy Headquarters)
Population: 31
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
----- Dae36*Gho34
Gho34 ----- -----
----- Ske34 Ske34 Location: Guarding Natashkan
Sat34 Sat35*Sat34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves
----- Ogr34 ----- Location: Charging from Natashkan
----- Sat35*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Six Leaves
Ogr34 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Dolbo
Gre34 Sat35*-----
----- ----- Gre34 Items: Two Leaves
Gob34 Gob34 ----- Location: Charging from Mingan
AzD34 ----- -----
----- ----- DgM35
----- Gob34 Gob34 Location: Guarding Dolbo
Dia35*Gre34 -----
----- ----- Gre34 Items: Four Leaves
Gob34 Gob34 ----- Location: Charging from Escaraba
Sph34 ----- ArM36*
----- ----- -----
----- Ogr34 ----- Location: Guarding Mingan
----- Wit35*Pmp34
----- ----- Gob37
Pmp34 Gob37 ----- Location: Guarding Escaraba
Gre34 BlK36*-----
----- ----- Gre34
Opi34 ----- ----- Location: Charging from Tananna
----- Sat36*KtT35
----- ----- -----
KtT35 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Gypsanville
KtT35 Sat36*-----
Gob34 ----- KtT35 Items: Five Leaves, Two Fruits
----- ----- Gob34 Location: Charging from North of Balera
Gob34 KtT36*Gob34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, One Stone
----- Ogr34 ----- Location: Charging from Keryoleth
----- KtT36*-----
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits
Ogr34 ----- Ogr34 Location: Charging from Keryoleth
Enemy Commander: Baldwin Glendale (Temple Command)
Dae34 TmC37*Dae34
----- ----- ----- Items: Four Leaves, Two Fruits, Two Stones
----- Ogr34 ----- Location: Keryoleth
Battle Tactics:
Another straightforward battle for the most part. Many of the enemy
units will charge from their towns before you get in range, so you may
have to deal with a bunch of units on you at once. Don't sweat it,
Epilogue: AGAIN, Baldwin runs. He heads to the ruins. He sees Zeda
and Mari lying on the ground. Zeda says a few last words, turns into
her true form, a Gorgon, and melts away. It is then that Baldwin
notices Danika hovering above the ruins. He vows that Mari will never
have that power and slays her. He stands before Danika, demanding to
be blessed, that he have the ultimate power. Just then, Magnus runs
up and yells for Baldwin to stop. Danika, with a nod of her head,
knocks the impudent Baldwin to the ground.
Magnus runs up to Danika, recognizing Yumil in her. She explains
herself, that she was once the goddess of fertility, now the goddess of
the netherworld. She had eaten the fruit of the Infernal Aura, and
Berthe, her mother, put her to sleep. Yumil awoke her, though, with
his power as the Child of the Covenant. She explains how she didn't
want to awaken, but she felt so much sadness in Yumil that she felt she
had to.
Baldwin wakes and demands the power again. Danika suddenly is
swallowed by the Infernal Aura, the power of the sage of Zeteginea, and
the power of the Child of Covenant. This turns her into one freaky-
looking thing...
Magnus arms himself and attacks...
Final Enemy: Danika
----- ----- -----
----- XXX38*-----
XXX38 ----- XXX38
The middle part of Danika uses Lava Shot twice. The plant parts use
Rotten Breath and Acid Breath twice each.
You'll fight a round against her. Just stay alive. Retreat if you
have to. Don't bother with Pedras, they don't do a thing against her.
Once you survive the first round (winning is doubtful), you, and the
rest of your army, will be pushed back quite a distance. The area
around Keryoleth will change form. The entire area will become marsh
and swirly, malefic woods. Two gates to the netherworld will crop up
south and southwest of Keryoleth, and enemy demon units will start
spilling out. Ignore them, or push them out of the way, and just head
straight for Danika, and keep attacking until she's defeated.
The game ends here, normally. The only way to proceed to the next
scene is to have a low Chaos Frame, and no Zenobians in your party.
Scene 43 - Caliber (submitted by Freedan)
Location: Aurua Plains
Prologue: On his way back to Winnea for Frederick's coronation, Magnus'
battalion is intercepted by a mysterious enemy. The scout's last words
cast an ominous tone over the looming battle. Hugo tells Magnus to be
prepared for anything.
Tranus: (Starting Location)
Population: 24
Morale: 94
Witch's Hut
Albesta: (East of Tranus)
Population: 133
Morale: 28
Landeck: (Southeast of Tranus)
Population: 84
Morale: 57
Hraesvelg 340
Falchion 400
Frozen Axe 500
Ring of Eloquence 250
Brode: (South of Landeck)
Population: 235
Morale: 82
Le Vin: (East of Landeck)
Population: 252
Morale: 68
Fort Randrich: (Southeast of Le Vin)
Population: 15
Morale: 50
Enemy Opposition:
Sph36 ----- Sph36
----- ----- -----
----- BsM38*----- Location: Charging from Southeast of Tranus
BlK36 Vam38*BlK36
----- ----- -----
BlK36 ----- BlK36 Location: Charging from Northeast of Tranus
AnK36 Ser38*AnK36
----- ----- -----
AnK36 ----- AnK36 Location: Charging from highlands East of Tranus
BlK36 ----- Pal36
----- ----- -----
BlK36 Dgo38*Pal36 Location: Charging from Landeck
Hyd36 ----- Que36
----- ----- -----
----- DgM38*----- Location: Charging from Albesta
Sor36 Sir37*Sor36
----- ----- -----
----- Val36 Val36 Location: Charging from Le Vin
Pum36 Wit38*-----
----- Pum36 Pum36
Pum36 ----- ----- Location: Guarding Landeck
Tmt36 ----- AzD36
----- ----- -----
----- DgM38*----- Location: Guarding Le Vin
SwM36 SwM37*SwM36
----- ----- -----
SwM36 ----- SwM36 Location: Guarding Brode
Coc36 ----- Coc36
----- ----- -----
----- BlK37*----- Location: Guarding Albesta
Saradin's Unit
Sir36 War39*Sir36
----- ----- -----
NnM38 ----- NnM38 Location: Semicircle Northwest of Fort Randrich
Gilbert's Unit
----- BsM39*-----
----- ----- -----
Sph38 ----- Cer37 Location: Semicircle Northwest of Fort Randrich
Debonair's Unit
Fre36 Gen39*Fre36
----- ----- -----
Pal36 ----- Pal36 Location: Semicircle Northwest of Fort Randrich
Aisha's Unit
Ser37 Pri39*AnK38
----- ----- -----
AnK38 ----- Ser37 Location: Semicircle Northwest of Fort Randrich
Enemy Commander: Destin Faroda (Lord)
Bah38 ----- FlB38
----- ----- -----
----- Lor41*----- Location: Fort Randrich
Battle Tactics:
This is it, the scene only accessible with a low Chaos Frame and no
Zenobians. The enemy unit design has taken a big step up, although they
still shouldn't be quite on par with your best units. Still, some of
the enemies here will put up a good fight against just about anyone.
In particular, the unit with two Sphinxes is rather nasty, as their
Evocation actually works, and since they're so fast, they can pull out
a 400-point combination spell before you can even blink. Your best bet
is not to kill the leader, so he'll slow them down, hopefully exposing
yourself to only one combination spell.
Also, note the Cockatrice unit. You should be experienced in
anti-Cockatrice tactics by now, but just make sure you know it's there.
Other than that, it's pretty straightforward. It's a tiny map, and
there aren't too many enemy units, but they are tough. Almost all the
enemies are equipped with good elemental weapons, instead of their weak
physical ones. Just be careful, and don't push your units too hard.
When you near the enemy fort, you'll see the four Zenobians standing in
a semicircle around the stronghold, guarding it from attack. You'll
have to fight them all, but the fights are handled as boss battles,
meaning if you kill the leader, everyone else falls as well. With this
in mind, none of them are terribly difficult. Each has their own little
speech condemning Magnus for his actions. After those pesky Zenobians
have uttered their last words, you can take on Destin Faroda. There's a
pretty long dialogue between him and Magnus, but the fight itself is
easy, despite Destin's high level.
Epilogue: Destin tells Magnus he can't stop him anymore, and tells him
to be true to himself, before the mighty hero of Zenobia falls. After
that, it's off to the low CF ending.
8. Endings
There are many endings to this game, depending on your Chaos Frame, and
who you have in your party. Here's my first ending.
After Danika's beaten: Danika thanks Magnus for stopping her. She
explains that, since she's both human and god, she constantly sways
between good and evil. She explains that there are very few differences
between humans and demons. Both are capable of good and evil. She
gives him parting words that the one who planned this was born of this
world, and that the Ogre Battle cannot be avoided. She leaves...
CF of 0-33: Magnus is turned away from Winnea, being told he cannot be
allowed in Frederick's prescence, since they believe he's possessed by
the Infernal Aura. He turns away. In a few years, barbarians from the
east attack, Frederick dies shortly, and Palatinus is reduced to
One day, Kerikov finds the body of Mari lying beside the road.
Suddenly, a baby crawls out from under her, and floats in the air. It
says how good it feels to have the body of a god, and kills Kerikov.
It's obvious that this is the new incarnation of the sage, Rashidi.
If you have a CF higher than 33, you'll get the "standard" ending,
where different things happen depending on who you have in your party.
Have Destin: Destin explains that, even though Yumil's lost, the war
has been won. He says that he's heading back to Zenobia to tell the
King what has happened. Magnus tells him he'll stay and help rebuild
CF of 34-66: Frederick becomes king of Palatinus and Magnus becomes a
great hero in the new Palatinean army. He is referred to as a person of
chivalry that owed allegiance to no one; not even his king.
CF of 67-100: Frederick becomes king and dies shortly thereafter in
battle. Magnus becomes the new king of Palatinus and leads his country
to great victory over the Eastern Barbarian tribes in the future.
Ending Scene 1: Gunther Piedmont
Have Troi, Katreda, and Asnabel: Asnabel and Troi are leaving for
war. Katreda wishes him luck.
Ending Scene 2: Winnea
Have Meredia: Hugo talks to Meredia about war. She says how she's
scared, but she'll fight.
Have Meredia, Liedel, and Biske: Meredia takes note of the fact that
Liedel and Biske are a couple.
Ending Scene 3: Azure Plains (or Tremos Mountains)
Have Sheen: Sheen wonders what he should do with his life now. He
thinks they're excluding him and he'll show 'em who's boss.
Have Sheen, Carth and/or Paul: The same as above, only Carth and/or Paul
confront him and convince him to come back (depending on whether you
got both).
Have Paul: Paul visits his petrified friend, says a few words, and
heads off to the upcoming battle.
Ending Scene 4: Mount Ithaca
Destin (if you have him) arranges for war with the Bolmaukans (led by
Vad, if you have him). Europea (if you have her) shows up and says that
"he" and his comrades are coming. If you don't have her, it's just
another Bolmaukan warrior.
9. Advanced FAQ
Q: What's a Chaos Frame?
A: We all thought the Reputation meter from the original Ogre Battle
was removed. Turns out it's still there, but you can't check it. At
the end of the game you get an analysis in the form of a numerical value
from 0-100 of what the people thought of you. The higher the Chaos
Frame, the better the ending.
Q: How do I increase my Chaos Frame?
A: There has been lots of talk about what affects Chaos Frame, but the
biggest, and proven factor is whether or not you liberate towns as
opposed to capturing them.
To liberate a town, the enemy must have possession of it, first. Don't
bother trying to liberate neutral towns because it won't work. Next,
check the Morale of the town under Stronghold Information. You should
see a number from 0-100. Match that number, roughly, with the average
alignment in one of your units. Use that unit to go to the town and
you'll liberate it. The process is fairly lenient. Any generally
Chaotic unit will liberate a town with 0-33 Morale. Any genearlly
Neutral unit will liberate a town with 34-66 Morale. Any generally
Lawful unit will liberate a town with 67-100 Morale.
Generally, given the average alignment of your unit. You'll have about
a 20 point dispersal, so if you have someone dead 50, you can liberate
anything between 30 and 70. This may seem like a rather wide dispersal,
but you'll be thanking the Zeteginean Gods for it later on, when you
have units at 100 or 0 alignment.
There's been a lot of talk about other things affecting Chaos Frame.
Things such as Magnus' Alignment, having Demons in your party, creating
a Lich, totally wiping out enemy units, attacking units while they
sleep. None of these have been proven to affect your CF, and I
suggest you just relax and concentrate on liberation.
One last note: Don't expect to just learn about Chaos Frame at, say,
Tremos Mountains II, and be able to boost your Chaos Frame (which is
probably around zero) enough to get Debonair. Raising Chaos Frame is a
slow process, and it'll take a good 20 missions to get it up to 100,
so it's best to start liberating early and often.
Q: How does Love and Peace work?
A: Very simple, really. During a battle you select it. You pick an
enemy unit that's in sight and you'll use it on them. You have a chance
for a member of that unit to come over to your side. That character
disappears from the enemy unit and reappears in your reserves. I don't
know the chance of it working, nor do I really want to bother to figure
it out.
Bottom line, you can use this item to try and get characters you don't
have the time, patience, or items to get any other way. For instance,
I used it to get an Angel Knight, because I didn't want to risk one of
my characters.
Characters you CANNOT use Love and Peace on:
Knights Templar
Knights of Danika
ANY Unit Leaders
Q: What's the deal with Combination Magic and Attacks?
A: Combination Attacks are only for Soldiers. If you have two or more
groups of Soldiers in the same row, there's a chance that they'll
attack together for increased damage.
Combination Magic is much more fun. When you have two classes that can
cast the same type of magic in the same row (Elemental, Effect),
there's a chance that they'll join they're attacks and attack one
target with a combined spell for increased damage.
The only restriction is that the two spellcasting units cannot have
opposing elements (Fire/Water, Wind/Earth)
All combo magic (for single target spells) does what's called "splash
damage". It hits the target and then hits all adjacent units for a
small amount of damage.
Combining same elements will simply increase the power of the spell
and add splash damage.
Here are some other combinations:
Wizard/Sorceress Combos:
Wind/Fire: Plasma Ball
Fire/Earth: Lava Shot
Earth/Water: Clay Assault
Water/Wind: Ionosphere
Bane/Wind: Infest
Bane/Fire: Dark Blaze
Combining one of the lower classes with one of the upper classes gives
you one of the following spells in a four block area. Combining two
upper classes gives you a spell over the entire battlefield.
Wizard or Sorceress/Archmage or Siren Combos:
Wind/Fire: Plasma Storm (Paralyze)
Fire/Earth: Lava Flow (Paralyze)
Earth/Water: Blue Spiral (Poison)
Water/Wind: Atmosphere (Sleep)
Bane/Wind: Inferno (Sleep)
Bane/Fire: Dark Flame (Power Down)
Witch Combos:
Wind/Fire: Bind Flare (Paralyze)
Fire/Earth: Poison Plant (Paralyze)
Earth/Water: Deep Sleep (Sleep)
Water/Wind: Poison Lime (Poison)
Bane/Wind: Black Breeze (Poison)
Bane/Fire: Doom (Sleep)
NOTE: Combos are also available for classes that can cast specific
spells, such as Black Knights with Word of Pain and Valkyries with
Lightning, and even Ghosts with Nightmare.
Also, combining Healing Spells, will produce a Healing Spell that can
cure status ailments.
Oh, and lastly, as nice as it would be, you can't combine Drakonite
spells. Sorry...
Q: How do I beat Cockatrices cleanly?
When I attack a Cockatrice, you usually get petrified. To fix that, you
need a revive stone which costs 500 GOTH!!! NO WAY! So...
The best way to handle these beasts is to: Attack with golems. Altough
the Cockatrices are "shooters" and like to attack the back row people
which may have your leader, this is still a great way to handle them.
What I do is put my leader in the front and Golems in the back and
side, and then attack the Cockatrice, or reposition your men so that
only your golem can be attack by the Cockatrice. Hey, the best thing
is, the cockatrice can turn your Golems into Stone Golems. Pretty
Backup: It'll be even better if the leader of that group has a Hallowed
Shield or a Celestial Veil, then you're absolutely sure that your unit
leader cannot be petrified under any circumstances...
2nd best: Attack with one or even better two Witches that can paralyze
or sleep FAST! If the Cockatrices can't attack, they can't petrify.
3rd best: Find a way to attack the unit so that the Cockatrices are in
the front. Circle around them, and distract them with another group,
then close in for the kill.
4th best: Fight fire with fire. Attack Cockatrices w/ Cockatrices.
They are hard to find, but they are good! If you are gonna do this,
then make your Cockatrice faster then theirs so you can attack first.
5th best: Reposition your men so that each one of them isn't adajacent
to each other. If they are, and they are attacked, then they may be
all petrified. Pretty sucky...
AND 6th best: Reposition your men so that a zombie or a stupid unit is
the only one who can be hurt by the cockatrice. This strategy sucks,
because if you go to these measures just to not be petrified, then WHY
10. Miscellany
Didn't want to create a whole new chapter for EACH of these, so all the
odd stuff goes here.
A. Elem Pedras
Elem Pedras are magical stones filled with the power of the gods.
You'll be issued one at the beginning of the game. To use a Pedra, the
Interrupt Gauge at the top of the screen must fill three times. Don't
get discouraged if you can't use them early in the game. You'll be
able to soon enough. Late in the game, you'll find you can use them
just about every battle. At that point, you'll see it's not whether
you can use Pedras, but WHEN...
Anyway, there are six Pedras, each empowered by one of the gods with
the power of a spirit. Here they are:
Pedra of Wind - Stone that contains the power of Harnella, the goddess
of wind. It is capable of summoning Thunderbird, the spirit of
Pedra of Flame - Stone that contains the power of Zoshonel, the goddess
of flame. It is capable of summoning Salamander, the spirit of
Pedra of Earth - Stone that contains the power of Berthe, the goddess
of earth. It is capable of summoning Golem, the spirit of earth.
Pedra of Water - Stone that contains the power of Grueza, the goddess
of water. It is capable of summoning Fenrir, the spirit of ice.
Pedra of Virtue - Stone that contains the power of Ishtar, the goddess
of virtue. It is capable of summoning Fatuus, the spirit of light.
Pedra of Bane - Stone that contains the power of Asmodee, the god of
bane. It is capable of summoning Phantom, the spirit of darkness.
Well, now you know what they are. So, I suppose you want to find them,
For finding the other three base elements, go to Mylesia, Mount
Ithaca, and Gules Hills and fight several training battles as Magnus.
Eventually, you'll face a two character unit with one of the characters
being a High Level Dragon of the element of the Pedra. Defeat that
group and you'll receive the Pedra.
Pedra of Bane: Go to Jiram in the Highland of Soathon. In this town,
either a woman will tell you about the death of her son's dog, or the
kid himself will tell you. Bring a spare Hellhound to the town with
you. If you don't have one, one can easily be found in the Barrens
surrounding town. Return to him with the Hellhound in a unit and he'll
accept the dog (after a couple of visits) and give you the Pedra of
Bane. Very nice...
Pedra of Virtue: Go to Muji, Gules Hills and you'll speak to a man who
wants you to find his daughter in the Volmus Mine. Go to Volmus Mine
and a woman will tell you she went to Mount Ithaca. Go to Cactovich,
Mount Ithaca and you'll find the girl, who'll then give you the Pedra
of Virtue.
Okay, you've found them all... Now, how to use them?
Well, there's an Interrupt Meter at the top of the screen. As soon as
it fills three times, you can activate the Pedra menu, where you can
select one to attack with. After which, the Pedra will need time to
Now, this will be tough in the beginning, since the battles are far
quicker. One way to try to stretch the battle out to maybe activate it
is to Interrupt the battle after every attack, which may increase the
Interrupt Meter enough.
B. Rare Items
At certain points in the game, you can get rare items from people.
Some of these are gifts for particular characters, and you must visit
the person with that character. Others you get with Magnus, or by
performing special tasks at some point in the game.
Special Character Gifts
Hallowed Shield
Character: Troi Ttyon
Location: Elgorea, Mylesia
Angel's Brooch
Character: Katreda Birall
Location: Inekell, Gunther Piedmont
Helm of the Fearless
Character: Asnabel Birall
Location: Kinseya, Gunther Piedmont
Red Branch
Character: Liedel Klein
Location: Inze, Fair Heights
Idaten's Mail
Character: Vad Orok Zlenka
Location: Shafferville, Highland of Soathon
Decoy Cap
Character: Sheen Cocteau
Location: Garu Kaio, Dardunnelles II
Rai's Tear
Character: Meredia O'Kiefe
Location: Melthaus, Argent
Starry Sky
Character: Europea Rheda
Location: Fort Hillverich, Vert Plateau
Robe of the Abyss
Character: Paul Lukische
Location: Temple of Berthe, Temple of Berthe
Character: Biske La Varet
Location: Surina, Capitirium
Runic Cape
Character: Carth Forleizen
Location: Rete, Ptia
Other Rare Items
Note: Items for a specific class (or required to get items for a
specific class) will not be here.
Medal of Vigor (Portable, Valuable) -
Go to Edepar, Alba with Magnus after the Alba mission.
Annihilation (Spellbook, Drakonite) -
Sold in Vertze, Alba. The price starts at 30000 and climbs by 20 Goth
for every game day. It peaks at 60000 Goth.
Found southeast of Sondrio, Barpheth.
Meteor Strike (Spellbook, Drakonite) -
Found in Melphy, Dardunnelles for 50000 Goth. Go there between 6 PM
and 9 PM on the 6th, 15th, or 21st of any month.
Between Highlands and Barrens Southwest of Furge, Ptia.
Tempest (Spellbook, Drakonite) -
Found Southeast of Surite, Blue Basilica. (across the river)
White Mute (Spellbook, Drakonite) -
Found near a piece of land east of Carella, Argent.
Southern Cross (Armor, Full-body Armor) -
After storming Winnea, return there and go to Vulge to learn about an
Angel appearing in the church in Gothpicci. Take Magnus there Between
12 and 4 AM. The Angel will appear. If you have the Pedras of Bane
and Virtue, the Ansate Cross from Zenobia border, a Dream Tiara, and a
high Chaos Frame, you'll be given the Southern Cross.
C. Birthdays
Now, you knew you put your birthday in at the beginning for a reason,
right? Well, it turns out you get a present on every one of your
birthdays! To access your birthday, go to the Hugo Report, then to
Events, and then find the scene called "Happy Birthday". Hit L to view
the scene. Your friends will throw you a little party and you'll
receive a present.
Now, normally, these presents will be supplemental expendables. Every
birthday that ends in 0, however, will get you a special item, indeed.
20th: Gallant Doll (Weapon, Doll)
21st - 29th: Scroll of Discipline, Urn of Chaos, Goblet of Destiny
30th: Marching Baton (Portable, Valuable)
31st - 39th: Stone of Quickness, Crystal of Precision
40th: Censer of Repose (Portable, Valuable)
41st - 49th: Bracer of Protection, Mirror of Soul
50th: Figurine of Sleipnir (Portable, Valuable)
51st - 59th: Sword Emblem, Crown of Intellect
60th: Manual of Warfare (Portable, Valuable)
61st - 69th: Champion Statuette, Cup of Life
70th: Mastaba's Barrier (Portable, Valuable)
71st - 79th: Dowsing Rod, Silver Hourglass, Flag of Unity
80th: Charge Horn (Portable, Valuable)
81st - 89th: Altar of Ressurection, Revive Stone
90th: Diadora's Song (Armor, Full-body Armor)
91st - 98th: Heal Leaf, Heal Pack, Power Fruit, Angel Fruit
99th: Noish's Promise (Weapon, Sword)
D. Neutral Encounter List
For convenience sake, I've decided to consolidate all possible Neutral
Encounters in one location. I'm going to put it by monster, because
let's face it, you're probably looking for a specific monster, or a
specific item for free...
Note: The more valuable items have less of a chance of showing up on
the low level characters.
Skeleton -
Items: Halt Hammer, Torn Cloth
Where: Volmus Mine II, Forests (Lv. 6)
Dardunnelles I, Forests (Lv. 8)
Sable Lowlands, Forests (Lv. 12)
Dardunnelles II, Forests (Lv. 16)
Capitrium, Forests (Lv. 18)
Ghost -
Items: Torn Cloth
Where: Volmus Mine II, Forests (Lv. 6)
Dardunnelles I, Forests (Lv. 8)
Sable Lowlands, Forests (Lv. 12)
Hawkman -
Items: Halt Hammer, Bandanna, Leather Armor
Where: Mylesia I, Highways/Plains (Lv. 5)
Volmus Mine II, Highways/Plains (Lv. 6)
Crenel Canyon II, Highways/Plains (Lv. 9)
Vultan -
Items: Baldr Club, Hachigane, Hard Leather
Where: Wentinus I, Highways/Plains (Lv. 16)
Dardunnelles II, Highways/Plains (Lv. 16)
Wentinus II, Highways/Plains (Lv. 34)
Raven -
Items: Baldr Axe, Armet, Hard Leather
Where: Wentinus I, Highways/Plains (Lv. 16)
Dardunnelles II, Highways/Plains (Lv. 16)
Aurua Plains, Highways/Plains (Lv. 32)
Pumpkinhead -
Items: Heal Leaf, Dowsing Rod
Where: Highland of Soathon, Forests (Lv. 11)
Ptia, Forests (Lv. 28)
Gremlin -
Items: Heal Seed, Quit Gate
Where: Mylesia I, Forests (Lv. 5)
Volmus Mine II, Plains (Lv. 6)
Mylesia II, Forests (Lv. 11)
Mount Ithaca, Forests (Lv. 13)
Fair Heights, Forests (Lv. 17)
Faerie -
Items: Heal Leaf, Silver Hourglass
Where: Mylesia I, Plains (Lv. 5)
Mylesia II, Plains (Lv. 11)
Sable Lowlands, Plains (Lv. 12)
Mount Ithaca, Plains (Lv. 13)
Fair Heights, Plains (Lv. 17)
Young Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed
Where: Tenne Plains, Forests (Lv. 2)
Volmus Mine I, Forests (Lv. 2)
Zenobian Border, Plains (Lv. 5)
Alba, Forests (Lv. 8)
Thunder Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Sum Mannus
Where: Dardunnelles I, Barrens (Lv. 8)
Mount Keryoleth I, Barrens (Lv. 15)
Gules Hills I, Barrens (Lv. 16)
Celesis, Barrens (Lv. 20)
Ptia, Snowy Barrens (Lv. 28)
Latium, Barrens (Lv. 33)
Red Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Sword of Firedrake
Where: Audvera Heights, Highlands (Lv. 12)
Azure Plains, Highlands (Lv. 14)
Fair Heights, Highlands (Lv. 17)
Tremos Mountains II, Highlands (Lv. 21)
Blue Basilica, Highlands (Lv. 26)
Aurua Plains, Highlands (Lv. 32)
Earth Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Axe of Wyrm
Where: Alba, Forests (Lv. 7)
Mount Keryoleth I, Forests (Lv. 15)
Azure Plains, Forests (Lv. 14)
Vert Plateau, Forests (Lv. 19)
Temple of Berthe II (Lv. 22)
Blue Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Cyanic Claw
Where: Gunther Piedmont, Marsh (Lv. 7)
Sable Lowlands, Highlands (Lv.12)
Gules Hills I, Marsh (Lv. 16)
Tybell, Marsh (Lv. 30)
Platinum Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Ytival
Where: Crenel Canyon II, Barrens (Lv. 9)
Highland of Soathon, Highlands (Lv. 11)
Vert Plateau, Highlands (Lv. 19)
Capitrium, Highlands (Lv. 18)
Celesis, Highlands (Lv. 20)
Barpheth, Snowy Highlands (Lv. 27)
Argent, Highlands (Lv. 29)
Black Dragon -
Items: Heal Seed, Kerykeion
Where: Mylesia II, Forests (Lv. 11)
Tremos Mountains I, Forests (Lv. 23)
Barpheth, Forests (Lv. 27)
Tybell, Forests (Lv. 30)
Ahzi Dahaka -
Items: Bracer of Protection
Where: Mount Keryoleth II, Forests (Lv. 34)
Hydra -
Items: Snow Orb
Where: Wentinus II, Marsh (Lv. 34)
Tiamat -
Items: Angel Fruit, Goblet of Destiny
Where: Aurua Plains, Forests (Lv. 32)
Wyrm -
Items: Power Fruit
Where: Tenne Plains, Barrens (Lv. 2)
Mylesia I, Highlands (Lv. 5)
Volmus Mine II, Highlands (Lv. 6)
Mylesia II, Highlands (Lv. 11)
Wyvern -
Items: Cup of Life, Champion Statuette
Where: Tremos Mountains I, Highlands (Lv. 23)
Temple of Berthe II, Barrens (Lv. 22)
Wentinus II, Highlands (Lv. 34)
Griffin -
Items: Power Fruit
Where: Crenel Canyon I, Highlands (Lv. 3)
Zenobia Border, Highlands (Lv. 5)
Gunther Piedmont, Barrens (Lv. 7)
Crenel Canyon II (Lv. 9)
Mount Ithaca, Highlands (Lv. 13)
Opinincus -
Items: Angel Fruit, Crystal of Precision, Stone of Quickness
Where: Temple of Berthe II, Highlands (Lv. 22)
Romulus, Barrens, (Lv. 24)
Tybell, Highlands, (Lv. 30)
Cockatrice -
Items: Revive Stone, Scroll of Discipline
Where: Audvera Heights, Forests (Lv. 12)
Mount Keryoleth I, Highlands (Lv. 15)
Temple of Berthe II, Snowy Highlands (Lv. 22)
Romulus, Highlands (Lv. 24)
Mount Keryoleth II, Barrens (Lv. 34)
Sphinx -
Items: Angel Fruit, Altar of Resurrection
Where: Argent, Forests (Lv. 29)
Latium, Highlands (Lv. 33)
Hellhound -
Items: Power Fruit
Where: Crenel Canyon I, Forests (Lv. 3)
Zenobia Border, Barrens (Lv. 5)
Highland of Soathon, Barrens (Lv. 11)
Cerberus -
Items: Angel Fruit, Goblet of Destiny, Flag of Unity
Where: Gules Hills I, Forests (Lv. 16)
Barpheth, Barrens (Lv. 27)
Golem -
Items: Heal Leaf
Where: Tenne Plains, Highlands (Lv. 2)
Volmus Mine I, Highlands (Lv. 2)
Mylesia I, Barrens (Lv. 5)
Gunther Piedmont, Highlands (Lv. 7)
Stone Golem -
Items: Kite Shield
Where: Audvera Heights, Barrens (Lv. 12)
Tremos Mountains II, Highlands (Lv. 21)
Baldr Golem -
Items: Baldr Shield, Baldr Armor
Where: Tremos Mountains II, Snowy Highlands (Lv. 21)
Romulus, Highlands (Lv. 24)
Argent, Barrens (Lv. 29)
Goblin -
Items: Heal Leaf, Short Sword, Plate Mail
Where: Mount Keryoleth I, Forests (Lv. 15)
Tremos Mountains II, Forests (Lv. 21)
Ptia, Forests (Lv. 28)
Blue Basilica, Forests (Lv. 26)
Latium, Forests (Lv. 33)
Ogre -
Items: Warhammer, Leather Armor, Ogre Blade
Where: Tybell, Highway (Lv. 30)
Gorgon -
Items: Revive Stone, Composite Bow, Love and Peace
Where: Ptia, Snowy Forests (Lv. 28)
Latium, Forests (Lv. 33)
E. Scene Progression
This is how you can progress through the scenes in the game.
/ \
4---5 (must complete both missions)
/ | \
13-14-15 (completing 15 moves you on, if you haven't
/| completed 13 or 14, they close)
/ |
16-17 (can complete both 16 and 17)
| /
18 (after 18, 16, 17, and 18 close)
/ | \
23 22-24 (must go to 24 after 22, or to 22 after 24)
| |
| /
26 25
| |
25 26
\ |
/ \
| |
| 34
|\ |
| \ |
| 35
| |\
| | \
\ / 36
38 (after 38, you have the option of going to any
| of the remaining 32-36)
43 (43 is only accesible if you have a low CF
and no Zenobians)
You'll start at Scene 1 and progress normally. When you finish Scene 3,
you'll have two scenes to choose from (Mylesia and Zenobia Border). You
will have to complete both scenes, and the order won't affect you one
way or another.
After those two scenes, you'll progress in a singular direction for
some time. Eventually, you'll have a choice of three: Audvera Heights,
Sable Lowlands, and Mount Ithaca. If you go to Mount Ithaca, the other
two scenes will close if you haven't already visited them. Best course
of action is to go to Audvera Heights and Sable Lowlands first. If you
go to Sable Lowlands first, you'll attack Audvera Heights from the
back. If you go to Audvera first, you'll attack from the front, and
Sable Lowlands will be no different.
Your next choice is between Azure Plains and Mount Keryoleth. You can
go to both, but after you finish the next scene (Wentinus I), Wentinus,
Azure Plains, and Mount Keryoleth will all close.
Your next choice is probably your biggest, because you'll have to snub
one or two scenes. You'll have three choices: Vert Plateau, Capitrium,
and Tremos Mountains.
IF you go to Vert Plateau, you'll go to Capitrium next, and Tremos
Mountains will close. Afterwards you'll go to Celesis, Tremos Mountains
II, and then on to the Temple of Berthe.
IF you go to Capitrium, Tremos Mountains will close. You'll go to Vert
Plateau next. Afterwards, you'll go to Celesis, Tremos Mountains II,
then on to the Temple of Berthe.
IF you go to Tremos Mountains, Vert Plateau and Capitrium will both
close. Afterwards, you'll go to Tremos Mountains II, then Celesis,
then on to the Temple of Berthe.
Right, so which route (Vert/Capitrium or Tremos) should you pick? Well:
Vert and Capitrium: You'll have the opportunity to get both Europea and
Biske, as well as some good items like the Firecrest and the Evil
Blade. See the Character section on how to get the characters.
Tremos Mountains: You'll have the opportunity to get Paul, and to get
a Ring of the Dead, which will allow you to create a Lich.
It's your choice.
Your next choice comes a while later, after you beat Fort Romulus.
You have the option of going to Ptia or the Blue Basilica. Neither way
will affect you greatly. What affects this, and the next three scenes
(Argent, Barpheth, and Tybell) is when you go to Latium. Once you go
to Latium, the remaining scenes (particularly Argent and Ptia) will
Once you go to Latium, you can continue on to Aurua Plains, Wentinus,
and Mount Keryoleth. If you have a decent Chaos Frame (33+) or any of
the Zenobians (Aisha, Saradin, Debonair, Gilbert, or Destin), the game
will end there and give you your ending. If you have a low Chaos Frame
and no Zenobians, you'll finish with Aurua Plains II.
F. The Item Multiplier Bug
NOTE: I strongly suggest you go through the game normally before trying
this trick to get the full experience, because this cheat makes the
game far easier...
Okay. Now that that's settled...
The basic gist of this trick is that you can create 255 of a specific
item. This works for Supplemental Expendables, and Portable Valuables.
If anyone has proof it works on any other kind of item (or not for a
specific one in this group), let me know...
Okay. First, you're going to need at least one of the item you want to
make 55 of. Sorry. No getting a billion Urns of Chaos right off the
Set up a unit, with one of the characters being able to carry only one
item, and load it up with a bunch of items. Doesn't matter what. Heal
Leaves work fine. Make the last two item slots blank. Put the item
you want in the last slot, leaving the 2nd to last blank.
Now, go to Remove Characters and remove a character that can carry just
one item. This moves the item you want into the new last slot
(previously blank), BUT it also creates a new item, which is put back
into your depot. Now you have an extra item, but the fun doesn't stop
Now, remove the item you want from that unit and back into the depot,
using the Carry Item function. Since you already technically have zero
equipped (according to the Item List), it'll roll over to 55. Now,
you'll have 55/01 items (or 55/02, or however many you had before).
Well, now you have 55 items, but you can't access them, because they're
in the "equipped" slot. What you need to do now is go to the Sell Item
screen, and sell one more than the second number next to the item. So,
if the number's 55/01, sell two, if it's 55/02, sell three. This will
cause the second number to roll over to 55.
Now, leave the Organize Screen and come back, and you'll now have 0/55
of the item. This is actually 255, and the hundreds digit isn't
visible. Now, you can use it to your heart's content, or sell them
off for major cash.
Only problem is that strange things can happen to those items after
you save and shut the game off. For instance, I used it to get 55 Cups
of Life, and after I went back to the game, I had 27. To the best of
my knowledge, your items will never completely disappear, but the number
may change. Really, there isn't a problem. You can just do the trick
again for another 255.
Okay... I've been told people have received infinite items because of
this, and that there are problems with getting certain items. Folks,
it's a bug... It's not the most easily explained thing in the world.
If you start selling a jillion items, just wait until you're done
G. Attack List
Here's a list of the attacks in the game and what they do, not to
mention who can use them.
Pure Physical Attacks
These are straight bashing attacks with a weapon or whatever the
character can use. Elemental based attacks can be used if the weapon
equipped is of a specific element. There is generally only one target
for attacks like these.
Slash - Attacks the target with a Sword or a Greatsword. The most
common attack.
Classes: Fighter, Knight, Fencer, Paladin, Sword Master, Dragoon,
Centurion, Goblin, Gladiator, Vanguard, General, Warrior, Solidblade,
Lycanthrope, Lord
Thrust - Attacks the target by thrusting its weapon towards the enemy.
Classes: Soldier, Dragon Tamer, Dragon Master
Strike - Attacks the target with a 1-handed Axe or Hammer.
Classes: Berserker, Skeleton, Hawkman, Vultan, Raven, Saturos
Pierce - Attempts to strike through the enemy's armor with a thin
Classes: Phalanx, Cataphract, Angel Knight, Seraph
Lash - Strikes the enemy with a Whip.
Classes: Beast Tamer, Beast Master
Pull Strings - Uses a Doll to attack the enemy.
Classes: Doll Master, Enchanter
Rend - Rakes the enemy with a set of Claws.
Classes: Ninja, Ninja Master, Grappler
Cleave - Slashes (or smashes) the enemy with a polearm-type weapon.
Classes: Black Knight, Valkyrie, Freya, Blaze Knight, Rune Knight
Shoot - Fires an arrow at the enemy with a Bow.
Classes: Amazon, Archer, Diana, Gorgon
Bite - Goes after the enemy with big, nasty, pointy teeth!
Classes: Zombie, Young Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Red Dragon, Earth Dragon,
Blue Dragon, Platinum Dragon, Black Dragon, Wyrm, Wyvern, Hellhound,
Pumpkin Smash - Drops a pumpkin on an enemy, halving it's HP.
Classes: Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Shower - Drops six pumpkins on different enemies, halving HP
with each hit. Also halves the HP of the attacker.
Classes: Pumpkinhead
Claw - Dashes towards the enemy, and slashes with claws.
Classes: Griffin, Opinincus, Sphinx, Werewolf
Peck - Uses a beak to slash and stab the enemy.
Classes: Cockatrice
Crush - Pounds the enemy with a large, two-handed weapon.
Classes: Ogre
Smash - Flattens the enemy with bare hands.
Classes: Golem, Stone Golem, Baldr Golem
Fatal Dance - Hits an enemy hard multiple times, for large amounts of
Classes: Grappler
Breath Attacks
These attacks are used with a beasts magical breath. They all hit
multiple enemies.
Lightning Breath - Spits lightning at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Wind
Classes: Thunder Dragon, Quetzalcoatl
Fire Breath - Spits a bolt of flame at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Fire
Classes: Red Dragon, Flarebrass, Wyvern
Acid Breath - Flings a ball of acid at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Earth
Classes: Earth Dragon, Ahzi Dahaka
Breath of Cold - Spits a sheen of ice at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Water
Classes: Blue Dragon, Hydra
Sacred Breath - Casts a blast of holy energy at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Platinum Dragon, Bahamut
Rotten Breath - Spits a bolt of decaying force at a cluster of enemies.
Element: Bane
Classes: Black Dragon, Tiamat
Petrify - Breathes on a cluster of enemies, encasing them in stone.
Classes: Cockatrice
A type of attack specific to Generals. The General swings his sword at
incredible speed, releasing the element contained within. The blast
attacks one enemy.
Sonic Blast - If the sword has no element, a deadly sound wave is
Wind Blast - A core of wind is cast towards the enemy.
Fire Blast - A crescent of flame is cast towards the enemy.
Earth Blast - A shockwave from the earth is flung towards the enemy.
Aqua Blast - A blast of water is cast at the enemy.
Holy Blast - A holy force is thrown at the enemy.
Dark Blast - A core of decay is cast at the enemy.
Physical-based Magic Attacks
These attacks are not really physical, but they're not specifically
magic attacks as indicated on the Organize Screen.
Sonic Boom - Swings sword at high speed, breaking the speed of sound,
but also causing damage to oneself.
Classes: Sword Master
Life Drain - Focuses undead energy on an enemy, draining HP and adding
it to the attacker.
Element: Bane
Classes: Vampire
Banish - Sends a halo which hovers above an enemy, and blasts it with
holy energy.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Angel Knight, Seraph
Jihad - Blasts the entire enemy unit with a giant ball of light.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Seraph
Wind Shot - Focuses the power of wind and nails an enemy with it.
Element: Wind
Classes: Vultan, Griffin
Thunder Arrow - Fires a ball of electricity at an enemy.
Element: Wind
Classes: Raven
Throw a Kiss - Blows a mystic kiss at an enemy, lowering its power.
Classes: Gremlin
Abyss - Attacks the enemy with dark energy that can put it to sleep.
Element: Bane
Classes: Gremlin
Throw a Kiss - Blows a mystic kiss at an ally, raising its power.
Classes: Faerie
Magic Missile - Creates a small ball of holy light, which hits an enemy.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Faerie
Radiant Gale - Casts a storm of lightning and wind at the entire group
of enemies.
Element: Wind
Classes: Quetzalcoatl
Crimson Note - Generates a storm of fire that engulfs the entire enemy.
Element: Fire
Classes: Flarebrass
Earthquake - Opens the earth and swallows the entire enemy. Flying
characters are unaffected.
Element: Earth
Classes: Ahzi Dahaka
Clear Disaster - Casts an ice storm that chills the entire enemy.
Element: Water
Classes: Hydra
Divine Ray - Creates a ball of light that blasts the entire enemy with
Element: Virtue
Classes: Bahamut
Evil Dead - Summons a gate to the netherworld, releasing undead spirits
on the entire enemy.
Element: Bane
Classes: Tiamat
Wind Storm - Creates a vortex of wind which slams the entire enemy.
Element: Wind
Classes: Opinincus
Mesmerize - An evil cloud damages a cluster of enemies and puts them to
Element: Bane
Classes: Cerberus
Gaze of Terror - A ray pierces from the eye and petrifies all in the
attacker's line of sight. Shielded characters are unaffected.
Element: Bane
Classes: Gorgon
Elemental Magic
These are the entry level spells. Magic-using Fighters can use spells
if they're equipped with a weapon of the same element as the spell.
Spellcasters can use these spells if they are the same element as the
spell and are equipped with a Spellbook, or a book of the same element.
All of these spells hit one enemy.
Lightning - A bolt of lightning strikes an enemy.
Element: Wind
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Black Knight, Archmage, Valkyrie, Sorceress,
Siren, Princess, Saturos, Gladiator (Magnus), Warrior, Blaze Knight,
Warlock, Lord
Fireball - A ball of fire ignites an enemy.
Element: Fire
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Black Knight, Archmage, Sorceress, Siren,
Princess, Saturos, Gladiator (Magnus), Warrior, Warlock, Lord
Acid Vapor - Acid clouds erupt from the ground and assault the enemy.
Element: Earth
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Black Knight, Archmage, Sorceress, Siren,
Princess, Saturos, Gladiator (Magnus), Warrior, Warlock, Lord
Ice Blast - An frigid icicle spins in the air and impales an enemy.
Element: Water
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Black Knight, Archmage, Sorceress, Siren,
Princess, Saturos, Gladiator (Magnus), Warrior, Warlock, Lord
Healing - Holy energy heals an ally.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Paladin, Black Knight, Cleric, Priest, Saturos, Gladiator
(Magnus), Warrior, Lord
Word of Pain - Dark energy inflicts pain on an enemy.
Element: Bane
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Black Knight, Archmage, Sorceress, Siren,
Princess, Saturos, Gladiator (Magnus), Warrior, Warlock, Lord
Combination Elemental Magic
This magic is invoked by two magic users who have been in the same unit
for some time. They combine their two elements to create a more
powerful spell that hits a cluster of enemies.
Plasma Ball - A rolling cloud of plasma attacks the enemy.
Element: Wind/Fire
Lava Shot - A molten rock sails into the area.
Element: Fire/Earth
Clay Assault - A ball of clay bounces towards and attacks the enemy.
Element: Earth/Water
(Also used solely by Solidblade)
Ionosphere - A ball of electricity assails the enemy.
Element: Water/Wind
Infest - Winds from the netherworld assault the enemy.
Element: Bane/Wind
Dark Blaze - A flame from the netherworld engulfs the enemy.
Element: Bane/Fire
Elemental Magic Plus
This is higher elemental magic. It works the same way as Elemental
Magic, and hits a cluster of enemies. If two spellcasters combo of the
same element, they'll generate a spell of the same kind, only hitting
the entire enemy force.
Thunder Flare - A lightning storm strikes the enemy.
Element: Wind
Classes: Archmage, Freya, Siren, Princess, Lich, Vanguard, Warlock
Fire Storm - A raging column of flame engulfs the enemy.
Element: Fire
Classes: Archmage, Freya, Siren, Princess, Lich, Vanguard, Warlock
Crag Press - A giant boulder slams the enemy from above.
Element: Earth
Classes: Archmage, Freya, Siren, Princess, Lich, Vanguard, Warlock
Ice Field - A chilling column of ice swarms the enemy.
Element: Water
Classes: Archmage, Freya, Siren, Princess, Lich, Vanguard, Warlock
Healing Plus - A large field of holy energy heals allies.
Element: Virtue
Classes: Freya, Priest, Vanguard
Dark Quest - Dark, undead forces swarm the enemy.
Element: Bane
Classes: Archmage, Freya, Siren, Princess, Lich, Vanguard, Warlock
Ninja Art - Casts a Area Effect Elemental Magic spell of any element.
Classes: Ninja Master
Evocation - Uses mystical energy to hit the enemy with the Area Effect
Elemental spell that will work best on the enemy (usually Dark Quest).
Classes: Sphinx
Combo Elemental Magic Plus
This works the same was as Combo Elemental Magic. If a high and low
level spellcaster combine, the spell will cover a cluster of enemies,
while two high level combinations will result in the entire enemy force
being hit.
Plasma Storm - Gigantic balls of plasma electrocute the enemy.
Element: Wind/Fire
Lava Flow - A volcano erupts and sprays the enemy with lava.
Element: Fire/Earth
Blue Spiral - A geyser erupts, blasting the enemy with water.
Element: Earth/Water
Atmosphere - A globe of atmospheric energy hits the enemy.
Element: Water/Wind
Inferno - Dark gale forces from the netherworld strike the enemy.
Element: Wind/Bane
Dark Flame - Evil fire swarms through the enemy.
Element: Fire/Bane
Effect Magic
This magic doesn't hurt an enemy directly, but can incapacitate them.
Shock Bolt - Electricity paralyzes an enemy.
Element: Wind
Classes: Witch, Warlock
Ray of Paralysis - Heated energy paralyzes an enemy.
Element: Fire
Classes: Witch, Warlock
Poison Cloud - An insipid cloud poisons an enemy.
Element: Earth
Classes: Witch, Warlock
Slumber Mist - A cloud of mist puts an enemy to sleep.
Element: Water
Classes: Witch, Warlock
Nightmare - Dark energy puts an enemy to sleep.
Element: Bane
Classes: Witch, Ghost, Warlock
Combo Effect Magic
Just like any other Combo magic, this magic targets a cluster of
Bind Flare - Rings of plasma surround the enemy, paralyzing them.
Element: Wind/Fire
Poison Plant - A large mushroom pops up, paralyzing the enemy.
Element: Fire/Earth
Deep Sleep - Small ghosts surround the enemy, putting them to sleep.
Element: Earth/Water
Poison Lime - Icicles pop from the ground, poisoning the enemy.
Element: Water/Wind
Black Breeze - Encases the enemy in a jelly, poisoning them.
Element: Bane/Wind
Doom - A dark hand grabs the enemy, putting them to sleep.
Element: Bane/Fire
Drakonite Spells
All these spells target the entire enemy equally.
Tempest - A massive storm strikes, blasting the enemy with lightning
and wind.
Element: Wind
Classes: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Warlock
Annihilation - Raging bolts of fire strike from the heavens,
incinerating the enemy.
Element: Fire
Classes: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Warlock
Meteor Strike - Massive meteors fall from the heavens and pound the
Element: Earth
Classes: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Warlock
White Mute - Ice storms blast the enemy and freeze them in a solid
block of ice.
Element: Water
Classes: Wizard, Archmage, Sorceress, Witch, Siren, Warlock
H. Name Codes
There are two names you can enter on the New Game screen that'll
"activate" new features. They're not huge, but they exist, so in the
guide they go...
DEL_DATA - Enter this and all data saved on the cart will be removed.
MUSIC_ON - Enter this and you can access the Sound Test
11. Legal
This FAQ was made 100% by me, Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not
take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter
it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it
in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have
express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some
Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ.
If you find any sites that have this FAQ besides those listed, please
let me know.
12. Credits
CJayC - For putting this up on his site.
Lunatikk - Was the first to give me a bunch of new classes: Paladin,
Diana, Priest, Beast Master, Zombie, Ghost, Vultan, Raven, Pumpkinhead,
Gremlin, Faerie, Wyvern, Cerberus, Young Dragon, Platinum Dragon,
Blue Dragon, Sword Master, Ninja Master, Freya, Siren, Vampire,
Bahamut, Cockatrice. Now, get out of my bushes! ^_^
MetroidMoo - For info on Golems.
Brian Jones - For some info on besting the ever annoying Cockatrices...
MtnRige - For Black Knight and Archmage
Kami - For info on how to get Vad
King Tut - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for letting me use the class
change stats on his website
supergremlin - For telling me the enemy uses Revive Stones.
Andrew - For the Baldr Golem class
The Juggernaut - For pointing out to me a few tips on experience
Duke Frederick - For supplying me with a preliminary strategy for
Scene 23.
Wicked Souls - For the excellent Witch combos!
Eagles - For the definitive word on Alignment requirements.
Eagles and Mighty Pang - For a good starter walkthrough for Tremos
Mountains I.
Adam Hutch, Freedan, Bumper, francis lapointe, mrputter - For supplying
me with item info.
MetroidMoo - For allowing me to use his FAQ for some of my items.
Rashidi and Chameleon - For info on the Vanity and Superior Knight
Class' attacks.
Rashidi - For the Level Up Bonuses
Celda - For a correction
Anthony Gargon - For supplying some battle strategies.
Freedan - For supplying me with extra birthday info, and the walkthrough
for the bonus scene.
Nintendo Power - For compiling the Opening values.
IGNGuides - For publishing another set of Opening values...
bearsman6 - For giving me proprietary stats for Wyverns.
Darth Gecko - For some ending info
Arctic - Help on a few random things.
ultron, epic, EvanMacD, Otik2, poocho, Karl Hungus - For Netural
Encounter info.
Nash Blade and other users on the GameFAQs boards - For discovering the
55 Item Cheat.
13. Version Updates
Version 3.0 - 5/10/2002 - Not really an update so much as an appeasment
for the nitpickers. Folks, if there's anything else you want me to put
in this guide (i.e. individual level-ups), send them directly to me, as
I'm too busy on other guides to search them out.
Version 2.9 - 9/8/2001 - Nice big old update, with menus and stuff...
Version 2.8 - 2/23/2001 - I spoil you guys too much... If you'll check
the Item List, you'll see what I mean... ^_^
Version 2.7 - 1/26/2001 - With Freedan sending in the last mission
walkthrough, and the addition of Carth and Biske, this guide is largely
complete. I don't think I'll be making any more updates soon. Also,
I moved Lich and Vampire to the Human sections, where they show up in
the game, and fixed the opening question values.
Version 2.6 - 1/16/2001 - So, how was everyone's holiday? Few things
corrected. Put up a Tremos Mts. Walkthrough and the info for Paul. I
know how to get Biske and Carth, thank you all, but I'd like to get
them on my own before I put the info in the FAQ.
Version 2.5 - 12/20/2000 - God, I hate Finals week. Anyway, I finished
pretty much all the missions on hidden items and whatnot. Just have to
make myself a complete Tremos Mts. I walkthrough, and get that bonus
mission, and we should be all done...
Oh yeah... Got an interesting cheat up in the Miscellany section...
And I'll be postponing updates for a while, until I get back from break.
That'll be until about Jan. 13, so don't expect anything from me
between those times...
Version 2.4 - 12/9/2000 - Okay. Did a lot. Rearranged all the Items,
and finished off a ton of missions with enemy levels and hidden items.
Version 2.3 - 12/3/2000 - Well, that's pretty much all of the missions,
except the bonus mission that you get for beating the game with no
Zenobians and having a low Chaos Frame.
Version 2.2 - 11/29/2000 - Such a short amount of time, but such a big
update. I've added the Miscellany section, and consolidated all the
Neutral Encounters into one section. Oh, and a few more missions, too.
Version 2.1 - 11/26/2000 - Two more missions. One of them being the
first, and one being the last. That's right. I beat the game, and I'm
now accepting any and all pieces of info.
Version 2.0 - 11/20/2000 - About four or so more missions.
Version 1.9 - 11/17/2000 - Two more missions, and Tiamat thrown in for
your troubles, not to mention numerical values for the Alignment
Version 1.8 - 11/10/2000 - Five more missions, the Princess class, as
well as Gorgon and Sphinx.
Version 1.7 - 11/7/2000 - Two more missions, and I've added Debonair,
Destin, and Gilbert. Happy day!
Version 1.6 - 11/2/2000 - Three more missions, as well as Angel Knights
and Seraphim added.
Version 1.5 - 10/31/2000 - Two more missions, and I've changed the
format once again. I will now have Hidden Items in the missions.
Version 1.4 - 10/28/2000 - A couple more missions, and several of the
master Dragon classes.
Version 1.3 - 10/26/2000 - I know it's a little late to change the
format, but I'll have to do it soon anyway, so I've added Level and
items carried to each of the opposing units in my Mission Walkthroughs.
Also, I'm building a small shrine to King Tut. He's a veritable god in
my book. He allowed me to use information from his site: This allows me to put up stat
requirements for all required classes! Yay!
Version 1.2 - 10/22/2000 - See Version 1.1 ^_^
Version 1.1 - 10/19/2000 - More missions, and some more items.
Version 1.0 - 10/15/2000 - Since it's actually starting to look like a
real FAQ, we're above 1. Added the first Mission Walkthrough (for
Scene 10) and some more classes, more items, etc...
Version 0.5 - 10/14/2000 - The first bit. Intro, Legal, the Classes I
had and Items and such...
14. The Final Word
FAQ #2 out and ready. Phew. This one was a lot harder to do than
the Perfect Dark FAQ. RPGs tend to be as such.
Remember, if you want to submit to me, make sure you check to make sure
your stuff isn't already in the FAQ.
I'll take any info you got. Items, Neutral Encounters, the few Special
Characters I have missing, whatever...
One final note:
Some people have asked me about how they're doing, or if their units
are any good. Also, some ask me what my best teams are so that they
can emulate me. Let me just say that there are a million and a half
ways to play this game, and my best units are not going to be YOUR best
units. Don't always go looking to me for answers. This is your war,
not mine. You know how best you can fight it. I'm just giving you a
road map. You have to make the journey.
Have fun!
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