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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Save bakura10/e35887640ef00942476c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class MyInputFilter extends InputFilter
public function __construct()
$this->add(['name' => 'example', 'required' => false]);
$this->add(['name' => 'foo', 'required' => false]);
$this->add(['name' => 'bar', 'required' => false]);
$inputFilter = new MyInputFilter();
$inputFilter->setData(['foo' => 'myValue', 'unknown' => 'lolzor']);
if ($inputFilter->isValid()) {
$values = $inputFilter->getValues();
// Do you expect (1) ['example' => null, 'foo' => 'myValue', 'bar' => null]
// OR (2) : ['example' => null, 'foo' => 'myValue', 'bar' => null, 'unknown' => 'lolzor']
// OR (3) : ['foo' => 'myValue']
// OR (4) : ['foo' => 'myValue', 'unknown' => 'lolzor']
// Currently, ZF2 does (1), I personally expect it to do (3), with getUnknown returning unknown fields
public function dataProvider()
return [
// Validate none
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_NONE,
'data' => [],
'result_raw_data' => [],
'result_filtered_data' => [],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
// Validate all
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => ' Michaël '],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => ' Michaël '],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => 'Michaël'],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
// Validate all with first_name not given
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
// Validate all with unknown value
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'unknown' => 'value'],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_unknown_data' => ['unknown' => 'value'],
'is_valid' => true
// Assert fails if required input is not present
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['first_name' => 'Michaël'],
'result_raw_data' => ['first_name' => 'Michaël'],
'result_filtered_data' => ['first_name' => 'Michaël'],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => false
// Validate only one field (with validation group) without unknown fields
'validation_group' => ['email'],
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => 'Michaël'],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
// Validate only one field with a nested input collection
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => 'a']],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => 'a']],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => false
// Validate two fields with a nested input collection
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => ' abc ']],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => ' abc ']],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => 'abc']],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
// Assert can have unknown field in nested inputs
'validation_group' => InputCollection::VALIDATE_ALL,
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['unknown' => 'abc']],
'result_raw_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_filtered_data' => ['email' => '[email protected]'],
'result_unknown_data' => ['address' => ['unknown' => 'abc']],
'is_valid' => true
// Assert that validation group applies to nested inputs
'validation_group' => ['address' => ['city']],
'data' => ['email' => '[email protected]', 'address' => ['city' => ' abc ']],
'result_raw_data' => ['address' => ['city' => ' abc ']],
'result_filtered_data' => ['address' => ['city' => 'abc']],
'result_unknown_data' => [],
'is_valid' => true
* @dataProvider dataProvider
public function testBehaviour(
array $data,
array $resultRawData,
array $resultFilteredData,
array $resultUnknownData,
) {
$inputCollection = new InputCollection();
// We add one input that is required, one that is optional, and a nested input collection
$input1 = new Input();
$input2 = new Input();
$addressInputCollection = new InputCollection();
$input3 = new Input();
$input3->getValidatorChain()->attachByName(StringLength::class, ['min' => 2]);
$result = $inputCollection->runAgainst($data);
$this->assertEquals($isValid, $result->isValid());
$this->assertEquals($resultRawData, $result->getRawData());
$this->assertEquals($resultFilteredData, $result->getData());
$this->assertEquals($resultUnknownData, $result->getUnknownData());
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That makes sense. What you mean is that, once you set a validation group, everything that DO NOT belong to the validation group (even if it has been set as an input collection element) should be considered like an unknown field?

Correct :)

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texdc commented May 27, 2014

Correct :)


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