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Last active February 13, 2023 13:56
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Book production files for Out of the Software Crisis

Book production files

For Out of the Software Crisis.

These are under the MIT License. Do what you want, essentially. Probably doesn't work out of the box. Uses Pandoc (version 2.19.2), zx, weasyprint, and Literata.

You'll need to download them for this to work. And you'll need to edit the build script to point at the correct CSS files. And you'l need to edit the CSS to point at the correct font files.

import { $, chalk, echo, glob, path, fs } from "zx";
$.verbose = false;
const bookDir = "publications";
const metadata = await glob([`${bookDir}/**/*.yaml`]);
const books = => path.basename(name, ".yaml"));
let bookData = [];
for (const meta of metadata) {
const book = path.basename(meta, ".yaml");
const dir = path.dirname(meta);
bookData = bookData.concat({
slug: book,
metadata: meta,
chapters: await glob([`${dir}/*.md`]),
for (const book of bookData) {
const chapters = book.chapters.join(" ");
const wc = $`wc -w ${book.chapters}`;
echo`\nWord count for ${book.slug}: \n${await wc}\n`;
console.log("Building", chalk.bold(`dist/${book.slug}.pdf`));
const cssPath = (await fs.pathExists(
? `--css=${bookDir}/${book.slug}/${book.slug}.css`
: "";
await $`pandoc ${book.chapters} -o dist/${book.slug}.pdf --css=src/pdf/style.css --resource-path=.:static:src:src/img --pdf-engine=weasyprint --toc --template=special ${cssPath}`;
console.log("Building", chalk.bold(`dist/${book.slug}.epub`));
await $`pandoc ${book.chapters} ${book.metadata} -o dist/${book.slug}.epub --css=src/pdf/epub.css --resource-path=.:static:src:src/img --toc --shift-heading-level-by=-1`;
console.log(book.slug, ": done\n\n");
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<p>Published in Hveragerði, Iceland</p>
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