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Created September 12, 2012 22:58
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Feistel Hash
* This function computes a hash of an integer. This can be used to not expose values to a customer, such as
* not giving them the id value for passing them to URLs. This algorithm is a bidirectional encryption (Feistel cipher) that maps
* the integer space onto itself.
* @link Algorithm used
* @link Wikipedia page about Feistel ciphers
* @param int $value
* @return int
* @author Baldur Rensch <[email protected]>
private static function computeHash($value)
$l1 = ($value >> 16) & 65535;
$r1 = $value & 65535;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$l2 = $r1;
$r2 = $l1 ^ (int) ((((1366 * $r1 + 150889) % 714025) / 714025) * 32767);
$l1 = $l2;
$r1 = $r2;
return ($r1 << 16) + $l1;
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