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Second Brain System and productive useful references

PKM - Personal Knowledge Management


Dewey Decimal Classification


Map of Content (MoC)


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)


C - Capture 
O - Organize
D - Distill - revisit and iterate the organization
E - Express - write your own outputs based on the previous steps


P - Project
A - Areas
R - Resources
A - Archives


L - Location
A - Alphabet
T - Time
C - Category
H - Hierarchy


A - Atlas [ maps the knowledge ]

    - Map of Contents ( MoC )
    - Dashboards
    - Obsidian Canvas
    - Overviews
    - Logs
    - Datascopes

C - Calendar [ Time-based information ]

    - Daily notes
    - Meetings
    - Plans
    - Reviews
    - Journals

C - Cards [ Ideas, insights, and other things ] > to build and connect ideas

    - Ideas
    - Things
    - People
    - Concepts
    - Statements

E - Extra [ Support materials ]

    - Attachments
    - Graphics
    - Images
    - Manuals
    - Templates

S - Sources [ Things you encounter ] > Build your external library of ideas

    - Articles
    - Books
    - Podcasts
    - Research Papers
    - Courses
    - Talks
    - Movies + TV
    - Videos

S - Spaces

    - some examples:
        - life
        - work
        - studies
    - a space organization ( M.A.P.S. )
        - M]ap of Contents
        - A]reas
        - P]rojects
        - S]upport Notes

GTD - Get things done

Zettelkasten Method

Zettelkästen - note boxes


Notion vs Obsidian

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