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Last active March 6, 2022 07:10
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Save balrog-kun/11298431 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple avr timer api
* 16-bit timer 1 used for Sensorino timekeeping as well as arbitrary
* timeouts.
* Licensed under AGPLv3.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "Timers.h"
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)
#ifndef NULL
# define NULL 0
Timers::Timers(void) {}
Timers::init Timers::initializer;
Timers::init::init(void) {
TCCR1A = 0x00;
TCCR1B = 0x01;
TIMSK1 = 0x01;
static volatile uint16_t timer_cycles = 0;
static uint32_t last_sec = 0;
static uint32_t seconds = 0;
static void update_timeouts(void);
/* Always called with interrupts disabled */
static void timer_overflow(void) {
uint32_t new_val;
timer_cycles ++;
new_val = (uint32_t) timer_cycles << 16;
if (new_val >= last_sec + F_CPU || unlikely(new_val < last_sec)) {
last_sec += F_CPU;
seconds ++;
/* Timekeeping */
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
/* Read current time in cpu cycles (way more complex than it should be..) */
uint32_t Timers::now(void) {
* The simple, but not 100% race safe version, not even in interrupt
* context, is:
* return TCNT1 | ((uint32_t) timer_cycles << 16);
uint16_t lo, hi, sreg;
* First make sure no overflow is pending. This should only happen
* with interrupts disabled already..
* ..but for some reason it also happens when they're enabled, is
* that a cpu bug?
while (unlikely((TIFR1 & 1) && !(SREG & 0x80))) {
TIFR1 |= 1;
sreg = SREG;
lo = TCNT1, hi = timer_cycles;
* If an overflow is now pending (must have happened after the cli)
* and lo is low, meaning that only a few cycles had happened since
* the last overflow, then we assume that hi contains the value from
* before the overflow, while lo contains the value from after it
* which is the only "interesting" scenario. Compensate for that.
if (unlikely((TIFR1 & 1) && lo < 0x8000))
hi ++;
SREG = sreg;
return ((uint32_t) hi << 16) | lo;
uint32_t Timers::millis(void) {
return now() / (F_CPU / 1000);
/* Burn some cycles */
void Timers::delay(uint16_t msecs) {
uint32_t end = now() + (uint32_t) msecs * (F_CPU / 1000);
while (now() < end);
* This is a super simple timeout support. There is a limited number of
* timeouts that can be set at any given point. Timeouts that are far
* enough from now and far enough from other timeouts, should be rather
* accurate, but there are no guarantees. The callback may happen a
* little later than expected, but not sooner than expected. This is
* guaranteed, but the "little later" can be rather long in extreme
* cases. It will be reasonably short if callback routines are reasonably
* short. Timeouts being set need to be within 2^32 / F_CPU / 2 seconds
* from now, which is about 120 seconds at 16MHz.
* Callbacks currently run with interrupts enabled in order let the timer
* overflow do its job, but if the callbacks don't take too long, they
* could be given the comfort of interrupts disabled which would simplify
* the code here a little.
#define MAX_TIMEOUTS 16
static struct timeout_s {
uint32_t when;
void *callback;
uint8_t next, cls;
} timeouts[MAX_TIMEOUTS];
static uint8_t next = 0xff;
static uint8_t k = 0;
static void set_timeout(void *callback, uint32_t timeout, uint8_t cls) {
uint8_t i, *j, sreg;
uint32_t when = Timers::now() + timeout;
sreg = SREG;
for (i = next, j = &next; i != 0xff; j = &timeouts[i].next, i = *j)
if ((uint32_t) (when - timeouts[i].when) >> 31)
for (; timeouts[k].callback; k = (k + 1) & (MAX_TIMEOUTS - 1));
timeouts[k].when = when;
timeouts[k].callback = callback;
timeouts[k].next = i;
timeouts[k].cls = cls;
*j = k;
if (j == &next)
SREG = sreg;
void Timers::setTimeout(void (*callback)(void), uint32_t timeout) {
set_timeout((void *) callback, timeout, 0);
void Timers::setTimeout(GenCallback *callback, uint32_t timeout) {
set_timeout(callback, timeout, 1);
bool Timers::pending(void) {
return next != 0xff;
static volatile uint8_t updating;
static volatile uint8_t updated;
uint32_t now;
TIMSK1 = 0x01;
#if 0
updating = 1;
do {
void *callback = timeouts[next].callback;
uint8_t cls = timeouts[next].cls;
timeouts[next].callback = NULL;
next = timeouts[next].next;
updated = 0;
if (cls) {
GenCallback *cb = (GenCallback *) callback;
delete cb;
} else {
void (*cb)(void) = (void (*)(void)) callback;
now = Timers::now();
} while (next != 0xff && (uint32_t) (timeouts[next].when - now) >> 31);
updating = 0;
if (!updated)
* Another assumption that we make, but which really depends on factors
* like the compiler flags:
* setting the timer compare register to a new value will take less than
* MIN_DELAY cycles.
#define MIN_DELAY 60
/* Interrupts disabled here */
static void update_timeouts(void) {
int16_t diff;
uint16_t ocra, tcnt;
if (unlikely(updating))
TIMSK1 = 0x01;
updated = 1;
if (next == 0xff)
diff = (timeouts[next].when >> 16) - timer_cycles;
if (diff > 0)
* If the desired value is in the past or very close to now,
* we make it now + MIN_DELAY cycles to avoid any race
* conditions. The hope is that this function will not take
* longer than MIN_DELAY cycles.
ocra = timeouts[next].when;
tcnt = TCNT1;
if (unlikely(diff || unlikely(ocra < MIN_DELAY ||
ocra - MIN_DELAY < tcnt)))
ocra = tcnt + MIN_DELAY;
OCR1A = ocra;
TIFR1 |= 0x02; /* Why is this needed? CPU bug? */
TIMSK1 = 0x03;
* 16-bit timer 1 used for Sensorino timekeeping as well as arbitrary
* timeouts.
* Licensed under AGPLv3.
#include <stdint.h>
class GenCallback {
virtual void call(void) = 0;
class Timers {
static class init { public: init(void); } initializer;
static uint32_t now(void);
static uint32_t millis(void);
static void delay(uint16_t msecs);
static void setTimeout(void (*callback)(void), uint32_t timeout);
static void setTimeout(GenCallback *callback, uint32_t timeout);
static bool pending(void);
#define setObjTimeout(method, timeout) \
setTimeout(new Callback<typeof(*this)>(this, &method), timeout)
template <typename T>
class Callback : public GenCallback {
T *obj;
void (T::*method)(void);
Callback(T *nobj, void (T::*nmethod)(void)) : obj(nobj), method(nmethod) {}
void call(void) { (obj->*method)(); }
#include "Timers.h"
void simple_timeout(void) {
Serial.println("simple timeout elapsed");
class Example {
void objectTimeout(void) {
Serial.println("object timeout elapsed");
void setTimeout(void) {
Timers::setObjTimeout(Example::objectTimeout, F_CPU * 20);
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Timers::setTimeout(simple_timeout, F_CPU * 10);
(new Example())->setTimeout();
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
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