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Last active October 26, 2021 07:25
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Replace n occurrence of a substring in a string
void main() {
const subject = 'I have a dog. I have a cat. I have a bird.';
final result = replaceStringByOccurrence(subject, 'have', '*have no*', 0);
/// Looks for `occurrence` of `search` in `subject` and replace it with `replace`.
/// The occurrence index is started from 0.
String replaceStringByOccurrence(
String subject, String search, String replace, int occurence) {
if (occurence.isNegative) {
throw ArgumentError.value(occurence, 'occurrence', 'Cannot be negative');
final regex = RegExp(r'have');
final matches = regex.allMatches(subject);
if (occurence >= matches.length) {
throw IndexError(occurence, matches, 'occurrence',
'Cannot be more than count of matches');
int index = -1;
return subject.replaceAllMapped(regex, (match) {
index += 1;
return index == occurence ? replace :!;
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