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Last active March 18, 2017 11:09
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;; array.asm ;;
global _start
section .bss
array resb 256
array2 resb 8
section .text
;;it is very convinient to write functions before _start
;fill memory (edi=address, ecx = length, al = value)
jecxz fm_q ;if ecx = 0 => jump
fm_lp: mov [edi],al ;put value to array element
inc edi ;next element
loop fm_lp ;repeat
fm_q: ret ;exit function
mov ecx, 256 ;counter
mov edi, array ;array start
mov al, '@' ;filling
again: mov [edi], al ;filling to array element
inc edi ;next el
dec ecx ;dec counter
jnz again ;again if not 0
mov edi, array2 ;prepare to call function
mov ecx, 8 ;
mov al, 'a' ;
call fill_memory;call function
;; xor test. fun, but I cant enc inside %rep
mov ecx, 0 ;position in array
%rep 2 ;do 2 times - array length
mov eax, [array2+ecx] ;portion of 4 bytes to eax
xor eax, [array+ecx] ;xor with 4 bytes from other string
mov [array2+ecx], eax ;put xored data back
add ecx, 4 ;next portion
mov eax, 10 ;breakline code char
mov [array2+8], eax ;put just after array2 in memory
;; print and exit section ;;
mov eax, 4 ;write
mov ebx, 1 ; to standard output
mov ecx, array2 ; our string's start
mov edx, 9 ; bytes long
int 80h ; syscall (do it)
mov eax, 1 ;exit
mov ebx, 1 ; all ok
int 80h ; do it
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