Video tutorial/credit to Anatu Tech:
- install
- go to your cpanel, in Terminal tool, type: --issue -d AAA -w /home/BBB/public_html/AAA/ --server letsencrypt
- AAA = the domain for which you want to create the certificate
- BBB = your namecheap username
- Multiple domains? add
-d AAA2 -d AAA3
etc, for each extra domain...
- execute, that will create files in a folder<AAA>_ecc
- open that folder with the file manager in another tab
- on the main tab, go to the section "SSL/TLS" and click "Manage SSL sites."
- scroll down to "Install an SSL Website" and select the domain from the list.
- in the textarea "Certificate" copy and paste the contents of<AAA>_ecc/<AAA>.cer
- in the textarea "Private Key" copy and paste the contents of<AAA>_ecc/<AAA>.key
- hit "install certificate". Done. It should last 3 months after which you will have to repeat the process.