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Last active January 24, 2024 17:06
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Use letsencrypt certificate in Namecheap hosting

Video tutorial/credit to Anatu Tech:

  1. install
  2. go to your cpanel, in Terminal tool, type: --issue -d AAA -w /home/BBB/public_html/AAA/ --server letsencrypt where:
  • AAA = the domain for which you want to create the certificate
  • BBB = your namecheap username
  • Multiple domains? add -d AAA2 -d AAA3 etc, for each extra domain...
  1. execute, that will create files in a folder<AAA>_ecc
  2. open that folder with the file manager in another tab
  3. on the main tab, go to the section "SSL/TLS" and click "Manage SSL sites."
  4. scroll down to "Install an SSL Website" and select the domain from the list.
  5. in the textarea "Certificate" copy and paste the contents of<AAA>_ecc/<AAA>.cer
  6. in the textarea "Private Key" copy and paste the contents of<AAA>_ecc/<AAA>.key
  7. hit "install certificate". Done. It should last 3 months after which you will have to repeat the process.
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