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trvswgnr / compress_video
Last active February 5, 2025 20:37
portable shell script to compress videos with ffmpeg
print_usage() {
echo "usage: compress_video <input_file>"
echo "supported formats: mp4, webm, mkv, mov, avi, flv"
get_extension() {
case "$f" in
mminer / CinemachineBrainTimelineBinder.cs
Created July 22, 2021 01:09
Unity component to bind the main camera's Cinemachine brain to a timeline's Cinemachine tracks.
using System.Linq;
using Cinemachine;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
public class CinemachineBrainTimelineBinder : MonoBehaviour
void Start()