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Last active November 26, 2018 04:41
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Adapted Androminion Chuck AI for Dominiate simulator
# This is a port of the Chuck AI from Androminion for the Dominiate simulator
# Original
# Simulator
# Chuck really likes to buy potion cards
# If potion cards are unavailable, he mostly buys random treasures and action
# favoring expensive cards over cheap ones.
# Starts greening when he can afford a Province or Colony or after turn 12
# If there are no potion-cost actions it will at most buy 5 random actions but
# it will never buy Vineyard with less than 5 actions in deck, so sometimes it
# will buy Potion and never use it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# Play priority is Treasure Map above all (?) then cantrips and villages and
# then terminals (throning them if available)
# Commented out some pseudocode with ignored logic due to cards not implemented
# in Dominiate
name: 'Chuck',
author: 'dominionator, mehtank, tkdennis, schoeggu and androminionfan (taken from Github contributos)'
requires: [],
playPriority: (state, my) ->
priority = [
"Treasure Map" if my.countInHand("Treasure Map") >= 2
# play prince if action card candidate available. (skipped Prince is not implemented)
# princeCards = this.princeCardCandidates(state, my)
# But if a non candidate action cantrip or village is available prefer it instead
for card in my.hand
if card.actions > 0 # && princeCards.indexOf(card) < 0
# Prince is not implemented in Dominate
# priority.push("Prince") if princeCards.length > 0
priority.push("Throne Room")
# Disciple is not implemented in Dominiate
# priority.push("Disciple")
priority.push("King's Court")
cost = COST_MAX
while cost >= 0
randList = []
for card in my.hand
continue if == "Treasure Map" || == "Tactician" && my.countInPlay("Tactician") > 0
if card.costInCoins(state) == cost
randList = this.shuffle(randList)
for r in randList
if r?
gainPriority: (state, my) ->
midGame = 12
actionCardsMax = 5
priority = [
null if my.coins == 0
"Platinum" if my.turnsTaken < midGame
# Prince is not implemented in Dominiate
#"Prince" if my.turnsTaken < midGame &&
# state.countInSupply("Colony") > 0 &&
# my.countInDeck("Prince") < 2 &&
# princeCandidatesCount > 2 * my.countInDeck("Prince")
"Vineyard" if my.turnsTaken > midGame &&
my.numActionCardsInDeck() >= 9
# && will not gain curse due to embargo
"Duchy" if my.turnsTaken > midGame
# && will not gain curse due to embargo
# try cards with potion before silver
"Vineyard" if my.turnsTaken > midGame &&
my.numActionCardsInDeck() >= 6
# && will not gain curse due to embargo
"Posession" if my.countInDeck("Posession") < 2 &&
my.coins < state.cardInfo["Vineyard"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"Golem" if my.countInDeck("Golem") < 2 &&
my.coins < state.cardInfo["Golem"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"Familiar" if my.countInDeck("Familiar") < 2 &&
my.coins < state.cardInfo["Familiar"].costInCoins(state) + 3 &&
my.turnsTaken <= midGame && state.countInSupply("Curse") > 3
"Alchemist" if my.coins < state.cardInfo["Alchemist"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"Philosopher's Stone" if my.coins < state.cardInfo["Philosopher's Stone"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"Scrying Pool" if my.coins < state.cardInfo["Scrying Pool"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"Apothecary" if my.countInDeck("Apothecary") < 2 &&
my.coins < state.cardInfo["Apothecary"].costInCoins(state) + 3
"University" if my.countInDeck("University") < 2 &&
my.coins < state.cardInfo["University"].costInCoins(state) + 3
if Math.random() < 0.25
priority.push("Gold") # if will not gain curse due to embargo
priority.push("Silver") # if will not gain curse due to embargo
# Random cards amognst the most expensive available
randList = []
cost = my.coins
highestCost = 0
while cost >= 0
for c, count of
card = state.cardInfo[c]
multiplierCount = my.countInDeck("Throne Room") + my.countInDeck("King's Court")
# Should also skip ruins and consider disciple and crown in mutipliers calculation
# Those cards are not implemented in Dominiate
continue if card.costInCoins(state) != cost ||
c == "Curse" ||
c == "Copper" ||
c == "Rats" ||
c == "Potion" && !this.shouldBuyPotion(my) ||
c == "Throne Room" && multiplierCount > 2 ||
c == "King's Court" && multiplierCount > 2 ||
!card.isAction && !card.isTreasure
continue if card.isAction && my.numActionCardsInDeck() >= actionCardsMax
# continue if will gain curse due to Embargo
highestCost = card.costInCoins(state) if highestCost == 0
break if --cost < highestCost - 2
# prefer silver instead of masterpiece if you can't overpay by 2
masterpiecePos = randList.indexOf("Masterpiece")
if randList.indexOf("Silver") > -1 && masterpiecePos > -1 && my.coins < 5
randList[masterpiecePos] = undefined
randList = this.shuffle(randList)
for r in randList
if r?
priority.push("Silver") # if will not gain curse due to Embargo
if my.turnsTaken > midGame # && will not gain curse due to Embargo
trashPriority: (state, my) ->
"Overgrown Estate"
"Ruined Village"
"Ruined Market"
"Ruined Library"
"Abandoned Mine"
# Any other Ruins. Ruins are not implemented in Dominiate
shuffle: (v) ->
i = v.length
while i
j = parseInt(Math.random() * i)
i -= 1
temp = v[i]
v[i] = v[j]
v[j] = temp
shouldBuyPotion: (my) ->
return false if my.countInDeck("Potion") > 2
return false if my.countInDeck("Potion") > 1 && Math.random() > 0.16
return false if my.countInDeck("Potion") > 0 && Math.random() > 0.25
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Easy optimization: Instead of iterating hand each choice for generating randList, precalculate from kingdom only once and simply shuffle each time.
Dominiate will ignore unavailable choices

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