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Bardi Harborow bardiharborow

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floudet /
Created July 17, 2016 14:45
Send a RFC 5322 compliant email using telnet
$ telnet 25
Connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 *********************************
250-SIZE 20480000
ethack /
Last active February 25, 2025 06:39
Scripts that simulate typing the clipboard contents. Useful when pasting is not allowed.

It "types" the contents of the clipboard.

Why can't you just paste the contents you ask? Sometimes pasting just doesn't work.

  • One example is in system password fields on OSX.
  • Sometimes you're working in a VM and the clipboard isn't shared.
  • Other times you're working via Remote Desktop and again, the clipboard doesn't work in password boxes such as the system login prompts.
  • Connected via RDP and clipboard sharing is disabled and so is mounting of local drives. If the system doesn't have internet access there's no easy way to get things like payloads or Powershell scripts onto it... until now.


The Windows version is written in AutoHotKey and easily compiles to an executable. It's a single line script that maps Ctrl-Shift-V to type the clipboard.

achillean / ssh-fingerprints.csv
Created February 17, 2015 20:11
Top 1,000 Duplicate SSH Fingerprints on the Internet
dc:14:de:8e:d7:c1:15:43:23:82:25:81:d2:59:e8:c0 245272
32:f9:38:a2:39:d0:c5:f5:ba:bd:b7:75:2b:00:f6:ab 197846
d0:db:8a:cb:74:c8:37:e4:9e:71:fc:7a:eb:d6:40:81 152046
34:47:0f:e9:1a:c2:eb:56:eb:cc:58:59:3a:02:80:b6 140777
df:17:d6:57:7a:37:00:7a:87:5e:4e:ed:2f:a3:d5:dd 91904
81:96:a6:8c:3a:75:f3:be:84:5e:cc:99:a7:ab:3e:d9 80499
7c:a8:25:21:13:a2:eb:00:a6:c1:76:ca:6b:48:6e:bf 78172
1c:1e:29:43:d2:0c:c1:75:40:05:30:03:d4:02:d7:9b 71851
8b:75:88:08:41:78:11:5b:49:68:11:42:64:12:6d:49 70786
c2:77:c8:c5:72:17:e2:5b:4f:a2:4e:e3:04:0c:35:c9 68654
chadsmith / FaviconAwesome.js
Last active January 11, 2018 19:03
FontAwesome in Favicons
(function() {
var FaviconAwesome = function(icon, color, bg) {
'use strict';
container = document.createElement('div'),
span = document.createElement('span'),
body = document.body,
canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
getContext = function(w) {
karlgluck / Hash Ladders for Shorter Lamport
Last active March 31, 2024 17:53
I describe a method for making Lamport signatures take up less space. I haven't seen anyone use hash chains this way before, so I think it's pretty cool.

What's this all about?

Digital cryptography! This is a subject I've been interested in since taking a class with Prof. Fred Schneider back in college. Articles pop up on Hacker News fairly often that pique my interest and this technique is the result of one of them.

Specifically, this is about Lamport signatures. There are many signature algorithms (ECDSA and RSA are the most commonly used) but Lamport signatures are unique because they are formed using a hash function. Many cryptographers believe that this makes them resistant to attacks made possible by quantum computers.

How does a Lamport Signature work?

willurd /
Last active February 28, 2025 17:17
Big list of http static server one-liners

Each of these commands will run an ad hoc http static server in your current (or specified) directory, available at http://localhost:8000. Use this power wisely.

Discussion on reddit.

Python 2.x

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
dooglus / bootstrap.cpp
Created February 21, 2013 06:44
create bootstrap.dat from bitcoin-qt's blk0000?.dat files
// g++ UniversalTimer.o BinaryData.o FileDataPtr.o BtcUtils.o BlockObj.o BlockUtils.o libcryptopp.a -o bootstrap.out -Icryptopp -DUSE_CRYPTOPP -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -lpthread bootstrap.cpp
#include "BlockUtils.h"
int main(void)
string btcdir("/home/chris/.bitcoin");
string bootstrap(btcdir + "/" + "bootstrap.dat");
BlockDataManager_FileRefs & bdm = BlockDataManager_FileRefs::GetInstance();
# Written by Aaron Cohen -- 1/14/2013
# Brought to you by BitTorrent, Inc.
# "We're not just two guys in a basement in Sweden." TM
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
# See:
import sys
import re
import socket
# Raw transaction API example work-through
# Send coins to a 2-of-3 multisig, then spend them.
# For this example, I'm using these three keypairs (public/private)
# 0491bba2510912a5bd37da1fb5b1673010e43d2c6d812c514e91bfa9f2eb129e1c183329db55bd868e209aac2fbc02cb33d98fe74bf23f0c235d6126b1d8334f86 / 5JaTXbAUmfPYZFRwrYaALK48fN6sFJp4rHqq2QSXs8ucfpE4yQU
# 04865c40293a680cb9c020e7b1e106d8c1916d3cef99aa431a56d253e69256dac09ef122b1a986818a7cb624532f062c1d1f8722084861c5c3291ccffef4ec6874 / 5Jb7fCeh1Wtm4yBBg3q3XbT6B525i17kVhy3vMC9AqfR6FH2qGk
# 048d2455d2403e08708fc1f556002f1b6cd83f992d085097f9974ab08a28838f07896fbab08f39495e15fa6fad6edbfb1e754e35fa1c7844c41f322a1863d46213 / 5JFjmGo5Fww9p8gvx48qBYDJNAzR9pmH5S389axMtDyPT8ddqmw
# First: combine the three keys into a multisig address:
./bitcoind createmultisig 2 '["0491bba2510912a5bd37da1fb5b1673010e43d2c6d812c514e91bfa9f2eb129e1c183329db55bd868e209aac2fbc02cb33d98fe74bf23f0c235d6126b1d8334f86","04865c40293a680cb9c020e7b1e106d8c1916d3cef99aa431a56d253e69256dac09ef122b1a9
benjamincharity / Local Fallback for jQuery and Modernizr
Created January 6, 2012 17:31
Include jQuery and Modernizr from a CDN and add local fallbacks in case the CDN fails. Versions written in HTML and HAML.
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.js">\x3C/script>')
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.Modernizr || document.write('<script src="js/modernizr-2.0.6.js">\x3C/script>')