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Last active August 13, 2020 09:16
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* @param {array} array The array you want length for
* @param {Object} options dictionary of strings for return
* @param {string} options.singular string for singular count
* @param {string} options.plural string for plural count
* @param {string} options.default string to return no matter the nature of the count
* @param {string} toInterpolate The string value wrapped in `{{}}` will be replaced by the count value on return
function getCount(array,options={},toInterpolate) {
const count = array.length;
options.default = options.default || "{{count}}";
toInterpolate = toInterpolate || "count";
return stringInterpolate(options.plural,toInterpolate,count)
return stringInterpolate(options.default,toInterpolate,count)
return stringInterpolate(options.singular,toInterpolate,count)
return stringInterpolate(options.default,toInterpolate,count);
* @param {string} str The value to interpolate
* @param {string} toInterpolate The string value wrapped in `{{}}` will be replaced by the count value on return
* @param {string | number} value the value to replace the toInterpolate point with
function stringInterpolate(str,toInterpolate,value){
const regex = new RegExp(`{{${toInterpolate}}}`,'g');
return str.replace(regex,value);
// Example Run
const one = getCount([1,2],{
singular:"Found {{user}} user",
plural:"Found {{user}} users",
const two = getCount([1],{
default: "You've got {{user}}"
import Foundation;
* @param {array} array The array you want length for
* @param {Object} options dictionary of strings for return
* @param {string} options.singular string for singular count
* @param {string} options.plural string for plural count
* @param {string} options.default string to return no matter the nature of the count
* @param {string} toInterpolate The string value wrapped in `{{}}` will be replaced by the count value on return
struct Option{
var singular="Found {{count}}";
var plural="Found {{count}}";
func getCount(array:Array<Any>,options:Option,toInterpolate:String)-> String {
let count = array.count;
var _toInterpolate="count";
return stringInterpolate(str:options.plural,toInterpolate:_toInterpolate,value:String(count))
return stringInterpolate(str:options.singular,toInterpolate:_toInterpolate,value:String(count))
return String(count);
* @param {string} str The value to interpolate
* @param {string} toInterpolate The string value wrapped in `{{}}` will be replaced by the count value on return
* @param {string | number} value the value to replace the toInterpolate point with
func stringInterpolate(str:String,toInterpolate:String,value: String)-> String {
let regex = ("{{"+toInterpolate+"}}");
let result = str.replacingOccurrences(of: regex, with: value );
return result;
// Example Run
var runOptions = Option();
runOptions.singular = "Found {{soman}} user"
runOptions.plural = "Found {{soman}} users"
let result = getCount(array:[1],options:runOptions,
let result2 = getCount(array:[1,2],options:runOptions,toInterpolate:"soman");
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