The following is a simple implementation that tests your knowledge on a few things that most of our apps depend on. There's a huge chance you don't understand a certain library or tech. If so, there's certain things I'll point to as skippable and you can go ahead with that.
- The deadline is 4 days after the initial commit.
You can send an unsigned apk / signed apk and/or an installable .ipa via Diawi or Firebase App Distribution (email it to: [email protected])
- Not Skippable
- Redux (with or without Rematch)
- React Native UI Framework (Any UI Framework, Nativebase, RNElements, UIKitten, Nachos)
- Some form of Linting
- React Navigation (with or without react-native-router-flux)
To make it easier for you, there's a boilerplate with the above available at
- A Github repository to maintain the code
- I'll go through you commit history to figure out your thought process so make sure you write your commits properly
- The assignment is to test your skill level to what you claim to be so even if you can't complete the assignment completely, it is still fine to submit a half baked version till the deadline so we can at least analyse the code quality.
- The deadline is 4 days after the initial commit.
- Your initial commit is just going to be a simple file that has
fountane assignment
as its content. - Make sure you update your readme with needed documentation, this can include any additional packages you've added that need linking or if you use your readme as a todo list with checkbox, anything you think needs to be documented can be in the readme.
- Any tampering with the github history will lead to elimination, so force pushes aren't allowed. Use
The assignment is a very simple micro blogging platform. It's not a full fledged functional platform but let me test your skill levels. I'll give you the set of features I expect from it.
- List all posts.
- Add a post.
Simple screen that lists all the available posts, this can be fetched from any publicly available api. (ex. JSONPlaceholder)
- Bonus Functionality If you could add a manual frontend filtration logic that'll search through the title of the numerous posts.
Since you can't post to the actual public api's just making the post request and showing a success message for it, works. So, You'll have a text box and a submit button for me to make a post with.
If you are ahead of the deadline and can add any other functionality that you think you'd like to add, you can, just make sure you list it in the Readme.