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Last active June 24, 2021 05:01
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  • Save barelyhuman/f33f863e743a198ad1c71b893a82ffff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save barelyhuman/f33f863e743a198ad1c71b893a82ffff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Full Stack Assignment

Full Stack Assignment


  • 3 days after the initial commit

Evaluation Pointers

  • A Github repository to maintain the code
  • I'll go through you commit history to figure out your thought process so make sure you write your commits properly
  • The assignment is to test your skill level to what you claim to be so even if you can't complete the assignment completely, it is still fine to submit a half baked version till the deadline so we can at least analyse the code quality.
  • Your initial commit is just going to be a simple file that has fountane assignment as its content or if using a boilerplate, the boilerplate is the initial commit.
  • Make sure you update your readme with needed documentation, this can include any additional packages you've added that need linking or if you use your readme as a todo list with checkbox, anything you think needs to be documented can be in the readme.
  • Any tampering with the github history will lead to elimination, so force pushes aren't allowed. Use revert instead.


The assignment is a simple (mono repo / traditional MVC) cart app, the listed down requirements are all you need to work on in the next 3 days but if you get enough time you can go ahead and work on any other feature you wish to work on, just make sure you add it to the readme for me to know what's on the extras.

  • Ability to login/logout/signup (verify email, can use sendgrid/mailjet etc etc etc) or nodemailer with a node server,your call.
  • Every user can create a listing that is visible to the remaining users. Listing can have a product title, product description,qyantity and product price. If time persists ability to upload a product image.
  • Ability to modify listings, only modify price and quantity
  • Ability to delete listings
  • If possible a cart where I can add the listenting too (optional)


If the above seems too large to implement in 3 days.

  • Login/Singup/Logout without the email verification
  • Create listings
  • View Listings (includes listing from other users and show the username or email of the lister)

Bonus Work

If you find yourself done with the above you can work on other features like ability to add cards to the profile using stripe or anything else you prefer.

If you prefer creating a better and seamless deploy procedure work on the deployment process streamlining.


  • Expect a static output of the website and server that I can interact with, you can use Heroku, Netlify or Firebase to setup the deliverable website.
  • a link to the repository, if it's a public one, the public repo to be sent as mail or if private , add @barelyhuman as a collaborator to the repo as well.


The stack can be anything you wish to be or are comfortable with. The requirement is for it to be a monorepo, additionally it can have any of the bonus work.

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