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Created January 21, 2020 18:37
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An OCaml implementation of the core functions of the Caesar cipher. See the Python implementation at
open Core
module type Caesar_intf = sig
val decrypt: string -> int -> string
val encrypt: string -> int -> string
module Caesar: Caesar_intf = struct
let transform_alpha scale c =
if not (Char.is_alpha c) then c else
let code = Char.hash c in
let scale_factor = Char.(if is_lowercase c then hash 'a' else hash 'A') in
scale (code - scale_factor) |> (+) scale_factor |> Char.of_int_exn
let encrypt plain_text shift = ~f:(transform_alpha (fun c -> (c + shift) % 26)) plain_text
let decrypt cipher_text shift = ~f:(transform_alpha (fun c -> (c - shift) % 26)) cipher_text
let text_param, shift_param = Command.(
Param.(anon ("text" %: string)),
Param.(anon ("shift-key" %: int))
let encrypt_command = Command.(
basic ~summary:"Encrypt the given text using the given shift key."
Param.(map2 text_param shift_param ~f:(fun text shift_key ->
fun () -> Stdio.print_endline (Caesar.encrypt text shift_key)))
let decrypt_command = Command.(
basic ~summary:"Decrypt the given text using the given shift key."
Param.(map2 text_param shift_param ~f:(fun text shift_key ->
fun () -> Stdio.print_endline (Caesar.decrypt text shift_key)))
let command = Command.(
group ~summary:"Cryptography using the Caesar shift substitution cipher."
[("encrypt", encrypt_command); ("decrypt", decrypt_command)]
let () = command
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