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Last active February 10, 2018 14:57
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Demystifying GitHub speaker notes

Demystifying GitHub speaker notes

Umesi Obusor Ezekiel

What is GitHub

  • An online collaboration platform for everyone.
  • A social coding platform. ...

Why GitHub

  • Open collaboration
  • Vast collection of open source assets
  • Features code reviews

Why you should use GitHub

  • Open source adoption is increasing fast
  • Large community existing
  • GitHub presence is now required for most developers [I disagree: social coding is not an indicator of developer skill]

Facts about GitHub

  • Two-thirds of GitHub developers work remotely
  • GitHub classroom for collaboration among classes in education
  • Other stats I don't care about

Ayaosi Godfrey

Why GitHub

  • It's more than a database for code
  • It enables contributions by providing many features

Advantages of using GitHub

  • Open source: more than just free code

    • Allows innovation and variety
    • Private repos give you leverage to use GitHb without going open source
  • GitHub allows you showcase your work

  • Documentation is easy with GitHub

    • Uses markdown for documentation
  • Allows easy collaboration

  • Other features:

    • forks and clones: forks are new projects created off snapshots of other projects; clones are copies of existing projects.
    • gists: share snippet and articles with others easily
    • wikis: FAQ-style documentation for projects

Wisdom Arerosuoghene

Benefits of Version Control Systems

  • Organization
    • remember what happened in each version of your resources
  • Collaboration
    • synchronize contributions from many collaborators with ease
  • Blame game
    • easy to find what changes caused what breakages in the system

Types of Version Control Systems

  • Centralized Version Control
    • everything in one place
    • e.g., Subversion, Perforce
  • Distributed Version Control
    • local copies of files, versions and modification history
    • e.g., Git, Mercurial

Obinna Odirionye

  • Game lover, foodie, DevOps advocate, student ambassador @Microsoft @ingressive

Setting up a GitHub Account

  • Download some tools for deployment
    • Nodejs, npm, Ionic, Cordova
    • Git

The six commands of life as a githubber

  • git init
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • git remote add origin "remote-url"
  • git remote -v
  • git push origin master

A better way to commit your code the Angular/Ionic way

  • npm i -g commitizen
  • commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact
  • git add .
  • git cz

Vaugn Itemuagbor

This was an interactive session. Some gems from this session were tweeted at

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