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Last active December 16, 2015 12:28
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The 2nd Sublime tip for Bloc

Sublime Tip #2

This tip we are going to discuss some Sublime setup and one shortcut. Feel free to ask sublime questions at the next google hangout.

Setting up Sublime for the command line

It is useful to open up Sublime from the command line. Typically, this is done by setting up the command subl to open up Sublime.
Once setup, the command subl . will open up the current directory. the command subl program.rb will open up the program.rb file. Here is how you set it up:


  1. Make sure you have a directory call ~/bin. If not create the directory with: mkdir ~/bin

  2. Symlink the sublime executable to your ~/bin directory by type at the command line:
    ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/bin/subl

  3. Make sure the ~/bin directory is in your PATH:
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
    Note: the ~/.bash_profile file is used for adding your customizations to a bash terminal (default on OSX and Linux). However, if you are using another shell like zsh, use the appropriate config file.

Windows (Git Bash):

  1. Windows by default should open up Sublime Text 2 at the command with the command sublime_text, However if you would prefer the shorter subl command, then create a file called .bash_profile (or open an already created file) and type the line
    alias subl='"/c/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe"'
    After restarting Git Bash the subl command should work.

Windows (CMD):

  1. Make sure the C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2 directory is in your PATH. How to add directory to Window's PATH
    When you add directories to your PATH be sure to put a semi-colon ; between the last directory in the path and your new path.

  2. Create a new file and save it as subl.bat in the directory C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2

  3. Inside the subl.bat file put the line:
    start sublime_text.exe %*
    After restarting CMD the subl command should work.

Setting up Sublime as the default editor

This is important for when you type the line git commit without the -m option. By default this will open up terminal vim, which is confusing if you have never seen before. If you get stuck in vim the command :q will exit vim. To instead open up Sublime:


  1. Type
    echo "export EDITOR='subl -w '" >> ~/.bash_profile
    at the command line. Remember use the appropriate config file for you setup. Or manually add the line
    export EDITOR='subl -w '
    to your config file (~/.bash_profile).

Windows (Git Bash) and (CMD):

  1. In windows we need to change the default git editor by type
    git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe'"
    at the command line.

Duplicate Line(s) Shortcut

I want to leave you with one key shortcut to practice this week. This is the "duplicate line" command. This command simply copies the current line that your cursor is on or a group of highlighted lines and pastes the line(s) on the line below your cursor (single line) or below the highlighted lines (multi-line). Here is an example (Warning! There are more key shortcuts in here that we will discuss later):


Mac: cmd + shift + D

Win/Linux: ctrl + shift + D

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