NOTE: commands and UI are deprecated
- Negative Engineering
- What is workflow orchestration?
- Introduction to Prefect 2.0
- First Prefect flow and Basics
library(dplyr) | |
library(purrr) | |
library(rlang) | |
derange <- function(data, ..., by_group = FALSE){ | |
arrange( data, !!!map( quos(...), ~ quo(desc(!!.)) ), by_group = by_group ) | |
} | |
d <- data.frame( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10]) | |
derange(d, x, y) |
.DS_Store |
rm(list=ls()) | |
library(git2r) | |
library(plyr) | |
library(daff) | |
differ = function(file1, file2){ | |
path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-") | |
dir.create(path) | |
repo <- init(path) | |
scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(the_factor))) |