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Last active December 19, 2015 07:09
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Save barneycarroll/5916651 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NB: This code has all sorts of edge cases, and any code that attempts to leverage it on a holistic framework level is likely to run into bugs fast. Do not use. Creates a custom `target` event, matching the CSS `:target` pseudo-selector, which can be used to determine when an element in the page becomes the current target of the URI's fragment id…
/* Provides a jQuery 'target' event that fires in all conditions that would
* result in an element becoming the target of the URI fragment identifier or
* hash as it is often called. It aims to provide a behavioural hook to emulate
* CSS3's :target selector [1] (more here [2] and here [3]: good demos include
* this proof of concept [4] and Wikipedia's styling of targeted footnotes and
* citations [5]).
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
* [4]
* [5]
void function jQueryTargetEventClosure( $, undefined ){
// Returns a 'ready' event to pass when 'target' is triggered by initial hash state on document load:
// Prevents critical failure when attempting to invoke event methods on 'target' handlers
var readyEventConstructor = ( function readyEventConstructorClosure() {
var history = window.history;
var historySupport = history.replaceState && typeof history.replaceState === 'function';
return function readyEventConstructor() {
var location = window.location;
var readyEvent = $.Event( 'ready' );
// In case of history support, allow preventDefault to remove the window location's hash
if( historySupport && location.hash ){
readyEvent.preventDefault = function preventDomReadyTargetDefault() {
history.replaceState( undefined, undefined, location.href.split( location.hash )[ 0 ] );
// ...but then hand over to jQuery's own preventDefault for internal statefulness etc
return $ readyEvent );
return readyEvent;
}() );
// Utility: removes the hash from any passed URI(-component)-like string
// so we can compare URIs excluding the fragment identifier
function unHash( uriString ) {
var link = $( ''.link( uriString ) )[ 0 ];
var hash = link.hash;
var unhashed = link.href.split( unhashed )[ 0 ];
return unhashed;
// Hashchange event handlers:
// The function below triggers a target event if the hashchange targets an element
// but needs conditional binding or unbinding depending on whether it is the end
// result of a click event that has already fired a target event
function filterHashChangeTarget( hashChangeEvent ) {
var $subject = $( window.location.hash );
$subject.trigger( 'target', [ hashChangeEvent ]);
// Bind the above handler
function handleHashChange() {
$( window )
.off( 'hashchange.ignore' )
.on( 'hashchange.handle', filterHashChangeTarget );
// Unbind the next instance
function ignoreHashChange() {
$( window )
.off( 'hashchange.handle' )
.on( 'hashchange.ignore', handleHashChange );
// For link clicks
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', 'a[href*=#]', function filterTarget( clickEvent ) {
var link = this;
var $subject = $( link.hash );
// Abandon non-targetting clicks
if( !$subject.length ) {
// Assume the default click behaviour isn't prevented:
// A hashchange event will bubble up and trigger another target.
// Unbind that handler temporarily, but extend preventDefault
// to reinstate it.
void function handlePropagation() {
var originalPreventDefault = clickEvent.preventDefault;
// Don't handle the next hash change
// ...Unless default's prevented
clickEvent.preventDefault = function reinstateHashTarget() {
// Reinstate the hash change handler
return originalPreventDefault.apply( clickEvent, arguments );
// Only apply to in-page links: minus the hash, link & location must match
if ( unHash( link.href ) === unHash( window.location.href )) {
$subject.trigger( 'target', [ clickEvent ] );
// On DOM ready
$(function readyTargetCheck(){
$( window.location.hash ).trigger( 'target', readyEventConstructor() );

Once the code above is executed, jQuery will be able to listen for target events, which fire on elements represented by the URI's fragment identifier as and when they become 'targeted'. It aims to compensate for current DOM's inability to procedurally infer what CSS caters for with the :target pseudo-class (if you're unfamiliar with :target, or can't imagine a realistic use case, see how Wikipedia highlights targeted footnotes).

…to be continued


  • Migrate to fully-fledged repository
  • untarget event when an element loses :target status (as blur is to :focus and mouseout to :hover)
  • Investigate whether a return false in a click event handler will reinstate hashchange handling
  • Build test suite
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