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Forked from WreckedAvent/select option (es6).js
Created July 29, 2016 15:02
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var m = require( 'mithril' )
var isSelected = require( '../functions/isSelected' )
function action(option, selection, e){
if (isSelected(ctrl.option, ctrl.selection)) {
var i = ctrl.selection.indexOf(ctrl.option)
ctrl.selection.splice(i, 1)
} else {
if (Array.isArray(ctrl.selection)) {
} else {
function setClasses(option, selection, highlighted, index){
var selected = isSelected(option, selection);
if (selected && highlighted() === index){
return "selected highlighted";
} else if (selected && highlighted() !== index){
return "selected";
} else if (!selected && highlighted() === index){
return 'highlighted';
} else {
return '';
var selectOption = {};
selectOption.view = function( vnode ){
return m('.item[tabindex=0]', {
class: setClasses(option, selection, highlighted, index),
style: {
display: search() && option.toLowerCase().indexOf(search().toLowerCase()) === -1 ? 'none' : 'block'
onclick: function( e ){} action(option, selection, e) },
onfocus: function(){ ctrl.highlighted(index) },
onmouseover: function(){ ctrl.highlighted(index) }
}, option )
module.exports = selectOption
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