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Last active March 6, 2025 18:31
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convert diarized automatic speech recognition output to SRT subtitle file
#!/usr/bin/env ts-node
* Used this Huggingface space to create a JSON formatted file
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
* Converts a time (in seconds, possibly with decimals) to an SRT timestamp.
* Example: 3661.235 -> "01:01:01,235"
function formatTimestamp(seconds: number): string {
const h = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
const m = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
const s = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
const ms = Math.floor((seconds - Math.floor(seconds)) * 1000);
return `${String(h).padStart(2, '0')}:${String(m).padStart(2, '0')}:${String(s).padStart(2, '0')},${String(ms).padStart(3, '0')}`;
* Merges an array of chunks (each having a text property) into a single string.
* It avoids inserting extra spaces before punctuation.
function mergeChunksSimple(chunks: any[]): string {
let text = "";
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const trimmed = chunk.text.trim();
if (!trimmed) continue;
if (text === "") {
text = trimmed;
} else {
// Append without a space if the token starts with punctuation.
if (/^[,\.!?;:]/.test(trimmed)) {
text += trimmed;
} else {
text += " " + trimmed;
return text;
* Assign speaker labels to chunks using segment information.
* Each segment object has an `id` and a `label` (the speaker name).
* For each chunk, if its timestamp falls within a segment’s boundaries,
* we assign the segment’s label to the chunk.
function assignSpeakers(chunks: any[], segments: any[]): void {
segments.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
if (!chunk.speaker || chunk.speaker === "NO_SPEAKER") {
for (const seg of segments) {
if (chunk.timestamp && chunk.timestamp.length >= 2) {
if (chunk.timestamp[0] >= seg.start && chunk.timestamp[1] <= seg.end) {
// Use the segment's label as the speaker name.
chunk.speaker = seg.label;
* Groups all chunks into SRT blocks.
* The grouping algorithm walks through sorted chunks and groups them together if:
* - The gap between the current chunk and the previous chunk is less than gapThreshold.
* - They share the same speaker (if available).
* - And the total duration from the first chunk of the group to the current chunk
* does not exceed maxBlockDuration.
* When any condition fails, a new group is started.
function groupAllChunks(chunks: any[], maxBlockDuration: number = 3.0, gapThreshold: number = 0.5): any[] {
let groups: any[] = [];
if (chunks.length === 0) return groups;
// Ensure chunks are sorted by start time.
chunks.sort((a: any, b: any) => a.timestamp[0] - b.timestamp[0]);
// Start the first group.
let currentGroup = {
speaker: chunks[0].speaker || "NO_SPEAKER",
start: chunks[0].timestamp[0],
end: chunks[0].timestamp[1],
chunks: [chunks[0]]
for (let i = 1; i < chunks.length; i++) {
let chunk = chunks[i];
let gap = chunk.timestamp[0] - currentGroup.end;
// When comparing speakers, if the current chunk is NO_SPEAKER, ignore the difference.
let speakerMismatch = (chunk.speaker && chunk.speaker !== currentGroup.speaker && chunk.speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER" && currentGroup.speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER");
if (speakerMismatch ||
gap > gapThreshold ||
((chunk.timestamp[1] - currentGroup.start) > maxBlockDuration)) {
currentGroup = {
speaker: chunk.speaker || "NO_SPEAKER",
start: chunk.timestamp[0],
end: chunk.timestamp[1],
chunks: [chunk]
} else {
currentGroup.end = chunk.timestamp[1];
// If the current group is NO_SPEAKER and the new chunk has a valid speaker,
// update the group speaker.
if (currentGroup.speaker === "NO_SPEAKER" && chunk.speaker && chunk.speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER") {
currentGroup.speaker = chunk.speaker;
return groups;
* Merges groups whose speaker is "NO_SPEAKER" with an adjacent group that has a valid speaker.
* It checks if the gap between the groups is less than gapThreshold.
function mergeNoSpeakerGroups(groups: any[], gapThreshold: number = 0.5): any[] {
let merged: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
let current = groups[i];
if (current.speaker === "NO_SPEAKER") {
// Try to merge with the previous group if it exists and has a valid speaker.
if (merged.length > 0) {
let prev = merged[merged.length - 1];
if (prev.speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER" && (current.start - prev.end) <= gapThreshold) {
// Merge current group into previous.
prev.end = current.end;
prev.chunks = prev.chunks.concat(current.chunks);
// Otherwise, if there's a next group with a valid speaker, merge current into next.
if (i < groups.length - 1 && groups[i + 1].speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER" && (groups[i + 1].start - current.end) <= gapThreshold) {
groups[i + 1].chunks = current.chunks.concat(groups[i + 1].chunks);
groups[i + 1].start = current.start;
return merged;
* Merges the segments and chunks from the transcript JSON.
* If segment info exists, it is used to assign speaker labels to chunks.
* Then all chunks are grouped into SRT blocks based on time gap and block duration.
* Finally, any groups labeled as NO_SPEAKER are merged into adjacent groups.
function mergeSegmentsAndChunks(data: any, maxBlockDuration: number = 3.0, gapThreshold: number = 0.5): any[] {
let mergedSegments: any[] = [];
if (data.segments && Array.isArray(data.segments)) {
// Use segment info to assign speakers.
if (data.chunks && Array.isArray(data.chunks)) {
assignSpeakers(data.chunks, data.segments);
if (data.chunks && Array.isArray(data.chunks)) {
mergedSegments = groupAllChunks(data.chunks, maxBlockDuration, gapThreshold);
// Merge groups with NO_SPEAKER into the nearest valid speaker group.
mergedSegments = mergeNoSpeakerGroups(mergedSegments, gapThreshold);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON format: missing "chunks" array.');
return mergedSegments;
* Converts the provided JSON transcript (merging segments and chunks) to SRT content.
function convertToSrt(data: any): string {
let segments = mergeSegmentsAndChunks(data);
// Sort segments by start time.
segments.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
let srtOutput = '';
segments.forEach((seg, index) => {
const startTime = formatTimestamp(seg.start);
const endTime = formatTimestamp(seg.end);
// Prepend the speaker label if available.
const speakerText = seg.speaker && seg.speaker !== "NO_SPEAKER" ? `${seg.speaker}: ` : '';
const mergedText = mergeChunksSimple(seg.chunks);
srtOutput += `${index + 1}\n`;
srtOutput += `${startTime} --> ${endTime}\n`;
srtOutput += `${speakerText}${mergedText.trim()}\n\n`;
return srtOutput;
* CLI handling; I kinda wanted to use `command` but also wanted this to be a plain thing
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.error('Usage: ts-node convert.ts <input.json> []');
const inputFilePath = process.argv[2];
const outputFilePath = process.argv[3] || path.basename(inputFilePath, path.extname(inputFilePath)) + '.srt';
let jsonData: any;
try {
const rawData = fs.readFileSync(inputFilePath, 'utf8');
jsonData = JSON.parse(rawData);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading or parsing the input JSON file:', error);
let srtContent: string;
try {
srtContent = convertToSrt(jsonData);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error converting JSON to SRT:', error);
try {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, srtContent, 'utf8');
console.log(`Conversion complete! Output written to ${outputFilePath}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error writing the SRT file:', error);
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