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Created March 6, 2024 21:23
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WooCommerce/dynamic properties: associating arbitrary values with individual entity instances.
* Simple approach showing a structured approach to associating arbitrary, ephemeral
* (non-persisted) data with individual product objects and other entities.
* Benefits include avoidance of collisions between two plugins using the same key,
* the range of checks that can be applied to stored values, etc.
* @link
namespace My_Plugin {
use WeakMap;
use SplObjectStorage;
function internal_costs() {
static $map;
if ( empty( $map ) ) {
$map = class_exists( WeakMap::class ) ? new WeakMap : new SplObjectStorage;
return $map;
namespace {
$product = wc_get_product( 12345 );
$internal_costs = My_Plugin\internal_costs();
$internal_costs[ $product ] = 123;
print $internal_costs[ $product ];
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