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Last active May 26, 2020 08:54
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# Create 2-row gridspec to hold the colour bar (cax) and the main graph (ax)
fig, (cax, ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=2,figsize=(15,10), gridspec_kw={"height_ratios":[.05, 1]})
# --- Creating the colour map
# Use the coolwarm colour map, which comes with Matplotlib.
cmap =
# Normalise the log-deaths into a 0, 1 scale
norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=deaths.min(), vmax=deaths.max())
# Now the ith colour in colours corresponds to the ith country in deaths.
colours = cmap(norm(deaths))
# Build a simple colour dictionary indexed by country name.
colour_dict = dict(zip(deaths.index, colours))
# --- Plotting the segments
# Plot the segments as a stacked bar at the x coordinate.
def plot_segments(ax, x, segments, width=0.7, min_y=0, colour_dict=colour_dict):
current_y = min_y
for segment in segments:
# Plot a single bar at x with height=segment and its base at current_y
# Colour th ebar based on the colour code for x[x], [segment], width, bottom=current_y, color=colour_dict[x])
# Update current_y so that the next segment is plotted on top.
current_y += segment
# Construct the bar chart - plot each of the country's segments using apply.
weeklies.apply(lambda segments: plot_segments(ax,, segments), axis=1)
# --- Setup the axes (labels and limits)
# Rotate the x-axis labels for a better fit.
[label.set_rotation(90) for label in ax.get_xticklabels()]
ax.set_xlim(-1, len(weeklies))
ax.set_ylabel('Total Lockdown Mobility Drop')
# --- Adding the colour bar as a key
colour_scale =, norm=norm) # Create the colour scale
cbar = plt.colorbar(colour_scale, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") # Add the bar
# Add the colour bar title'Deaths/1M')
# Transform the colour bar ticks: since the deaths are in log base 10 right now,
# let's transform them back into deaths per million.
ticks = [int(10**n) for n in cbar.get_ticks()]
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