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Last active December 20, 2015 07:19
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LeetCode: Substring with concatenation of all words (
* This is a very cool method to perform the leetcode task.
* It is time O(n) (n being the size of string S) if it is
* implemented with an unordered_map on line 65, otherwise it
* is O(n*log(m)) (m being the size of the vector L)
* This method demonstrates how hashes can be used for
* comparison instead of strings. It is inspired by
* the topcoder article:
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Substring {
int base,
//Will return the correct mod, even if a is negative
int int_mod(int a, int b) {
return (a%b + b)%b;
//Needed for the rolling has, it is the chosen numeral to the power of m-1
int baseM_1(int m) {
int base_1 = 1;
for (int i=0; i < m; i++) {
base_1 = int_mod(base_1*base, prime);
return base_1;
//Implements a rolling hash: See
int rollingHash(const string& input, int lastPos, int currentPos, int currentHash, int baseM_1) {
if (lastPos >= 0) {
currentHash = int_mod(currentHash - int_mod(input[lastPos]*baseM_1, prime), prime);
currentHash = int_mod(currentHash*base, prime);
currentHash = int_mod(currentHash + input[currentPos], prime);
return currentHash;
Substring() :
base(26), //base is chosen as the size of my alphabet (in this case, latin alphabet lowercase = 26)
prime(6291469) //a largish prime number for hashing (found from here:
vector<int> findSubstring(string S, vector<string> &L) {
int stringHashCurrent = 0,
stringHashBehind = 0,
substringHash = 0,
m = L[0].size(),
lSize = m*L.size(),
bm_1 = baseM_1(m-1),
index = 0;
map<int, bool> substringHashPresent;
vector<int> substring(m,0),
vector<int> indices;
//Build a hash for each substring
for (int i=0; i < L.size(); i++) {
int tempSubstringHash = 0;
for (int j=0; j < m; j++) {
tempSubstringHash = rollingHash(L[i], -1, j, tempSubstringHash, bm_1);
substringHashPresent[tempSubstringHash] = true;
substringHash = int_mod(substringHash + tempSubstringHash, prime);
//Try Compare That Hash To Each Substring
for (int i=0; i < S.size(); i++) {
stringHashCurrent = rollingHash(S, ((i < m) ? -1 : i -m), i, stringHashCurrent, bm_1);
if (i < m-1)
index = i%m;
if (i >= lSize) {
stringHashBehind = rollingHash(S, ((i-lSize-m < 0) ? -1 : i-lSize-m), i-lSize, stringHashBehind, bm_1);
if (substringHashPresent[stringHashCurrent]) {
int tempHash = int_mod(substring[index]+stringHashCurrent, prime);
substringSize[index] += m;
if (substringSize[index] > lSize) {
tempHash = int_mod(tempHash - stringHashBehind, prime);
if (tempHash == substringHash) {
substring[index] = tempHash;
} else {
substringSize[index] = 0;
substring[index] = 0;
return indices;
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