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Created February 28, 2013 14:48
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Save bartku/5057263 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Print CW ready tanks owned by given clan. ./ ID
import json
import requests
import grequests
import sys
from prettytable import PrettyTable
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Missing clan ID")
clanID = int(sys.argv[1])
clan = requests.get("{}/api/1.1/?source_token=WG-WoT_Assistant-1.3.2".format(clanID))
profilLink = "{}/api/1.9/?source_token=WG-WoT_Assistant-1.3.2"
members = [profilLink.format(i['account_id']) for i in clan.json()['data']['members']]
reqs = (grequests.get(u) for u in members)
# {"T34_hvy": {"localized_name": "T34", "level": 8, "class": "heavyTank", "nation": "usa", "amount": 20}}
vehicleStats = {}
tankProperNames = {
'Ch19_121': '121',
'Object263': 'Object 263',
'Object268': 'Object 268',
'JagdPz_E100': 'JagdPz E-100',
'AMX_50Fosh_155': 'AMX-50 Foch (155)',
'Ch22_113': '113',
'GB13_FV215b': 'FV215b',
'T57_58': 'T57 HT',
'E50_Ausf_M': 'E-50M',
'GB70_FV4202_105': 'FV4202'
def correctNames(x):
return tankProperNames[x]
for item in grequests.imap(reqs, size=5):
if item.status_code == 200:
if item.json()['status'] == "ok" and item.json()['status_code'] == "NO_ERROR":
playerDataTanks = item.json()['data']['vehicles']
for iTank in playerDataTanks:
if iTank['name'] in tankProperNames.keys():
iTank['localized_name'] = correctNames(iTank['name'])
if vehicleStats.has_key(iTank['name']):
vehicleStats[iTank['name']]['amount'] += 1
vehicleStats[iTank['name']] = { 'localized_name': iTank['localized_name'], 'level': iTank['level'], 'nation': iTank['nation'],
'class': iTank['class'], 'amount': 1 }
table = PrettyTable(["Tank", "Level", "Class", "Amount"])
table.sortby = "Level"
for k, v in vehicleStats.iteritems():
if (v['class'] in ['AT-SPG', 'mediumTank', 'heavyTank'] and v['level'] == 10) or (v['class'] in ['SPG'] and v['level'] == 8):
table.add_row([v['localized_name'], v['level'], v['class'], v['amount']])
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