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#!/bin/BasH bas080

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const ConflictSymbol = Symbol('conflict')
const isEmpty = x => x.length === 0
const conflicts = x => x[ConflictSymbol]
const hasConflicts = x => !isEmpty(x[ConflictSymbol])
const mergeArrays = (local, working, remote) => {
const merged = [];
merged[ConflictSymbol] = []

$ cat ./ ./gpt | gpt Please update the README >

Just kidding, I wrote the readme... or did I?

$ gpt

This Bash script uses the OpenAI API to generate a response to a user-specified query using the GPT-3 language model. The response is appended to a specified context file, which contains the history of messages and responses.

<slot v-scope="api" />
export default {
props: {
data: Function
<div v-for="item in items">
<slot v-slot="api(item)"/>
<!-- How to use
bas080 /
Last active January 24, 2022 14:51

Senior Backend Engineer Work Sample

The web-page for the task can be found [here][here].


Data Integrity

The first questions I ask myself is how do we keep data integrity. I'm used to a sql database and I expect that MongoDB has (different) ways of realizing

#EXTINF:0, - Sup Doc: A Documentary Podcast | 167 - Watch Or Not Docs
#EXTINF:0, - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill | The Life and Death of an Anti-Fascist
#EXTINF:0, - Pretend - a true crime documentary podcast | S705: The Word of Faith Fellowship Update
#EXTINF:0, - The Daily Stoic | Author Ron Lieber on Money and Values
#EXTINF:0, - SUBTEXT Literature and Film Podcast | Business Gets Personal in “The Godfather”
function scan(fn, list, result = []) {
if (list.length < 2)
return result
const [a, b,] = list
return scan(fn, [b,], [...result, fn(a, b)])
const assert = require('assert')
class Playlist {
constructor(items) {
this.__items = items
this.__index = 0
isLastItem() {
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-6.25 script
import Data.Ratio
type Currency = (String, Ratio Integer)
type Value = (Currency, Ratio Integer)
convert :: Value -> Currency -> Value
convert ((_, a), amount) (currency, b) = ((currency, b), (amount * a) * b)
bas080 / weeks_since_epoch.sql
Created March 4, 2019 23:53
Weeks since epoch
-- Depending on what you sonsider the start of the week, you can either subtract 3 or 2 days. The week in which the epoch occured is the 0 week.
select CEIL(EXTRACT(DAYS FROM (('1970-01-04'::timestamp - '1970-01-01') - (INTERVAL '3 days'))) / 7);