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Created November 9, 2012 08:36
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package edu.cmu.cs771.hw1;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* @author songluo
public class MerkleHellman {
private LinkedList wList;
* Constructor
* @param wInt
MerkleHellman(int wInt[]){
wList = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < wInt.length; i++) {
* @param pubKey
* @param plainText
* @return cipher text string
String MHEncrypt(MHPublicKey pubKey, String plainText){
String plainTextBin, cipherText;
LinkedList b;
Iterator bIterator;
int cipherInt, idx;
System.out.println("Public Key is : " + pubKey.getB().toString());
System.out.println("User inputs contains " + plainText.length() + " characters");
b = pubKey.getB();
plainTextBin = "";
cipherText = "";
cipherInt = 0;
for(int i=0; i<plainText.length(); i++ ){
plainTextBin = charToBinary(plainText.charAt(i));
cipherInt = 0;
bIterator = b.iterator();
idx = 0;
cipherInt += Integer.parseInt( * Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(plainTextBin.charAt(idx)));
idx ++;
cipherText = Integer.toString(cipherInt);
cipherText = cipherText + ' ' + Integer.toString(cipherInt);
return cipherText;
* @param privKey
* @param cipherText
* @return plain text string
String MHDecrypt(MHPrivateKey privKey, String cipherText){
String plainText, plainTextBin;
String[] cipherTextArray;
BigInteger rModInverse, plainTextBI,tmp;
LinkedList w, plainBinList;
Iterator wIterator, pIterator;
rModInverse = privKey.getR().modInverse(privKey.getQ());
System.out.println("RModInverse is : " + rModInverse);
w = privKey.getW();
System.out.println("Private Key is: " + "W = " + w + "; Q = " + privKey.getQ().toString() + "; R = " + privKey.getR().toString());
plainText = "";
plainTextBin = "";
cipherTextArray = cipherText.split(" ");
for(int i=0; i<cipherTextArray.length; i++){
plainTextBin = "";
cipherText = cipherTextArray[i];
//Calculate plainTextBI = cipherText * rModInverse mod q
plainTextBI = (new BigInteger(cipherText)).multiply(rModInverse).mod(privKey.getQ());
plainBinList = new LinkedList();
wIterator = w.descendingIterator();//reverse w, move large number to head
tmp = plainTextBI.subtract(new BigInteger(;
if(tmp.compareTo(new BigInteger("0")) < 0 ){
plainTextBI = tmp;
pIterator = plainBinList.iterator();
plainTextBin +=;
plainText = plainText + Character.toString(binaryToChar(plainTextBin));
return plainText;
* @param ch a character which will be transferred to binary
* @return binary code of the input character
String charToBinary(char ch){
String chBin = Integer.toBinaryString((int)ch);
chBin = String.format("%8s", chBin).replace(' ', '0');
return chBin;
* @param binStr the binary string
* @return ASCII character of the binary string
char binaryToChar(String binStr){
char[] temp = binStr.toCharArray();
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
sum += (Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(temp[i])) << (temp.length - i - 1));
return (char) sum;
* @return W
LinkedList getW(){
return wList;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList wList;
String plainText, cipherText;
MHKey key;
BigInteger q, r;
MerkleHellman mhTest;
//create the super increasing set of numbers
int wInt[] = { 2, 7, 11, 21, 42, 89, 180, 354 };
mhTest = new MerkleHellman(wInt);
wList = mhTest.getW();
key = new MHKey(wList);
if(args.length == 0){
plainText = "Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms";
plainText = args[0];
cipherText = mhTest.MHEncrypt(key.getPubKey(), plainText);
System.out.println("Cipher Text is : " + cipherText);
plainText = mhTest.MHDecrypt(key.getPrivKey(), cipherText);
System.out.println("Plain Text is : " + plainText);
* Class MHKey contains both public and private key for MerkleHellman algorithm
* @author songluo
class MHKey{
MHPrivateKey privKey;
MHPublicKey pubKey;
privKey = new MHPrivateKey();
pubKey = new MHPublicKey();
MHKey(LinkedList w){
* Generate privateKey and pubKey base on super increasing list w
* @param w
void generateKey(LinkedList w){
BigInteger wSum, q, r;
LinkedList b;
Iterator wIterator;
Random rand;
int wSumBitLen, qLen;
System.out.println("w is : " + w.toString());
wSum = new BigInteger("0");
wIterator = w.iterator();
//Get the SUM of each node of w
wSum = wSum.add(new BigInteger(;
System.out.println("wSum is : " + wSum.toString());
System.out.println("\n---------Generate q, which should be greater than wSum------------");
wSumBitLen = wSum.bitLength();
rand = new Random();
q = new BigInteger(wSumBitLen, rand);
while(q.compareTo(wSum) <= 0){
//System.out.println("Fail - q is :" + q.toString());
q = new BigInteger(wSumBitLen, rand);
System.out.println("Success - q is :" + q.toString());
System.out.println("\n---------Generate r, to make gcd(r,q) = 1------------");
qLen = q.bitLength();
r = new BigInteger(qLen, rand);
while(Integer.parseInt(r.gcd(q).toString()) != 1){
System.out.println("Fail - r is :" + r.toString());
r = new BigInteger(qLen, rand);
System.out.println("Success - r is :" + r.toString());
System.out.println("\n---------Generate b, b. = rw. mod q, which is the public key------------");
b = new LinkedList();
wIterator = w.iterator();
b.add(r.multiply(new BigInteger(;
System.out.println("b is : " + b.toString());
privKey = new MHPrivateKey(w, q, r);
pubKey = new MHPublicKey(b);
* @return privKey
MHPrivateKey getPrivKey(){
return privKey;
* @return pubKey
MHPublicKey getPubKey(){
return pubKey;
* @author songluo
class MHPrivateKey{
private LinkedList w;
private BigInteger q;
private BigInteger r;
this(null, null, null);
MHPrivateKey(LinkedList w, BigInteger q, BigInteger r){
this.w = w;
this.q = q;
this.r = r;
LinkedList getW(){
return w;
BigInteger getQ(){
return q;
BigInteger getR(){
return r;
* @author songluo
class MHPublicKey{
private LinkedList b;
MHPublicKey(LinkedList b){
this.b = b;
LinkedList getB(){
return b;
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