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Last active December 18, 2015 04:49
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Save basgys/5728380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wrap mysql2 deadlocks in an ActiveRecord exception
# This core extension aims to manage Deadlocks
# with a proper ActiveRecord exception.
# It only works for mysql2
# Example:
# MyModel.transaction do
# begin
# record1 = MyModel.find(:id, lock: true)
# record2 = MyModel.find(:id2, lock: true)
# rescue ActiveRecord::Deadlock => e
# retry
# end
# end
# Author: Bastien Gysler <>
module ActiveRecord
class Deadlock < WrappedDatabaseException
module ConnectionAdapters
class Mysql2Adapter < AbstractMysqlAdapter
alias :core_translate_exception :translate_exception
def translate_exception(exception, message)
if (message =~ /Deadlock/), exception)
core_translate_exception(exception, message)
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senny commented Sep 5, 2013

What exactly was the usecase? You needed to catch a Deadlock in your application code? Can you write an executable test-case to reproduce the behavior: ?

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basgys commented Sep 5, 2013

Yes I need to catch deadlocks. Do you want a test that cause a deadlock?

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senny commented Sep 5, 2013

@basgys yea. If we introduce such an exception we should see if we can get it working with other db adapters.

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