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writing cod

Benjamin Ashbaugh bashbaugh

writing cod
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bashbaugh / studio775.html
Last active January 26, 2020 21:21
Homepage for makerspace computers at Studio 775, the mini-makerspace at my local library
Homepage for makerspace computers at Studio 775
If you have a change in mind, please ask Kate, the makerspace manager, before making any changes to this page. Also, the code is stored here:
code by Benjamin Ashbaugh.
Licensed under CC-zero public domain dedication
That means you can use this however you want any you don't need to give credit or attribution to anyone.
<!DOCTYPE html>
bashbaugh / krunker_settings.json
Last active December 12, 2020 22:47
My settings for Krunker. I didn't know where else to keep them :)

This is the folder shortcut for the godmode control panel in Windows 10

To access the godmode control panel, create a new folder and immediately give it this name:


Hash: SHA256
Hello. This is to verify that key "C3DB053BD7019D22F131CB523D3B00ECAD828B54" is belongs to Benjamin Ashbaugh, user scitronboy, on github.
bashbaugh /
Created May 7, 2019 15:19
A simple discord bot that generates spam (strings of random characters) when a user types `$spamhere`.
# Spambot
# A simple discord bot that generates spam (strings of random characters) when a user types `$spamhere`.
# Written by Benjamin A
from time import sleep
import string
import random
import os
import logging
import discord
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript Game</title>
<body onload="init()">
<h1>JavaScript Game</h1>
<p>Here is a simple JavaScript game:</p>
<canvas id="c" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
if (game_over)
canvas.fillStyle = text_color; // Set color
canvas.font = "45px Arial"; // Set font
canvas.fillText("Game Over", 80, 100); // Draw line one
canvas.fillText("Final Score: " + score.toString(), 60, 150); // Draw line two
// If y distance is greater than dot_distance_apart
if (dots_y[dots_y.length - 1] > dot_distance_apart)
// Choose random new color:
let new_color = dot_color_options[Math.floor(Math.random()*dot_color_options.length)];
// Choose random new lane:
let lane_number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (canvas_element.width / player_move_increment + 1));
// Convert to new x position:
function key_pressed(key)
... // arrow up block
if (key.key == "ArrowLeft")
player_x -= player_move_increment // reduce player_move_increment, which moves player left