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Created April 25, 2017 04:17
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open ReasonJs;
open Dom;
open Document;
type ctx;
type canvas;
external pi : float = "Math.PI" [@@bs.val];
external sin : float => float = "Math.sin" [@@bs.val];
external cos : float => float = "Math.cos" [@@bs.val];
external tan : float => float = "Math.tan" [@@bs.val];
external setWidth : 'a => float => unit = "width" [@@bs.set];
external width : 'a => float = "width" [@@bs.get];
external height : 'a => float = "height" [@@bs.get];
external fillRect : GlRe.glT => float => float => float => float => unit = "" [@@bs.send];
external setFillStyle : GlRe.glT => string => unit = "fillStyle" [@@bs.set];
external setGlobalAlpha : GlRe.glT => float => unit = "globalAlpha" [@@bs.set];
let anim _ => {
let canvas = switch (querySelector "canvas#a" document) {
| Some el => el
| None => raise (Invalid_argument "Passed `None` to unwrapUnsafely")
let context = CanvasElement.getContext canvas "2d";
let canvasWidth = width canvas;
let canvasHeight = height canvas;
let u t => {
let _ = setGlobalAlpha context 0.15;
setFillStyle context "#000";
fillRect context 0.0 0.0 (width canvas) (height canvas);
let _ = setGlobalAlpha context 1.0;
let v = 8.0 +. sin(t *. 1.5) *. 8.0;
for j in 1 to (int_of_float v) {
let _h = string_of_float @@ t *. 699.0 -. (float j) *. 20.0;
let _s = "99%";
let _l = "50%";
setFillStyle context ("hsl(" ^ _h ^ "," ^ _s ^ "," ^ _l ^ ")");
let s = ((float j) +. 1.0) *. 8.0;
let l = 30.0 *. (1.0 +. (float j) /. 10.0);
let sd = (j + 3);
for i in 1 to sd {
let p = 6.2 /. (float sd) *. (float i) +. (cos (t *. 3.0)) /. 2.0 *. (j mod 2 == 0 ? 2.0 : (-2.0));
let _x = (float j) *. l *. sin p;
let _y = (float j) *. l *. cos p;
fillRect context (0.5 *. canvasWidth +. _x) (0.5 *. canvasHeight +. _y) s s;
let rec bar t => {
let now = ();
let interval = (now -. t) /. 1000.0;
u interval;
let _ = requestAnimationFrame (fun _ => bar t);
let _ = requestAnimationFrame (fun _ => bar @@ ());
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