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Created October 11, 2015 10:58
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A simple limiter in Python
# A simple limiter
from sounddevice import Stream, CallbackStop
from time import sleep
from numpy import array, random, zeros
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
################################### Constants ##################################
fs = 44100 # Hz
threshold = 0.6 # absolute gain
delay = 40 # samples
signal_length = 1 # second
release_coeff = 0.9995 # release time factor
attack_coeff = 0.9 # attack time factor
block_length = 1024 # samples
#################### Generate quiet-loud-quiet noise signal ####################
signal = array(random.rand(fs*signal_length)*2-1)
signal[:signal_length*fs/3] *= 0.1
signal[signal_length*fs*2/3:] *= 0.1
############################# Implementation of Limiter ########################
class Limiter:
def __init__(self, attack_coeff, release_coeff, delay, threshold):
self.delay_index = 0
self.envelope = 0
self.gain = 1
self.delay = delay
self.delay_line = zeros(delay)
self.release_coeff = release_coeff
self.attack_coeff = attack_coeff
self.threshold = threshold
def limit(self, signal):
for idx, sample in enumerate(signal):
self.delay_line[self.delay_index] = sample
self.delay_index = (self.delay_index + 1) % self.delay
# calculate an envelope of the signal
self.envelope = max(abs(sample), self.envelope*self.release_coeff)
if self.envelope > self.threshold:
target_gain = self.threshold / self.envelope
target_gain = 1.0
# have self.gain go towards a desired limiter gain
self.gain = ( self.gain*self.attack_coeff +
target_gain*(1-self.attack_coeff) )
# limit the delayed signal
signal[idx] = self.delay_line[self.delay_index] * self.gain
return signal
################################# Play the Audio ###############################
original_signal = array(signal, copy=True)
output_signal = array(signal, copy=True)
limiter = Limiter(attack_coeff, release_coeff, delay, threshold)
def callback(indata, outdata, frames, time, status):
if status:
print("Playback Error: {}".format(status))
played_frames = callback.counter
callback.counter += frames
if callback.counter > len(signal):
raise CallbackStop()
limited_signal = limiter.limit(signal[played_frames:callback.counter])
outdata[:, 0] = limited_signal
output_signal[played_frames:callback.counter] = limited_signal
callback.counter = 0
with Stream(channels=1, callback=callback) as s:
############################## Plot results ####################################
plt.plot(original_signal, color='grey', label='original signal')
plt.plot(output_signal, color='black', label='limited signal')
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