Projectors fail with contraint errors when rebuilding read models.
Implementations of Prooph\EventStore\Projection\AbstractReadModel are used to build read-models. We are using Doctrine Entities for these models. ReadModelProjector::OPTION_PERSIST_BLOCK_SIZE is set to 1000 The persist method of Prooph\EventStore\Projection\AbstractReadModel has been adapted to wrap the stack of changes inside a transaction. (see ReadModelTrait.php)
In regular production this works fine, as the stack of changes is usually small since the projector is up-to-date. However when rebuilding the read models I reguarly and relyable get constraint exceptions.
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '24a4e8ed-de31-5574-bed9-2da25ff29070' for key 'PRIMARY'
These errors seem to come from cascading one-2-many relationships.
As said, these exceptions seem to occure for cascading one-2-many relationships. In our case a single Order may have many Properties. But only one of the same type (or name).
For the appropiate events I determain if I should create, update or remove a property based on its name and existence on the order.
The code for this typically looks like;
case $event instanceof Event\ProductGroupWasUpdated:
/** @var Order $order */
if ($order = $this->entityManager->find(Order::class, $event->aggregateId())) {
$order->setProductGroupId((string) $event->productGroup());
$order->setProductionMethod((string) $event->productionMethod());
foreach ($event->initialOrderProperties()->toArray() as $name => $value) {
if ($order->getOrderProperties()->containsKey($name)) { // existing property, we'll update it
/** @var OrderProperty $property */
$property = $order->getOrderProperties()->get($name);
if (null !== $value) {
} else {
} else {
OrderProperty::createAndAddToOrder($order, $name, $value);
case $event instanceof Event\OrderProductGroupOptionsWhereUpdated:
/** @var Order $order */
if ($order = $this->entityManager->find(Order::class, $event->orderId())) {
foreach ($event->properties()->toArray() as $name => $value) {
if ($order->getOrderProperties()->containsKey($name)) { // existing property, we'll update it
/** @var OrderProperty $property */
$property = $order->getOrderProperties()->get($name);
if (null !== $value) {
} else {
} else {
$property = OrderProperty::createAndAddToOrder($order, $name, $value);
To be complete I use this to create a new property;
public static function createAndAddToOrder(Order $order, string $name, $value)
// cause of polymorhic properties
switch ($name) {
$property = new SandalsCustomMadeModelComposition();
$property = new OrderProperty();
->setPropertyId((string) Uuid::uuid5($order->getOrderId(), $name))
return $property;
Somehow $order->getOrderProperties()
seems to not return the correct list of properties. Perhaps from before the transaction started.
Inspecting the property table I find that an order property exists before the transaction is started.
SELECT x.* FROM plhw_application_api_development.read_dossier_order_property x
WHERE property_id='24a4e8ed-de31-5574-bed9-2da25ff29070'
property_id |property |order_id |name |value|
24a4e8ed-de31-5574-bed9-2da25ff29070||b999faa0-2eac-4355-ad6a-4b1b2ab1345c|options.remark|"" |
So would like to keep using 1000...