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Last active September 25, 2020 16:45
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Hybrasyl Release Notes - September 25, 2020

Hybrasyl Alpha - Phase IV - September 25, 2020

Release Notes

Version: Hybrasyl 0.7.3 (commit 3277307)

Server Fixes

Tickets Closed

  • HS-611 - skulling does not work when grouped
  • HS-828 - can't learn a spell with exactly the right amount of gold
  • HS-972 - exchange must be toggled on/off for new characters
  • HS-728 - equipping armor doesn't show you stat changes
  • HS-761 - clarify why you can't equip certain heavy items
  • HS-764 - allow other items/gold to be picked up under ones that cannot be picked up
  • HS-878 - statuses do not appear to clear properly
  • HS-1026 - enable negative mp/hp effects on items
  • HS-1037 - Can't sell 2 of the same item
  • HS-1038 - Casting issues with rapid succession of spells (adjusted throttling)
  • HS-1045 - Adjust level up animation speed
  • HS-1050 - Add casting checks for required costs to not throw on cooldown
  • HS-1071 - Single item repair results in user dialog being displayed / no menu
  • HS-1091 - Ensure monster AI respects freeze/paralyze/sleep


  • Add generate command for testing armor sprites
  • add privileged chat using @ as whisper target
  • allow status intensity in castable XML to affect all stat bonuses in statuses
  • Don't allow nonexistent users to receive parcels
  • allow maps to have settings disallowing casting
  • specific assail animations based on multiple variables (player class / weapon type / etc)

World Fixes

Tickets Closed

  • HS-703 - Tutorial book - Now useable with helpful information about alpha
  • HS-787 - Cian's timer is now fixed, Little Bit cannot be done infinitely.
  • HS-987 - Crypt monsters too strong - Reduced damage for crypt 1/2 by 25%, needs feedback
  • HS-1032 - Vaughan now directs players to the Temple of Choosing.
  • HS-1036 - Beag Srad needs 7 str to learn - Aligned to other beag spell costs
  • HS-1040 - Windblade missing effect - Assigned animation to windblade
  • HS-1041 - Wolf Pen Wolf gives 0 xp - Fixed
  • HS-1042 - Vipers piling up in Mehadi Hema - Viper party disbanded
  • HS-1043 - Add gold to startup - Startup now gives boots, 7500 gold, small sapphire/small spinel rings
  • HS-1046 - Matilde inaccessible - Reduced snobbishness of Rucesion NPCs by 10%
  • HS-1047 - Rucesion Storage board does not work - Added Rucesion Law, Community, Merchant, Demagoguery, Justice Cases, Judgments, Conquest, Wizard Guild boards to Rucesion
  • HS-1051 - Caoin Cath does nothing - NFI, statuses need work
  • HS-1054 - Provide access between Atavism Hall & Beathag - moved entire convention hall to beneath TOC, no longer located in Devlin's shop.
  • HS-1056 - Add more variety to crypt loot - Fixed
  • HS-1057 - Rogue Leveling (Added Slash, iocshlainte, Stab Twice)
  • HS-1058 - Add Scout Leather to Siobhan - Added Scout leather to Siobhan; Added all second circle armors to the Beathag
  • HS-1059 - Mehadi partially normalized
  • HS-1062 - Add rogue weapons to Siobhan - Rogue weapons are now obtainable
  • HS-1063 - Add signs to Rucesion - Signs already present, just hard to see. No good solution to this, as demonstrated
  • HS-1065 - GOLD - Potion prices adjusted; doubled/tripled costs of non-equipment drops
  • HS-1067 - Cured Boots Level Requirements - Higher level needed intended - variant value changed by 2-4x in most instances (sgrios only by 1.5)
  • HS-1068 - Mend Garment not working - Adjusted several class agnostic skills/spells with NYI/NFI tags
  • HS-1069 - Piet dungeon is fuck - Now with 100% less fuck
  • HS-1070 - Add rogue abilities - See 1057
  • HS-1077 - Leather Belts Value - Nerfed!
  • HS-1078 - Hobgoblin skulls unvendorable - Now with 100% more vendorable
  • HS-1079 - Unable to learn Mend Garment - Fixed
  • HS-1075 - Dar will now tell you what item he wants, improved from dead ages functionality of never telling you
  • HS-1088 - Wrong icon Mor Beannaich - Corrected


  • Cian now awards more blue powder based on creature difficulty
  • Kiril vendor inventory fixed
  • Added Luathas Temple Board
  • Rotated Maria so she'd stop disappearing into the void
  • Updated master map set to account for Rucesion change
  • Updated Rucesion for more walkable spaces
  • Updated Mileth Preview for more walkable spaces
  • Adjusted monk stat/item requirements
  • Adjusted rogue stat/item requirements
  • Give Ulfedin something to sell
  • Add Port Masters and Tavernkeeps
  • Recategorized statuses to account for category mutual exclusiveness
  • Re-added clutter for Maria to have something to do
  • Re-added a chair for poor Matilde
  • Fixed Platemail Helm
  • Fixed Dubhaim West 1-1
  • Added warps for in Rucesion Justice hall to pretend judge/jury (executioner NYI)
  • Consolidated beag/regular/mor/ard seun & beag/regular/mor slan into just seun & slan to remove priest clutter (more consolidation coming + new abilities!)
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