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Forked from Caeldeth/Status-Documented.xml
Last active August 25, 2020 19:28
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Status Documentation
<Status xmlns="" Duration="Integer" Tick="Integer" Icon="uShort" Name="String">
<!--This is the fully documented "How to make an Status" guide. Several references will be made to the coma status in the
public repository. Additionally, a fully filled out "Test" status will be provided in ExampleStatus.xml for an example of a
well formed xml with every possible element called at least once-->
<!--xmlns Element: Should reference the most current xml definition at>
<!--Duration Element-->
<!--Description: The time the status lasts in seconds-->
<!--Overrides: Can be *replaced* in status section of Castable-->
<!-- KTN: duration is indeed optional, but default is 0, so not setting it will make it just not apply -->
<!--Optionality: Duration is optional, not setting it will make it last forever--> <!--Needs validation-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a duration outside of forever, you must declare one--> <!--Needs validation-->
<!--Tick Element-->
<!--Description: How often any perodic effect occurs in seconds-->
<!-- KTN: Speed, most hilariously, is a float. I think the intent was to provide a way to buff or debuff (e.g. 1.5 = +50%; 0.5 = -50%).
This is some real goddamn hotdog man shit. In addition, it's not currently implemented (though trivial to implement.) -->
<!--Overrides: Can be *modified* in status section of Castable; setting the "Speed" element will replace
the tick value--> <!--Needs validation--> <!-- KTN: speed has no effect currently -->
<!--Optionality: Tick is optional; No Tick declaration assumes an interval of "every second"-->
<!--Default Value: 1 Second-->
<!--Icon Element-->
<!--Description: Sets the icon on the status bar--> <!--Determine if offset for skill/spell as both start at 0-->
<!--Overrides: None, must be declared-->
<!--Optionality: Required. Failure to declare will result in broken xml-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared-->
<!--Name Element-->
<!--Description: The UNIQUE name of the status; statuses are indexed by name; having more than one status with the same name
will have unintended effects-->
<!--Overrides: None, must be declared-->
<!--Optionality: Required. Failure to declare will result in broken xml-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared-->
<!--Description: Categorization of the Status - used to organize and create groupings-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a category, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like-->
<CastRestriction Use="Token" Receive="Token"/>
<!-- KTN: this is indeed implemented, but, it needs some serious testing -->
<!--Description: Allows you to prohibit use/receipt of a group of spells/skills (as defined in Castable Category) while under
effects of the status-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a restriction, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like-->
<!--Use Token-->
<!--Description: Allows you to pick a grouping of spells or skills to prohibit the use of for custom statuses; Note
that built in statuses (see effects) have this functionality already - coma will prohibit movement, spell/skill usage, etc -->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <CastRestriction> element you should probably like...
do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared-->
<!--Receive Token-->
<!--Description: Allows you to pick a grouping of spells or skills to prohibit the receipt of for custom statuses; Note
that built in statuses (see effects) have this functionality already - coma will prohibit movement, spell/skill usage, etc -->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <CastRestriction> element you should probably like...
do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared-->
<!--Description: The system message that is triggered when a character attempts an action prohibited by the status; e.g., should
someone attempt to cast a spell while under Coma, no action will happen and they will receive the message "The life is draining
from your body-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a Prohibited Message to appear, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like, but one or none is recommended; uncertain how useful
multiple occurrences of this would be at base level-->
<Effects> <!--The big one, here is where all the action happens-->
<OnApply> <!--Here is where you set the conditions that happen with the status is first applied; Note, you can have multiple
"OnApply" to give separate effects on spell cast-->
<!-- KTN: this is not at all correct, though I do completely see how that very rusty xsd would suggest that. onXXX is
only able to have one element -->
<Animations> <!--You can cause a spell effect to display on application (see coma.xml)-->
<Target Id="byte" Speed="byte"/>
<!--Description: Cause a spell animation to appear the target of the status on application-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want an Animation to appear, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like, but one or none is recommended; uncertain how useful
multiple occurrences of this would be-->
<!-- KTN: multiple animations won't work and should not be used, and are, also, not valid in xml -->
<!--Id Token-->
<!--Description: Selects an ID from the dat files to determine which effect to play on the target of the status-->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <Target> element you should probably like... do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared to have any effect-->
<!--Speed Token-->
<!--Description: Determine how quickly the animation displays in ??milliseconds?? -->
<!-- KTN: believe this is actually "client frames" or whatever the fuck -->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <CastRestriction> element you should probably like...
do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared; suggested value is 26 for most spell/skill effects. Will not be visible
without a speed selected-->
<SpellEffect Id="" Speed=""/><!--Needs Validation? What is the difference?-->
<!--Description: Cause a spell animation to appear on the caster at application to the target-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want an Animation to appear, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like, but one or none is recommended;
uncertain how useful multiple occurrences of this would be-->
<!--Id Token-->
<!--Description: Selects an ID from the dat files to determine which effect to play on the target of the status-->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <Target> element you should probably like... do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared to have any effect-->
<!--Speed Token-->
<!--Description: Determine how quickly the animation displays in ??milliseconds?? -->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Optional. However, if you've added a <CastRestriction> element you should probably like...
do something with it-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared; suggested value is 26 for most spell/skill effects. Will not be visible
without a speed selected-->
</Animations> <!--Closing your tags is always good-->
<Sound Id="uByte"/> <!--Note that you do not need a </Sound> because of tokens-->
<!--Description: Cause a sound to play on successful application of status-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want Sound to play, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like, but one or none is recommended; uncertain how
useful multiple occurrences of this would be-->
<!-- KTN: fuck multiple sounds. also, won't work. -->
<!--Id Token-->
<!--Description: Selects an ID from the dat files to determine which sound effect to play on the application-->
<!--Overrides: None-->
<!--Optionality: Required. If you declare a <Sound> element, you must provide an ID-->
<!--Default Value: None, must be declared.-->
<Messages> <!--Various ways to make automated speech occur-->
<!-- These are evaluatable, {0} being replaced with the name of the person, we can also change / add moar -->
<Target>String8</Target> <!--Description - System message for target-->
<Source>String8</Source> <!--Description - System message for caster-->
<Group>String8</Group> <!--Description - Make the target say something in group chat-->
<!-- KTN: Group is another evaluatable string that can be set arbitrarily, see coma.
Group chat messages aren't sent "from" the target, they're just sent, "Kedian is near death!"
<Say>String8</Say> <!--Description - Make the target say something outloud-->
<Shout>String8</Shout> <!--Description - Make the target shout/yell something-->
<!--Common Attributes for all message types-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want message to happen you need to declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You can have as many or few of these as you would like-->
<!-- KTN: similarly wrong. one only -->
</Messages> <!--Close them tags-->
<Heal> <!--You can have only one of these for... reasons?-->
<!-- KTN: THE FUCK YOU NEED MULTIPLE HEALS FOR? but no really - what would a use case be? -->
<Formula>Refer to FormulaParser.cs for the full range of variables</Formula>
<!--Description: Causes a heal to occur on the successful application of a status-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a heal to happen, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these-->
<!--Simple Element-->
<!--Description: Applies a heal for exact value typed in (e.g., 1234 becomes +1234 hp to target, up to maximum HP-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional, sort of! You must have Simple or Formula, not both-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a Simple Heal, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these; mutually exclusive with Formula-->
<!--Formula Element-->
<!--Description: Applies a heal for a variable amount from an algebraic formula using variables from FormulaParser.cs-->
<!--Example 2: $CASTERWIS*$RAND100-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional, sort of! You must have Simple or Formula, not both-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a Formula Heal, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these; mutually exclusive with Simple-->
<Damage Type="Direct Physical Magical Elemental"><!--Choose One-->
<Flags>None Scaled Resistance Threat Nonlethal</Flags><!--Any combination of these is supported-->
<Formula>Refer to FormulaParser.cs for the full range of variables</Formula>
<!--Description: Causes damage to occur on the successful application of a status-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want Damage to happen, you must declare the damage via <Simple> OR <Formula> element-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many or few as you please; one or none recommended-->
<!--Type Attribute-->
<!--Description: Chooses how damage is processed-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: Required if <Damage> is declared-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; you must choose one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may only have one Type="" per <Damage>-->
<!--Damage Type Descriptions-->
<!--Direct: Bypasses armor, elemental damage modifier to deal damage-->
<!--Physical: Is subject to reduction via AC/Aite, must overcome "Miss" check-->
<!--Magical: Is subject to reduction via Magic Resistance, does not receive elemental damage modifier-->
<!--Elemental: Is subject to reduction via Magic Resistance, DOES receive elemental damage modifier-->
<!--Flag Element-->
<!--Description: Various predefined configurations-->
<!--None Description: No flags-->
<!--Scaled Description: Subject to Armor Class--> <!--Needs Verification?-->
<!-- KTN: scaled not even remotely used, anywhere. Have no fucking clue wtf it is. -->
<!--Resistance Description: Subject to resistance-->
<!--Threat Description: Causes threat-->
<!--Nonlethal Description: Cannot kill target-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: None-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have multiple of these; recommend one instance with all flags desired per Occurrence of <Damage>-->
<!--Simple Element-->
<!--Description: Applies damage for exact value typed in (e.g., 1234 becomes -1234 hp to target, up to dead-->
<!-- KTN: note that because hotdog man, simple can be either <Simple>1337</Simple> or <Simple Min="1337" Max="1338"/> -->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional, sort of! You must have Simple or Formula, not both-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want Simple Damage, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these; mutually exclusive with Formula-->
<!--Formula Element-->
<!--Description: Applies a heal for a variable amount from an algebraic formula using variables from FormulaParser.cs-->
<!--Example 2: $CASTERWIS*$RAND100-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional, sort of! You must have Simple or Formula, not both-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a Formula Heal, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these; mutually exclusive with Simple-->
</Damage><!--CLOSE YOUR TAGS-->
<!--NOTE: You can include all 19 attributes on one line; they have been broken up here for readability purposes-->
<StatModifiers Str="" Int="" Wis="" Con="" Dex="" Hp="" Mp=""/>
<StatModifiers Hit="" Dam="" Ac="" Regen="" Mr=""/>
<StatModifiers OffensiveElement="" DefensiveElement=""/>
<StatModifiers DamageModifier="" HealModifier="" ReflectChance="" ReflectIntensity=""/>
<!--Description: Allows a status to change an attribute for the duration of the effect-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: Default values for all are 0-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have multiple <StatModifiers> elements; recommended to break them up to avoid a 5,000 character line-->
<!-- KTN: above is unfortunately not true -->
<!--Common StatModifier Attribute (haha) properties-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: Default values for all are 0-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one attribute (e.g., AC, str, etc) per <StatModifier>; Recommendation is any attribute
is modified once across all instances of <StatModifier> in <OnApply>--> <!-- KTN: you cannot have multiples of these -->
<!--StatModifier Attribute Descriptions-->
<!--Str: The Strength stat-->
<!--Int: The Intelligence stat-->
<!--Wis: The Wisdom stat-->
<!--Con: The Constitution stat-->
<!--Dex: The Dexterity stat-->
<!--Hit: The Hit stat-->
<!--Dam: The Damage stat-->
<!--Ac: The Armor Class stat; Note, this stat works reverse of all others; Positive is a debuff, Negative is a buff-->
<!--Regen: The Regen stat-->
<!--MR: The magic resistance stat; Note, while you can enter any value, keep in mind client
limitations (will only display multiples of 10) and maximum/minimum values (0% through 80%)-->
<!--OffensiveElement: Sets the target's attack element-->
<!--DefensiveElement: Sets the target's defensive element-->
<!-- KTN: these do indeed all exist, and update base settings; but the base settings do nothing currently -->
<!--DamageModifier: Percent based increase, applied after damage formula; to get 110%, type 1.1; to get 75%, type .75-->
<!--HealModifier: Percent based increase, applied after heal formula; to get 110%, type 1.1; to get 75%, type .75-->
<!--ReflectChance: Percent based chance to reflect physical/magical; to get 110% (why tho), type 1.1; to get 75%, type .75;
Works best with Conditions ReflectPhysical/ReflectMagical and may have unintended effects without those two present-->
<!--ReflectIntensity: Percent based modifier on reflected physical/magical damage/heals; to get 110%, type 1.1; to get 75%,
type .75; Works best with Conditions ReflectPhysical/ReflectMagical and may have unintended effects without those two
<!-- KTN: Reflect needs to be discussed and implemented -->
<Conditions> <!--These are predefined statuses that come with server setup-->
<Set>See below list for options, both Set + Unset are set up as follows </Set>
<Unset>Coma Freeze Paralyze</Unset>
<!--Description: Adds a predefined status to a creature-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: None, is Element with no attribute or type-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many <Conditions> groups as you desire (nor none); one is recommended due to structure-->
<!--Set Element-->
<!--Description: Adds a condition-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional; but you should probably choose set or unset if you add the <Conditions> element-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; you must choose one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many as you like-->
<!--Unset element-->
<!--Description: Removes a condition-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional; but you should probably choose set or unset if you add the <Conditions> element-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; you must choose one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many of these as you like-->
<!--Condition Descriptions-->
<!--Freeze: Suain; essentially same thing as sleep-->
<!--Sleep: Pramh-->
<!--Paralyze: Beag Suain-->
<!--Blind: Dall/Blind Trap-->
<!--Coma: "Skulled"; eg, "I have zero hp and grouped"-->
<!--Poison: Puinsein-->
<!-- KTN: most of these remaining ones, are not implemented, or are completely untested-->
<!-- That is to say, they are indeed flags, and can be applied and changed by statuses; but the flags have no effect -->
<!--Mist: Mist, except it actually works as a dodge chance-->
<!--Regen: Inner Fire-->
<!--Sight: Cat's Hearing-->
<!--Invisible: Hide-->
<!--Mute: Prevents whisper/shout/group/world shout/you name it-->
<!--ReflectPhysical: Asgall Faileas-->
<!--ReflectMagical: Deireas Faileas-->
<!--Invulnerable: Dion-->
<!--Charm: Seun-->
<!--IncreaseDamage: Fas Deireas-->
<!--ReduceDamage: Aite-->
<!--AbsorbSpell: No equivalent; absorbs incoming spell-->
<!--ProhibitItemUse: Does what it says on the tin-->
<!--ProhibitEquipChange: Does what it says on the tin-->
<!--ProhibitSpeech: Does what it says on the tin-->
<!--ProhibitWhisper: Does what it says on the tin-->
<!--ProhibitShout: Does what it says on the tin-->
</Conditions> <!--Close them tags-->
<Handler> <!--Utilize Scripting-->
<ScriptSource>Target or Caster</ScriptSource><!--Choose One-->
<!--Description: XML Elements to Utilize a .lua script in the [scripts] directory of your server [world]-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional-->
<!--Default Value: No value, xml element container only-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have one of these-->
<!--Function Element-->
<!-- Function here is actually, literally, a function name and not a script -->
<!--Description: The name of a .lua script in the [scripts] directory-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional; however, if you set a <Handler> element, you should probably make a function-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a script to happen, you must declare one-->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many of these as you want; one recommended-->
<!--ScriptSource Element-->
<!-- KTN: this sets where the script "comes" from as well. Target looks for the function in the caster; Source looks at object receiving status. -->
<!--Description: Who "casts" the script? Status Target or Status Caster only-->
<!--Overrides: None, either is declared or is not-->
<!--Optionality: 100% Optional; however, if you set a <Handler> element, you should probably make a ScriptSource-->
<!--Default Value: No default assumed; if you want a script to happen, you must declare one-->
<!-- KTN: Default is target. -->
<!-- KTN: Occurrences: once. ONCE -->
<!--Occurrences: You may have as many of these as you want; one recommended-->
</Handler> <!--Close them tags-->
</OnApply> <!--In the words of the Gambler, you gotta know when to close'em-->
<OnTick> <!--Here is where you set the conditions that can happen on each tick - this is optional.
Again, you can have multiple "OnTick" to give separate effects on an interval-->
<!--For details of elements in OnTick, see OnApply - they are exactly the same-->
<OnRemove> <!--Here is where you can set the conditions that happen when the status is **dispelled** or otherwise removed before
completing; Again, you can have multiple "OnRemove" to give separate effects on a dispel-->
<!-- KTN: NO, GOD, STOP -->
<!--For details of elements in OnRemove, see OnApply - they are exactly the same-->
<OnExpire><!--Here is where you set the conditions that can happen when the status completes its timer without being dispelled or removed;
Again, you can have multiple "OnExpire" to give separate effects on expiration due to duration completing-->
<!-- KTN: HELP -->
<!--For details of elements in OnExpire, see OnApply - they are exactly the same-->
</Effects> <!-- Remember to close your tags!-->
1. Determine "%s" "%t" shortcuts - appears to be {0} <!-- KTN: yes. Can be changed. -->
2. Clarify all the things that don't make any sense
3. Publish -->
</Status> <!--You've reached the end, hurray!-->
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