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Created March 16, 2021 17:41
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yubikey provisioner script
set -e
if [ $# -ne 3 ]
echo "Usage: $0 <OSX username> <ssh principals> <expiration>"
echo "Example: $0 baughj justin.baugh,baughj 1825"
echo ""
echo "Warning: It's a good idea to have at least two yubikeys for token auth,"
echo " and they should NOT have the same cert expiration dates."
if [ -z $(which ykman) ]; then
echo "You need to install ykman. On OSX: brew install ykman"
read -p "Connect USB Armory, and when double blinking, hit enter to continue"
YUBISERIAL=$(ykman info | grep Serial | awk '{ print $3 }')
if [ -z ${YUBISERIAL} ]; then
echo "Is yubikey connected? Couldn't get its serial number"
# Get our USB armory functions
source ~/.includes/citadel.bash
# Make filenames easier
# Generate two RSA certificates in 9a/9d for standard auth
echo "Generating 9a (authentication) key. You'll be prompted for PIN."
ykman piv keys generate --pin-policy default --touch-policy default 9a - > ${NINEA}Pubkey.pem
echo "Generating 9d (key management) key. You'll be prompted for PIN."
ykman piv keys generate --pin-policy default --touch-policy default 9d - > ${NINED}Pubkey.pem
# Generate ECDSA key in slot 9c which will be used for ssh
echo "Generating 9c (digital signature / ssh) key. You'll be prompted for PIN."
ykman piv keys generate -a eccp384 --pin-policy once --touch-policy cached 9c - >${NINEC}Pubkey.pem
# Generate CSRs for 9a/9d (we don't need X509 for ssh or for use with yubikey-agent)
echo "Generating 9a CSR: ${NINEA_SUBJ}"
ykman piv certificates request \
-s "${NINEA_SUBJ}" 9a ${NINEA}Pubkey.pem ${NINEA}Req.pem
echo "Generating 9c CSR: ${NINEC_SUBJ}"
ykman piv certificates request \
-s "${NINEC_SUBJ}" 9d ${NINED}Pubkey.pem ${NINED}Req.pem
# Get certificates signed (alternatively, don't be like me and use a
# self sign here)
citadel_sign ERISCOPIVCA ${NINEA} ${3} client
citadel_sign ERISCOPIVCA ${NINED} ${3} client
echo "Importing signed 9a certificate."
ykman piv certificates import 9a ${NINEA}Cert.pem
echo "Importing signed 9d certificate."
ykman piv certificates import 9d ${NINED}Cert.pem
# Get SSH pubkey from the yubikey that will be signed
ssh-keygen -D /usr/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib | grep ecdsa | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' > ${NINEC}.pub
if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then
echo "Error: couldn't retrieve ecdsa key from yubikey...?"
# TODO: make this part of citadel scripting
scp ${NINEC}.pub baughj@citadel:/srv/SSHCA/reqs/
ssh -t baughj@citadel "ssh-keygen -s user_ssh_ca -I $1 -n $2 -V +52w -z ${SSH_CERT_SERIAL} reqs/${NINEC}.pub && mv reqs/${NINEC} issued"
scp baughj@citadel:/srv/SSHCA/issued/${NINEC} .
echo "Done!"
echo "Note: place the resulting signed SSH pubkey in your .ssh directory exactly as - or use CertificateFile in config"
echo "Don't forget to lock the armory and remove it."
echo ""
echo "To complete pairing with OSX for token auth, remove and reinsert the Yubikey."
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