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Last active July 31, 2024 11:25
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Piping bash commands in kubectl exec

Bash commands connected using pipe(|) are not executed correctly in kubectl exec.


kubectl exec -ti <POD> -- pg_dump -h localhost -t my_table | psql -d <TARGET_DB> -h localhost

Here I want to run the pg_dump command first and redirect the output to the psql command as input using pipe(|). But kubectl takes commands only until pipe character, pg_dump in my case and psql has been run on host machine instead of inside the <POD>. The solution is to wrap all commands using double quote(") and run these commands using bash -c.

Fixed example:

kubectl exec -ti <POD> -- bash -c "pg_dump -h localhost -t my_table | psql -d <TARGET_DB> -h localhost"

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