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Created December 3, 2015 16:37
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/// Increase the reference count on the object.
template< class T, class DeletePolicy >
inline void ThreadSafeRefCount< T, DeletePolicy >::addRef()
dFetchAndAdd( mRefCount, 2 );
/// Decrease the object's reference count and delete the object, if the count
/// drops to zero and claiming the object by the current thread succeeds.
template< class T, class DeletePolicy >
inline void ThreadSafeRefCount< T, DeletePolicy >::release()
AssertFatal( mRefCount != 0, "ThreadSafeRefCount::release() - refcount of zero" );
if( decrementAndTestAndSet( mRefCount ) != 0 )
DeletePolicy::destroy( ( T* ) this );
/// Decrement the given reference count. Return 1 if the count dropped to zero
/// and the claim bit has been successfully set; return 0 otherwise.
template< class T, class DeletePolicy >
U32 ThreadSafeRefCount< T, DeletePolicy >::decrementAndTestAndSet( U32& refCount )
U32 oldVal;
U32 newVal;
oldVal = refCount;
newVal = oldVal - 2;
AssertFatal( oldVal >= 2,
"ThreadSafeRefCount::decrementAndTestAndSet() - invalid refcount" );
if( newVal == 0 )
newVal = 1;
while( !dCompareAndSwap( refCount, oldVal, newVal ) );
return ( ( oldVal - newVal ) & 1 );
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