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Created September 10, 2024 19:59
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// progress in 0..1 range, time is epoch seconda
function estimateProgressRemainTime(progressLast, timeLast, progressCurrent, timeCurrent) {
// Calculate the time taken for the progress made
const timeTaken = timeCurrent - timeLast; // time in seconds
const progressMade = progressCurrent - progressLast;
// Avoid division by zero or negative progress
if (progressMade <= 0) {
return "No progress made or invalid input.";
// Calculate the remaining time
const speed = timeTaken/(progressMade*100);
const remainProgress = 1-progressCurrent;
return speed*remainProgress*100;
// Tests
test('remainTime', () => {
const timeCurrent = / 1000;
const timeLast = timeCurrent - 2;
const lastProgress = 0.25;
const currentProgress = 0.5;
// Было 25% секунды 2 назад, сейчас 50%, через сколько секунд будет 100%
const estimateTime = estimateProgressRemainTime(lastProgress, timeLast, currentProgress, timeCurrent)
test('remainTime2', () => {
const timeCurrent = / 1000;
const timeLast = timeCurrent - 2;
const lastProgress = 0.2;
const currentProgress = 0.4;
// Было 20% секунды 2 назад, сейчас 40%, через сколько секунд будет 100%
const estimateTime = estimateProgressRemainTime(lastProgress, timeLast, currentProgress, timeCurrent)
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