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Created April 29, 2019 06:06
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example nice Zsh
# sane zplug installation defaults
if [[ -z "$ZPLUG_HOME" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$ZPLUG_CACHE_DIR" ]]; then
# Ensure zplug is installed
if [[ ! -d "$ZPLUG_HOME" ]]; then
git clone "$ZPLUG_HOME"
source "$ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh" && zplug --self-manage update
source "$ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh"
# zplug basics:
# - `zplug status` to see if packages are up to date
# - `zplug update` to update packages
# - `zplug list` to see currently managed packages
# - `zplug clean` to clear out now unmanaged packages
# - `zplug 'owner/repo'` to use a plugin from$owner/$repo
zplug 'zplug/zplug', hook-build:'zplug --self-manage'
# (defer:2 means syntax-highlighting gets loaded after completions)
zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting', defer:2 # (like fish)
# (defer:3 means history-substring search gets loaded after syntax-highlighting)
zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search', defer:3 # (like fish)
zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions' # (like fish)
# zplug 'chrissicool/zsh-256color' # if 256-color mode isn't kicking in
zplug 'Tarrasch/zsh-autoenv' # .autoenv support (check out the readme if you haven't heard of that)
zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-completions', depth:1 # more completions
# # possibly useful plugins:
# # set and jump between directory "warp points"
# zplug 'mfaerevaag/wd', as:command, use:'', hook-load:"wd() { . $ZPLUG_REPOS/mfaerevaag/wd/ }"
# # bunch of git aliases, see
# zplug 'plugins/git', from:oh-my-zsh
# # alternative to zsh-history-substring-search (more powerful but uses ^R)
# zplug 'zdharma/history-search-multi-word', defer:3 # fuzzy search history with ^R
# zstyle :plugin:history-search-multi-word reset-prompt-protect 1
# # auto-generates completions for desired commands, also generates via `gencmp $cmd` live
# # (see also a manpage-based generation script: )
# zplug 'RobSis/zsh-completion-generator' # generate completions from help
# GENCOMPL_FPATH="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/zsh-completion-generator"
# zstyle :plugin:zsh-completion-generator programs … # [program names here]
# a theme I like
zplug 'agkozak/agkozak-zsh-theme'
# but this one is also pretty good and super fast
# zplug romkatv/powerlevel10k, use:powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
zplug load
# see zshoptions(1) for details on what these do
# see also zshexpn(1) for details on how globbing works
setopt append_history # better concurrent shell history sharing
setopt auto_pushd # cd foo; cd bar; popd --> in foo again
setopt complete_in_word # more intuitive completions
setopt no_beep # BEEP
setopt extended_glob # better globs
setopt extended_history # better history
# setopt glob_complete # (see manual for description & tradeoffs)
setopt glob_star_short # ** means **/*, **/ means directory only **
setopt hist_expire_dups_first # don't fill your history as quickly with junk
setopt hist_ignore_space # ` command` doesn't save to history
setopt hist_subst_pattern # better globs / parameter expansion
setopt hist_reduce_blanks # `a b` normalizes to `a b` in history
setopt hist_verify # reduce oops I sudoed the wrong thing
setopt interactive_comments # so pasting live to test works
setopt ksh_glob # better globs
setopt long_list_jobs # easier to read job stuff
setopt null_glob # sane globbing
setopt pipe_fail # fail when the first command in a pipeline fails
setopt share_history # better concurrent shell history sharing
setopt no_rm_star_silent # confirm on `rm *` (default, but let's be safe)
setopt prompt_cr prompt_sp # don't clobber output without trailing newlines
# setopt rm_star_wait # wait after confirmation on `rm *` to allow ^C
# see zshmodules(1)
zmodload -Fm zsh/files b:zf_\* # emergency file manip under zf_*
zmodload zsh/complist # completion menus
zmodload zsh/mathfunc # better mathematical evaluation
zmodload zsh/termcap 2>/dev/null # terminal resources (if available)
zmodload zsh/terminfo 2>/dev/null # terminal resources (if available)
# see zshcontrib(1)
autoload -Uz zargs # like xargs, but works with globs
autoload -Uz zcalc # like bc, but uses Zsh mathematical evaluation
autoload -Uz zmathfunc; zmathfunc # better mathematical evaluation
autoload -Uz zmv # like mv, but uses patterns (`zmv '(*).lis' '$1.txt'`)
zstyle ':completion:*' menu yes select # complete with a nicer menu
# more descriptive time
TIMEFMT='%J %U user %S system %P cpu %*E total'$'\n'\
'avg shared (code): %X KB'$'\n'\
'avg unshared (data/stack): %D KB'$'\n'\
'total (sum): %K KB'$'\n'\
'max memory: %M MB'$'\n'\
'page faults from disk: %F'$'\n'\
'other page faults: %R'
alias sudo='sudo ' # make sudo work with aliases
eval "$(dircolors -b)" # ls colors
alias grep='grep --color=auto ' # in color
alias ls='ls --color=auto -F ' # in color & with classifiers
alias tree='tree -F ' # with classifiers
# keyboard bindings (thanks )
# if Zsh isn't working with your keyboard properly, try the following:
# autoload -Uz zkbd; zkbd
# follow the prompts, and restart if necessary.
# the file name printed at the end should match the output of:
# echo - "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zkbd/$TERM-$VENDOR-$OSTYPE"
# move the file if necessary.
typeset -g -A key
load-bindkeys() {
local zkbd_file="${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zkbd/${1:-$TERM-$VENDOR-$OSTYPE}"
if [[ -e "$zkbd_file" ]]; then source "$zkbd_file"; fi
_key-set() {
local k="$1"; shift
if (( ${+key[$k]} )); then return; fi
while (( ${+1} )); do
1="$(cat -v <<< "$1")"
# print -r "key: changing $k from ${(q+)key[$k]} to ${(q+)1}"
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then break; else shift; fi
_key-set F1 "$terminfo[kf1]" "$termcap[k1]"
_key-set F2 "$terminfo[kf2]" "$termcap[k2]"
_key-set F3 "$terminfo[kf3]" "$termcap[k3]"
_key-set F4 "$terminfo[kf4]" "$termcap[k4]"
_key-set F5 "$terminfo[kf5]" "$termcap[k5]"
_key-set F6 "$terminfo[kf6]" "$termcap[k6]"
_key-set F7 "$terminfo[kf7]" "$termcap[k7]"
_key-set F8 "$terminfo[kf8]" "$termcap[k8]"
_key-set F9 "$terminfo[kf9]" "$termcap[k9]"
_key-set F10 "$terminfo[kf10]" "$termcap[F1]"
_key-set F11 "$terminfo[kf11]" "$termcap[F2]"
_key-set F12 "$terminfo[kf12]" "$termcap[F3]"
_key-set Backspace "$terminfo[kbs]" "$termcap[kb]"
_key-set Insert "$terminfo[kich1]" "$termcap[kI]"
_key-set Home "$terminfo[khome]" "$termcap[kh]"
_key-set PageUp "$terminfo[kpp]" "$termcap[kP]"
_key-set Delete "$terminfo[kdch1]" "$termcap[kD]"
_key-set End "$terminfo[kend]" "$termcap[@7]"
_key-set PageDown "$terminfo[knp]" "$termcap[kN]"
_key-set BackTab "''${terminfo[cbt]}" "''${termcap[bt]}"
_key-set Tab "''${terminfo[ht]}" "''${termcap[ta]}"
_key-set Up "$terminfo[kcuu1]" "$termcap[ku]"
_key-set Left "$terminfo[kcub1]" "$termcap[kl]"
_key-set Down "$terminfo[kcud1]" "$termcap[kd]"
_key-set Right "$terminfo[kcuf1]" "$termcap[kr]"
[[ -n "${key[BackTab]}" ]] && bindkey -M menuselect "${key[BackTab]}" reverse-menu-complete
# search in completion menus with `?` & `/`
bindkey -M menuselect '/' history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey -M menuselect '?' history-incremental-search-forward
# zsh-history-substring search setup (remove if not using that plugin)
[[ -n "${key[Up]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Up]}" history-substring-search-up
[[ -n "${key[Down]}" ]] && bindkey "${key[Down]}" history-substring-search-down
bindkey -M emacs '^P' history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M emacs '^N' history-substring-search-down
bindkey -M vicmd 'k' history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M vicmd 'j' history-substring-search-down
unset -f _key-set
# make sure term is in application mode when zle is active (for terminfo)
if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) && (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
zle-line-init() { echoti smkx }; zle -N zle-line-init
zle-line-finish() { echoti rmkx }; zle -N zle-line-finish
# vim: et:sw=2
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