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Last active January 7, 2025 10:22
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Generates movie thumbnail images automatically
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Automatic Movie Thumbnail Generator
# Scans a folder, and generates a thumbnail image for every movie found.
# Uses a grid layout that attempts to maximize utilized space while
# fitting under a given maximum image size, and having at least as many
# frames as requested.
# This requires MoviePy and Pillow:
# pip install MoviePy
# pip install Pillow
# The default setup uses the Comic Mono font:
# (TTF file can be in same folder or installed on system.)
# The variables below can be overridden from the command line.
# Examples:
# Process all files in current directory:
# python
# Process single file:
# python -I file.mp4
# Remove the timestamps and header:
# Custom header text:
# python -HEAD "File: &n" "Resolution: &x x &y"
# Timestamp in top right instead of in VPAD area:
# python -VPAD 1 -TSCORNER 1 -TSX -3 -TSY 1 -TSOUTLINE 1
W = 1024
H = 1024
DIR_IN = "."
DIR_OUT = "Thumbs"
FORMAT = ".jpg"
EXT = (".mp4",".mkv",".avi",".flv",".mpeg",".mov",".m4v")
WIPEDIR = False # delete contents of DIR_OUT before starting
SKIPDONE = False # don't recreate a thumbnail that already exists
RECURSE = False # recursive search of DIR_IN
# for testing
DEBUG = False # print debug info
TESTCOUNT = None # number of thumbnails to make before stopping
TESTSKIP = 0 # Skip this many thumbnails before starting
FPS_SOURCE = "fps" # this seems to give more predictable results than the default "tbr"
BADFPS = 1000 # over this give a warning (is probably gonna do a bad)
# other parameters for command line arguments
I=None # single input filename
O=None # single output filename
BG=(0,0,0) # background colour
COUNT=10 # minimum thumbnail count
INTSCALE=False # integer thumb scaling only
NOTIMESTAMP=False # hide timestamps (may want VPAD=1 if False)
NOHEADER=False # hide info header
HPAD=1 # horizontal padding
VPAD=18 # vertical padding, space for timestamps
HEADPAD=34 # header padding
TSFONT="ComicMono.ttf" # timestamp font
HEADFONT="ComicMono.ttf" # header font
TSX=1 # timestamp location in VPAD gutter
TSS=16 # timestamp font point size
TSC=(255,255,0) # timestamp colour
TSCORNER=2 # bottom left corner
TSOUTLINE=0 # timestamp outline
HEADX=1 # header text location
HEADS=16 # header font point size
HEADC=(255,255,255) # header text colour
HEADH=16 # vertical distance between header text rows
HEAD=["&n","&t | &f FPS | &x x &y | &z MB"] # list of rows to generate for the header (see header_info below)
S=[] # pick specific frames (seconds)
F=[] # pick specific frames (frame number)
# Code
import sys
import argparse
import os
import math
import enum
import moviepy.editor
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageFont
import PIL.ImageDraw
# choose a timestamp format that fits the clip
TIMESTAMP_MID = 0 # mm:ss
TIMESTAMP_LONG = 1 # h:mm:ss
TIMESTAMP_SHORT = 2 # ss.ttt
def timestamp_mode(duration):
if duration < 60: return TIMESTAMP_SHORT
if duration >= (60*60): return TIMESTAMP_LONG
def timestamp(seconds,mode=TIMESTAMP_MID,roundup=False):
(ms,s) = math.modf(seconds)
ms *= 1000
ms = math.ceil(ms) if roundup else math.floor(ms)
return "%02d.%03d" % (s,ms)
seconds = math.ceil(seconds) if roundup else math.floor(seconds)
s = seconds % 60
m = seconds // 60
if mode == TIMESTAMP_LONG:
h = m // 60
m %= 60
return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h,m,s)
return "%02d:%02d" % (m,s)
def timestamp_to_seconds(s):
ts = s.split(":")
if len(ts) > 3:
raise Exception("Timestamp has too many : separators: "+s)
v = 0
for t in s.split(":"):
v *= 60
v += float(t)
except Exception:
raise Exception("Timestamp invalid number: "+t+" ("+s+")")
return v
# header info string, can replace:
# %n - filename
# %t - duration (auto type)
# %h - duration long
# %m - duration mid
# %s - duration small
# %f - framerate
# %x - width
# %y - height
# %z - file size (MB)
def headline(clip,s):
if DEBUG: os = s
sd = [
("&f","%5.2f" % clip.fps),
("&x","%d" % clip.w),
("&y","%d" % clip.h),
("&z","%.1f" % (clip._headline_size_ / (1024*1024))),
] # would like codec info but MoviePy doesn't seem to have it
for (src,dst) in sd:
s = s.replace(src,dst)
if DEBUG: print("headline: '%s' -> '%s'" % (os,s))
return s
def thumb(path,filename=None,
headpad=34,headx=1,heady=1,headh=16,headfont="ComicMono.ttf",heads=16,headc=(255,255,255),head=[r"&n",r"&t | &f FPS | &x x &y | &z MB"],
# pw,ph = maximum image size (finds a grid that fills this space best)
# bg = background colour
# count = minimum number of thumbnails
# intscale = only scale thumbnails down by an integer factor
# hpad = pixel gutter between thumbs horizontally
# vpad = pixel gutter between thumbs vertically
# tsx,tsy = timestamp location in vpad gutter
# tsfont,tss,tsc = timestamp font, points size, colour
# tscorner = 0,1,2,3 = tl,tr,bl,br (right side is right-aligned)
# tsoutline = black outline for timestamp (pixels)
# headpad = pixel gutter header at top
# headx,heady = header text location
# headh = vertical distance between header text rows
# headfont,heads,headc = header font, points size, colour
# head = list of rows to generate for the header (see header_info above)
# picks = list of specific frames to force (seconds)
# pickf = list of specific frames to force (frame number)
if DEBUG: print("thumb: " + path)
clip = moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip(path,audio=False,fps_source=FPS_SOURCE)
if (clip.fps <= 0 or clip.fps >= BADFPS):
print("BAD FPS: %f" % clip.fps) # might help
if filename == None: filename = path
cw = clip.w
ch = clip.h
frames = int(clip.duration * clip.fps)
if DEBUG: print("Resolution: %d x %d (%d frames @ %f FPS)" % (cw,ch,frames,clip.fps))
# prepare fonts for timestamp and header
tsmode = timestamp_mode(clip.duration)
if tsfont: tsfont = PIL.ImageFont.truetype(tsfont,tss)
if headfont: headfont = PIL.ImageFont.truetype(headfont,heads)
# store information for headline
clip._headline_filename_ = os.path.basename(filename)
clip._headline_tsmode_ = tsmode
clip._headline_size_ = os.path.getsize(path)
# find best layout that fits >= count images into the desired width
gw = 1
gh = 1
tw = cw
th = ch
px = -1
for gwi in range(1,count+1): # try each grid width
ghi = (count + (gwi-1)) // gwi # grid height to match width
# padding and usable dimensions
hp = hpad * (1+gwi)
vp = headpad + (vpad * ghi)
uw = pw - hp
uh = ph - vp
# find biggest thumbnail scale that fits (both axes)
sw = cw / min(int(uw/gwi),cw)
sh = ch / min(int(uh/ghi),ch)
if sw <= 0: sw = cw # if nothing can fit, assume 1px scale
if sh <= 0: sh = ch
if intscale:
sw = math.ceil(sw)
sh = math.ceil(sh)
s = max(sw,sh)
#if DEBUG: print("S: %f (%f,%f)" % (s,sw,sh))
# calculate resulting frame size
twi = int(cw/s)
thi = int(ch/s)
# calculate resulting pixel coverage, keep if most
pxi = (twi*thi)*(gwi*ghi)
#if DEBUG: print("GI: %d x %d (%d x %d)" % (gwi,ghi,twi,thi))
if (pxi > px):
px = pxi
tw = twi
th = thi
gw = gwi
gh = ghi
# expand grid vertically if underused
while (headpad+((vpad+th)*(gh+1))) <= ph: gh += 1
if DEBUG: print("Grid: %d x %d (%d x %d)" % (gw,gh,tw,th))
# generate images
tc = gw * gh
iw = (tw * gw) + (hpad * (1+gw))
ih = (th * gh) + headpad + (vpad * gh)
img ="RGB",(iw,ih),color=bg)
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# chosen frames
chosen = [int(frames*(x+0.5)/tc) for x in range(tc)] # evenly spaced
if (len(pickf) + len(picks)) > 0:
pick = pickf + [int(x * clip.fps) for x in picks] # convert seconds to frames
pick = [max(0,min(frames-1,x)) for x in pick] # clamp to valid frames
pick = list(dict.fromkeys(pick)) # eliminate duplicates
chosen = pick[:]
while len(chosen) < tc: # choose rest by subdivision of largest remaining space
chosen = sorted(chosen)
spans = [frames]
if len(chosen) > 0:
spans = [chosen[0]] + [(chosen[i+1]-chosen[i]) for i in range(0,len(chosen)-1)] + [frames-chosen[-1]]
sr = max(spans)
si = spans.index(sr) # largest space
ss = 0
if si > 0: ss = chosen[si-1]
chosen.append(int(ss+(sr/2))) # add to middle
for relax in range(10): # relaxation
chosen = sorted(chosen)
for i in range(len(chosen)):
if chosen[i] in pick: continue # don't move picks
vl = 0 if (i == 0) else chosen[i-1]
vr = frames if (i == (len(chosen)-1)) else chosen[i+1]
chosen[i] = int((vl+vr)/2)
chosen = sorted(chosen)
if DEBUG: print(chosen)
# extract and assemble frames
for tyi in range(0,gh):
for txi in range(0,gw):
ti = (tyi * gw) + txi
tx = hpad + (txi * (tw + hpad))
ty = headpad + (tyi * (th + vpad))
frame = chosen[ti]
frame_time = (frame) / clip.fps
if DEBUG: print("frame: %d = %s (%f)" % (frame,timestamp(frame_time,tsmode),frame_time))
timg = PIL.Image.fromarray(clip.get_frame(frame_time))
timg = timg.resize((tw,th),resample=PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
# timestamp
if tsfont:
tstext = timestamp(frame_time,tsmode)
# bottom-left default
tscx = tx
tscy = ty+th
if tscorner < 2: tscy = ty # top corners
if (tscorner & 1): tscx = tx+tw-math.ceil(draw.textlength(tstext,tsfont)) # right corners
tscx += tsx
tscy += tsy
if tsoutline > 0:
for tsoy in range(-tsoutline,tsoutline+1):
for tsox in range(-tsoutline,tsoutline+1):
# header
if headfont:
ty = heady
for mode in head:
s = headline(clip,mode)
ty += headh
# done
return img
if __name__ == "__main__":
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ag = ap.add_argument_group("Input/Output")
ag.add_argument("DIR_IN",nargs="?",help="Movie source directory (optional)")
ag.add_argument("DIR_OUT",nargs="?",help="Thumbnail output directory (optional)")
ag.add_argument("-I",help="Single input movie file instead of DIR_IN scan",metavar="filename")
ag.add_argument("-O",help="Single output image instead of same folder, use with -I")
ag = ap.add_argument_group("General")
ag.add_argument("-W",type=int,help="Maximum thumbnail width",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-H",type=int,help="Maximum thumbnail height",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-COUNT",type=int,help="Minimum number of frames in thumbnail",metavar="frames")
ag.add_argument("-S",action="append",help="Force specific frame by timestamp",metavar="h:mm:ss.ttt")
ag.add_argument("-F",type=int,action="append",help="Force specific frame by number",metavar="frame")
ag.add_argument("-BG",type=int,nargs=3,help="Background colour",metavar=("r","g","b"))
ag.add_argument("-FORMAT",help="Image format extension: .jpg / .png",metavar="extension")
ag.add_argument("-QUALITY",type=int,help="Image quality 0-100",metavar="percent")
ag.add_argument("-HPAD",type=int,help="Horizontal pixel padding",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-VPAD",type=int,help="Vertical pixel padding",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-INTSCALE",action="store_const",const=True,help="Only allow frames to be shrunk by a whole-number factor")
ag = ap.add_argument_group("Timestamps")
ag.add_argument("-NOTIMESTAMP",action="store_const",const=True,help="Hide timestamp for each frame (see also VPAD)")
ag.add_argument("-TSFONT",help="Timestamp font file (TTF)",metavar="filename")
ag.add_argument("-TSS",type=int,help="Timestamp font size",metavar="points")
ag.add_argument("-TSC",type=int,nargs=3,help="Timestamp font colour",metavar=("r","g","b"))
ag.add_argument("-TSX",type=int,help="Timestamp X position relative to corner",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-TSY",type=int,help="Timestamp Y position relative to corner",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-TSCORNER",type=int,help="Timestamp corner: 0,1,2,3 = top left, top right (right-align), bottom left (default), bottom right",metavar="corner")
ag.add_argument("-TSOUTLINE",type=int,help="Timestamp black outline",metavar="px")
ag = ap.add_argument_group("Header")
ag.add_argument("-NOHEADER",action="store_const",const=True,help="Hide header text at top (see also HEADPAD)")
ag.add_argument("-HEADPAD",type=int,help="Header pixel padding",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-HEADFONT",help="Header font file (TTF)",metavar="filename")
ag.add_argument("-HEADS",type=int,help="Header font size",metavar="points")
ag.add_argument("-HEADC",type=int,nargs=3,help="Header font colour",metavar=("r","g","b"))
ag.add_argument("-HEADX",type=int,help="Header X position in HEADPAD",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-HEADY",type=int,help="Header Y position in HEADPAD",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-HEADH",type=int,help="Vertical spacing between header text rows",metavar="px")
ag.add_argument("-HEAD",nargs="+",help="Header row text, substitutions: &n filename, &t clip time (&h/&m/&s long/mid/short), &f FPS, &x &y resolution, &z size (MB), && for &",metavar="row")
ag = ap.add_argument_group("Directory Management")
ag.add_argument("-WIPEDIR",action="store_const",const=True,help="Delete DIR_OUT contents before starting")
ag.add_argument("-SKIPDONE",action="store_const",const=True,help="Skip if thumbnail already exists in DIR_OUT")
ag.add_argument("-RECURSE",action="store_const",const=True,help="Search subdirectories of DIR_IN")
ag = ap.add_argument_group("Debug")
ag.add_argument("-FPS_SOURCE",help="FFMPEG FPS source: should be 'fps' or 'tbr'",metavar="source")
ag.add_argument("-BADFPS",type=int,help="FPS threshold for BAD FPS warning",metavar="fps")
ag.add_argument("-DEBUG",action="store_const",const=True,help="Print debug information")
ag.add_argument("-TESTCOUNT",type=int,help="Quit after this many thumbnails (for testing)",metavar="count")
ag.add_argument("-TESTSKIP",type=int,help="Skip this many thumbnails (for testing)",metavar="start")
args = ap.parse_args()
if DEBUG or args.DEBUG: print("Arguments:")
for (k,v) in args.__dict__.items():
if v != None:
if DEBUG or args.DEBUG: print(" "+k+": "+str(v))
globals()[k] = v
# command line argument conversion
BG = tuple(BG)
TSC = tuple(TSC)
HEADC = tuple(HEADC)
S = [timestamp_to_seconds(x) for x in S]
print("Input: " + (DIR_IN if (I==None) else I))
print("Output: " + DIR_OUT)
# make sure the output folder exists
# clean output folder
for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk(DIR_OUT):
for f in files:
path = os.path.join(root,f)
print("DELETE: "+path)
# build all videos
count = 0
for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk(DIR_IN):
for f in files:
if TESTCOUNT and count >= TESTCOUNT: break
if f.lower().endswith(EXT) or I != None:
count += 1
if I != None: # single file override
f = I
root = ""
#of = os.path.join(DIR_OUT,os.path.splitext(f)[0]+FORMAT)
of = os.path.join(DIR_OUT,f+FORMAT) # keep extension
if O != None:
of = O
if count < (TESTSKIP+1): continue
if SKIPDONE and os.path.exists(of):
print("SKIP: "+f)
print("%3d %s" % (count-1,f))
img = thumb(os.path.join(root,f),f,W,H,
if img:,quality=QUALITY)
print("ERROR: No thumbnail generated!")
if I != None: break # single file
if not RECURSE or I != None: break # don't recurse
print("%d thumbnails" % count)
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