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Last active July 19, 2023 04:20
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Milva DOS image dumper (Desafio, Kick Boxing Street) and re-compressor
# Dumps image data from Milva DOS game,
# as well as Desafio and Kick Boxing Street
# from Ediciones Manali.
# (Desafio)
# (Kick Boxing)
# If you successfully use this for their other games,
# send me the dump list and I can add it.
import PIL.Image
import struct
0x00,0x00,0x00, # black
0x55,0xFF,0xFF, # CGA cyan
0xFF,0x55,0xFF, # CGA magenta
0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, # CGA white
0xFF,0xFF,0x00, # pure yellow (border)
# There are two file extensions to look for: SPR and PIC.
# I think these are the same format, but PIC implies a single 320x200 image.
# I could not find sprite size definitions in the data files.
# They may have been hard-coded in the EXE?
# I ended up using Binxelview, with 2BPP and reverse byte.
# If a raw (decompressed) file, start at offset 0,
# otherwise with an uncompressed file start at offset 7 to skip the header.
# I find a width that fits the current sprite, then find a height.
# I add it to the list, then click the down scroll arrow to move
# to the next sprite.
# Sometimes after I find the width for the next sprite,
# it seems misaligned. In this case, go back to the width/height setting
# of the previous sprite and click the up scroll arrow to return to it.
# Most likely it needs 1 more or 1 less line of height.
# Repeat until I've found them all.
# If I made a mistake, review the logs and the generated PNG files.
# They logs can tell you the data offsets of each packet.
# Compressed files I first start with an empty list,
# or maybe just (320,200,1) as a guess in case they're a full screen image,
# but either way this tool will dump a ".raw" file of the decompressed data.
# Binxelview can then be used with the decompressed raw file instead.
DUMP_MILVA = [ # all files uncomprssed except PANTAGAM.SPR
("PANTAGAM.SPR",322,[(320,200,3),(320,40,1)]), # contest screens (compressed)
("MILVAMAR.PIC",322,[(320,200,1)]), # gameplay frame
("MILVAPRE.PIC",322,[(320,200,1)]), # title screen
("MILBLO.SPR",201,[(24,24,40)]), # blocks used for gameplay level
("MILVA.SPR",246,[ # sprites used for gameplay
(48,50,10), # milva
(16,5,1), # bullet
(8,10,1), # upward aiming gun tip
(40,42,1), # lizard
(40,31,4), # rat
(32,60,2), # snake
(16,3,1), # bullet
(16,5,1), # ememy pellet small
(16,13,1), # enemy pellet large/round
(16,24,1), # falling arrow?
(48,44,2), # snake milva?
(72,18,2), # snake
(48,23,4), # lizard bird
(32,27,2), # explode small
(48,45,2), # explode large
(32,45,6), # grass
(40,42,2), # pit snake
(48,9,1), # fireball
(80,72,4), # xenomorph
(96,54,1), # xenomorph crouch
(128,71,1), # xenomorph queen
(40,22,1), # cannon?
DUMP_DESAFIO = [ # all files were compressed
(72,68,2),(96,68,2),(64,68,1),(96,67,1), # player
(32,20,1), # flame swipe
(32,8,1), # fireball
(32,23,1), # "bank" money/soap?
(104,103,1), (128,103,1), (120,132,1), # player jumping
(80,59,1), # enemy with gun
(24,9,1), # poop?
(88,112,1), (120,108,1), (96,121,1), (168,74,1), # enemy flying back
(72,57,2), (72,68,2), # alien
(64,90,1), (120,23,1), (136,23,1), # dogsnake
(320,200,3), # full screen alien
(64,94,2), (72,62,1), # player
(24,21,1), # splatter
(32,32,1), # 100 points star
(16,21,1), # flame
(32,20,1), (40,28,1), (40,31,1), (56,41,1), # exploding pod
DUMP_KICK = [ # all files compressed except KPAI1-3.SPR
("KICKMAR.PIC",322,[(320,200,1)]), # gameplay frame
("KICKPRE.PIC",322,[(320,200,1)]), # title screen
("KFIN.SPR",322,[(240,136,2)]), # victory screens
("KICKYO.SPR",322,[ # player
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2), # walking
(40,66,1), # posing
(88,20,1), # lying down
(48,41,1), (40,58,1), (40,65,1), # knocked back
(48,65,1), (56,65,2), # punching
(64,65,1), (64,62,1), # kicking
(48,58,1), (72,53,1), # jump kick
(104,37,1), # split kick
(48,65,1), (56,62,1), # roundhouse
(48,36,1), # crouch
(24,18,1), # pow
(40,20,1), # tire
(56,28,1), # box
(16,11,1), # star
(24,7,1), # knife
(32,25,1), # tin can
(32,10,1), # AHHH
(24,8,1), # 100
(16,9,1), # 50
("KMALO1.SPR",322,[ # enemy
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2), # walk
(40,66,1), # facing
(88,20,1), # lying
(48,41,1), (40,58,1), (40,65,1), # knocked back
(48,65,1), (56,66,1), (56,64,1), # punching
(64,65,1), (64,62,1), # kicking
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2),
(48,41,1), (48,58,1), (40,65,1),
(48,69,1), (80,75,1), (88,64,1),
(64,65,1), (72,62,1),
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2),
(48,43,1), (40,62,1), (40,65,1),
(48,65,1), (56,66,1), (56,64,1),
(64,65,1), (64,63,1),
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (32,66,1), (24,66,1),
(56,46,1), (48,61,1), (48,66,1),
(56,65,1), (72,66,1), (72,64,1),
(64,66,1), (64,65,1),
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2),
(48,43,1), (40,61,1), (40,65,1),
(40,66,1), (56,67,1), (56,65,1),
(64,65,1), (64,63,1),
(56,56,1), (72,53,1), # flying kick
(24,66,1), (32,66,2), (24,66,2),
(48,42,1), (40,61,1), (48,65,1),
(40,66,1), (56,67,1), (56,65,1),
(56,57,1), (64,63,1),
(56,56,1), (72,53,1), # flying kick
(24,73,1), (40,71,1), (32,71,1), (24,72,2),
(64,44,1), (48,68,2), # knocked back
(48,70,1), (56,70,2), # punching
(64,71,1), (64,70,1), # kicking
(32,81,1), (48,72,1), # captain-kirk move
("KPAI1.SPR",322,[(320,136,2)]), # streets (uncompressed)
# assemble images into gallery with 1px border
def gallery(imgs, width=256, border=0):
# determine an image size that can contain everything
iw = width
ih = 1
# determine a height for the current row
rw = 1 # minimum width of row
rh = 0 # height of row
rc = 0 # count in row
for img in imgs:
nrw = rw + img.width + 1
nrh = img.height + 1
if nrw > iw and rc == 0: # expand the canvas if a single image is too wide
iw = nrw
if nrw > iw: # row break when the edge would be crossed
ih += rh # finish row
rh = nrh # start new row with this image
rw = 1 + img.width + 1
if (rw > iw):
iw = rw # expand if too wide
rc = 1
else: # fits in the current row
rw = nrw
if (nrh > rh):
rh = nrh
rc += 1
if (rc > 0): # finish last row
ih += rh
# assemble the image
gimg =[0].mode,(iw,ih),border)
rx = 1
ry = 1
rh = 0
for img in imgs:
nrx = rx + img.width + 1
nrh = img.height + 1
if nrx > iw: # break
ry += rh
rx = 1
rx = 1 + img.width + 1
rh = nrh
rx = nrx
if (nrh > rh):
rh = nrh
return gimg
# Compressed file format. Has a 3 letter signature "AGD".
# This is an LZ77-like compression format,
# consisting of alternating commands of raw byte copy from source,
# and back-references to previously decompressed data.
# The data is stored in reverse order.
# The first source byte is at the end of the data,
# and bytes are decompressed to the end of the output buffer first,
# both working backwards.
# A control bitstream is read, bit by bit.
# The bits for this stream are stored 1 byte at a time,
# whenever there are no remaining bits in the control byte,
# a new byte is immediately read from the source data.
# Bits are read from the control bit high-bit first.
# The first byte of data (at the end of the input file)
# contains only 7 control bits, and the least significant bit
# contains a 1, which serves as a sentinel that assists the
# implementation in keeping track of the bits.
# (The control byte is constantly held in the AL register.
# Each bit is shifted into CF, and when CF=1 and AL=0,
# this indicates we should read a new control byte and
# shift again. Whenever a new byte is read, the sentinel 1
# is rotated into the least significant bit again, ensuring
# that AL!=0 until all 8 bits have been read out.
# Decompression works by reading commands from the control bitstream.
# There are two types of commands which alternate:
# 1. Copy raw bytes from source to destination.
# 2. Copy previously decompressed bytes from destination to itself.
# After both command types have been processed, it repeats until
# the destination is full. The back-reference commands copy from
# the last-byte first, but unfortunately an overlapped-copy is not permitted,
# because the count is always added to the offset (+dx) for back references.
# Overlapped copying would have allowed more efficient repeated byte/pattern encoding.
def decompress_milva(d,DEBUG=False):
header = struct.unpack("<BBBHH",d[0:7])
print("Compression header: %02X %02X %02X %04X %04X" % header)
d = d[7:]
if (header[0] != ord('A') or header[1] != ord('G') or header[2] != ord('D')):
print("Warning: compression header should begin with AGD (41 47 44).")
if (header[4] != len(d)):
print("Warning: compression header input length (%04X) does not match file data size (%04X)" % (header[4], len(d)))
do = bytearray([0]*header[3])
si = len(d)-1
di = header[3]-1
al = 0
control_debug_string = ""
def write_byte(b): # writes 1 byte to the output
nonlocal di, do
if (di >= 0):
if DEBUG: print(" Out: [%4X] = %02X" % (di,b))
do[di] = b
di -= 1
def write_copy(bx): # copies a decoded byte from bx bytes previous
nonlocal di, do
ci = di + bx
b = 0
if (ci < len(do)):
b = do[ci]
if DEBUG: print("Copy: [%4X] = %02X" % (ci,b))
def read_byte(): # reads 1 byte from the input
nonlocal d, si
b = 0
if (si >= 0):
b = d[si]
if DEBUG: print(" In: [%4X] = %02X" % (si,b))
si -= 1
return b
def control_bit(): # reads 1 bit of the control bitstream
nonlocal al, control_debug_string
carry = (al >> 7)
al = (al << 1) & 0xFF
if (al == 0):
al = (read_byte() << 1) | carry
carry = al >> 8
al &= 0xFF
control_debug_string += "1" if (carry != 0) else "0"
if DEBUG: print("Control bit: %d (%02X)" % (1 if (carry!=0) else 0, al))
return (carry != 0)
def control_bits(cx): # reads cx bits of the control bitsream
nonlocal control_debug_string
control_debug_string += "("
bx = 0
for c in range(cx):
bx <<= 1
bx |= 1 if control_bit() else 0
control_debug_string += ")"
return bx
def control_debug():
nonlocal control_debug_string
if DEBUG: print("Control command: " + control_debug_string)
control_debug_string = ""
# decompress the data
# t
al = read_byte()
if (al & 1) == 0:
# first control byte is 7-bits + 1 "sentinel" bit which must be 1,
print("Warning: first control byte missing sentinal in bit 0: %02X" % (al))
while di >= 0 and si >= 0:
# source byte copy command:
# 0 -> count = 0
# 10 -> count = 1
# 11xx -> count = xx+1 (2-4)
# 1100xx -> count = xx+4 (5-7)
# 110000xxx -> count = xxx+7 8-15
# 110000000xxxxxxxxxx -> count = xxxxxxxxxx+15 (16-1038)
count = 0
if control_bit():
count = 1
if control_bit():
count = 1 + control_bits(2)
if count <= 1:
count = 4 + control_bits(2)
if count <= 4:
count = 7 + control_bits(3)
if count <= 7:
count = 15 + control_bits(10)
if DEBUG: print("--> Source copy: %d bytes" % count)
for i in range(count):
if (di < 0):
# back reference copy command:
# These commands set 3 registers to control the back reference:
# bx = base offset from current destination (di)
# cx = additional variable offset: read cx bits from control stream and add to bx
# dx = number of bytes to copy
# back reference copy prefix:
# 00 -> bx = 0, cx = 6, dx = 2 (copy 2 bytes from offset 0-63)
# 01 -> bx = 64, cx = 10, dx = 2 (copy 2 bytes from offset 64-1087)
# 10 -> dx = 3, variable bx/cx (copy 3 bytes...)
# 110x -> dx = x+4, variable bx/cx (copy 4-5 bytes...)
# 1110xx -> dx = xx+6, variable bx/cx (copy 6-9 bytes...)
# 1111xxxxxxxxxx -> dx = xxxxxxxxxx+10, variable bx/cx (copy 10-1033 bytes...)
# back reference variable bx/cx suffix:
# 0 -> bx = 0, cx = 4 (offset 0-15)
# 10 -> bx = 16 ($10), cx = 8 (offset 16-271)
# 110 -> bx = 272 ($110), cx = 12 (offset 272-4367)
# 111 -> bx = 4368 ($1110), cx = 15 (offset 4368-37135)
# back reference execution:
# source = di + bx + cx control bits + dx
# length = dx
# for length iterations:
# copy source to di
# --di, --source
bx = 0
cx = 0
dx = 0
if not control_bit(): # 00
bx = 0
cx = 6
dx = 2
if control_bit(): # 01
bx = 64
cx = 10
dx = 2
else: # 1
dx = 3 # 10
if control_bit(): # 11
if not control_bit(): # 110
dx = control_bits(1) + 4
else: # 111
if not control_bit(): # 1110
dx = control_bits(2) + 6
else: # 1111
dx = control_bits(10) + 10
# variable suffix
bx = 0
cx = 4 # 0
if control_bit(): # 1
bx = 0x0010
cx = 8 # 10
if control_bit(): # 11
bx = 0x0110
cx = 12 # 110
if control_bit(): # 111
bx = 0x1110
cx = 15
# apply back reference copy
offset = bx + dx
if (cx > 0):
offset += control_bits(cx)
if DEBUG: print("--> Back copy: %d bytes at %d = %d + %d (%d bits)" % (dx,offset,bx,offset-bx,cx))
for i in range(dx):
# finished, do a few extra checks
if len(do) != header[3]:
print("Warning: decompressed data does not match expected size?");
if si >= 0:
print("Warning: %d unused bytes of input compressed data?" % (si+1))
return do
# Dump graphics from Milva data files.
# Uncompressed format is simple, basically just chunky CGA bytes,
# and no other data? Compressed is as above.
# Had to manually come up with image sizes, not sure where they're
# stored in the game... strongly suspected MILVA.TBC but couldn't
# find anything suitable in there.
# (First 2 or 3 bytes of header might be a file type indicator,
# the next 2 bytes are a mystery, and after that are the data size,
# which should match the file size + 8 bytes (7 byte header + 1 EOF byte)
def dump_milva(filename,packets,width=256):
imgs = []
d = open(filename,"rb").read()
header = struct.unpack("<BBBBBH",d[0:7])
print("Header: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %04X" % header)
eof = header[5] + 7
if len(d) != eof+1:
print("Warning: file size: %d expected: %d" % (len(d),eof+1))
if d[eof] != 0x1A:
print("Warning: expected EOF (1A) at %X" % (eof))
pos = 7
compressed = False
if header[2] == 0x60:
dc = decompress_milva(d[7:-1])
decompout = filename + ".raw"
print("Decompressed to: " + decompout)
d = dc
eof = len(d)
pos = 0
compressed = True
cancel = False
for (pw,ph,pc) in packets:
for c in range(pc):
print("%02d: %06X %d x %d" % (len(imgs),pos,pw,ph))
img ="P",(pw,ph),4)
for y in range(ph):
for x in range(pw):
dx = x // 4
db = 2 * (3 - (x % 4))
if (pos+dx >= len(d)):
print("Error: out of data, packet %d (%d,%d,%d of %d)" % (len(imgs),pw,ph,c,pc))
cancel = True
p = (d[pos+dx] >> db) & 3
if cancel: break
pos += pw // 4
if cancel: break
if cancel: break
if pos != eof and ((not compressed) or pos != eof-1): # compressed data often has 1 extra byte
print("Warning: more %sdata after packet list at %X (%d bytes)" % ("raw " if compressed else "", pos, eof-pos))
if len(imgs) > 0:
gimg = gallery(imgs,width,4)
fileout = filename + ".png"
print("No images decoded.")
for (filename,width,packets) in DUMPLIST:
# Repacks image data for Milva DOS game,
# or Desafio, Kick Boxing Street, etc.
# from Ediciones Manali.
# For format information, see the dumping script that does the reverse:
# Usage:
# Use the dump script to unpack the images.
# Edit the generated PNG images. (Don't change any sprite dimensions.)
# Use this script to re-pack the images.
import PIL.Image
import struct
import os
# uses uncompressed format if False
# speeds up compression by ignoring long-distance matches
0x00,0x00,0x00, # black
0x55,0xFF,0xFF, # CGA cyan
0xFF,0x55,0xFF, # CGA magenta
0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, # CGA white
0xFF,0xFF,0x00, # pure yellow (border)
# load image and convert to palette if needed
def img_load(filename, palette):
src =
print("Image type: %d x %d (%s)" % (src.width, src.height, src.mode))
if (src.mode == "P"): # already in palette format
return src
if src.mode != "RGB" and src.mode != "RGBA":
print("Image must be P (palette), RGB, or RGBA type.")
return None
# convert with nearest-match
linpal = palette
palette = []
for i in range(0,len(linpal),3):
dst ="P",src.size,color=0)
for y in range(src.size[1]):
for x in range(src.size[0]):
p = src.getpixel((x,y))
mag = ((255**2)*3)+1
mat = 0
for i in range(len(palette)):
m = sum([(a-b)**2 for (a,b) in zip(p,palette[i])])
if m < mag: # better match
mat = i
mag = m
if m == 0: # perfect match
dst.putpalette(linpal)".pal.png") # for testing
return dst
# compress a Milva file
def milva_compress(d,DEBUG=False):
d.append(0) # all compressed files seemed to have an extra 0 byte on the end
control_bits = [] # control bitstream
packets = [] # data packets interleaved with control stream
# internal utilities
def add_bit(b):
nonlocal control_bits
assert(b == 0 or b == 1)
def add_bits(na):
for b in na: add_bit(b)
def add_bitnum(n,bits):
for i in range(bits):
def control_raw(count): # source copy count bytes
if count < 1:
elif count < 2:
elif count < 5:
elif count < 8:
elif count < 15:
elif count < 1039:
print("Raw byte packet too large: %d > %d" % (count,1038))
def control_back(count,offset): # back reference count bytes at offset
# count must be >= 2
# offset must be >= count
assert(count >= 2)
assert(offset >= count)
offset -= count
# special case for 2-byte count
if count == 2 and offset < 64:
elif count == 2 and offset < 1088:
# other byte counts
if count == 3:
elif count < 6:
elif count < 10:
elif count < 1034:
# offset
if offset < 16:
elif offset < 272:
elif offset < 4368:
elif offset < 32136:
assert(offset < 32136)
def add_packet(dp):
nonlocal packets
nonlocal control_bits
# alternate raw/back packets, length of 0 is valid for raw
def add_packet_raw(dp):
def add_packet_back(count,offset):
# break data into packets
pos = 0
raw = 0
while pos < len(d):
# find best back-reference from pos
best_offset = 0
best_count = 0
for offset in range(2,1024 if COMPRESS_FAST else 32136):
# Note: the maximum range is actually 32136 - count,
# but I left that detail out for convenience.
if (offset > pos): break
count = 0
for i in range(pos,len(d)):
if d[i] != d[i-offset]: break
count += 1
if (count >= offset): break # can't encode overlapping copy, unfortunately
if (count >= 1033): break # maximum copy size
if count > best_count and (offset < (1088+2) or count > 2):
best_offset = offset
best_count = count
if best_count < 2:
# if no match of 2 bytes or more is found, add to raw bytes instead
raw += 1
pos += 1
# emit raw/back packet pair
if DEBUG: print("-> Source copy: %d bytes (%04X)" % (raw,len(d)-(1+pos)))
if DEBUG: print("-> Backcopy: %d at %d (%04X)" % (best_count,best_offset,len(d)-(1+pos)))
raw = 0
pos += best_count
# emit final raw packet
if (raw > 0):
if DEBUG: print("-> Source copy: %d bytes (%04X)" % (raw,len(d)-(1+pos)))
# interleave streams
dc = bytearray()
control_pos = 0
for (cp,dp) in packets:
while control_pos < cp: # emit 1 or more control bytes
emit = 8 if (control_pos > 0) else 7
b = 0
for i in range(emit):
bit = 0
if control_pos < len(control_bits):
bit = control_bits[control_pos]
control_pos += 1
b = (b << 1) | bit
if emit < 8: # first byte is 7-bits + 1 sentinel bit
b = (b << 1) | 1
for b in dp: # emit raw packet
# header with AHD signature and data lengths
header = bytearray([0x41,0x47,0x44,0,0,0,0])
header[3] = len(d) & 0xFF
header[4] = (len(d) >> 8) & 0xFF
header[5] = len(dc) & 0xFF
header[6] = (len(dc) >> 8) & 0xFF
assert (len(d) < 65536)
assert (len(dc) < 65536)
# debug verification
#dd = decompress_milva(header + dc,False) # to find mismatch
#dd = decompress_milva(header + dc,True) # once mismatched, use debug log to find it
#for i in range(min(len(dd),len(d))):
# if dd[len(dd)-(i+1)] != d[len(d)-(i+1)]:
# print("Mismatch at: %06X (old) / %06X (new)" % (len(d)-(i+1),len(dd)-(i+1)))
# break
return header + dc
# pack uncompressed Milva SPR/PIC file
def milva_pack(filename):
# output data header
d = bytearray([0xFD,0x00,0x70,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00])
# load image
print("Image: " + filename)
img = img_load(filename,PALETTE)
if (img == None):
print("Unable to load image.")
# process sprites
row_y = 0
row_x = 0
row_height = 1
count = 0
while row_y < img.height:
if row_x >= img.width: # advance vertically
row_x = 0
row_y += row_height
row_height = 1
if img.getpixel((row_x,row_y))==4: # advance horizontally
row_x += 1
# top left corner of image found, determine dimensions
i = row_x
while i < img.width:
if img.getpixel((i,row_y))==4: break
i += 1
if i >= img.width:
print("Warning: Sprite at %d,%d does not have frame on right?" % (row_x, row_y))
w = i - row_x
assert (w>0)
i = row_y
while i < img.height:
if img.getpixel((row_x,i))==4: break
i += 1
if i >= img.height:
print("Warning: Sprite at %d,%d does not have frame on bottom?" % (row_x, row_y))
h = i - row_y
assert (h>0)
if (h > row_height): row_height = h
sx = row_x
sy = row_y
print("Sprite %02d: %d,%d %d x %d" % (count,sx,sy,w,h))
count += 1
row_x += w
if (w & 7) != 0:
print("Sprite width (%d) must be multiple of 8!" % (w))
w -= (w & 7)
# pack CGA data
for y in range(h):
b = 0
bits = 0
for x in range(w):
p = img.getpixel((sx+x,sy+y))
b = (b << 2) | (p & 3)
bits += 2
if (bits >= 8):
b = 0
bits = 0
# finish file
dc = milva_compress(d[7:])
d = d[0:7] + dc
d[2] = 0x60
d.append(0x1A) # EOF
dsize = len(d) - 8
# don't know what the number in header bytes 4/5 means, is it important?
# (in compressed files they are normally just 0 anyway, I think?)
d[5] = dsize & 0xFF
d[6] = (dsize >> 8) & 0xFF
outfile = filename[0:-4] # remove extension
print("Output: " + outfile)
# pack all PNG files
for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk("."):
for f in files:
if f.lower().endswith(".png"):
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