This cheat sheet describes my usage/implementation of virtualenv with virtualenv wrapper and the bash foo that I added with the help of many blogs to make it all tick together in fun land.
Quick Reference
All of the commands below are to be used on the Terminal Command line.
List or change working virutal environments (alias workon
venv [environment_name]
Switch from the virtual environment back to system Python (alias deactivate
List all of the environments (alias lsvirtualenv
) [-b] [-l] [-h]
Brief mode, disables verbose output
Long mode, verbose output, default
Print help
Show the details for a single virtualenv [env]
Create a new environment in the WORKON_HOME
(alias mkvirtualenv
venv.init ENVNAME
venv.init [-a project_path] [-i package] [-r requirements.txt] [virtualenv opts] ENVNAME
Remove an environment in the WORKON_HOME
(alias rmvirtualenv
). Note that you must be deactivated before you can remove the current environment.
venv.rm ENVNAME
A semantic alias for venv
(e.g. workon
) to faciliate switching to other virtual environments.
venv.switch ENVNAME
Adds the specified directories to the Python path for the currently active virutal environment (alias add2virtualenv
). Useful for providing non-pip packages or local development packages into the enivronment without messing with .pth files.
venv.add dirpath dirpath ..
Changes the current working directory to the one specified as the project directory for the active virtual env (alias cdproject
). Note that you must have the project specified.
Changes the current working directory to the site-packages
directory of the current virtual environment (alias cdsitepackages
venv.cdsp [subpackage]
Changes the current working directory to the directory of the current virtual environmment (alias cdvirtualenv
venv.cdenv [subdir]
Lists the contents of the site-packages directory in the current active virtual environment (alias lssitepackages
Create a new virtualenv and a new project directory in associated HOME directories (alias mkproject
venv.proj [-f|--force] [-t template] [virtualenv opts] ENVNAME
Bind an existing virtualenv to an existing project (alias setvirtualenvproject
venv.setproj [virtualenv_path project_path]
An association is made so thtat when venv activtes the virtualenv the project is also activated.
Note that if no arguments are provided, the current virtualenv and the current working directory are assumed.
Remove all of the installed third-party packages in the current virtualenv (alias wipeenv
In order to make this happen you need to install the following:
- pip
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
# virtualenv
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Repos/git/
source /usr/local/bin/
alias venv="workon"
alias venv.exit="deactivate"
alias venv.init="mkvirtualenv"
alias venv.rm="rmvirtualenv"
alias venv.switch="workon"
alias venv.add="add2virtualenv"
alias venv.cdsp="cdsitepackages"
alias venv.cdenv="cdvirtualenv"
alias venv.lssp="lssitepackages"
alias venv.proj="mkproject"
alias venv.setproj="setvirtualenvproject"
alias venv.wipe="wipeenv"