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Created February 20, 2012 18:24
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Nomo Turtle recurion issue - (see PN_PREFIX_1, PN_PREFIX_2, ...)
* Copyright (c) 2012 Henry Story
* under the Open Source MIT Licence
package org.w3.rdf
import nomo._
import nomo.Errors.{TreeError, Single}
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.w3.rdf.Module
trait ListenerAgent[T] {
def send(a: T)
* Async Parser for the simplest of all RDF encodings: NTriples
* This is using the nomo library that is being developed
* here:
* @author bblfish
* @since 02/02/2012
class NTriplesParser[M <: Module,F,E,X,U <: ListenerAgent[Any]](val m: M, val P: Parsers[F, Char, E, X, U]) {
//todo: can't work out how to get the right dependent type for ListenerAgent. Should be ListenerAgent[m.Triple]
import m._
//todo: do we really need a tree error for such a simple language (what do TreeErrors enable?)
implicit def toTreeError(msg: String): Errors.TreeError = Errors.Single(msg, None)
val alpha_digit_dash = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-"
val hexadecimalChars = "1234567890ABCDEFabcdef"
def hex = P.anyOf(hexadecimalChars)
val lang = P.takeWhile1(c => alpha_digit_dash.contains(c.toLower),
pos => P.err.single('!',pos)).map(l => Lang(l.toSeq.mkString))
val space1 = P.takeWhile1( c => c == ' '|| c == '\t', pos => P.err.single('!',pos))
val space = P.takeWhile( c => c == ' '|| c == '\t' )
val anySpace = P.takeWhile(_.isWhitespace )
val eoln = P.word("\n") | P.word ("\r\n")| P.word("\r")
def isUriChar(c: Char) = ( ! c.isWhitespace) && c != '<' && c != '>' &&
c> 0x1F && (c < 0x7F || c > 0x9F ) //control characters
import P.++
val bnode = P.word("_:")>>P.takeWhile1(_.isLetterOrDigit,pos => P.err.single('!',pos)).map (n=>BNode(n.toSeq.mkString))
val u_CHAR = (P.word("\\u")>> hex++hex++hex++hex) map {
case c1++c2++c3++c4 => Integer.parseInt(new String(Array(c1,c2,c3,c4)),16).toChar
val U_CHAR = (P.word("\\U")>> hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex) map {
case c1++c2++c3++c4++c5++c6++c7++c8 => Integer.parseInt(new String(Array(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8)),16).toChar
val lt_tab = P.word("\\t").map(c=>0x9.toChar)
val lt_cr = P.word("\\r").map(c=>0xD.toChar)
val lt_nl = P.word("\\n").map(c=>0xA.toChar)
val lt_slash = P.word("\\\\").map(c=>'\\')
val lt_quote = P.word("\\\"").map(c=>'"'.toChar)
val literal = ( u_CHAR | U_CHAR | lt_tab | lt_cr | lt_nl | lt_slash | lt_quote |
P.takeWhile1(c=> c!= '\\' && c != '"', pos => P.err.single('!',pos)).map(n=>n.toSeq.mkString)
)> l.toSeq.mkString)
val uriStr = (u_CHAR | U_CHAR | lt_slash | lt_quote |
P.takeWhile1(c => isUriChar(c),pos => P.err.single('!',pos)).map(n=>n.toSeq.mkString)
val xsd = ""
val rdf = ""
val xsdString = IRI(xsd + "string")
val plainLit = (P.single('"')>>literal<< P.single('\"'))
val fullLiteral = plainLit ++ (typeFunc | langFunc).optional map {
case lexicalForm ++ None => TypedLiteral(lexicalForm)
case lexicalForm ++ Some(Left(uriRef)) => TypedLiteral(lexicalForm, uriRef)
case lexicalForm ++ Some(Right(lang)) => LangLiteral(lexicalForm, lang)
val typeFunc = (P.word("^^") >> uriRef) map Left.apply
val langFunc = (P.word("@") >> lang) map Right.apply
val dot = P.single('.')
val uriRef = ( P.single('<') >> uriStr << P.single('>')).map(i=>IRI(i))
val pred = uriRef
val subject = uriRef | bnode
val obj = uriRef | bnode | fullLiteral
val nTriple = (subject++(space1>>pred)++(space1>>obj)).map{case s++r++o=> Triple(s,r,o)} << (space>>dot>>space)
val comment = P.single('#') >> P.takeWhile(c =>c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
val line = space >> ( | | P.unit(None) )
/** function that parse NTriples and send results to user in a streaming fashion */
val nTriples = (line.mapResult{
r =>
r.get match {
case Some(t) => r.user.send(t);
case None => ()
} ).delimitIgnore(eoln)
/** function that parses NTriples and return result to caller as a list */
val nTriplesList = line.delimit(eoln).map(_.flatten)
object NTriplesParser {
val hexChar = Array( '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
private def hex(c: Char) = {
val b = new StringBuilder(6)
append(hexChar((c >> 12) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 8) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 4) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar(c & 0xF))
private def hexLong(c: Char) = {
val b = new StringBuilder(10)
append(hexChar((c >> 28) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 24) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 20) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 16) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 12) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 8) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar((c >> 4) & 0xF)).
append(hexChar(c & 0xF))
def toLiteral(str: String) = {
val b = new StringBuilder
for (c <- str) yield {
if (c <= 0x8) b.append(hex(c))
else if (c == 0x9) b.append("\\t")
else if (c == 0xA) b.append("\\n")
else if (c == 0xB || c == 0xC) b.append(hex(c))
else if (c == 0xD) b.append("\\r")
else if (c >= 0xE && c <= 0x1F) b.append(hex(c))
else if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x21) b.append(c)
else if (c == 0x22) b.append('\\').append('"')
else if (c >= 0x23 && c <= 0x5b) b.append(c)
else if (c == 0x5c) b.append('\\').append('\\')
else if (c >= 0x5d && c <= 0x7e) b.append(c)
else if (c >= 0x7f && c <= 0xffff) b.append(hex(c))
else if (c >= 0x10000 & c <= 0x10FFFF) b.append(hexLong(c))
* Turtle Parser as specified at
* @param m
* @param P
* @tparam M
* @tparam F
* @tparam E
* @tparam X
* @tparam U
class TurtleParser[M <: Module,F,E,X,U <: ListenerAgent[Any]](val m: M, val P: Parsers[F, Char, E, X, U]) {
import TurtleParser._
import P.++
/** Parses the single token given that matches the function */
def single(isC: Char => Boolean ): P.Parser[Char] = P.any mapResult (s =>
s.status.flatMap(i => if (isC(i) ) Success(i) else Failure(P.err.single(i, s.position))))
val COLON = P.single(':')
val PREFIX = P.word("@prefix")
val dot = P.single('.')
val SP = (P.takeWhile1(c=> " \t\r\n".contains(c),err) | comment ).many1
val comment = P.single('#')>>P.takeWhile(c=> c != '\r' && c != '\n')
val hexadecimalChars = "1234567890ABCDEFabcdef"
def hex = P.anyOf(hexadecimalChars)
val u_CHAR = (P.word("\\u")>> hex++hex++hex++hex) map {
case c1++c2++c3++c4 => Integer.parseInt(new String(Array(c1,c2,c3,c4)),16).toChar
val U_CHAR = (P.word("\\U")>> hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex++hex) map {
case c1++c2++c3++c4++c5++c6++c7++c8 => Integer.parseInt(new String(Array(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8)),16).toChar
val err = (pos: X) =>P.err.single('!',pos)
val UCHARS =
val PN_CHARS_BASE = single(pn_chars_simple) | UCHAR
val PN_CHARS_U = PN_CHARS_BASE | P.single ('_')
val PN_CHARS = single(pn_chars_dot) | UCHAR
val PN_CHARS_LAST = single(pn_chars) | UCHAR
val PN_PREFIX_2 = (PN_CHARS_BASE ++ PN_CHARS_LAST << COLON).map{ case a++z=> ""+a+z }
val PN_PREFIX_3 = (PN_CHARS_BASE ++ PN_CHARS++PN_CHARS_LAST << COLON).map{ case a++b++z=> ""+a+b+z }
val PN_PREFIX_x = ( PN_CHARS_BASE ++ PN_CHARS.many1 ++ PN_CHARS_LAST << COLON ).map{
case c++list++last => c+list.mkString+last
val IRI_REF = P.single('<')>>(P.takeWhile1(iri_char,err) | UCHARS)<<P.single ('>')
val prefixID = (PREFIX >> SP >> PNAME_NS) ++ (SP>>IRI_REF)
val directive = prefixID //| base
val statement = ( directive << dot ) //| ( turtleTriples << dot )
object TurtleParser {
val pn_simple_set = List[Pair[Int, Int]](('A'.toInt,'Z'.toInt),('a'.toInt,'z'.toInt),
(0x00C0,0x00D6), (0x00D8,0x00F6), (0x00F8,0x02FF), (0x0370,0x037D),
(0x037F,0x1FFF), (0x200C,0x200D), (0x2070,0x218F), (0x2C00,0x2FEF),
(0x3001,0xD7FF), (0xF900,0xFDCF), (0xFDF0,0xFFFD), (0x10000,0xEFFFF)
val non_iri_chars = Array('<','>','"','{','}','|','^','`','\\')
val pn_chars_set = ('0'.toInt,'9'.toInt)::pn_simple_set:::List((0x300,0x36F),(0x203F,0x2040))
def pn_chars_simple(c: Char): Boolean = pn_simple_set.exists(in(_)(c))
def pn_chars_dot(c: Char) = c == '.' || pn_chars(c)
def pn_chars(c: Char) = c == '-' || c == '_' || c == 0xB7 || pn_chars_set.exists(in(_)(c))
def iri_char(c: Char) = !( non_iri_chars.contains(c) || in((0,' '.toInt))(c) )
def in(interval: Pair[Int, Int])(c: Char) = c>=interval._1 && c<=interval._2
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