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Last active May 9, 2018 06:08
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How to run development version of vagrant on windows.
:ssl_verify_mode: 0
@echo off
PATH %PATH%;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\bin;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gnuwin32\bin;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\mingw64\bin;
ruby c:\vagrant\exec\vagrant %*

These are the steps to install a dev version of Vagrant on your Windows machine. It does assume you also have normal Vagrant installed on the default location, since it needs the packages binaries of a few libraries to work completely. Normal path would be C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant.

At the moment the version of Ruby / Bundler used has a bug which results in the following error SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed. See stackoverflow for a solution.

  • Easiest fix for now is to create a .gemrc file in your %USERPROFILE% with the following content: :ssl_verify_mode: 0.

Next up, getting Vagrant running from source. Their documentation is mostly correct. ( )

  • Clone vagrant git clone ( for this document i assume the path will be c:\vagrant )
  • Check vagrant.gemspec for the specific version of bundler you need. And install that version (currently 1.12.5).
  • gem install bundler -v '1.12.5'

Now we will install the vagrant bundle

  • cd vagrant Enter the directory you cloned Vagrant to
  • bundle install Install the bundle
  • bundle --binstubs exec Create an executable file to use vagrant anywhere

In order to run vagrant you need a few directories added to your path. You can either do this globally in system settings, or just use a batch file to set them when you run Vagrant from source.

I use a batch file copies to %USERPROFILE% (c:\users\[my username]\) so i can just run the dev version of Vagrant in my console by typing vagrant-dev.

To load plugins you need to edit the Gemfile in the root of the vagrant repository. Just add the following code with the correct plugins. After editing the file, run bundle install and it will install the plugins.

source ""


if File.exist?(File.expand_path("../../vagrant-spec", __FILE__))
  gem 'vagrant-spec', path: "../vagrant-spec"
  gem 'vagrant-spec', git: ""

group :plugins do
  gem "vagrant-remove-old-box-versions"
  gem "vagrant-reload"
  gem "vagrant-triggers"
  gem "vagrant-vbguest"
  gem "vagrant-hosts-provisioner"
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Hi brbala, so I'm finally getting around to trying this. I was confused with the bundler install step, because I didn't find any mention of bundler in vagrant.gemspec. Looks like the bundler dependency was removed 12 days ago!


So, I think that now you still need bundler installed so that Vagrant can be installed, but you no longer need a specific version since Vagrant is not using it internally for dependency management. That is my take, at least.

Your commands are still correct, and Vagrant is installed/compiled with bundle install and bundle --binstubs exec

Also, here is a better, more secure fix for the SSL error:

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TonyApuzzo commented May 8, 2018

Hi, thanks for the instructions!

It turns out that as of May 2018, it is much easier to get this working by using Chocolatey's Ruby and msys2 packages.

First install Chocolatey

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Then Install Ruby with Ruby Dev Kit

cinst ruby                        # install ruby
cinst msys2 --params "/NoUpdate"  # install msys2 without system update
Update-SessionEnvironment         # refresh environment vars
ridk install 2 3                  # use ruby's ridk to update the system and install development toolchain

Then Install bundler, vagrant and set it up as you describe:

git clone
gem install bundler
cd vagrant
vim Gemfile    # Add any needed plugins
bundle install
bundle --binstubs exec

Plugin install went perfectly when I updated the Gemfile as you described.

Note that I didn't have to specify version numbers to get things working, nor did I need to override the SSL settings.

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bbrala commented May 9, 2018

Thanks for the help, that seems like a lot less effort :)

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