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Created July 29, 2010 19:59
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Save bcardarella/499070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function cdgems() {
/usr/bin/osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to tell process \"Terminal\" to keystroke \"t\" using command down"
/usr/bin/osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script with command \"cd $GEM_HOME/gems\" in window 1"
/usr/bin/osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to tell process \"Terminal\" to keystroke \"k\" using command down"
return 0
alias cdgems=cdgems
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This will alias the command 'cdgems' to open a new terminal tab in the gems directory relative to RVM

Just add to your .bash_profile

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Wouldn't it be better to alias cdgems to 'pushd $GEM_HOME/gems'? That way you could do what you need to, then run "popd" to get back to what you were doing.

Alternatively, you could hit Command-T and then cdgems. The osascript seems a little over the top.

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@jasonnoble with RVM I have custom gemsets for my different projects. Sometimes I want to jump into them so this will create that new tab and set the pwd to my project's top-level gemset directory. That being said, I fully admit I suck at any/all Bash scripting so there might be a much better way to do this. Someone else has already mentioned rb-applescript

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yas375 commented Jul 30, 2010

I use it
cd rvm gemdir

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bundle open GEM

will open the bundled gem with default editor

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