If you really wanted to enforce your LocalSerializer class to be used in a specific way without allowing other classes to use it directly, you can try employing double-dispatch. It's not a frequently used pattern and has some code-bloating side effects if you aren't careful.
To see the magic, start at DataManager.OnEnable()
There is no way to use your serializer without a DataManager. This will help guide the user of the API as well as restrict them. Furthermore, I made sure not to make an interface for the DataManager. Serializers should use THE DataManager, not just any subclass.
DataManager is sealed : This prevents the user from subclassing to get around your API rules. This is overkill
LocalSerializers and DataManagers are fairly coupled. Changes in one will need to be propagated to the others.
For Posterity: is a response to a reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/1oak7h/isolating_a_class_from_the_rest_of_the_codebase/