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Created August 24, 2010 15:17
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package org.swizframework.extensions.commands
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import org.swizframework.core.Bean;
import org.swizframework.core.ISwiz;
import org.swizframework.core.ISwizAware;
import org.swizframework.core.Prototype;
public class CommandController implements ISwizAware
protected var _swiz:ISwiz;
public function set swiz( swiz:ISwiz ):void
_swiz = swiz;
protected var commandMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
public function CommandController()
public function mapCommand( eventType:String, commandClass:Class, eventClass:Class = null, oneTime:Boolean = false ):void
if( commandMap[ eventType ] != null )
throw new Error( "Duplicate mappings are not allowed." );
commandMap[ eventType ] = new CommandMapping( eventType, commandClass, eventClass, oneTime );
_swiz.dispatcher.addEventListener( eventType, catchEvents, false, 0, true );
public function catchEvents( event:Event ):void
if( commandMap[ event.type ] != null )
var commandMapping:CommandMapping = CommandMapping( commandMap[ event.type ] );
if( !( event is commandMapping.eventClass ) )
var commandPrototype:Bean = _swiz.beanFactory.getBeanByType( commandMapping.commandClass );
if( commandPrototype == null )
throw new Error( "Command bean not found for mapped event type." );
if( commandPrototype is Prototype )
var command:Object = Prototype( commandPrototype ).source;
if( command is IEventAwareCommand )
IEventAwareCommand( command ).event = event;
if( command is ICommand )
ICommand( command ).execute();
throw new Error( "Commands must be provided as Prototype beans." );
if( commandMapping.oneTime )
delete commandMap[ commandMapping.eventType ];
class CommandMapping
public var eventType:String;
public var commandClass:Class;
public var eventClass:Class;
public var oneTime:Boolean;
public function CommandMapping( eventType:String, commandClass:Class, eventClass:Class = null, oneTime:Boolean = false )
this.eventType = eventType;
this.commandClass = commandClass;
this.eventClass = eventClass || Event;
this.oneTime = oneTime;
mapCommand( DocumentTypesEvent.LOAD_DOCUMENT_TYPES, LoadDocumentTypesCommand, DocumentTypesEvent, true );
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