This will help bootstrap your windows workstation to be a better badass development system.
Copy and past the bootstrap.ps1
lines into Powershell and let it rip.
# install awesome packages | |
chocolatey_package "git" do | |
options '-params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf"' | |
end | |
packages = %w[ | |
conemu | |
habitat | |
winmerge | |
vagrant | |
packer | |
terraform | |
jq | |
ILMerge | |
microsoft-build-tools | |
vcredist2010 | |
vcredist2013 | |
pester | |
atom | |
vim | |
wireshark | |
screentogif | |
] | |
packages.each do |package_name| | |
chocolatey_package package_name | |
end | |
chocolatey_package 'visualstudio2017community' do | |
options '--params "--passive"' | |
end | |
# install gems to enhance development experience | |
gems = %w[ | |
kitchen-hyperv | |
kitchen-pester | |
kitchen-dsc | |
pry | |
pry-byebug | |
pry-stack_explorer | |
appbundle-updater | |
] | |
gems.each do |gem| | |
chef_gem gem do | |
compile_time false if respond_to?(:compile_time) | |
end | |
end | |
# enhance visual studio with extensions | |
extensions = %w[ | |
ms-vcode.PowerShell | |
Pendrica.Chef | |
dracula-theme.theme-dracula | |
] | |
extensions.each do |ext| | |
execute "install vscode extension #{ext}" do | |
command "code --install-extension #{ext}" | |
end | |
end | |
# enhance powershell | |
powershell_package 'PSReadline' | |
powershell_package 'posh-git' | |
# make secure - disable SMBv1 | |
powershell_script 'disable SMBv1' do | |
code 'Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -NoRestart -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol' | |
end |
# Setup my execution policy for both the 64 bit and 32 bit shells | |
Set-Executionpolicy remotesigned | |
Start-Job -runas32 {set-executionpolicy remotesigned} | Receive-Job -wait | |
# Install fixed version of ChefDK | |
Invoke-Restmethod '' | IEX | |
Install-Project chefdk -verbose | |
# Install Chocolatey | |
IEX ((New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString('')) | |
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation | |
# Get a basic setup recipe | |
$BasicSource = '' | |
Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $BasicSource | out-file -encoding ascii -filepath c:/basic.rb | |
# We dont need any Windows 10 Apps | |
Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage 2>&1>$null | |
# We do want calculator :) | |
Get-AppxPackage -allusers *windowscalculator* | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”} | |
# Use Chef Apply to setup | |
chef-apply c:/basic.rb | |
Write-Host "executed chef recipe c:/basic.rb" |
Import-Module posh-git | |
Import-Module PSReadline | |
$env:EDITOR = "vim" | |
# aliases | |
Set-Alias open explorer.exe -option AllScope | |
Set-Alias make mingw32-make.exe -option AllScope | |
Set-Alias p packer.exe -option AllScope | |
Set-Alias v vagrant.exe -option AllScope | |
Set-Alias t terraform.exe -Option AllScope | |
Set-Alias d docker.exe -Option Allscope | |
Set-Alias dm docker-machine.exe -option AllScope | |
# docker-machine stuff | |
function dmdev { | |
& dm env dev | Invoke-Expression | |
} | |
# vagrant stuff | |
$env:VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER="vmware_workstation" | |
$env:VAGRANT_HOME="$HOME\.vagrant.d" | |
# Add gobin to PATH | |
$env:GOPATH = "$HOME\go" | |
$env:GOROOT = "C:\tools\go" | |
function Invoke-PesterJob | |
{ | |
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='LegacyOutputXml')] | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Position=0)] | |
[Alias('Path','relative_path')] | |
[System.Object[]] | |
${Script}, | |
[Parameter(Position=1)] | |
[Alias('Name')] | |
[string[]] | |
${TestName}, | |
[Parameter(Position=2)] | |
[switch] | |
${EnableExit}, | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='LegacyOutputXml', Position=3)] | |
[string] | |
${OutputXml}, | |
[Parameter(Position=4)] | |
[Alias('Tags')] | |
[string[]] | |
${Tag}, | |
[string[]] | |
${ExcludeTag}, | |
[switch] | |
${PassThru}, | |
[System.Object[]] | |
${CodeCoverage}, | |
[switch] | |
${Strict}, | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewOutputSet', Mandatory=$true)] | |
[string] | |
${OutputFile}, | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewOutputSet', Mandatory=$true)] | |
[ValidateSet('LegacyNUnitXml','NUnitXml')] | |
[string] | |
${OutputFormat}, | |
[switch] | |
${Quiet} | |
) | |
$params = $PSBoundParameters | |
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Set-Location $using:pwd; Invoke-Pester @using:params } | | |
Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob | |
} | |
Set-Alias ipj Invoke-PesterJob | |
# Setup PATH | |
# Add mybin to PATH | |
# $env:Path += ";$HOME\bin" | |
# $env:Path += ";C:\tools\mingw64\bin" | |
# $env:Path += ";C:\habitat" | |
# $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation" | |
# $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\OVFTool" | |
# $env:Path += ";$env:GOROOT\bin;$env:GOPATH\bin" | |
# PROMPT | |
function Prompt { | |
Write-Host "$ENV:USERNAME@" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow | |
Write-Host "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta | |
Write-Host " [" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray | |
Write-Host (Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta | |
Write-Host "][" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray | |
Write-Host $($(Get-Location) -replace ($env:USERPROFILE).Replace('\','\\'), "~") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue | |
Write-Host "]" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray | |
Write-VcsStatus | |
# | |
#Write-Host "" | |
If ($PSDebugContext.InvocationInfo) { | |
Write-Host " [DBG]" | |
} | |
return " > " | |
} |
This will help bootstrap your windows workstation to be a better badass development system.
Copy and past the bootstrap.ps1
lines into Powershell and let it rip.
Steve's link has changed to: