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Created July 15, 2012 20:30
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Python logging filter for per-module debug logging
# A simple log filter to turn debug logging on and off on a per-module
# basis, when using tornado-style logging. Note that this works based
# on the module where the log statement occurs, not the name passed to
# logging.getLogger(), so it works even with libraries write directly
# to the root logger.
# One drawback to this approach (as opposed to using distinct
# per-module loggers and setting their levels appropriately) is that
# logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG) will return true even when called from a
# module where debug output is not enabled, so modules that perform
# expensive logging only when debug logging is enabled may have degraded
# performance.
import logging
from tornado.options import parse_command_line, define, options
define('debug_module', type=str, multiple=True, default=[],
help='list of module names that should log debug output')
class DebugModuleFilter(logging.Filter):
def __init__(self):
self.debug_modules = set(options.debug_module)
def filter(self, record):
# This filter assumes that we want INFO logging from all
# modules and DEBUG logging from only selected ones, but
# easily could be adapted for other policies.
if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG:
return record.module in self.debug_modules
return True
def main():
if options.debug_module:
# The logger's level setting causes log entries to be discarded
# before reaching our filter, so we must set the level to the
# lowest level we want from any module.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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